India-China Border conflict


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Feb 28, 2019
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They under reported Covid deaths. Declared 3000 deaths attributed to Covid one fine day.

Chinese Govt can't be trusted. Dismiss their claims as propaganda or lies.

They will keep posting pictures from the same incident for the next 1000 years.

Tables turned after Galwan.. bat munchers refuse to move beyond Galwan because that is the only high point of their so called quest.

Wolf warriors tucked tail and ran after one winter in Pangong Tso.

Mobilized and deployed 10000 troops, arty, tanks near Pangong Tso and claimed areas till Finger 2 and Finger 1.

Were forced to dismantle everything and retreat to Sirijap without firing a bullet.

Came to wage war, had to tuck tail and retreat. How sad.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Whew! It took me more than 30 minutes to go through all these meltdowns.

I will say, I am proud of some members are handling meltdowns like champs, a good thing we are getting de-sensitized, because we may need them in the future.


Reminding a few things ->
  • Yes, we had 40+ PLA PoWs during Galwan, few of their officers as well who were chased, captured, and bought to the Indian side by Ghatak troops.

  • Yes, we have clicked their pictures, we still have them. When we will release them? I don't know, or even if we will ever release them. IA is not baited for a tit-for-tat reaction to the Chinese way of doing things.
  • Failing of talks and massive military exercises on both sides with no compromise by either side is the horns of war. Hold on to your seat tight because anything can happen. IA believes in end results and not beating the drums early. Remember China keeps on doing photo-shoots of cute PLA recruits in F4-F5 and Spanggur Tso and we moved in and captured the peaks. We did no such media ops but made them do it for us because they are so good at it -

  • The focus of GoI currently is to develop infrastructure and plug in the gaps in our defenses at war-footing while we lie low and passive for a while. No point in boasting bravado if we can't even reinforce and supply our troops if they challenge us.

The geopolitical destiny of a nation is bigger than your internet ego. Localized wins/defeats are part of the larger conflict. Asking for equal heads/photos in exchange for Galwan martyrs and PoWs is childish, and the conflict is not over yet.

Remember China also swallowed their localized defeat in Doklam. But slyly they put on a bluff of mending Indo-China ties and then attacked us unexpectedly 3 years later.


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New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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I want xi xingping to rule another 10yrs . We need this wolf warrior shit to stay wake up and do the needful for strategic autonomy . Isolation of china is a blessing . Another deng xiaoping ll be disaster for Indian interest .
Ya'll Nibbiars Xi is not even 1 percent of Deng Xiaoping. Can't even match in dreams. Another Mao ka Naajayaz Betha.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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not sure how patrolling works in pangong tso . both sides probably patrol there , as part of verification process.

but its still very annoying to see them post pics from top of F4 .

sucks we dont post any such pictures.

look at this asshole , chilling on top of F4 , writing some retard poem.

mofo acting like he own the place

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View attachment 117763
Old pic of last year. They will sing their wins and bravado till ages to come.


The target is Tawang.

Meanwhile in Chumbi Valley, Cona County, Spanggur Lake, North-Western Zanda County -


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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I want xi xingping to rule another 10yrs . We need this wolf warrior shit to stay wake up and do the needful for strategic autonomy . Isolation of china is a blessing . Another deng xiaoping ll be disaster for Indian interest .
He cannot become one even if he wants to. Censorship in modern-day social media cannot mean the absence of content, it can, at the best, mean curating the content, and that has led to industrial level brainwashing of these ladyboys. *soldier writing a diary at a mountain top with a close candid. Lol. Ekta Kapoor produces better drama*. The ladyboys on Chinese social media actually believe that they can take on America+NATO+India+Japan because the airbrushed pics of J20 look cool, and that American military ads have "two-mothers" in them. It's actually good, truth as a casualty causes a great deal of harm. The bigger the "invincibility" of the empire they create in the minds of the average Cheeni factory laborer, the pettier will be its fall. It's like a feedback loop of propaganda affecting your real analysis, something that Pakis do along religious lines.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Pathetic attempts, 1,2,4 are images of the pre-Galwan clash. IA soldiers tried to snatch away the Chinese flag just for the lols, but then around 20 Chinese soldiers arrived overpowering 3-4 Indian solider and we ran away.

3rd image is from Galwan PoWs, hilarious how Chinese are trying their best to cook up any story possible.

Well Chinese played smart
They fooled West
They fooled East

Taken advantage of 50 years of capitalism
Raised economy to 17 trillion $

And shown there Fangs on the right moment

Taking the world geopolitics by
They were bit early in showing power. Should have waited till they have developed 5th-gen stealth fighter and a formidable air force and navy that can Challenge USN.

They revealed their cards too early and now the whole NATO + Quad is ganging up to them.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Old pic of last year. They will sing their wins and bravado till ages to come.

Meanwhile in Chumbi Valley, Cona County, Spanggur Lake, North-Western Zanda County -
Old pic of last year. They will sing their wins and bravado till ages to come.

no it isnt , they been releasing patrol vids and other pics.

like i said , sucks we dont release anything.

not clash pics but a pic from inside galwan valley or from pangong tso peaks.

Meanwhile in Chumbi Valley, Cona County, Spanggur Lake, North-Western Zanda County -

yea man sure . if u say so .


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Old pic of last year. They will sing their wins and bravado till ages to come.

no it isnt , they been releasing patrol vids and other pics.

like i said , sucks we dont release anything.
They are releasing old pics and vids of the last year. You have any pics/vids that shows otherwise ?

Meanwhile in Chumbi Valley, Cona County, Spanggur Lake, North-Western Zanda County -

yea man sure . if u say so .
If IA released the pictures of those 50+ Hakka noodles pan-fried by Sikh and Madras soldiers in Tawang then you would have believed me. But whatever, we will get material in the future.


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Pathetic attempts, 1,2,4 are images of the pre-Galwan clash. IA soldiers tried to snatch away the Chinese flag just for the lols, but then around 20 Chinese soldiers arrived overpowering 3-4 Indian solider and we ran away.

3rd image is from Galwan PoWs, hilarious how Chinese are trying their best to cook up any story possible.
The 3rd image, on the bottom right, there was a man lying down, on the right bottom there is also a lag lying.


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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Chinese will always gonna rants about India they don't care about India but they will always gonna talk about India.
The pictures of our soldier being humiliated make us fume and feel sorry for them, but that being said our government respond to Chinese propaganda I have to say, cheers to our leadership.
Most pictures being leaked or so-called are carefully time propaganda to win the information war, remember we live in a democracy so chaotic manner is very own our nature and freely express our view, but in Red China, everything is choreographed that is the very nature of who they are. So, the number of lies they spread can make us believe that is the truth.
Most picture leaks came after our media reported news about Chinese, Chinese tho juveniles in nature will say hey we can prove what has happened, can you? I sometimes blame our news media for jingoism than professional.
Lastly, Being from the NE, the word used to degrade the Chinese is very much used to fellow NE people we need to change certain aspects of how we mock them, cause most mocking is done on physical appearance.