India-China Border conflict

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Things changed from 'Doklam Standoff' the next year, all Aman Ka Tamasha with Chinese stopped after that, and still continuing. Modi and BJP learned the hard way.

All Political parties in India are Socialist in nature just like CCP, it's a fact.
There was this incident of a BJP yuva morcha something guy attending a CCP event this year. There are plenty of other cring that BJP itself has indulged in the past. When messaging is not clear from leadership you will have incidents like this.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Is that a dead body of an Indian soldier lying behind?
Can't say for sure. Some suffered serious injuries to their legs, were incapacitated.

The Chinese assaulted them even though we didn't show any intent to fight. Our men were brutally assaulted in their captivity. Sadly, it was all forgotten and forgiven.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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There was this incident of a BJP yuva morcha something guy attending a CCP event this year. There are plenty of other cring that BJP itself has indulged in the past. When messaging is not clear from leadership you will have incidents like this.
Well Chinese played smart
They fooled West
They fooled East

Taken advantage of 50 years of capitalism
Raised economy to 17 trillion $

And shown there Fangs on the right moment

Taking the world geopolitics by

Abdus Salem killed

New Member
Mar 10, 2021
Can't say for sure. Some suffered serious injuries to their legs, were incapacitated.

The Chinese assaulted them even though we didn't show any intent to fight. Our men were brutally assaulted in their captivity. Sadly, it was all forgotten and forgiven.
No bullet useless rifles against riot shields and greater numbers and ambush all forgiven

Only real.gains on ground are important they went back from finger 4 to 8 this shows only might is right snow leopard is king


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Ya just like main stream media, DFI should ignore debating this topic, best way to counter chinese PR war.
What do you want? Amplify the propaganda of chinks? Do you want to plaster their propaganda everywhere? What is going to change with that?

People here not saying that you shouldn't talk but at least stop repeating and amplifying the propaganda of chinks. Two members outright went into full meltdown without objectively looking into the images, events that unfolded in the past thread. And these two members are not new to say the least so it's surprising when people like them sperge out but nvm.

You are forgetting that these images are not even from the same Galwan standoff that changed everything, you are forgetting that these are especially curated pics to show one sided agenda and despite overall the propaganda nature of the tweet itself members don't even bother to correct it not once and just go onto to echo it again, why? Is this logical? Does this change anything or help in any way?

India media with its flaws but it is still more open than chinks who are nothing but mouthpieces of ccp, they took 1 year to accept their causality and that too they haven't accepted their overall causality or the true nature of it. They openly jailed a person and made it a crime to question the death of their soldiers during galwan, despite knowing all of this why act as if bat eaters are the most honourable and honest people who will never lie or push propaganda and that to amplify to a degree where you aren't having any discussion just knee jerk meltdown about something that has happened 1 year ago, ignoring the events which unfolded after that, ignoring Snow Leopard ignoring our own actions which forced chinks to go back.

There are some good questions which can be raised about the actions of MEA and constraints imposed on the armed forces thanks to them and other CSG etc. There are good even more good questions regarding moderinsation, our infra etc. that should be on the focus not some old repeat propaganda from chinks which you know are exactly aimed for such meltdowns.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Can't say for sure. Some suffered serious injuries to their legs, were incapacitated.

The Chinese assaulted them even though we didn't show any intent to fight. Our men were brutally assaulted in their captivity. Sadly, it was all forgotten and forgiven.
It's neither forgotten and forgiven

That is why IA moved and captured statergic peaks to there advantage

Why would any military will do a offensive operation when they are on Blackfoot???

Yes they caught off guard
They recalibrated launch offensive and prepared for large scale skirmish

The clash was non militaristic(no use of lethal weapons)in nature
So it tied hands of Leadership.

ROE changed


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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Indian POW's were between 40-55 but most were released during the exchange on the morning of 17th June, correct?

There were about 10-12 in Chinese custody including a Major ranked officer.

As your Dad was in the thick of action, try to get some figures/details/pictures of how many bats we dropped on 16th and 17th early morning... why were Chinese so angry and refusing to release our men(10-12) even after 3 days?
What did we do much later on 16-17 that pissed the Chinese so much? Were SF involved? Most say no... some say maybe... some say.. umm well..
My dad wasn't involved in any action. He is in AMC and knows only about that only.

Ignore the msgs where I talked about KIAs.

As for POW, I don't want to say anything about it. ADGPI never officially confirmed it so why take it seriously?


New Member
May 31, 2020
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View attachment 117804

This is as official as it get's. The first set of pictures had come from weibo but the new pictures are always from state led media outlets and personnel.

Also i find this a bit interesting:-

View attachment 117805

Our soldiers here seem to be carrying insas but for some reason none of these guns seem to actually have a mag in them. seems like this one is before galwan when the no bullets ROE was still in place.

We should have atleast let them have bayonets attached to their guns. A frontal charge would have made small work of the chinese in any melee conflict.
this is from a video that was released long time back.

this was a probing team send from our side , chased away by chinese.

we eventually took this area in may.

looks like a mix , early april and after galwan.

I don't know if he's right or not, he very well could be, but if the answer to these photos is that "Indian Soldiers do not have long hair", then no wonder we're going to seem like a laughing stock against the Chinks in these conflicts.
he is a moron .


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
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yes, it does.
Read it properly. MVC and VC were given to soldiers for their gallantry in wartime situations.
Avinandan Vartaman, other Mirage Pilot and Ground controller were awarded war time medals, so was the Balakot action and subsequent action by Pakistan and our response part of an act of war?

These are strawman arguments, I needed you to give me proof that the Ex. General said there were 10 'PoW'.
I want proof on the 'PoW' part. No interest in numbers.


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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this is from a video that was released long time back.

this was a probing team send from our side , chased away by chinese.

we eventually took this area in may.

looks like a mix , early april and after galwan.

he is a moron .
yeah, 1st and fourth(L to R) were already there on youtube.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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I am not spreading any misinformation and why would I spread it?
You all must have seen the news. We all know there were soldiers who were severely injured.

I am deleting that message because I have no piece of evidence right now.
"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

either give evidence or just shut up.

soldiers and officers wont allow deaths to be hidden like this . news always leaks out in bits and peices.


New Member
Sep 21, 2021
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Hmmm. Its from a Twitter account, the tweet is in English and it's posted at 8am. So most probably it's meant for our consumption. As we know, Bat eaters mostly lie everytime they open their mouths. So I won't trust one bit what they are putting out now. Now, even I can show a few pictures of a two hour film sholay and say Gabbar Singh is winning. So before everyone jumps the gun and says stupid things, I would ask everyone to relax and chill. Having utmost faith in GoI or even Modi will make sure that this crude at propaganda fails.


New Member
Oct 15, 2021
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"extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

either give evidence or just shut up.

soldiers and officers wont allow deaths to be hidden like this . news always leaks out in bits and peices.
yeah, that's why asked mod to delete those messages.

To be frank, I shouldn't have posted that. It was a mistake on my part. Even if the piece of news is truth, there is nothing I can give to back it. Tomorrow may be there would be another person who would claim to be son/daughter of Army officer and say that casualties were more than 50 on our side and such news were to be believed then the existence of this forum would be questionable.

I would like to apologize to all the DFI members for my abruptness and rashness. Also, timing of my msg was not correct. The next day CCP bots started their propaganda.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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The images are ofcourse real,Indian media already reported that we had 40-50 indian soldiers captured by chinese,question is why is China releasing them?
Either they want to demoralize Indians before starting war and instilling a confidence in their citizens that look how we beat them,we can do the same in case of war,so let's punish them(Indians).
Or they want to tell the world that how they crushed India and no one can face PLA or China,China basically wants to send message to US,Taiwan and other countries to surrender and accept China hegemony in the region and let them occupy Taiwan.
Neither US nor Taiwan will take it seriously bcoz they know very well about the situations, actions and very well know what's warfare
After this whole incident I understood Chinese don't know what's victory like they claim with video that we have won but rather they are moving back as they are afraid of war and letting down their claims
But who will teach womaos logic of war


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Neither US nor Taiwan will take it seriously bcoz they know very well about the situations, actions and very well know what's warfare
After this whole incident I understood Chinese don't know what's victory like they claim with video that we have won but rather they are moving back as they are afraid of war and letting down their claims
But who will teach womaos logic of war
Well said


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
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Neither US nor Taiwan will take it seriously bcoz they know very well about the situations, actions and very well know what's warfare
After this whole incident I understood Chinese don't know what's victory like they claim with video that we have won but rather they are moving back as they are afraid of war and letting down their claims
But who will teach womaos logic of war
China tests the calibre of it's opponents before going into war
Sending aircrafts to provoke Taiwan,blocking our patrols,releasing images
These are all parts of it.