India-China Border conflict

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Great vid.


Didnt i say long time back , goal of PLA is to protect aksai chin - no matter what the cost , and they have achieved most of that goal.

there is no incentive for them to start a 2/1 front war.

only question is what can we do ? , cry forever or take some action.


@The Shrike like u said , according to these people , the LAC (PP14) isnt at bend , but farther outside , meaning most of the galwan buffer zone is inside indian territory.

whether that is true or maybe it got changed later i dont know .
Retired IA officers who have served in those locations are the best sources of information on these matters. What is really appalling is that none of the MSM news outlets are providing this kind of clarity, information is available you just need to spend the effort to research and talk to the right people. Instead we get utter garbage coverage that is just repeating government talking points. Even outlets that are anti-government don’t want to put in the work to do real journalism which might corner the government and instead print anonymous "sources" pushing un-verifiable trash. And of course the government is not being transparent because releasing information will only raise more questions than answers. Al lot of the shyte happened in their tenure too not every thing can be blamed on previous government, salami slicing is after all a continuous process, only change was that they mostly kept the Infrastructure developments ongoing.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Any source for this, or is it your own analysis ?

Their vaccine is a joke ! It rarely works. What sort of people are these chinks who after inventing the wuhan virus cannot even produce a vaccine for it ?
‘Mostly open source information …….


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
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Agree with most points made except for the one above.

China has abundant water reserves outside the parched Tibetan plateau and Xinjiang to set up its semiconductor industry.

They don't want water for semiconductor industry but to move Han Chinese into the Tibetan plateau region as close to the Ladakh border and secure their territory forever. Human settlements/towns/cities need a lot of water but I honestly doubt whether draining the Shyok and Nubra into their side of the border will help them support any meaningfully large cities. At best, small settlements here and there to mark their territory.

Han aren't keen on settling down... so they are coaxing, threatening the Tibetan community to stand guard against any Indian (mis)adventure.

War is certain if China continues on the same path.
If shyok and nubra is gone it ll severly effect Indus basin . What abt their iron brother pakistan then 🤔

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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India - China border; tense but stable.

This border situation is neither hot nor active Today. A year and half back, Chinese under the pretext of an exercise moved a few miles further but then stopped In Ladakh. Countless military negotiations have resulted in them moving back at a few locations but only after India occupied superior military positions. It seemed then that they have relented but not quite. They opened up similar activity of salami slicing in Uttarakhand and now in Twang area of Arunachal Pradesh. This time they failed. They could not occupy a hill feature near Twang which India already possesses. That is a major military reverse for them.

What are Chinese up to?

This military pressure on India has been designed to tell India and the world that they are the masters of Asia and would tolerate nobody even coming close. They were in the middle of this pressure when the deadly Covid virus got out of their research laboratory. It infected them as well as the rest of the world with 5 million deaths and 40 million infected and with no end in sight. Chinese in last one year have claimed free from the Covid virus, later to find that virus has returned back to China in full force.

All this dented the Chinese economic plans to dominate the world and inflict their suzerainty on the unsuspecting world. This plan has failed. Their own economic downturn, real estate collapse, power shortage, blackout, most highly skilled companies with manufacturing base in China are packing up and relocating elsewhere. All this had a bad affect on Chinese military pressure on India and their stated goal to invade Taiwan.

Now where are they?

Their economy suffering massive losses, their failure to occupy Taiwan & starting WW3 and their failed military pressure on India has given them a bad reputation of “Paper Tigers”. Now snow and extreme cold has covered much of the active military flash points in the Himalayas with India. Moreover very competent Indian army combined with clever political management at Indian level has dented their military and political ambitions of China to dominate India. They had not anticipated that India will stand up to them but India stood up and presented an iron fist.

If shortage of power in China together with bad reputation of poor construction work inside and outside China (Tofu-Dreg) and reluctance to admit that they made a mistake of inventing the Covid virus has permanently damaged Chinese reputation. Now the world is loudly saying that China is definitely a factory of the world but in fact a ”Trash Factory”. Everything is cheaply made. Their internal and paid external publicity agents are in an overdrive to polish up their image but of no avail. Everything in last 2 years has given them a bad reputation.

Hence last two years have been bad for Chinese belligerence. They have lost face and may result in internal political upheaval. In last 30 years Chinese populace have come to expect continued prosperity as opposed 1989 Tinamen Square uprising days, when they had not begun tasting prosperity, this time the public actions may be swear that even a military action may not be able to control it.


New Member
Dec 6, 2020
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India - China border; tense but stable.

This border situation is neither hot nor active Today. A year and half back, Chinese under the pretext of an exercise moved a few miles further but then stopped In Ladakh. Countless military negotiations have resulted in them moving back at a few locations but only after India occupied superior military positions. It seemed then that they have relented but not quite. They opened up similar activity of salami slicing in Uttarakhand and now in Twang area of Arunachal Pradesh. This time they failed. They could not occupy a hill feature near Twang which India already possesses. That is a major military reverse for them.

What are Chinese up to?

This military pressure on India has been designed to tell India and the world that they are the masters of Asia and would tolerate nobody even coming close. They were in the middle of this pressure when the deadly Covid virus got out of their research laboratory. It infected them as well as the rest of the world with 5 million deaths and 40 million infected and with no end in sight. Chinese in last one year have claimed free from the Covid virus, later to find that virus has returned back to China in full force.

All this dented the Chinese economic plans to dominate the world and inflict their suzerainty on the unsuspecting world. This plan has failed. Their own economic downturn, real estate collapse, power shortage, blackout, most highly skilled companies with manufacturing base in China are packing up and relocating elsewhere. All this had a bad affect on Chinese military pressure on India and their stated goal to invade Taiwan.

Now where are they?

Their economy suffering massive losses, their failure to occupy Taiwan & starting WW3 and their failed military pressure on India has given them a bad reputation of “Paper Tigers”. Now snow and extreme cold has covered much of the active military flash points in the Himalayas with India. Moreover very competent Indian army combined with clever political management at Indian level has dented their military and political ambitions of China to dominate India. They had not anticipated that India will stand up to them but India stood up and presented an iron fist.

If shortage of power in China together with bad reputation of poor construction work inside and outside China (Tofu-Dreg) and reluctance to admit that they made a mistake of inventing the Covid virus has permanently damaged Chinese reputation. Now the world is loudly saying that China is definitely a factory of the world but in fact a ”Trash Factory”. Everything is cheaply made. Their internal and paid external publicity agents are in an overdrive to polish up their image but of no avail. Everything in last 2 years has given them a bad reputation.

Hence last two years have been bad for Chinese belligerence. They have lost face and may result in internal political upheaval. In last 30 years Chinese populace have come to expect continued prosperity as opposed 1989 Tinamen Square uprising days, when they had not begun tasting prosperity, this time the public actions may be swear that even a military action may not be able to control it.
On one side yu saying china fails or not able to achieve objective.

How india posture clever and strong as some discussion going on that in galwan we loss our land and buffer zone created. It means china able to create buffer zone on our side and got success.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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On one side yu saying china fails or not able to achieve objective.

How india posture clever and strong as some discussion going on that in galwan we loss our land and buffer zone created. It means china able to create buffer zone on our side and got success.
They have retreated from Galwan........ I am saying that their internal & external reporting after you back out their statistical overstatement has in fact is negative 0r neutral growth territory.


New Member
Dec 6, 2020
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They have retreated from Galwan........ I am saying that their internal & external reporting after you back out their statistical overstatement has in fact is negative 0r neutral growth territory.
issue is nobody know wat actually happening until govt tell us something rather than koi ghusa nhi hai.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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issue is nobody know wat actually happening until govt tell us something rather than koi ghusa nhi hai.
‘Which government, the Chinese government. Indian government and the news reporters have said enough.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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"koi nahi gussa" will work in china but not in india where even veterans will talk freely to the media

:facepalm: listen to this maj gen , talk about how we patrolled PPs in depsang even in 2016 , even beyond yjunc.

how chinese tried to resist but couldnt endure the cold.

But now the northern command try to brush it under carpet by saying 'legacy issue' , we didnt patrol beyong yjunc bla bla bla.

Doesnt look like chinese have the balls to start a war and sadly neither us.

if no action is taken soon . depsang bulge will be lost and this standoff will end up like another 2001 stand off .
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Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
The actual data worth leaking in case of Aadhar is the UID Token. If that hasn't leaked then there is no breach.
2048 bit encryption is no joke.
For countries like PRC RSA-2048 is a joke; hence the world is moving towards ECC.

Bellow is a typical key strength matrix for different algorithm.

Symmetric Key Length (In Bits)RSA Key Length Required (In Bits)ECC Key Length Required (In Bits)

Kindly note all banking generally take place generally with 256-bit (symmetric) and has at-least have 128-bit (symmetric).

For big countries like PRC with dedicated cryptography research breaking RSA-2048 is not a big deal.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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‘Short of letting you in at the LAC, what more would you like. Government agencies have released their reports, media both print as well electronic media has visited the sites. On top of those the unfriendly web media have also reported. None has disputed the official version. Hence you have to calm down. In worst case scenario, take a trip to Uttarakhand border and see for yourself, unless you are afraid of snow. I am from Himachal Pradesh, hence snow does not bother me.