India-China Border conflict


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Mar 19, 2018
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Y'all nibbers, message recieved.
The film points out: basically agrees that India's intercontinental missile technology has made progress. the disadvantage is that India still does not have a domestically-motivated launch.
What do you think of the content? 🤔


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Oct 15, 2021
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What biometric data exactly ? Fingerprint ? IRIS ? Face ?
Biometric data present in the database of UIDAI. This includes 10 fingerprint, 2 iris scan, and no face.
Here, you can read about Aadhar database breaches

WikiLeaks even claim that CIA has accesss to database and those who follow WikiLeaks know that they are correct in most of the cases. They were so good that julian assange had to be put behind bars.
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New Member
Nov 27, 2016
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Biometric data present in the database of UIDAI. This includes 10 fingerprint, 2 iris scan, and no face.
Here, you can read about Aadhar database breaches

WikiLeaks even claim that CIA has accesss to database and those who follow WikiLeaks know that they are correct in most of the cases. They were so good that julian assange had to be put behind bars.
None of the articles mention anything about any breach of the actual UIDAI databases. Most of the cases reported here fall into the "unauthorized use of API" criteria.
The way Aadhaar API responds, chances of any data leak is actually close to 0.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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We have been hearing about a lot of trouble in China first with real estate Tofu-dreg building bankruptcy and collapse with at least $400 billion debt. Then came the news of coal shortages, coal mines flooded. Later 20 provinces without power and many other Chinese economic troubles. But none seemed to have dented Chinese belligerence or its aggressive behaviour towards Taiwan and India. Even the bad economic news given by IMF has not curbed Chinese enthusiasm to be rude and obnoxious towards rest of the world.

Are we getting the correct news about China or all made up propaganda?. Yes their economic losses this year have been great but not to the point that economic collapse is near. It seems the news is much inflated. Yes their GDP this year will be less than 5% which is liken to recession or depression in Chinese economy. But these will not unseat President Xi.

‘’’what is the truth?
There is a lot that has to go behind a state's collapse, especially someone as large as China. As the world's factory, China's logistics, manufacturing capacity, technological prowess, and laser-like focus on infrastructure and self-reliance make it a formidable adversary economically. However, there is also something called 'saving face' which is 100x more prevalent there than we have in India. Meaning, a lot of numbers are fudged, accounts are messed up and numbers are propped up. The CCP goes overboard in ensuring that not even a hairline flaw is visible in front of the public. There is a lot of dress-up at play here. That does not mean that there are no cracks in real life. They are just hidden from plain sight.

You forget that China is a $12 trillion economy. Bigger country, bigger problems. Think about all the stuff that you just said; power cuts, flooding of mines, infrastructure bankruptcies.... all these things happen around the world. There was a time when India was looking at the collapse of public-sector banking when the Punjab National Bank scam was unearthed. Mines flood all the time in countries like Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, India, etc. as well and in some time, things get back to normal. Did any of these countries collapse? Thankfully, no.

Large-scale power outage happens even in developed countries due to infrastructure failure or inadequate supplies, especially now during the post-pandemic re-start.

CCP's collapse will happen politically before the entire economy falls apart. Unlike USSR, CCP's collapse would come from infighting in a party that is used to seeing no cracks or flaws at all. But it would take some time, unless the CCP does something really foolish & suddenly.

Remember, China's collapse is dangerous for the entire planet as several economies are entwined with it from Asia to Latin America. Even our traders will suffer for some time until they re-route their suppliers to other countries like Vietnam. Despite the tensions on the border, we are still trading with them. The government has not banned Chinese imports and won't stop them unless a war breaks out.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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lol, warning the entire g20. I mean, even for wolf pup warriors, this is a bit insane
Well not really...who in G20 is willing to go to war for Taiwan apart from US ? And unkil sam is now ruled by a CCP sympathizer...further you are too used to our soft spoken britshit style MEA IAS babus, welcome to some straight shooting talking, albeit from our enemy.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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The Twang Fight in Arunachal Pradesh 2021

Chinese did capture Twang in 1962 and then vacated it. At that time they were about to expel all Dalai Lama supporters but then they relented and withdrew.

Then in 2020, they found Indian Army relaxed and stationed in the depth area when they stuck with nail studded base ball bats at Galwan. They probably had been planning it for years and they found the opening. The Covid-19 outbreak all over the world when the focus was on the disease prevention, Chinese executed an attack on unarmed Indian soldiers with nail studded bats. Twenty Indian lives were lost, mostly by cold water drowning. Forward Indian troops recovered and in a night fist fight killed a few dozen Chinese (they admit only 4). Soon Indian troops discovered that Chinese have occupied a few areas in Pangong Lake, Hotspring and Gogra etc. forward positions a few miles ahead. In a sudden move India occupied the heights above these areas and rendered all Chinese moves pointless. From heights India could destroy all Chinese forward moves. Again Chinese relented and began the slow negotiation process which is still incomplete.

The above was a side show to distract India. In fact they really wanted to capture Twang in Arunachal Pradesh again which is the birth place of the current Dalai Lama and could provide the next Dalai Lama. Hence Twang is very important for the Chinese. They began to make their moves in August/September of 2021 on mountain top feature about 35 miles North East of Twang. This hill feature at 17,000 feet is occupied by India and serves as a look-sea mountain top, both for Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh. Just before the snow fell, they wished to occupy and they made their move September end. They crept forward thinking nobody will notice their moves. They did not succeed. Rather they came face to face with Indian troops who intercepted them well before they reach the top. Faced with these odds Chinese withdrew.

How did India knew these Chinese moves. …… Any smart general or forward area colonel will know the importance of this hill feature. From its top, you see Twang and SeLa on Indian side. For Indian troops, there is a clear view of lot Tibet and Chinese moves on other side of McMahon Line. Hence, the most sophisticated and secretive surveillance system was activated by India. Also India broke thru the Chinese GPS system and became aware of every Chinese move. Drones flying overhead, unseen by naked eye as well as radar kept a watch on all Chinese moves. The Chinese became aware only when patrol going to the hill feature was intercepted. That told them their tactical movements have been compromised. They withdrew the forward patrol party (also snow made it impossible to proceed), turned off the GPS system and posted look outs to hear and see drones flying overhead. That face to face fight as happened in Galwan was avoided because the Chinese forward commander quickly withdrew.

Now there is no room for Chinese to make another attempt because all routes are snow covered. Also the Chinese found that India has outsmarted them technically with surveillance and outsmarted them for a fist fight.

Chinese will not tell the world about this face to face loss as they consider themselves invincible but by shear guts and courage Indian troops beat their secret plan to occupy the hill feature. The Indians won the day.

Now the next attempt to occupy this hill feature or something similar will be in June of next year when the snow melts. By then a lot more American and Israeli surveillance equipment will be in Indian hands. That will sure defeat any new Chinese attempt.

Good work India.
Any source for this, or is it your own analysis ?

If their vaccine has failed, it might be possible. They would not admit that their vaccine is fake. Whichever country has used it found them to be no use, very high infections after vaccination.
I would not say this is impossible.
Their vaccine is a joke ! It rarely works. What sort of people are these chinks who after inventing the wuhan virus cannot even produce a vaccine for it ?


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Oct 15, 2021
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None of the articles mention anything about any breach of the actual UIDAI databases. Most of the cases reported here fall into the "unauthorized use of API" criteria.
The way the Aadhaar API responds, the chances of any data leak is actually close to 0.
API related breaching can be attributed to third party actors for example Airlines/banks/schools/ other institutions. In this, data such as Aadhar number/Phone number are leaked because they ask for this while registration.

But when your biometrics and bank account are available online, then it can't be attributed to "unauthorized use of API".

And no system is 100% secure, you constantly need to upgrade to meet required standard of safety.


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May 20, 2021
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Interesting and Revealing discussion by former IA Commanders,

Some Salient Features from the video:

1) Till April 2017 IA patrolled upto PP13 by crossing Jeevan Nullah, IA used to go across the bottleneck.

2) Legacy issues are all nonsense, IA was patrolling and dominating PP 10, 11, 12, 13.

3) In year 2015-2016, PLA secretly constructed a Surviellance Hut at PP 11. In a night operation troops from I Btn Garhwal Rifles demolished the hut, Chinese were shocked and surprised with our quid pro quo action.

4) Just one month before Galwan clash, 2 Chinese Mi-17 clone helicopters intruded into Indian side of LAC at PP14 by crossing the Shyok river.

Indian Army Aviation choppers quickly engaged and chased away them.

5) Chinese are shocked by India building roads and bridges at such high pace in around LAC. Their immediate fear are threats to CPEC and the G219 Highway.
Long term goal is to protect and preserve water reserves in Aksai Chin and Tibetian plateau. China is looking for shifting its Semiconductor industries (which is a water intensive industry) to Xinjiang province. China is eyeing Shyok and Nubra valley for water and not land.
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New Member
May 31, 2020
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Interesting and Revealing discussion by former IA Commanders,

Some Salient Features from the video:

1) Till April 2017 IA patrolled upto PP13 by crossing Jeevan Nullah, IA used to go across the bottleneck.

2) Legacy issues are all nonsense, IA was patrolling and dominating PP 10, 11, 12, 13.

3) In year 2015-2016, PLA secretly constructed a Surviellance Hut at PP 11. In a night operation troops from I Btn Garhwal Rifles demolished the hut, Chinese were shocked and surprised with our quid pro quo action.

4) Just one month before Galwan clash, 2 Chinese Mi-17 clone helicopters intruded into Indian side of LAC at PP14 by crossing the Shyok river.

Indian Army Aviation choppers quickly engaged and chased away them.

5) Chinese are shocked by India building roads and bridges at such high pace in around LAC. Their immediate fear are threats to CPEC and the G219 Highway.
Long term goal is to protect and preserve water reserves in Aksai Chin and Tibetian plateau. China is looking for shifting its Semiconductor industries (which is a water intensive industry) to Xinjiang province. China is eyeing Shyok and Nubra valley for water and not land.
Great vid.


Didnt i say long time back , goal of PLA is to protect aksai chin - no matter what the cost , and they have achieved most of that goal.

there is no incentive for them to start a 2/1 front war.

only question is what can we do ? , cry forever or take some action.


@The Shrike like u said , according to these people , the LAC (PP14) isnt at bend , but farther outside , meaning most of the galwan buffer zone is inside indian territory.

whether that is true or maybe it got changed later i dont know .


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Great vid.


Didnt i say long time back , goal of PLA is to protect aksai chin - no matter what the cost , and they have achieved most of that goal.

according to these people , the LAC (PP14) isnt at bend , but farther outside , meaning most of the galwan buffer zone is inside indian territory.
Yes from this discussion this seems to be the case sadly.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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China is looking for shifting its Semiconductor industries (which is a water intensive industry) to Xinjiang province. China is eyeing Shyok and Nubra valley for water and not land.
Agree with most points made except for the one above.

China has abundant water reserves outside the parched Tibetan plateau and Xinjiang to set up its semiconductor industry.

They don't want water for semiconductor industry but to move Han Chinese into the Tibetan plateau region as close to the Ladakh border and secure their territory forever. Human settlements/towns/cities need a lot of water but I honestly doubt whether draining the Shyok and Nubra into their side of the border will help them support any meaningfully large cities. At best, small settlements here and there to mark their territory.

Han aren't keen on settling down... so they are coaxing, threatening the Tibetan community to stand guard against any Indian (mis)adventure.

War is certain if China continues on the same path.