India-China Border conflict

Aug 17, 2020
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Everything is replaceable and Russian weapons are proved to be junk on battle field.Their so called ew kratusha 4 is now with nato shows how shit their weapons are.Their su27,30,25 are being shot down by rookies in Ukrainian army.What Russia provides us they also provide the same weapons with tot to Chinese and porkis so there is no advantage by buying it.
Replaceable with what? Western solutions or Indian solution?


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Dec 8, 2021
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How is IEA tilting towards India? Weapons, material and men have already started pouring in POK to pour into J&K?
And Russia tilting towards India over China, is that what you are trying to say?
It aint pro India.

It is also not pro pak, which was biggest fear for us. Right now only impact on us has been random terrorists getting hands on few weapons from afghanistan (very small number as of now, Ive only seen one actual M14 captured by IA, rest were darra copy).

But, in KPK they are hitting pakis hard by aiding ttp.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Wank wants us to forget about LAC , keep it aside and continue india-china bhai bhai as usual . as expected we repeated 'no LAC peace = no india-china bhai bhai'

why did this useless fellow even come here then ? , fucker couldnt have just used email or zoom

All the speculation about Mr Wang delivering a special message to the Indian leadership or a breakthrough on the border issue remained just that.

Mr Wang reiterated the oft-repeated Chinese position that the LAC standoff should be placed in its “appropriate position” in the broader scheme of bilateral relations. Given that India has never bought into this proposition, it is to the credit of Mr Doval and external affairs minister S Jaishankar that they made it clear to Mr Wang that progress in disengagement and de-escalation alone can lead to normal bilateral relations.

message sent out from the Indian side to Mr Wang made it clear that the progress made so far in these meetings must be extended to all the friction points in the Ladakh sector before the two sides can move on to other issues.
I think Wang visit is about something more important.. Something which can only be judged by an in-person visit.. And that is why you have so many High profile visits to India from foreign diplomats after the Ukraine war began..
It's about where each Nation stands in the coming world order, and where will India stand. There will be sufficient hints during in person meetings, to tell foreign diplomats where India stands..


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Sep 19, 2019
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Looks like china is trying to bring back LAC situation to normal so that it can concentrate on Taiwan. With US and Biden being just sitting idiots giving empty statement on Ukraine issue without direct involvement of any sort and India clearly looking out of sync with other quad members china may increase its agression in South China Sea, IOR and in overall indo Pacific.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Wank wants us to forget about LAC , keep it aside and continue india-china bhai bhai as usual . as expected we repeated 'no LAC peace = no india-china bhai bhai'

why did this useless fellow even come here then ? , fucker couldnt have just used email or zoom

All the speculation about Mr Wang delivering a special message to the Indian leadership or a breakthrough on the border issue remained just that.

Mr Wang reiterated the oft-repeated Chinese position that the LAC standoff should be placed in its “appropriate position” in the broader scheme of bilateral relations. Given that India has never bought into this proposition, it is to the credit of Mr Doval and external affairs minister S Jaishankar that they made it clear to Mr Wang that progress in disengagement and de-escalation alone can lead to normal bilateral relations.

message sent out from the Indian side to Mr Wang made it clear that the progress made so far in these meetings must be extended to all the friction points in the Ladakh sector before the two sides can move on to other issues.
Something is off here. Can’t put a finger on it but something doesn’t feel right about this story. If the above is correct, can’t figure out why he came.


New Member
Sep 17, 2020
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Looks like china is trying to bring back LAC situation to normal so that it can concentrate on Taiwan. With US and Biden being just sitting idiots giving empty statement on Ukraine issue without direct involvement of any sort and India clearly looking out of sync with other quad members china may increase its agression in South China Sea, IOR and in overall indo Pacific.
Actually its the exact opposite. They want us to accept the current situation at LAC and behave like the good boy we have been for last 60 years. They want to demolish our morale which has risen multi fold since Modi came to power. Then Xi will try to portray it as his victory in the upcoming Presitator "elections" of China. India is their biggest rival after USA (and not Europe). Then they will shift their focus to Arunachal Pradesh or Doklam, because they have some experience in that terrain and have an edge over India when it comes to infrastructure, both of which they lack in Ladakh. Taiwan's turn is still 4-5 years from now.


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Mar 21, 2022
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Why does he fart about stuff he has no whiff of? Dude is a retired military officer, and single handedly comments as a defence expert, international relations and geopolitics expert, economics messiah. Staying silent is not a crime
i think he is our stooge just eating propaganda money from adversaries anyways nobody in India takes him seriously


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Something is off here. Can’t put a finger on it but something doesn’t feel right about this story. If the above is correct, can’t figure out why he came.
Wank came to talk about Russia-Ukraine war , to presuade us to let go of LAC .

Jai Shankar said CHING CHONG BING BONG get lost from LAC then we will talk.


“I was honest in conveying our sentiment on this issue during talks with Wang Yi,” he said, adding restoration of normal ties will require restoration of normalcy in border areas.

“So long there are very large deployments, border situation is not normal. We still have ongoing friction areas, have made progress in resolving some friction areas including Pangong Tso. Our discussion today was how to take this forward. There have been 15 rounds of talks.”

:megusta: i like this , i hope fuckers never leave , Modiji and MEA has now definitely learned their lesson


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Feb 1, 2022
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How much is the current deployment of forces in Ladakh costing us? I haven't seen any numbers. Is it coming out of Defence budget or are additional funds being provided?