India-China Border conflict


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Jun 11, 2020
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Why wouldn’t you just use the cell towers, what’s the need to beam the data back to the satellites, bandwidth is cheaper on cellular networks.
The point is to get the location coordinates from the user device to the Chinese database. How they do it is totally upto them. I am not saying it has to happen through Beidou satellite system.

But having Chinese software or Beidou compatible devices even remotely capable of transmitting data that can be receiving by satellites.
BeiDou-compatible devices can transmit data back to the satellites, even in text messages of up to 1,200 Chinese characters.
Means the possibility of Chinese surveillance through its satellite communication systems or some other optimal path can't be brushed aside.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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Not that the Beidou satellite system alone will track the ground devices which is receiving Data.

But as two separate satalite systems working in synergy.

One for the GPS coordinates & another for the tracking through cellular network. Where the alleged Malwa install in Beidou compatible devices is enabling it.
Firstly, there is no way you can hide such a massive scale of data transferring from any importation country. So, the pre-condition is the local government knows and they agree or don't mind. Otherwise, they can easily remove all the device and ask the compensation from Chinese.
Secondly, by using such a device, the best information that Chinese can get is the transportation information of the certain area. It is simply impossible to track someone without the cooperation of locals because you don't know which device is installed in which car or mobile.


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Jun 11, 2020
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Firstly, there is no way you can hide such a massive scale of data transferring from any importation country. So, the pre-condition is the local government knows and they agree or don't mind. Otherwise, they can easily remove all the device and ask the compensation from Chinese.
Secondly, by using such a device, the best information that Chinese can get is the transportation information of the certain area. It is simply impossible to track someone without the cooperation of locals because you don't know which device is installed in which car or mobile.
This is just a contingency plan. May happen like a trojan during war or something. An assumption on how the Chinese may have spread their surveillance network, now don't say Chinese wouldn't use the tech they have exported Global.
Beidou is just the 1st part of the surveillance puzzle. This is followed by the communication sat & the earth observation sat. Chinese brands own 74% of India's market share with Chinese hardware & software. This is not an unfare assumption.

But I just hope the Chinese are dumber than I think.


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Apr 23, 2021
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This is just a contingency plan. May happen like a trojan during war or something. An assumption on how the Chinese may have spread their surveillance network, now don't say Chinese wouldn't use the tech they have exported Global.
Beidou is just the 1st part of the surveillance puzzle. This is followed by the communication sat & the earth observation sat. Chinese brands own 74% of India's market share with Chinese hardware & software. This is not an unfare assumption.

But I just hope the Chinese are dumber than I think.
Yeah, the people who have captured more than 70% of most competitive mobile market in the whole world, will be dumber :creepy:.

noice assumption 🙄
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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Not that the Beidou satellite system alone will track the ground devices which is receiving Data.

But as two separate satalite systems working in synergy.
View attachment 137006
(Picture only for reference)
One for the GPS coordinates & another for the tracking through cellular network. Where the alleged Malwa install in Beidou compatible devices is enabling it. View attachment 137005
May be a possibility
Possible, but risky operation.. Would be detected by Indian agencies..


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May 31, 2020
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Ramdi baj chini at it again.
most likely the herds men are at fault here.

seen them claim land across the LAC as ours several times.

even if true , Chinese are harassing them on purpose . arresting them or taking their yaks which cross LAC.

long time back saw post on Chinese social media about indian side ( ITBP ) allowing chinese to graze on indian land , :rage: hope its false.


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Sep 8, 2019
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In case anyone is interested in what that bot had posted, translation below:-

The CIA's Ten Commandments for dealing with China In the CIA's extremely classified Operations Manual, the section on dealing with China was originally written in 1951 during a period of strong opposition from China and the United States. After that, it was continuously revised as the relationship between China and the United States changed. By now, it has been divided into ten items, known in the canon as the "Ten Commandments".1. Attempt to seduce and corrupt their youth with material things, encouraging them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological education they fear, especially communist dogma. Create unlimited erotic interests and opportunities for them, and then encourage them to engage in sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. We must destroy the spirit of diligence they emphasize. Second, we must do everything possible to communicate well

Translated with (free version)



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Jan 7, 2016
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sucks but you guys think there will survivors ?

there is a 100km patrol round along the LAC , the chinese call 'road of death' , several chinese border guards have apparently died along the route . i guess this is just part of the job .


problem with blowing satellites up is that the chinese have far too many and can launch more on demand.

even worse is the debris peices from blown satellite will orbit around and hit more satellites including ours causing a cascade , like shown on the hollywood movie gravity.

i think chinese also have ground lasers to disable satellites , we should copy that and do a demo.
Launch on demand can launch small satellites in low orbits not heavy satellites in polar or sun synchronous orbit. With the arrival of Vikam, SSLV and other private rockets, we too will be able to launch multiple satellites in LEO at a very short notice.