India-China Border conflict


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
What does he mean "status quo achieved"?
Basically the Chinese still control some of our land.

Through continuous construction of infrastructure and reinforcing of positions they are now confident enough in their ability to hold on to those areas in case of a skirmish thus denying us any sort of leverage.

The lack of leverage means that we have entered a sort of deadlock or status quo as he says.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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the CM took this journey by road himself , but still nothing.

:dude: since it only borders myanmar , its like a big 'fucku' to them.
That area is still can be accessed by Military Helicopters only and locals are being provided this facility at low or almost no costs.

Nitin Gokhale made a good video of that area in his YT channel last year.

He also gave the reasons why it is so difficult to construct roads there.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Chinese intimidation tactics at LAC.

Chinese have mastered the art of intimidation and then retreat back. Earlier, only three months back they made massive preparations to invade Taiwan and then suddenly they ate a humble pie and figured that 2/3 of their newly minted Navy will be sunk in an effort to capture Taiwan and then they called off the said invasion. Not only Taiwanese forces are well equipped but also US will come its rescue sooner than the Chinese think.

Same tactics they initiated in Ladakh in the Himalayas. They came quickly in 2020 and occupied and advanced the LAC at several points. It was a useless action. They retreated quickly when India showed them the iron fist and occupied the Kailash Heights overlooking their major military base and then they started to retreat back. Other two places at LAC, they will retreat but are searching for an honourable retreat solution.

Post occupation on Kailash Heights by India, they have felt humiliated. They started their previously mastered strategy of intimidation by telling via the Global Times that they have a big rocket force in and around the points of dispute …… Ha…. Ha….Ha. A pointless rocket force in the mountains to attack the Indian Troops on reverse heights. That propaganda did not work. Then they let it be known that they have positioned Bombers about 300km away at ‘Hotan’ which they knew is useless tactic. These slow bombers could be shot down with fast moving Indian missiles. Then they invented a lie of matching Indian Rafale jets with most stupid of their stealth fighters. When an Indian Su-30MK1 tracked their stealth fighter on his radar in Tibet, they turned quite. Now their latest tactic is Robotic Soldier. It is a direct indication that their conscript soldiers are refusing to go to the heights and -40C cold hence they are turning to robotics. These robot soldiers are easy to be blinded hence rendered useless.……Their list of intimidation tactics and countermeasures goes on and on.

This is all in preparation for the 14th round of commander’s talk. They are searching for a way out. They think that intimidated India may offer them concessions. Failure of that more intimidation tactics are in the offing. With their economy growing at 4%, and elsewhere in the East, Corona is shutting down their cities, it is possible that Chinese may offer LAC concessions…….. Wait for them in coming Spring and Summer.


New Member
Jan 25, 2016

This also means we will become 3rd strongest military power by 2030 below the USA and China.
Bhrata, as others have said projection are just that “projection”. Specially in our country where political stability is little bit on edge and definition of development and national security varies according to which party is in centre and state.


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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What most Chinese will be reading from the alleged IW masterstroke.
Did this pig of The h**indu report on how chinese were using pics of Tejas or Rafale in their propaganda video? That to CGTN? Did he report about Indian making fun of it?

>saaar loook what chinaaa massa said saaaa
don't care, tell him to rope himself would be more useful that way