India-China Border conflict

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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I have a suggestion why not we sell whatever land Chinese want in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in return of some money, diplomatic leverage, some market of other country and allow them to complete cpec as a result Pakistan’s market will of Chinese leading to its destruction or China engulfing it, India China relation might get stable.
They will not treat us enemy nor we will(we have never), let them take Pakistan
Anyway these are strategic areas only useful for war but if we are not enemies then these are useless let them have it
Not writing with anger or being sarcastic but with serious option
What you are saying is a recepei for Balkanization of India . Strong Countries expand borders , weak countries sell their lands. And weak countries don't deserve to exist in first place ..
If what you say India does then what credibility it will have to the world , a weak pathetic nation who sell their lands for money .. no wonder Pakistani call us baniya
You will then move border closer to my home.
What guarantee you can give that in another 20 years china wont come up again and ask Uttarakhand and Sikkim ..may be you want to sell that as well
And in the process sell Kashmir as well ..

I mean how come we became so pathetic and of loser mentality ..People fight to thier last breath to save motherland and here we are trying to sell our nation .

This country is motherland , if need be I will fight to the last breath to defend it ..If need be I will fight people like you as well ..

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Beware! few DFI members seems to have fallen for this

Unfortunately, what the indian internet users think about Indian military capabilities, makes no difference to Indian Army or GOI decision makers..
The fact that there has been zero Indian photographic / videographic evidence of the Galwan clash, makes this very clear..😔

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Unfortunately, what the indian internet users think about Indian military capabilities, makes no difference to Indian Army or GOI decision makers..
The fact that there has been zero Indian photographic / videographic evidence of the Galwan clash, makes this very clear..😔
Bhosad MEA babus are sitting on the evidence of clash.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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What you are saying is a recepei for Balkanization of India . Strong Countries expand borders , weak countries sell their lands. And weak countries don't deserve to exist in first place ..
If what you say India does then what credibility it will have to the world , a weak pathetic nation who sell their lands for money .. no wonder Pakistani call us baniya
You will then move border closer to my home.
What guarantee you can give that in another 20 years china wont come up again and ask Uttarakhand and Sikkim ..may be you want to sell that as well
And in the process sell Kashmir as well ..

I mean how come we became so pathetic and of loser mentality ..People fight to thier last breath to save motherland and here we are trying to sell our nation .

This country is motherland , if need be I will fight to the last breath to defend it ..If need be I will fight people like you as well ..
Are bhai wild suggestion tha aur kuch nahi yar

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Bhosad MEA babus are sitting on the evidence of clash.
Yes.. its not just the capability about waging information warfare.. before that, comes " the will to wage" information warfare. GOI / Babus dont have the will / b*lls to release evidence.. as they fear a Chinese loss of face ( resulting in a possible military escalation), more than their own "loss of face"..
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New Member
May 31, 2020
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We are also building road,bridges and passes .we cant get upset/go into meltdown each time they start building something.


Can anyone explain if this actually the claim line and if construction is allowed at the claim line in the first place.

Is it disputed or occupied the Chinese.
they are free to build here

they are already building in sirijap as well as at edge of F8 . both at end of buffer zone , this bridge is much far east from both locations
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New Member
Jun 16, 2020
Against whom? Coalition of NATO + Arab Coalition took 3 weeks to defeat Iraq. And you think it is some sort of achievement?
Of course it is. The OP said wars are won on manpower when that is bs. In hindsight the gulf war was a walkover, but look at the reports prior to the war. They were predicting up to 1 lakh coalition casualties in the worst case. The iraqis on paper were pretty strong. They had just ended the iran war and had tens of thousands of battle ready commanders and troops. The sheer effectiveness of air power wasnt expected at that time. Fun fact, chinks completely redrew their army from everything in terms of organisation to battle tactics after the gulf war. Prior to this, they were still following the concept of throwing men into the crossfire


New Member
Sep 27, 2014
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Old article but very alarming if true .

The fact that the Chinese Western Theatre Command is wholly India-centric should awaken us to the substantial threat to our security

The new Strategic Logistics Support Force has subordinate Joint Logistics Support Centres in each theatre, with one in Xining for the WTC. China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days.

i know the response will be 'how can they transport anything after we blow up the bridges' but it doesnt really look good.
Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.

These points were made continously and repeat themselves every 40 pages or so. It is as certain as night follows day.

It's okay for teenage boys looking for their next dopamine rush to say
" India is defeated, They have released photos, We haven't. Modi cuck! IA cuck! (Insert teenage immature sexual innuendo of the week here)"

But for senior and long time posters to say it, I can't help but wonder Is it really because of unavailability of information or something else.

Mods, I have a suggestion. The asymmetry of the deployment patterns of IA , IAF in the LAC region and the realities of high altitude warfare being what they are, there have been many posters who have analyzed the same and have drawn the conclusion why India has the decisive advantage in terms of troops deployed and despite the lack of infra, the IA can kick the Chicom asses resoundingly. On BRF primarily by poster Deans, who has researched into it enough to write a kickass novel about an Indo China War in 2022.

I volunteer myself to create a series of posts formatted as responses to the most common whines unleashed during meltdowns that periodically infect the forum. I admit I was lazy to respond to obvious whines and ignored them, but never again should anyone whine

" China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days."
and get away without a factual kick to the backside.

Please inform me if it is feasible, I will try to get it done ASAP between work.

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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...On BRF primarily by poster Deans, who has researched into it enough to write a kickass novel about an Indo China War in 2022.
I used to think so too, until I started digging into maps etc., IIRC this user amongst other in BRF were in total denial mode that the PLA had captured the heights at F3/F4 in early/mid 2020 - until/actually even after incontrovertible information was available. Do your own research and learn to separate wheat from the chaff.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.

These points were made continously and repeat themselves every 40 pages or so. It is as certain as night follows day.

It's okay for teenage boys looking for their next dopamine rush to say
" India is defeated, They have released photos, We haven't. Modi cuck! IA cuck! (Insert teenage immature sexual innuendo of the week here)"

But for senior and long time posters to say it, I can't help but wonder Is it really because of unavailability of information or something else.

Mods, I have a suggestion. The asymmetry of the deployment patterns of IA , IAF in the LAC region and the realities of high altitude warfare being what they are, there have been many posters who have analyzed the same and have drawn the conclusion why India has the decisive advantage in terms of troops deployed and despite the lack of infra, the IA can kick the Chicom asses resoundingly. On BRF primarily by poster Deans, who has researched into it enough to write a kickass novel about an Indo China War in 2022.

I volunteer myself to create a series of posts formatted as responses to the most common whines unleashed during meltdowns that periodically infect the forum. I admit I was lazy to respond to obvious whines and ignored them, but never again should anyone whine

" China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days."
and get away without a factual kick to the backside.

Please inform me if it is feasible, I will try to get it done ASAP between work.
You may create a thread in knowledge repository section, you will have control over the thread. It can be published in DFI homepage, if it has been written as an article.



New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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I have a question.. IA took action and launched op snow leopard in South pangong to kick chini out But then why didn't IA took action in other friction points..Since stand off IA is more or less matching PLA in men and materials on LAC but hot action was only done in south pangong..why?
Some excerpts from the article :
Some are claiming that the bridge is on their side.

Other's say it is right on our claim line.

I hope this bridge building scenario was considered when we withdrew from the areas liberated by Op Snow leopard.

Bhosad MEA babus are sitting on the evidence of clash.
MEA babooze think that "Maunam Vidwanabhooshanam" must be maintained *ALWAYS*. What Shiv Aroor has said regarding CCP psyops is 100% true. GOI needs to fight IW against CCP & their internal proxies in India who amplify the same. What we now see is just a one sided information flow.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.

These points were made continously and repeat themselves every 40 pages or so. It is as certain as night follows day.

It's okay for teenage boys looking for their next dopamine rush to say
" India is defeated, They have released photos, We haven't. Modi cuck! IA cuck! (Insert teenage immature sexual innuendo of the week here)"

But for senior and long time posters to say it, I can't help but wonder Is it really because of unavailability of information or something else.

Mods, I have a suggestion. The asymmetry of the deployment patterns of IA , IAF in the LAC region and the realities of high altitude warfare being what they are, there have been many posters who have analyzed the same and have drawn the conclusion why India has the decisive advantage in terms of troops deployed and despite the lack of infra, the IA can kick the Chicom asses resoundingly. On BRF primarily by poster Deans, who has researched into it enough to write a kickass novel about an Indo China War in 2022.

I volunteer myself to create a series of posts formatted as responses to the most common whines unleashed during meltdowns that periodically infect the forum. I admit I was lazy to respond to obvious whines and ignored them, but never again should anyone whine

" China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days."
and get away without a factual kick to the backside.

Please inform me if it is feasible, I will try to get it done ASAP between work.
Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.

it takes about 11 days for Indian troops to acclimatise , i am guessing the figure must be similar for PLA
. dont know if this period is included in 40 days but maybe.

the 30 division figure maybe fantasy , it is just something that keeps repeated . i only posted it as saurav tweeted it .

not a question of whining , but IMHO them having good connectivity is still a big factor. if u can dig up any info do post it .


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.

it takes about 11 days for Indian troops to acclimatise , i am guessing the figure must be similar for PLA
. dont know if this period is included in 40 days but maybe.

the 30 division figure maybe fantasy , it is just something that keeps repeated . i only posted it as saurav tweeted it .

not a question of whining , but IMHO them having good connectivity is still a big factor. if u can dig up any info do post it .
@mokoman although this claim is not true, but it is still partially correct.
Half of them would be dead because of high altitude pulmonary oedema in days, while rest would be disoriented for lack of acclimatization at that altitudes.
The tibetian plateau is on average higher than our side (Ladakh, Arunachal), which means their soldiers have to travel and camp in many extreme high-altitude areas, whereas for us, it is only the checkpoints/border outposts that are at the highest altitude.
This is not helped by the fact that most Chinese soldiers are from mainland China, whereas the Indian Army recruits multiple regiments from areas where people are acclimatized to live in high-altitude environments.

And regarding 30 divisions, it is not unreal. In fact, we tested our capacity to field 30+ divisions last year, so in an active conflict, we can accommodate 10 more divisions without breaking a sweat.