India-China Border conflict


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May 30, 2020
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Not charity brother what I meant to say is in return of money, business, intra, connectivity, few of their market in other countries
If none of these satisfied then no need give up but if it does then better to do business and earn money in South Asia
I repeat all these under a pact
Now That's bizzare...chini is already our largest trade partner what trade u talking.. chini won't open their markets for anyone cause it's how authoritarian ccp system operates A exports driven growth model to keep chini populace under firm boots...its just useless argument
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altruist ROR

Tihar Jail
Dec 11, 2021
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I have a suggestion why not we sell whatever land Chinese want in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in return of some money, diplomatic leverage, some market of other country and allow them to complete cpec as a result Pakistan’s market will of Chinese leading to its destruction or China engulfing it, India China relation might get stable.
They will not treat us enemy nor we will(we have never), let them take Pakistan
Anyway these are strategic areas only useful for war but if we are not enemies then these are useless let them have it
Not writing with anger or being sarcastic but with serious option
Your argument totally repudiate your userName. Cheen lays claim over entire Sikkim, North-Eastern UK Nelong Valley as well. Get ready to surrender that as well.
Secondly, any Indian Govt. can not do this, as its against basic structure of constitution(Sovereignty). What done with Bangladesh was for ease of governance and in exchange of enclaves. This is unconstitutional as well as gravely endangering Bharat's sovereignty.
You are unleashing bhukka bhedia namely Cheen who will go for entire JK and HP.

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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Some excerpts from the article :
“We utilised a chink in their armour on the southern banks in August 2020. The Chinese were taken aback by the swift movement and build-up. They did move in and amassed strength after the first 24-48 hours but it was too late to offer us any resistance.

“They have probably learnt the lesson and since they are quick in taking remedial measures, multiple steps have been initiated to ensure that their movement through that area is quicker and have the ability to scale up presence in a big way,” a source said explaining why the Chinese are building new roads and the bridge here.
Sources said that with the new construction, the PLA aims to have multiple routes to counter any possible operations by the Indian forces in the southern banks in future.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Now That's bizzare...chini is already our largest trade partner what trade u talking.. chini won't open their markets for anyone cause it's how authoritarian ccp system operates A exports driven growth model to keep chini populace under firm boots...its just useless argument
Sir I didn't mean Chinese market I meant African or South American market
And we need to absorb their tech for our development
All those bashing me I deserve it
Sorry for your time being wasted due to my view

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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Ya thats true...the irony is they are builsing it in our land and we are also building it in our land...Thanks to chacha chutiya bhadva Nehru...
@India Super Power
Good news Indian railways announced Patna-Guwahati High speed rail corridor (Delhi-Patna-Kolkata was announced already) seems as if Mr Narendra modi is reading my comments on this forum


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Feb 28, 2019
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The Delhi-Patna(Guwahati)-Kolkata High speed rail corridor is the answer to china's high speed railways in tibbet
This corridor will probably take 40 years to build (if ever), considering poor economic growth in the eastern region.
The morale, the appetite to take losses, and standing for motherland is what matters.
Agreed, but what makes you think that the chinese are not patriotic and won't die for their land? This is almost porky levels of delusion.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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This corridor will probably take 40 years to build (if ever), considering poor economic growth in the eastern region.

Agreed, but what makes you think that the chinese are not patriotic and won't die for their land? This is almost porky levels of delusion.
GDP of kolkata metropolitan is still the 3rd highest in india next only to Mumbai and Delhi (+NCR) , kolkata airport is also among the busiest airports in india , poor economic growth in eastern region is a myth check the GDP growth of Bihar and Bengal
The patna guwhati stretch of this corridor has strategic importance for india because china is heavily investing in infrastructure of not just tibbet but also in bangladesh and nepal
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New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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I have a suggestion why not we sell whatever land Chinese want in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh in return of some money, diplomatic leverage, some market of other country and allow them to complete cpec as a result Pakistan’s market will of Chinese leading to its destruction or China engulfing it, India China relation might get stable.
They will not treat us enemy nor we will(we have never), let them take Pakistan
Anyway these are strategic areas only useful for war but if we are not enemies then these are useless let them have it
Not writing with anger or being sarcastic but with serious option
Yeah, in that case why do we even need armed forces? Infact why not sell the entire country, some parts to US and some to China. This is pure delusion and meltdown over a propaganda video released by CCP. Did china suddenly become an alien interstellar superpower over the weekend that we have to sell land? There are teething issues and concerns regarding our armed forces, but this is definitely not the solution lol.


New Member
Jan 28, 2018
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connectivity between silliguri and delhi is poor on the other hand chinese have made expressways and high/semi-high speed railways to connect lhasa with beijing
india is repeating the same mistake of 1962. The strategic folly of engaging in a “forward policy" of creating military posts without ensuring robust connectivity with New delhi
why connectivity with Only delhi matters. delhi is not our army headquarter or industrial hub to supply arms and ammunitions. Connectivity matter but connectivity with Delhi I am unable to find any rational.