India-China Border conflict

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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How? We have troops trained on all of these. Id give it a week max for an existing arty crew to be trained on m777 controls, same for the apaches and chinooks. And tactical and strategic are close enough to civillian aircraft, with controls and equipment, that you can put civilian pilots in the cockpit and tell them to go.

Controls are usually more standardised than you might think. Minor diiferences can be worked out in a short while. Of course, inducting new people into forces will take much longer- you cant train civillians to fly a fighter jet.

However my point was for bigger things like ammunition ( Which will be a major factor for us, our reserves are at 10 days), Intelligence (positions, intent, numbers), help in industrial capability (For very extended conflict(over 2-3 months)).

Beyond that, American tanks, helis etc could be bought at a discount incase war extends even more. By some estimates, this could be more than a year. Entirely depends on how invested Chinese are in the conflict.
If it was Russian "material" you were talking about, I would be relatively more inclined into believing what you say. There's a reason why RM would go to Russia in case of "material" emergency.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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If it was Russian "material" you were talking about, I would be relatively more inclined into believing what you say. There's a reason why RM would go to Russia in case of "material" emergency.
Russia has other considerations, such as its friendship with china. Thats why, with our increasing american cooperation, IG it will be americans providing aid- We can, and will probably be buying from russians too.

altruist ROR

Tihar Jail
Dec 11, 2021
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This issue needs to be addressed by the higher echelon of IA and foreign ministry. They literally are claiming that they have control over the whole clash point. Common people will definitely believe their narrative. At least they should think about the feelings of family members of soldiers who were killed during the skirmishes of Galwan valley, and "officially" bust their lies.
Completely modern hybrid warfare tactics. By the time we refute such false narratives, damage is done. Its 2022 and we do not have a dedicated wing for tackling these narrations. ISPR came into existence in 1949, just 2 years after birth of Katorasthan and we all these years couldn't establish 1 dedicated unit. Neither govt nor any one in mainstream media bothered to work on it. All we have is muzzie backed AltNews.
We all know what happened in US elections still haven't learned a lesson. Vultures like Swine Flu(see his latest tweet), Kangressis will keep on propagating their agenda against the govt. and India.
China funding IndiaOut openly in Maldives, changing names, hoisting flag.. What we have done? Nothing, couldn't even boycott Winter Olympics. If we still have misconception that China will support us in NSG or UNSC, god help us. And why the hell we need UNSC seat in the first place? Have we taken any strong decision in this globalized world? Not at all. Yes, we have taken strong decisions safeguarding our borders but at International level, nothing. We didn't even participate in Afghan talks where we were key stakeholders. We are still driven by 3rd world Non-Alignment mindset.
China won't indulge in full-scale war with India. We need to change Chinese policy. Do something that hurts China diplomatically. If PM has time to go to Gym Khana he must have time to arrange a trip to Dharamshala as well, meet His Holiness Dalai Lama. Recognize Taiwan, have a telephonic conversation with Tsai Ing, why just telephonic conversation, invite in RD parade or any other event. Analyze Chinese reaction, if needed recognize Tibet as independent state.
If we fear Chinese retaliation, then indeed those Nuclear warhead are for Diwali. Jitna daroge, utna darae joaoge.


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May 31, 2020
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Old article but very alarming if true .

The fact that the Chinese Western Theatre Command is wholly India-centric should awaken us to the substantial threat to our security

The new Strategic Logistics Support Force has subordinate Joint Logistics Support Centres in each theatre, with one in Xining for the WTC. China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days.

i know the response will be 'how can they transport anything after we blow up the bridges' but it doesnt really look good.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Old article but very alarming if true .

The fact that the Chinese Western Theatre Command is wholly India-centric should awaken us to the substantial threat to our security

The new Strategic Logistics Support Force has subordinate Joint Logistics Support Centres in each theatre, with one in Xining for the WTC. China’s massive investment in road and rail infrastructure will allow it to deploy some 30 divisions forward from deep within the country to the frontier in a span of around 40 days.

i know the response will be 'how can they transport anything after we blow up the bridges' but it doesnt really look good.
We should not fight them , we are not Pakistanis you see .
We are not Buffon's.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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We should not fight them , we are not Pakistanis you see .
We are not Buffon's.
we dont need to fight them .

we just need to repeat what we did in pangong tso

capture some strategic area , call for peace and tranquillity . use it for negotiation.

best time for this is right before winter Olympics in china.

Chinese wont risk war as that would spoil the Olympics which is very very big deal for them. Besides we are not asking for much , only a buffer zone .

only question is , do we have balls to take such risks ??


New Member
May 30, 2020
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we dont need to fight them .

we just need to repeat what we did in pangong tso

capture some strategic area , call for peace and tranquillity . use it for negotiation.

best time for this is right before winter Olympics in china.

Chinese wont risk war as that would spoil the Olympics which is very very big deal for them. Besides we are not asking for much , only a buffer zone .

only question is , do we have balls to take such risks ??
I have a question.. IA took action and launched op snow leopard in South pangong to kick chini out But then why didn't IA took action in other friction points..Since stand off IA is more or less matching PLA in men and materials on LAC but hot action was only done in south pangong..why?

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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we dont need to fight them .

we just need to repeat what we did in pangong tso

capture some strategic area , call for peace and tranquillity . use it for negotiation.

best time for this is right before winter Olympics in china.

Chinese wont risk war as that would spoil the Olympics which is very very big deal for them. Besides we are not asking for much , only a buffer zone .

only question is , do we have balls to take such risks ??
"Balls" this what pm hm and babooz lag
I have doubt do they even have other organs


New Member
May 31, 2020
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I have a question.. IA took action and launched op snow leopard in South pangong to kick chini out But then why didn't IA took action in other friction points..Since stand off IA is more or less matching PLA in men and materials on LAC but hot action was only done in south pangong..why?
most likely because there is no scope for such action in rest of the places - atleast in depsang.

or maybe GOI / MEA thought that chinese will agree to a buffer zone / withdrawal later in talks.

as @mist_consecutive correctly said , if we act predictably , we will get fucked , they will simply outmatch us .

we need to draw inspiration from our retard neighbour and do some shit the chinese will never imagine


New Member
Nov 10, 2020
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I’m really embarrassed by all the headless chickens running around here. If this is Indian Govt, response, we are fucked. But alas there is hope and there will be patriots within the corridors of New Delhi which actually have a plan.

my suggestions as follows:

1) immediately start building alliances and drop NAM. Alliances mean more men, machines and guns arriving in the fight. On paper, at least this acts as a deterrent. NAM is stupid policy.
2) get logistics agreements in place to sustain a long war
3) arm the local population to defend themselves, preventing occupation
4) create habitable villages across the entire border than can support army. Give the land free to willing Indian families
5) focus on divesting manpower and invest in mechanized infantry
6) introduce NFT tokens for Indian army procurement with a transparent ledger on spend so Indian population can assist in buying the tokens that interests them. Each token can be linked to a specific soldier. Allow family members to invest into their soldier’s well being. Allow soldiers to create a wish list. When it comes to their own kin, the family will invest year over year in leveling up their equipment. Allow this expense to be a tax write off.
7) accelerating road construction
8) invest in Tibetan spies
9) invest in CCP doubt agents
10) harass WTC with constant buzzing from Indian jets so they can’t tell an exercise from actual attack
11) invest in CCP companies and harvest their tech into India
12) build up internal MIC
13) dig tunnels going into Tibet and Pakistan which are under our control
14) Counterfeit PKR and RMB currency
15) use Counterfeit money to buy local support

in war, anything is fair game. Your imagination is the limit.
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India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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I’m really embarrassed by all the headless chickens running around here. If this is Indian Govt, response, we are fucked. But alas there is hope and there will be patriots within the corridors of New Delhi which actually have a plan.

my suggestions as follows:

1) immediately start building alliances and drop NAM. No war = no fight
2) get logistics agreements in place to sustain a long war
3) arm the local population to defend themselves, preventing occupation
4) create habitable villages across the entire border than can support army. Give the land free to willing Indian families
5) focus on divesting manpower and invest in mechanism
6) introduce NFT tokens for Indian army procurement with a transparent ledger on spend so Indian population can assist in buying the tokens that interests them
7) accelerating road construction
8) invest in Tibetan spies
9) invest in CCP doubt agents
10) harass WTC with constant buzzing from Indian jets so they can’t tell an exercise from actual attack
11) invest in CCP companies and harvest their tech into India
12) build up internal MIC
These things are being told past 11 years
Politicians come and go there is only one institution which has to work relentlessly to achieve a national goal i.e. bureaucracy which is weakest in the entire world in case of india
They know nothing except job and money
Sep 5, 2020
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Basically everyone is suggesting to spend like the CHinese on defense forces and broder infrastructure. DO people here have any idea how many ships the chinese have built? Even the US navy is now concerned about the massive naval buildup by the chinese. Plus their highest technology programs are on target. But our budget is only 1/5th the Chinese budget. So, how will we do this? At the end of the day, infrastructure = money. There is no magic here. Where is the money? Plus, BJP must keep spending on social and poverty alleviation measures like water, roads, food subsidies, free money etc to not lose elections. Plus, we have to spend massive moneys to maintain paramilitary forces for all the internal movements in AFSPA areas + naxal infestation. Plus the Wuhan virus f%^ked up infrastructure and growth targets. States have to be compensated for GST shortfalls for more years now. Bharatmala Phase 1 road project is well behind target - what was supposed to be completed by 2022 will now be completed only by 2026. And the cost has escalated by 25% from $75 billion to $100 billion due to massive delays in land acquisition. That requires more mo, when we should have saved money and started Bharatmala phase 2 by now. No one knows if the PM Gatishakti will solve infrastructure problems quickly as stated as land acquisition is the major problem and Gatishakti does not solve that. This is all if BJP is in power post 2024. If they are not, expect poverty politics to return with significant deterioration in country's morale and defense technology R&D.
Other risks: With CDS Rawat having passed away in a very untimely way, theater command integration is at significant risk. But even before all this, IAF is very under prepared for modern warfare and can only fight defensively. So also Indian Navy (no expeditionary force while Chinese are building one). Indian Army as people have pointed out relies on brute force numbers and is hesitant to use technology.
There are significant problems as 2022 begins. We better take things seriously, do reforms in governance, defense, land acquisition areas constitutionally or become ready to serve as a junior power to China, similar to what Mexico is to the US.
In fact the 3 big North American countries relationship is getting replicated here in Asia. Russia is becoming the Canada of Asia - sparsely populated with large energy resources - powering the USA of Asia i.e China. India resembles Mexico (which is dependent on manufacturing moving out of the US due to its cheaper wages) relying on manufacturing moving out of China to India [which we did not take advantage of] and governed very chaotically and with a lot of political crime [just like in Mexico]. The comparison is quite interesting.
Right now, only Japan can take on China, as they have both money and technology and the efficiency to build things fast. And, they are tweaking their constitution to get rid of the passive power role put in there by the US. They also increased their defense spend to 1.5% of GDP now. Knowing how much technology superiority the Japanese have and can build quickly [Japan can actually deploy war fighting robots], the Chinese would be wetting their pants at the Japanese move. We should mass produce defense items for the Japanese in India and get strategically intertwined with them. Give our poor state of finances and only modest technology, we cannot take on China. That is why I have always been rooting for India-Japan-S.Korea-Taiwan nexus. This is the real Quad. The America led Quad is just nonsense and will never work.