India-China Border conflict


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Dec 23, 2016
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More chinki stuff they buy is more better for us, because amerki already or mostly have counters for all existing chinki weapons so in any future conflict we can easily obtain or offer a free field trails against chinki weapons systems hence they don't have to bleed more when on an actual conflict with chinki


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Jul 22, 2020
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Does anyone have any idea on how to decompile and analyze APKs?
Can anyone suggest good resources for the same
sorry for OT post but is kinda important.
Sep 5, 2020
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We postpone our launches, Chinese started a new series of hyperspectral satellite in addition to Gaofeng
India cannot compete with China with a defense budget of $70B when Chinese are spending $270-wo0B. That is because their overall central gov budget is close to $3 trillion. Our budget is close to just $600 billion central government. At 1/5th of Chinese government budget, our hands are tied in all areas - from science and technology to infrastructure to defense spending. If we truly want to compete with China, we have no option but to become a $10 trillion + economy with a central gov budget of at least $2 trillion. This should give us money to do a lot of grand R&D and cutting edge defense technology. The sad thing is even IITs, IISCs, and other to; institutes have poor infrastructure and even poorer R&D and lab facilities. India’s private company R&D in defense is just getting there but the technology being produced is basic and nothing even remotely world beating. We have to visits this topic in 2030 and see where we are. India needs a 10-20 year plan where no matter which party comes to power, they all must constitutionally commit to making India a $10 trillion economy through massive investments and growth. Our constitution needs to be effectively rewritten to eliminate freebie culture, merit-based advancement of society, a large focus on science and technology, complete elimination of criminals from politics etc. Modi and BJP have a lot of work to do to set india up for the next 10-20 years. There are criminals waiting to take over governance and derail India’s progress and if this government does not institutionalize systems and make it difficult ffor criminal political parties to take India in a different direction, then should BJP lose India’s growth will be derailed posing serious national security risks and loss of territory to China. BJP must take such institutionalization seriously and not blindly believe that it will be in power every time to secure India’s interests. Many constitutional amendments must be pushed through to secure the country;s long term interests especially in funding science and technology R&D, increasing world-class science talent, and building civil and defense infrastructure.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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India cannot compete with China with a defense budget of $70B when Chinese are spending $270-wo0B. That is because their overall central gov budget is close to $3 trillion. Our budget is close to just $600 billion central government. At 1/5th of Chinese government budget, our hands are tied in all areas - from science and technology to infrastructure to defense spending. If we truly want to compete with China, we have no option but to become a $10 trillion + economy with a central gov budget of at least $2 trillion. This should give us money to do a lot of grand R&D and cutting edge defense technology. The sad thing is even IITs, IISCs, and other to; institutes have poor infrastructure and even poorer R&D and lab facilities. India’s private company R&D in defense is just getting there but the technology being produced is basic and nothing even remotely world beating. We have to visits this topic in 2030 and see where we are. India needs a 10-20 year plan where no matter which party comes to power, they all must constitutionally commit to making India a $10 trillion economy through massive investments and growth. Our constitution needs to be effectively rewritten to eliminate freebie culture, merit-based advancement of society, a large focus on science and technology, complete elimination of criminals from politics etc. Modi and BJP have a lot of work to do to set india up for the next 10-20 years. There are criminals waiting to take over governance and derail India’s progress and if this government does not institutionalize systems and make it difficult ffor criminal political parties to take India in a different direction, then should BJP lose India’s growth will be derailed posing serious national security risks and loss of territory to China. BJP must take such institutionalization seriously and not blindly believe that it will be in power every time to secure India’s interests. Many constitutional amendments must be pushed through to secure the country;s long term interests especially in funding science and technology R&D, increasing world-class science talent, and building civil and defense infrastructure.
Much of Chinese military budget is to compete against US, Taiwan, Japan etc. where bulk of their armed forces are stationed. Very little in Tibet. All what Global Times tells is part of their intimidation drive.
Sep 5, 2020
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Much of Chinese military budget is to compete against US, Taiwan, Japan etc. where bulk of their armed forces are stationed. Very little in Tibet. All what Global Times tells is part of their intimidation drive.
If they are building to compete against the US, Japan, and Taiwan - all massive technology powers - they can easily outclass us as we are weak in technology areas compared to these powers. Stealing or not, Chinese might out of sheer desperation [middle kingdom’s rightful place] just end up building top notch technologies - at the end of the day building to technology requires 3 things - money, time, talent. China has all three in abundance. If BJP and Indian forces underestimate Chinese technology [citing we have access to western technology] we are going to get shafted. Better thing is to rapidly become a $10 trillion+ economy which gives the central government enough budget to build out world beating technologies and beat the Chinese at their own game. But for this, every party that comes to power must be constitutionally prevented from derailing India’s economic growth. You need iron fists in a country like india to maintain discipline to achieve targets. Indian electorate is not mature enough to keep voting BJP to power every time. Also what happens to BJP after Modi? The entire ”becoming a powerful economy” must be institutionalized and enabling laws must be built into the constitution itself so they are very, very difficult to change. Either that or move to a more authoritarian form of government until economic security is achieved. Our urban infrastructure is still lacking heavily despite all the progress. And the rural infrastructure must also be built up in extremely quick time to make everyone productive and informed so they don’t end up voting for criminal or lazy/retarded politicians for a few hundred rupees of freebies, taking india backwards. We need to get serious about such issues.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Hey you all! Have a look at this:
India rejects China renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh; says 'invented' names do not alter status

India on Thursday strongly rejected China renaming some places in Arunachal Pradesh and asserted that the state has "always been" and will "always be" an integral part of India and that assigning "invented" names does not alter this fact.

India's reaction came in response to Beijing announcing Chinese names for 15 more places in Arunachal Pradesh which the neighbouring country claims as South Tibet.

"We have seen such. This is not the first time China has attempted such a renaming of places in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. China had also sought to assign such names in April 2017," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said.

"Arunachal Pradesh has always been, and will always be an integral part of India. Assigning invented names to places in Arunachal Pradesh does not alter this fact," he said.

Bagchi was responding to a media query on reports that China has renamed some places in Arunachal Pradesh in its own language.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on Wednesday that it had standardised in Chinese characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of 15 places in Zangnan, the Chinese name for Arunachal Pradesh, according to state-run Global Times.

China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

This is in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the State Council, China's cabinet, it said in a report.

Among the official names of the 15 places, which were given exact longitude and latitude, eight are residential places, four are mountains, two are rivers and one is a mountain pass, the report said.

This is the second batch of standardised names of places in Arunachal Pradesh given by China.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places was released in 2017.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet.

The eight residential places in the second batch are Sengkezong and Daglungzong in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture, Mani'gang, Duding and Migpain in Medog County of Nyingchi, Goling, Damba in Zayu County of Nyingchi, and Mejag in Lhunze County of Shannan Prefecture, the Global Times report said.

The four mountains are Wamo Ri, Dêu Ri, Lhünzhub Ri and Kunmingxingzê Feng, it said.

The two rivers are Xenyogmo He and Dulain He, and the mountain pass is named Se La, in Cona County.

The report quoted Lian Xiangmin, stated to be an expert with the China Tibetology Research Centre in Beijing, claiming that the announcement is part of the national survey on place names that have existed for hundreds of years.

China's renaming of the places in Arunachal Pradesh came in the midst of the lingering eastern Ladakh border standoff that began in May last year.

Following the standoff, India bolstered its overall military preparedness along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Arunachal Pradesh sector as well. Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen Manoj Pande said in October that China has increased the intensity of its military exercises and deployment of troops in its depth areas opposite the LAC in the Arunachal Pradesh sector.

He said that India has correspondingly readied contingency plans to deal with any eventualities.


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Hey you all! Have a look at this:
India rejects China renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh; says 'invented' names do not alter status

India on Thursday strongly rejected China renaming some places in Arunachal Pradesh and asserted that the state has "always been" and will "always be" an integral part of India and that assigning "invented" names does not alter this fact.

India's reaction came in response to Beijing announcing Chinese names for 15 more places in Arunachal Pradesh which the neighbouring country claims as South Tibet.

"We have seen such. This is not the first time China has attempted such a renaming of places in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. China had also sought to assign such names in April 2017," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said.

"Arunachal Pradesh has always been, and will always be an integral part of India. Assigning invented names to places in Arunachal Pradesh does not alter this fact," he said.

Bagchi was responding to a media query on reports that China has renamed some places in Arunachal Pradesh in its own language.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on Wednesday that it had standardised in Chinese characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of 15 places in Zangnan, the Chinese name for Arunachal Pradesh, according to state-run Global Times.

China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

This is in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the State Council, China's cabinet, it said in a report.

Among the official names of the 15 places, which were given exact longitude and latitude, eight are residential places, four are mountains, two are rivers and one is a mountain pass, the report said.

This is the second batch of standardised names of places in Arunachal Pradesh given by China.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places was released in 2017.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet.

The eight residential places in the second batch are Sengkezong and Daglungzong in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture, Mani'gang, Duding and Migpain in Medog County of Nyingchi, Goling, Damba in Zayu County of Nyingchi, and Mejag in Lhunze County of Shannan Prefecture, the Global Times report said.

The four mountains are Wamo Ri, Dêu Ri, Lhünzhub Ri and Kunmingxingzê Feng, it said.

The two rivers are Xenyogmo He and Dulain He, and the mountain pass is named Se La, in Cona County.

The report quoted Lian Xiangmin, stated to be an expert with the China Tibetology Research Centre in Beijing, claiming that the announcement is part of the national survey on place names that have existed for hundreds of years.

China's renaming of the places in Arunachal Pradesh came in the midst of the lingering eastern Ladakh border standoff that began in May last year.

Following the standoff, India bolstered its overall military preparedness along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Arunachal Pradesh sector as well. Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen Manoj Pande said in October that China has increased the intensity of its military exercises and deployment of troops in its depth areas opposite the LAC in the Arunachal Pradesh sector.

He said that India has correspondingly readied contingency plans to deal with any eventualities.
We should just open an embassy in Taiwan.

If India does it, it will force other major democracies to do so as well. Once the cat is out of the bag, other countries really escape the scrutity.

This would mean an escalation with China but at this point they are taking us for granted & a kick in the nuts will serve them right.

Any discussions after the embassy is opened will be around reciprocation i.e, GTFO of POK for starters.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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We should just open an embassy in Taiwan.

If India does it, it will force other major democracies to do so as well. Once the cat is out of the bag, other countries really escape the scrutity.

This would mean an escalation with China but at this point they are taking us for granted & a kick in the nuts will serve them right.

Any discussions after the embassy is opened will be around reciprocation i.e, GTFO of POK for starters.
Exactly, we should not tolerate any more kind of such type of behaviour from these Bat eaters.

These Chinkis are becoming more and more aggressive day by day to us going by their recent behaviour towards us.

And to be honest, these bastards are hell-bent on taking over Arunachal Pradesh.

These Chinese are always behind occupying others Territory, I don't understand what is the Obsession with always wanting others land.

Let's just open an Embassy in Taiwan as soon as we can and than countries like America, Japan and all other Anti Chinese countries will Follow.


India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Exactly, we should not tolerate any more kind of such type of behaviour from these Bat eaters.

These Chinkis are becoming more and more aggressive day by day to us going by their recent behaviour towards us.

And to be honest, bastards are hell-bent on taking over Arunachal Pradesh.

These Chinese are always behind occupying others Territory, I don't understand what is the Obsession with always wanting others land.

Let's just open an Embassy in Taiwan as soon as we can and than countries like America, Japan and all other Anti Chinese countries will Follow.

U can't expect these type of things from our leaders even if entire world opens we will be waiting prc to open in Taiwan (if not conquered)
Chinese are not Indians if we did they will shift all their focus on us and do such damages which u can never think of
Obviously they will get wonderful exchange from us but in long run they will have the capacity to do anything in just few hours which will be dangerous


New Member
Sep 17, 2021
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Hey you all! Have a look at this:
India rejects China renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh; says 'invented' names do not alter status

India on Thursday strongly rejected China renaming some places in Arunachal Pradesh and asserted that the state has "always been" and will "always be" an integral part of India and that assigning "invented" names does not alter this fact.

India's reaction came in response to Beijing announcing Chinese names for 15 more places in Arunachal Pradesh which the neighbouring country claims as South Tibet.

"We have seen such. This is not the first time China has attempted such a renaming of places in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. China had also sought to assign such names in April 2017," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said.

"Arunachal Pradesh has always been, and will always be an integral part of India. Assigning invented names to places in Arunachal Pradesh does not alter this fact," he said.

Bagchi was responding to a media query on reports that China has renamed some places in Arunachal Pradesh in its own language.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on Wednesday that it had standardised in Chinese characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of 15 places in Zangnan, the Chinese name for Arunachal Pradesh, according to state-run Global Times.

China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

This is in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the State Council, China's cabinet, it said in a report.

Among the official names of the 15 places, which were given exact longitude and latitude, eight are residential places, four are mountains, two are rivers and one is a mountain pass, the report said.

This is the second batch of standardised names of places in Arunachal Pradesh given by China.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places was released in 2017.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet.

The eight residential places in the second batch are Sengkezong and Daglungzong in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture, Mani'gang, Duding and Migpain in Medog County of Nyingchi, Goling, Damba in Zayu County of Nyingchi, and Mejag in Lhunze County of Shannan Prefecture, the Global Times report said.

The four mountains are Wamo Ri, Dêu Ri, Lhünzhub Ri and Kunmingxingzê Feng, it said.

The two rivers are Xenyogmo He and Dulain He, and the mountain pass is named Se La, in Cona County.

The report quoted Lian Xiangmin, stated to be an expert with the China Tibetology Research Centre in Beijing, claiming that the announcement is part of the national survey on place names that have existed for hundreds of years.

China's renaming of the places in Arunachal Pradesh came in the midst of the lingering eastern Ladakh border standoff that began in May last year.

Following the standoff, India bolstered its overall military preparedness along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Arunachal Pradesh sector as well. Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen Manoj Pande said in October that China has increased the intensity of its military exercises and deployment of troops in its depth areas opposite the LAC in the Arunachal Pradesh sector.

He said that India has correspondingly readied contingency plans to deal with any eventualities.
Meh, no big deal. Just ask Yogi ji to rename a few Chinese cities like Beijing to Bharatpur, Shanghai to Shankargarh n so on. :rofl:


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Hey you all! Have a look at this:
India rejects China renaming places in Arunachal Pradesh; says 'invented' names do not alter status

India on Thursday strongly rejected China renaming some places in Arunachal Pradesh and asserted that the state has "always been" and will "always be" an integral part of India and that assigning "invented" names does not alter this fact.

India's reaction came in response to Beijing announcing Chinese names for 15 more places in Arunachal Pradesh which the neighbouring country claims as South Tibet.

"We have seen such. This is not the first time China has attempted such a renaming of places in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. China had also sought to assign such names in April 2017," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said.

"Arunachal Pradesh has always been, and will always be an integral part of India. Assigning invented names to places in Arunachal Pradesh does not alter this fact," he said.

Bagchi was responding to a media query on reports that China has renamed some places in Arunachal Pradesh in its own language.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on Wednesday that it had standardised in Chinese characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of 15 places in Zangnan, the Chinese name for Arunachal Pradesh, according to state-run Global Times.

China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

This is in accordance with regulations on geographical names issued by the State Council, China's cabinet, it said in a report.

Among the official names of the 15 places, which were given exact longitude and latitude, eight are residential places, four are mountains, two are rivers and one is a mountain pass, the report said.

This is the second batch of standardised names of places in Arunachal Pradesh given by China.

The first batch of the standardised names of six places was released in 2017.

China claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet.

The eight residential places in the second batch are Sengkezong and Daglungzong in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture, Mani'gang, Duding and Migpain in Medog County of Nyingchi, Goling, Damba in Zayu County of Nyingchi, and Mejag in Lhunze County of Shannan Prefecture, the Global Times report said.

The four mountains are Wamo Ri, Dêu Ri, Lhünzhub Ri and Kunmingxingzê Feng, it said.

The two rivers are Xenyogmo He and Dulain He, and the mountain pass is named Se La, in Cona County.

The report quoted Lian Xiangmin, stated to be an expert with the China Tibetology Research Centre in Beijing, claiming that the announcement is part of the national survey on place names that have existed for hundreds of years.

China's renaming of the places in Arunachal Pradesh came in the midst of the lingering eastern Ladakh border standoff that began in May last year.

Following the standoff, India bolstered its overall military preparedness along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Arunachal Pradesh sector as well. Eastern Army Commander Lt Gen Manoj Pande said in October that China has increased the intensity of its military exercises and deployment of troops in its depth areas opposite the LAC in the Arunachal Pradesh sector.

He said that India has correspondingly readied contingency plans to deal with any eventualities.
:hmm: Chinese have been calling arunachal pradesh 'south tibet' for decades.

even the old Tibetan gov used to claim AP as part of Tibet

problem here isnt the naming but Chinese intentions. they maybe signalling that not only are they not interested in resolving stand off (withdrawing from depsang) but maybe looking to do another 'galwan' in AP.

if they do push forward in AP , we maybe looking at another Galwan style incident


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Manu pubby's status report at LAC.
Second winter of chill at LAC amid Chinese push, delayed disengagement

Read more at:
Some excerpts from the article:

1) There has been a sharp increase in Chinese military activity in the eastern sector as well - from the Chumbi Valley near the Chicken Neck to Kibithu which is the eastern most part of the nation. This has kept the armed forces on a razor's edge, with regular intelligence reports being received on increased Chinese activities across the border.

2) The PLA is maintaining a strong presence across Arunachal Pradesh, refusing to pull back its reserve troops that were brought forward early in the year.

3) The increase in Chinese activity has been supplemented by fresh recruitment of locals by the PLA, including in the strategic Chumbi Valley from where the Siliguri Corridor connecting the northeastern states can be threatened.
Sep 5, 2020
Country flag
:hmm: Chinese have been calling arunachal pradesh 'south tibet' for decades.

even the old Tibetan gov used to claim AP as part of Tibet

problem here isnt the naming but Chinese intentions. they maybe signalling that not only are they not interested in resolving stand off (withdrawing from depsang) but maybe looking to do another 'galwan' in AP.

if they do push forward in AP , we maybe looking at another Galwan style incident
They will surely test. They truly believe they are a world power now and have tremendous technology and financial strengths. They believe that the glory days of America are over and they have achieved a level of parity with the west in technology and global clout. They are becoming dismissive now of other nation’ concerns. The question is what are we doing about it. For instance, for the Chinese to complete a HSR in Laos [before we could complete a HSR in our main artery] is very significant - no 2 ways about it - it does demonstrate that India cannot be this behind China without risking its national security. i hope PM Modi and the BJP does not miscalculate here by not paying serious attention to those reforms. Giving in to the so-called farmers’ demand was a big setback. You just cannot let people bring down economic prospects like this. These farmers probably have no idea how much it costs to compete against China. If they knew it, then they are morons to have protested against these bills. This is why we need to build in constitutional safeguards to prevent uninformed and moronic people from derailing India’s growth story.


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Some excerpts from the article:

1) There has been a sharp increase in Chinese military activity in the eastern sector as well - from the Chumbi Valley near the Chicken Neck to Kibithu which is the eastern most part of the nation. This has kept the armed forces on a razor's edge, with regular intelligence reports being received on increased Chinese activities across the border.

2) The PLA is maintaining a strong presence across Arunachal Pradesh, refusing to pull back its reserve troops that were brought forward early in the year.

3) The increase in Chinese activity has been supplemented by fresh recruitment of locals by the PLA, including in the strategic Chumbi Valley from where the Siliguri Corridor connecting the northeastern states can be threatened.
Do not expect Chinese activity to decrease; it is likely to increase in future. Depending on how its integration of Taiwan goes, it will calibrate its strategy against India. Taiwan is a gone case now.