India-China Border conflict


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Sheesh... The CCP is just relentless, isn't it? :crazy: :pound:
Chinese embassy letter to Indian MPs triggers a strong reaction

A letter written by the Chinese embassy to several Indian lawmakers for attending a reception hosted by the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile triggered sharp political reactions on Friday, with a prominent parliamentarian slamming the mission for commenting on a matter in which it does not have a locus standi.

At least six MPs from various political parties attended the dinner reception in Delhi last week. The Chinese embassy, in a letter to some of the members of the All-Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet, expressed concern over their attendance at the event and asked them to refrain from providing support to Tibetan forces.

Sujeet Kumar, the convenor of the forum, said the Chinese embassy has no locus standi to write to an Indian MP.
There was no immediate reaction from the government on the issue. Generally, India does not approve of any foreign embassy commenting on the country's internal matters.

The Chinese embassy's letter came in the backdrop of strain in ties between the two countries following the eastern Ladakh border row. Kumar, a Biju Janata Dal MP, said he himself has not received the letter but several other members of Parliament have got it.

"I personally treat the letter with the contempt it deserves. It is not the first time the embassy has written to me, it has written to me several times. The embassy does not have any locus standi to write to an Indian parliamentarian. If it had any issue, it could have written to the Ministry of External Affairs. It has violated the protocol," he told PTI.

Underlining that the meeting of the Indian MPs with the Tibetan government-in-exile was not a political engagement, Kumar said it was aimed at promoting cultural and trade ties. "We have not met the Tibetan government-in-exile on behalf of the Ministry of External Affairs or the Indian government. We attended the dinner as members of the All-Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet. Our meeting was aimed at promoting cultural and trade ties between India and Tibet. "The forum is advocating for the preservation of Tibetan art, culture and philosophy. We do not want to engage in political activities but wish to increase people-to-people interaction," he said. Kumar added that as an Indian citizen, he can express his views and so can other MPs. He said the members of the forum do intend to visit Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh and meet the Dalai Lama.

When contacted, Manish Tewari of the Congress, who is also a member of the forum, said, "My attention has been drawn to a report published in some English newspaper. Neither have I received any letter nor will I demean or diminish myself by responding to such imbecile missives. Had (Chinese Foreign Minister) Wang Yi written, perhaps I would have considered responding."
After a failed anti-Chinese uprising in 1959, the 14th Dalai Lama fled Tibet and came to India, where he set up a government-in-exile.

Beijing has in the past accused the Dalai Lama of indulging in 'separatist' activities and trying to split Tibet, and considers him as a divisive figure.
However, the Tibetan spiritual leader has insisted that he is not seeking independence but 'genuine autonomy' for all Tibetans living in the three traditional provinces of Tibet.
Kumar, who was recently appointed as the convenor of the All-Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet, said the forum was almost defunct for several years, but it is being revived now.

"The forum was very active when late George Fernandes was its convenor. Later, I think it got defunct, it was not very active. Now, it is being revived. We have plans to visit Dharamshala and meet his holiness the Dalai Lama. We also want to talk about the cultural genocide in Tibet," he said.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Current leadership has will, strength and capability to deliver a solid punch. It is not 1962 anymore.
Sir you and many big members have much more knowledge than me but my take is we lost the land and it's strategic for them. Yes we have positioned our troops along with them and giving a tit for tat wrt deployment but we have no mood of fighting nor our leaders otherwise golden chances wouldn't have gone vain.
They will slowly reduce deployment and accept the status qou, these things have been done earlier
This is just a show of power to PLA and our citizens nothing much

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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came across this tweet.

while the sentiment is in the right place, there should also be discussions on what are the fundamentals based on which "adventurous response" is not being undertaken by Indian security establishment.

problem statements and expectations are a plenty in the country, it's the solutions that are lacking from the civilian sphere.
Russia, with $1.5T economy, forced US/NATO to negotiating table.

What stops India from standing up to China ?
It's NOT about economy but political will.

China's entire game of "salami slicing" is based on the assumption that India won't risk an escalation to a full blown war.

I was just thinking about the juxtaposition between the situation in Ukraine and the LAC. We are not analogous to Russia in this case, they have mobilised against a weaker country Ukraine in a bid to negotiate with the much more powerful US (NATO). The more apt comparison would be Russia = China and Ukraine = India, with one of the objectives (as per some analysts at least) being pulling India away from a US led alliance apart from getting concessions on the border dispute.
But one big difference is that both sides have be relatively clear about their objectives and situation on the ground. Russians on their part have clearly articulated their position and asks (to the US), that lets the sides sit across the negotiating table and gives an off ramp to deescalate the situation. Also the Ukrainians have been clearly communicating to their citizens and its allies/wider world about the Russian build up and activities (example the map with Russian army disposition released by them a few weeks ago). So there is much more world wide attention on the situation here (vs LAC situation),
On the other hand, if you go by the MEA statements, the Chinese have given no reason for their build up - either they have chosen not to show their hand yet or have not decided what to ask for. Also from our side we have tried to downplay this from the beginning, and after it became un deniable we set up a few media tours to the front line showing how well prepared we are etc. but very little on what the Chinese are doing other than vague statements, mostly without context (which only 0.001% of the public that is doing/following OSINT will be able to even begin to comprehend).



Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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I was just thinking about the juxtaposition between the situation in Ukraine and the LAC. We are not analogous to Russia in this case, they have mobilised against a weaker country Ukraine in a bid to negotiate with the much more powerful US (NATO). The more apt comparison would be Russia = China and Ukraine = India, with one of the objectives (as per some analysts at least) being pulling India away from a US led alliance apart from getting concessions on the border dispute.
But one big difference is that both sides have be relatively clear about their objectives and situation on the ground. Russians on their part have clearly articulated their position and asks (to the US), that lets the sides sit across the negotiating table and gives an off ramp to deescalate the situation. Also the Ukrainians have been clearly communicating to their citizens and its allies/wider world about the Russian build up and activities (example the map with Russian army disposition released by them a few weeks ago). So there is much more world wide attention on the situation here (vs LAC situation),
On the other hand, if you go by the MEA statements, the Chinese have given no reason for their build up - either they have chosen not to show their hand yet or have not decided what to ask for. Also from our side we have tried to downplay this from the beginning, and after it became un deniable we set up a few media tours to the front line showing how well prepared we are etc. but very little on what the Chinese are doing other than vague statements, mostly without context (which only 0.001% of the public that is doing/following OSINT will be able to even begin to comprehend).

View attachment 128804
The reason for the Ladakh invasion is multi-fold for China, as it achieves many aims with one operation.

A growing India can pose a big security risk to China in its world hegemony dreams. This fear of China solidified when we pulled Doklam in 2017. A right-wing nationalistic govt. coupled with a strong military signalled trouble for China.

With Feb 2019 airstrikes, we displayed our intent to escalate even in face of the nuclear threat. Fall of Pakistan means falling of CPEC and Gwadar for China. They were even more alarmed when we abrogated Article 370 to lay official claims on Kashmir, and Amit Shah clearly called out our intention to take back PoK and Aksai Chin. This was the final warning bells for China.

So the next year (2020), they missed no opportunity to pre-empt us and capture and maintain strategic positions, develop infrastructure and fortify Tibet. So in case, down the line 20 years, India becomes a powerful and close ally of the USA, we may not pose any threat to them in either Kashmir or Tibet.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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The reason for the Ladakh invasion is multi-fold for China, as it achieves many aims with one operation.

A growing India can pose a big security risk to China in its world hegemony dreams. This fear of China solidified when we pulled Doklam in 2017. A right-wing nationalistic govt. coupled with a strong military signalled trouble for China.

With Feb 2019 airstrikes, we displayed our intent to escalate even in face of the nuclear threat. Fall of Pakistan means falling of CPEC and Gwadar for China. They were even more alarmed when we abrogated Article 370 to lay official claims on Kashmir, and Amit Shah clearly called out our intention to take back PoK and Aksai Chin. This was the final warning bells for China.

So the next year (2020), they missed no opportunity to pre-empt us and capture and maintain strategic positions, develop infrastructure and fortify Tibet. So in case, down the line 20 years, India becomes a powerful and close ally of the USA, we may not pose any threat to them in either Kashmir or Tibet.
So if you consider this (which is 95% probable) the reason for China invading Ladakh, by common sense we can deduce these things of what we can expect in the future -
  • China will absolutely not disengage or pull back troops, thus maintaining control of important valleys and routes inside Tibet.
  • Small, low-intensity skirmishes cannot be ruled out to take control of important strategic areas China deems critical for the protection of Tibet. We may see more operations like Snow Leopard, from both sides.
  • China will dedicate a large, advanced, and specialized India-centric force to its Western command to protect and tame India. We might become the No. 2 enemy of China after the USA (if we are not already).
  • China will use external & internal elements (Pakistan, NE Insurgency, Leftist media, Communist parties) to keep India busy.


New Member
Jul 4, 2013
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The reason for the Ladakh invasion is multi-fold for China, as it achieves many aims with one operation.

A growing India can pose a big security risk to China in its world hegemony dreams. This fear of China solidified when we pulled Doklam in 2017. A right-wing nationalistic govt. coupled with a strong military signalled trouble for China.

With Feb 2019 airstrikes, we displayed our intent to escalate even in face of the nuclear threat. Fall of Pakistan means falling of CPEC and Gwadar for China. They were even more alarmed when we abrogated Article 370 to lay official claims on Kashmir, and Amit Shah clearly called out our intention to take back PoK and Aksai Chin. This was the final warning bells for China.

So the next year (2020), they missed no opportunity to pre-empt us and capture and maintain strategic positions, develop infrastructure and fortify Tibet. So in case, down the line 20 years, India becomes a powerful and close ally of the USA, we may not pose any threat to them in either Kashmir or Tibet.
I wonder what their escalation matrix would be if say IN starts to block shipping to and from China by a day on security or environmental considerations.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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I wonder what their escalation matrix would be if say IN starts to block shipping to and from China by a day on security or environmental considerations.
We must surprise China like this with both military and diplomatic decisions which they were not expecting, or were least expecting.

We have seen China is bad with surprise situations, both at Galwan and Snow Leopard, and took some time to recover.

If we act and behave predictably, China will always outpace us multiple steps.


New Member
Nov 10, 2020
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We must surprise China like this with both military and diplomatic decisions which they were not expecting, or were least expecting.

We have seen China is bad with surprise situations, both at Galwan and Snow Leopard, and took some time to recover.

If we act and behave predictably, China will always outpace us multiple steps.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Some thing big will happen.
Yup rumours are going around of operation 6174 and 69420 on Twitter like wild fire.

Legions of Nepali mountain divisions with years of training in momo selling shall lay waste to the entirety of Tibet. Everything that the sun rays touch shall be ours.

In the coming months expect Modi to get a bit touchy with the peacocks stroking them while addressing us. That shall be the cue that the war will now commence.

Operation 6174 deals with a pincer attack straight through the Himalayas with tanks para dropped on the other side of these mountains thus catching the Chinese by surprise.

Operation 69420 deals with naval invasion of Jeju Island of sk because why the fuck not and the Koreans look pretty similar to the Chinese so there's that. Overall a masterstroke is coming.

No one knows of it yet not even the guy who is going to deliver but that is what makes it special.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Sir you and many big members have much more knowledge than me but my take is we lost the land and it's strategic for them. Yes we have positioned our troops along with them and giving a tit for tat wrt deployment but we have no mood of fighting nor our leaders otherwise golden chances wouldn't have gone vain.
They will slowly reduce deployment and accept the status qou, these things have been done earlier
This is just a show of power to PLA and our citizens nothing much
Unpleasant to think, but they grabbed very little land by altering the LAC here and there and under Indian military pressure they retreated at two places. Other two, yes they will go back but now as to them, their prestige has come into the picture. Any retreat will be interpreted as defeat, which Chinese do not wish to admit.

Our positioning of troops is to prevent repeat of 1962 invasion, but also to let them know that in the snowy wasteland of Ladakh, they have no business to alter the LAC at will. This policy of india has greatly succeeded. Now Chinese will think many times before, since they are in an inferior position if they fight in Himalayas and also try to invade Taiwan. The year 2021 proved it. Right now, the Taiwan invasion is on hold, invasion of LAC is at dead stop with retreat in mind and their economy has suffered greatly in 2021, making them paper tigers.

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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Unpleasant to think, but they grabbed very little land by altering the LAC here and there and under Indian military pressure they retreated at two places. Other two, yes they will go back but now as to them, their prestige has come into the picture. Any retreat will be interpreted as defeat, which Chinese do not wish to admit.

Our positioning of troops is to prevent repeat of 1962 invasion, but also to let them know that in the snowy wasteland of Ladakh, they have no business to alter the LAC at will. This policy of india has greatly succeeded. Now Chinese will think many times before, since they are in an inferior position if they fight in Himalayas and also try to invade Taiwan. The year 2021 proved it. Right now, the Taiwan invasion is on hold, invasion of LAC is at dead stop with retreat in mind and their economy has suffered greatly in 2021, making them paper tigers.
But sir they are at other two places and that too in tactical positions if they won't fight and we don't have guts to fight then we lost the land right

India Super Power

Tihar Jail
Oct 3, 2020
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So if you consider this (which is 95% probable) the reason for China invading Ladakh, by common sense we can deduce these things of what we can expect in the future -
  • China will absolutely not disengage or pull back troops, thus maintaining control of important valleys and routes inside Tibet.
  • Small, low-intensity skirmishes cannot be ruled out to take control of important strategic areas China deems critical for the protection of Tibet. We may see more operations like Snow Leopard, from both sides.
  • China will dedicate a large, advanced, and specialized India-centric force to its Western command to protect and tame India. We might become the No. 2 enemy of China after the USA (if we are not already).
  • China will use external & internal elements (Pakistan, NE Insurgency, Leftist media, Communist parties) to keep India busy.
Being their no 2 enemy is very dangerous bcoz their bureaucracy is efficient to tackle their threats at any cost
They won't care life, money, infrastructure for their goals they achieve what they want doesn't matter if they lose everything
They interfering in our internal elements is nightmare they hove both money and resources
If they make a policy of destroying us internally do we have guts to do same with them


New Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Idk is this happening to me or with most of the people, but whenever I listen galwan then, a losing Image comes in my mind, despite knowing all the facts and figures.

I have became victim of sm warfare
