Ahh yes, Saurav Jha, the famous out-of-news journalist who invents periodic doomsday news from sitting on his toilet every morning.
30 divisions ?
During last year, we fielded -
Divisions - 19+ (19 confirmed, probably at least 3 more)
Independent Brigades - 10+ which translates to +3 divisions (one division roughly have 3 brigades)
ITBP Battalions - 60 (translates to ~ 9 divisions)
Moreover, some divisions which cater to active borders sport more brigades under them, for example, the Dras-based 8th Mountain Infantry Division which is responsible for the Kargil-Siachen sector, contains 8 brigades, so it is equivalent to 3 divisions in itself.
So we fielded approximately 28+ divisions against China in 2021. Probably more because divisions in active conflict areas hide their insignia to mask the troop movements.
In case of guns actually start roaring, we can bring 21st Corps from the South as required which adds 3 more divisions to the equation, while still not compromising our offensive edge against Pakistan.
Just because we don't put out flashy TikTok dance videos, people underestimate Indian Army.
Shiver your legs or stand up and fight for the motherland. Pakistanis are better than us in the regard.
He is trying to say please give him some attention because he is a failing journalist and he just presented you a fear-mongering news.
Not really. Yes, we are not comfortable with our infrastructure and technological gap, but we are fast fixing that.