India-China Border conflict


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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connectivity between silliguri and delhi is poor on the other hand chinese have made expressways and high/semi high speed railways to connect lhasa with beijing
The strategic folly of engaging in a “forward policy" of creating military posts without ensuring robust connectivity with New delhi
Connectivity is poor? How so exactly? It has two National Highways, double-lane broad-gauge electrified railway connectivity?

China making a high-speed railway is great, but India is not there yet with high-speed trains yet. But having high-speed trains doesn't compromise our capability.

Even if you don't consider connectivity, North-East is self-sufficient on its own and is in no way dependent on Western India for supplies.


Listen, Chicken's neck is protected by 2 Corps-strength of troops even in peacetime. The whole J&K (excluding Ladakh) is under 2 Corps-strength of troops while being having 4x the area, which means 4x times more troops concentration in Chicken's neck.

Chicken's neck is fortified like hell. But say, how exactly will China threaten it? They cannot roll tanks there and occupy it, they cannot airdrop troops there (it will be a one-sided slaughter). What they can do is, use some stand-off capability like missiles to attack it.
Chicken's neck is fortified by layered air defense and lets say the missiles do strike and do some damage, it will be too superficial and will be repaired in no time. Even with 1-2 weeks of no connectivity (let's say some major bridge is damaged), nothing will happen because NE is self-sufficient and not dependent on west for supplies.

The Shrike

New Member
Jun 12, 2021
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Are we also doing this ?

Last time there was this news regarding training army in negotiating techniques.
Why can't we use army for just busting them and use diplomats in army uniforms to negotiate with them?
In the other pics you can see Tata Safari on our side, using civilian vehicles does not mean there is some conspiracy.


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Feb 17, 2019
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Contrary to popular belief in PLA inferiority to IA in the forum, I think the rate at which PLA has modernised and is continuing to do so is phenomenal. They have kept India in mind for a long time, the forming of their western theatre command and the complete change of their structure from equipments to tactics is self evident. Their infra projects have given a distinctive advantage to them. Their innovative technique of arty shoot and then hunker down in hardened structure protects them from counter battery fire is commendable.
So here it is, they have better tech, structure and can mobilise more troops than us. How are we supposed to counter that?
Just analyse their mech forces structure. Arty numbers at brigade level is just crazy, they already got spike NLOS like systems and rocket arty at brigade levels. Not only that they can attach heavier arty from army levels. The different type of vehicles they have at brigade levels is great. Compare that to IA mech structure.
They have greatly motorized their infantry too and have proper air assault brigades.
Comparing just gives me anxiety and looks like we are just coping.
Anyone has comprehensive data like above videos??


New Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Contrary to popular belief in PLA inferiority to IA in the forum, I think the rate at which PLA has modernised and is continuing to do so is phenomenal. They have kept India in mind for a long time, the forming of their western theatre command and the complete change of their structure from equipments to tactics is self evident. Their infra projects have given a distinctive advantage to them. Their innovative technique of arty shoot and then hunker down in hardened structure protects them from counter battery fire is commendable.
So here it is, they have better tech, structure and can mobilise more troops than us. How are we supposed to counter that?
Just analyse their mech forces structure. Arty numbers at brigade level is just crazy, they already got spike NLOS like systems and rocket arty at brigade levels. Not only that they can attach heavier arty from army levels. The different type of vehicles they have at brigade levels is great. Compare that to IA mech structure.
They have greatly motorized their infantry too and have proper air assault brigades.
Comparing just gives me anxiety and looks like we are just coping.
Anyone has comprehensive data like above videos??

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Contrary to popular belief in PLA inferiority to IA in the forum, I think the rate at which PLA has modernised and is continuing to do so is phenomenal. They have kept India in mind for a long time, the forming of their western theatre command and the complete change of their structure from equipments to tactics is self evident. Their infra projects have given a distinctive advantage to them. Their innovative technique of arty shoot and then hunker down in hardened structure protects them from counter battery fire is commendable.
So here it is, they have better tech, structure and can mobilise more troops than us. How are we supposed to counter that?
Just analyse their mech forces structure. Arty numbers at brigade level is just crazy, they already got spike NLOS like systems and rocket arty at brigade levels. Not only that they can attach heavier arty from army levels. The different type of vehicles they have at brigade levels is great. Compare that to IA mech structure.
They have greatly motorized their infantry too and have proper air assault brigades.
Comparing just gives me anxiety and looks like we are just coping.
Anyone has comprehensive data like above videos??
An army made on imports cannot fight them .
We are inferior on tech and inferior on numbers hence it's better we don't fight
We will lose

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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We will lose and lose badly , it's very difficult and humiliating to come at the table after one loses the war , which we will
I don't believe that IA is made of super humans .
If that were the case , mongols would have taken over china again lol .
It's a very pakjabi thinking to be honest , that to cope we are saying
Average pla conscript is less capable than a IA jawan

It's not pakistan , the way they produce military equipment

is just phenomenal.
Aap goli tab chalaoge jab ab dushman ko dekhoge
Plus what makes you think , pakis won't attack , they are chinas dogs anyway , Indian armed forces give piece meal order of every thing , 200 j 10 vs 36 rafale , I bet my money on j10


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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An army made on imports cannot fight them .
We are inferior on tech and inferior on numbers hence it's better we don't fight
We will lose
We will lose and lose badly , it's very difficult and humiliating to come at the table after one loses the war , which we will
I don't believe that IA is made of super humans .
If that were the case , mongols would have taken over china again lol .
It's a very pakjabi thinking to be honest , that to cope we are saying
Average pla conscript is less capable than IA

It's not pakistan , the way they produce military equipment

is just phenomenal.
Aap goli tab chalaoge jab ab dushman ko dekhogw
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New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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An army made on imports cannot fight them .
We are inferior on tech and inferior on numbers hence it's better we don't fight
We will lose
Eh, Id say it depend in combat duration. Extremely short and extremely long wars we will lose.(Not counting foriegn intervention.)

Medium length war is advantageous to us, we have geographical advantage (population close to border) meaning we can shuffle men and material over faster.


New Member
Feb 17, 2019
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China worked silently on improving themselves until they were able enough to stand up to US....
Our case is very much similiar. Only rapid economic growth with rapid military reforms and indigenious purchasing in next 20-25 yrs is going to be vital. I think we won't be good enough until 2040.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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China worked silently on improving themselves until they were able enough to stand up to US....
Our case is very much similiar. Only rapid economic growth with rapid military reforms and indigenious purchasing in next 20-25 yrs is going to be vital. I think we won't be good enough until 2040.
Avoid wars till 2040


New Member
Feb 17, 2019
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Eh, Id say it depend in combat duration. Extremely short and extremely long wars we will lose.(Not counting foriegn intervention.)

Medium length war is advantageous to us, we have geographical advantage (population close to border) meaning we can shuffle men and material over faster.
Why exactly do we think china will not opt for long term war when they have enough resources and certainly they won't take defeat for an answer. They'd rather get hurt badly and win than surrender which is typical of such controlling governments. For us, long war is a problem.


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Eh, Id say it depend in combat duration. Extremely short and extremely long wars we will lose.(Not counting foriegn intervention.)

Medium length war is advantageous to us, we have geographical advantage (population close to border) meaning we can shuffle men and material over faster.
IMO in a two front war, we can still win. We retreat slowly on chinese front and expand rapidly on pakistani front- Can defeat pakistan then wheel to face china. Still risky(As is obvious in any 2 front scenario) but decent odds.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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IMO in a two front war, we can still win. We retreat slowly on chinese front and expand rapidly on pakistani front- Can defeat pakistan then wheel to face china. Still risky(As is obvious in any 2 front scenario) but decent odds.
Gain punjab and sindh , lose NE


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Why exactly do we think china will not opt for long term war when they have enough resources and certainly they won't take defeat for an answer. They'd rather get hurt badly and win than surrender which is typical of such controlling governments. For us, long war is a problem.
Because it opens up the chance for other powers to enter. US may want to destabilise china by supplying material to us incase war extends more than 2-3 weeks. US wont send men, but sending material is almost assured at this point.