Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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The Russian Foreign Ministry's response to yet another US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken boorish saying:

"Today US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken joked about the tragic events in Kazakhstan in his typical boorish manner. The absolutely legitimate response of the CSTO to the call of the leadership of Kazakhstan to provide assistance in ensuring security (of which, by the way, the UN Security Council had already been notified), the head of the American Foreign Ministry accompanied the following snide remark: “One lesson from past history: when Russians are in your house, they happen difficult to make to leave. "

If Anthony Blinken is so fond of history lessons, then let him mean the following:

When Americans are in your house, it can be difficult to stay alive, not to be robbed or raped.

Only this is not what the recent past teaches us, but all 300 years of American statehood. Indians of the North American continent, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Panamans, Yugoslavs, Libyans, Syrians and many other unfortunate people who are not lucky enough to see these uninvited guests at their "home" will tell a lot about this."


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Not just Iran or Libya, take any example you want, there's hundreds to pick from.

The Taliban beat girls for their footwear choices, the Americans ban medicine exports to places like Iran and Venezuela and kill millions. Those girls can avoid being lashed by following the dress code, but what do Iranian and Venezuelan cancer patients do to get the medicine they need?

The Taliban are only a problem now but when these guys were the Mujahedeen and lashing little girls for wearing sandals, they were somehow "freedom fighters like the Founding Fathers" and buddy-buddy with Murica.

Now they are exalting news stories of Afghan women crying and asking for help to escape Afghanistan. They probably said the same thing when the Soviets left in 1989 thanks to enormous funding from the US and Saudi Arabia, but nobody in the West cared. Then it was all just gloating about how a group of goat fuckers defeated a super power.

Well now these savages have beaten all of NATO combined but NOW tears are being shed for the Afghan women...interesting.

That's what USA and its bootlickers are incapable of understanding. It's that no one in the world buys their bullshit "we are the saviors and paragon of democracy" and fighting evil dictatorships copium anymore. Everyone has understood that people like the Taliban extremists aka Mujaheddin were the creation of their Government's foreign policy in their fight or rather obsession against the rise of Communism in Russia in particular.

The crap that we see there now is a direct result of Murican Government's "interventionist policies". They are now reaping what they have sown.

Mind you - it was their Government - being at the forefront of the crusade against the Communists - once took no issue in supporting two Communist countries (China and Pol Pot's Cambodia) against Vietnam that literally kicked their ass a couple of years prior. A humiliation that the warmongering elite in Muttmerica will never forgive - never mind forget.

History has revealed the atrocities committed by the Pol Pot's Communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, where 33% of males and 15% of the women in the country was slaughtered. The US Government knew very well what was going on but they turned a blind eye just to get a bite at Vietnam yet another miserable fail.

Never mind the fact that the USA funds and arms 3/4 of the dictatorships in the world to this day.

So spare us these laughable "overthrowing evil dictatorships" and bringing democracy nonsense. No one is going to fall for your crap again.
Need mention the 1971 US open support for Pakistan, which was committing some of the most horrendous war crimes. The US Presidents were very close the Military Dictators of Pakistan; both Ayub and Yahya Khan.


Jun 14, 2012
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Only ground forces failed to break through the Ukrainian defenses. Only one Ukrainian "Shturm-S" thwarted the offensive of a Russian tank company and subunits attached to it. He knocked out three tanks (one destroyed and 2 damaged) and several infantry fighting vehicles.

Russian helicopters have been used twice. One pair of Mi-24 and Mi-35.

By the way, after Debaltseve, Putin realized that without the open use of aviation, advancement is impossible, so there is no further seizure of territory.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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Only ground forces failed to break through the Ukrainian defenses. Only one Ukrainian "Shturm-S" thwarted the offensive of a Russian tank company and subunits attached to it. He knocked out three tanks (one destroyed and 2 damaged) and several infantry fighting vehicles.

Russian helicopters have been used twice. One pair of Mi-24 and Mi-35.

By the way, after Debaltseve, Putin realized that without the open use of aviation, advancement is impossible, so there is no further seizure of territory.
So again no evidences, just bla bla bla of someone?
yes, of course, after another victory Putin thought that "advancement is impossible, so there is no further seizure of territory."


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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Some History:
The article in The Maitland Daily Mercury, May 17, 1919

(By F. SEFTON DELMER, a Special Cor-
respondent of London "Daily Mail,"
who recently returned from Germany).
In Berlin I fell into the habit of receiv-
ing German generals as if it were the most
natural thing in the world. On these oc-
casions I sometimes thought of that picture
of the British tar who, after one of Nelson's
victories, stands stolidly tucking away un-
der his arm, one after another, a whole gal-
axy of swords belonging to the enemy's
surrendering captains and admirals.
But my sense of irony and humour was
touched to the quick a few days ago, at the
beginning of the recent troubles, when no
less a person than General Hoffmann, the
conqueror of Lenin and Trotsky at Brest-
Litovsk and the wanton nourisher of Bol-
shevism in Russia, came to my room in the
Hansa Sanatorium, where I was just re-
covering from an attack of influenza, to
complain that England alone could save
Germany from a similar danger of Bol-
As if to emphasise his complaint, the
machine guns began tick-tacking through
the twilight over towards Alexanderplatz.
A sinister comment.
He stood there, a tall, square-shouldered,
six-foot man, clean-shaven, with close-
cropped grey hair, and a certain naval air
as if he were a Brummagem German edi-
tion of Lord Beresford. Curious, too, his
bull-dog way of showing his teeth, in a sud-
den smile just when he was saying his most
sinister things.
We spoke about Russia, which is Hoff-
mann's speciality. "Russia," he said, "can-
not possibly remain split up into several
States. It must sooner or later come toge-
ther again as a political unity. The Uk-
raine and its secessionists are a mere pass-
ing phase. In fact, the Ukraine was my
suggestion, and my creation"—here he
showed his teeth—"and not a spontaneous
wish of its inhabitants at all, although the
Ukrainians may choose to think so.
"I created the Ukraine, to put it bluntly,
merely in order to have a part of Russia
to make peace with. For at that special
moment I had to make peace with somebody
in order that Czernin, the Austrian Minis-
ter, might return home with something in
hand to show to his down-hearted people
and check them in the dry rot that had set
in among them. Austria was in a state of
absolute desperation, especially about food.
So, the Ukraine and the Treaty of Ukraine
had willy-nilly to be manufactured in order
to put some Dutch courage into the quaking
"It goes without saying," Hoffmann
continued, "that the creation of a separate
Southern Russia with political independ-
ence is a rank absurdity—an absolutely
artificial and temporary thing; and this
for the simple reason that you cannot have
a country with its industries in one place
and its coal districts a thousand miles away
in another. The centre of whatever in-
dustries Russia possesses is Moscow, and
these industries are dependent upon the
coal of the River Don basin. It is a truly
Russian piece of unpracticality not to
bring the industries to the coal, instead of
trying to take the coal to the industries, as
we Germans shall no doubt do if we ever
got the economic management of Russian
"That is the main point for Europe to
think of at present. Russia is down. Her
leaders and her intellectual classes have
been murdered and annihilated. Now is
the chance for non-Russian Europe to step
in and seize control of the whole of the Rus-
sian resources. Germany would willingly
do the work and share the profits with the
Entente if it would help in the plan.
"Now is the chance which may never
occur again. Germany is full of young
men, excellently trained in technical know-
ledge and skill in engineering, chem-
istry, and all the rest of the arts and
crafts of a modern nation"—he did not
mention poison gas—"and Russia would be
a wonderful field for their activities, and
a safety valve to prevent their explosion
elsewhere in Europe. In the meantime
Germany is threatened with the overwhelm-
ing dangers of Bolshevism."
Outside the machine guns still kept rat-
tling their ironic comment.
I told Hoffmann that he himself was
credited abroad with havlng lit the confla-
gration which now threatened to involve
Germany in its flames.
"This is a mistake," he said. "The
spreading of Leninism in Russia was done
not at [a]my instigation but by the orders of
Ludendorff and his Staff. Ludendorff's ob-
Fix this textject, of course, was to paralise Russia as a
military Power and release the German
armies from the east for the west front. I
merely carried out these orders, regarding
myself as bound to obey as a military man,
even when the orders did not appeal to me
as wise in their tendency."


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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The Russian Foreign Ministry's response to yet another US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken boorish saying:

"Today US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken joked about the tragic events in Kazakhstan in his typical boorish manner. The absolutely legitimate response of the CSTO to the call of the leadership of Kazakhstan to provide assistance in ensuring security (of which, by the way, the UN Security Council had already been notified), the head of the American Foreign Ministry accompanied the following snide remark: “One lesson from past history: when Russians are in your house, they happen difficult to make to leave. "

If Anthony Blinken is so fond of history lessons, then let him mean the following:

When Americans are in your house, it can be difficult to stay alive, not to be robbed or raped.

Only this is not what the recent past teaches us, but all 300 years of American statehood. Indians of the North American continent, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Panamans, Yugoslavs, Libyans, Syrians and many other unfortunate people who are not lucky enough to see these uninvited guests at their "home" will tell a lot about this."
They want to create one more Afghanistan next door to Russia using the already created one(presence of Islamist elements). Don't let them succeed in Kazakhstan, only Russia can keep the region stable and peaceful from these propped up anarchists


Jun 14, 2012
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When the big war starts, which side will India be on? Considering that Russia will not start a major war without China's support.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Hopefully nuetral. Shouldn’t shed our soldiers blood for the sake of Western Imperialists and Eastern Oligarchs.


Jun 14, 2012
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Hopefully nuetral. Shouldn’t shed our soldiers blood for the sake of Western Imperialists and Eastern Oligarchs.
A big war will affect the whole world. You can't stay neutral.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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A big war will affect the whole world. You can't stay neutral.
Indian mea will not do more than some press release that's it, we really can't do anything as we are already tied up at both our borders max to max India will just wait and watch.

And if it is really a big war then India will have to deal with China and Pakistan.


Jun 14, 2012
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Indian mea will not do more than some press release that's it, we really can't do anything as we are already tied up at both our borders max to max India will just wait and watch.

And if it is really a big war then India will have to deal with China and Pakistan.
That's why I said it.
If Russia tries to start a full-scale war in Europe, China may try to invade Taiwan. The United States will support Taiwan and launch a system of military blocs. But I repeat: If Moscow has reached an agreement with Beijing. The Kremlin will not decide on its own.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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They want to create one more Afghanistan next door to Russia using the already created one(presence of Islamist elements). Don't let them succeed in Kazakhstan, only Russia can keep the region stable and peaceful from these propped up anarchists
Now the situation in Kazakhstan is not as tense as it was a week ago. And I hope it will be calm there soon.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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When the big war starts, which side will India be on? Considering that Russia will not start a major war without China's support.
India has no bandwidth whatsoever to go around the world supporting sides in war. We have one belligerent Middle Kingdom and one terrorist state with nuclear bombs on our borders- not to mention the complex religio-economic dynamics of the region.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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A big war will affect the whole world. You can't stay neutral.
just look at a map. India has it hands full. Iran and Pakistan on one side. Banglandesh and Myanmar on the other. China to the North. Question for them is who will the Thais and Indonesians side with


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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just look at a map. India has it hands full. Iran and Pakistan on one side. Banglandesh and Myanmar on the other. China to the North. Question for them is who will the Thais and Indonesians side with
:facepalm: :facepalm: :tongue2:
Iranians are not everyones' enemies, certainly not India's. We have pretty cordial relations with Iran, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. It's the US-funded(thru Saudis and other ME countries) Pak terror groups and China that's a headache for India. Thais and Indonesians are too far away


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2021
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You can't forget Afganistan they have got unlimited Jihadis.
omg sorry. yeah Afghans, although might they not want to get rid of the Pakman first?

Iranians are not everyones' enemies, certainly not India's. We have pretty cordial relations with Iran, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. It's the US-funded(thru Saudis and other ME countries) Pak terror groups and China that's a headache for India. Thais and Indonesians are too far away
I would agree with you but I read a rumor that Russia and Iran are signing a security cooperation agreement. Big weapons deal is the rumor.
If the rumor is true then it is that tik tak toe effect to get them all against you. Like happened in WW1 and 2.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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I would agree with you but I read a rumor that Russia and Iran are signing a security cooperation agreement. Big weapons deal is the rumor.
If the rumor is true then it is that tik tak toe effect to get them all against you. Like happened in WW1 and 2
And now you understand why India doesn't behave like a full-blown military ally of the US- its geography is as such- US has made too many enemies in the region. Anyway, Iran's tik-tak-toe can come to India, but if the big weapons rumor are true then the tik goes to Israel and Tack will go to the US.
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