Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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The medal is a jar of vaseline.

Signature: Order name Lyashko 3 degrees.
This is a hint that Lyashko pidoras.
Pidoras differs from Gay. Gay is a sexual orientation, and pidoras enters into an intimate relationship with a man because of selfish motives. When Lyashko was young he had oral sex with the functionary, for the sake of career.
Jar of vaseline its use in sex I think you know. This lubricant.
well then sorry
but i don't know about those vaseline as i am unmarried .


Jun 14, 2012
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well then sorry
but i don't know about those vaseline as i am unmarried .

Very good. This is a normal human position. I am also married, but you know. Not necessarily to have a home machine gun to get to know the device.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Interesting German newsreel from 1941. When comparing it to current narrative, it is clear that not much have changed. We humans are flawed.

"Sinuhe, my friend, we have been born into strange times. Everything is melting – changing its shape – like clay on a potter's wheel. Dress is changing, words, customs are changing, and people no longer believe in the gods – though they may fear them. Sinuhe, my friend, perhaps we were born to see the sunset of the world, for the world is already old, and twelve hundred years have passed since the building of the pyramids. When I think of this, I want to bury my head in my hands and cry like a child."
"• Mika Waltari, The Egyptian



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Graham Phillips is in the thick of things in Donetsk. Ukrainian shell fell right at the office of the International Red Cross, one person was killed, the number of injuries were reported. victim was an employee of the IWC and a Swiss citizen (born in 1976 Lauren Enten) .



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@bhramos, thank you for posting.

The western media is conveniently ignoring these Nazis thugs. As quite a few of us had stated before, the west will even go to bed with these Nazis as long as they are against Russia. We still have few people continuing to cry about the mythical "Russian threat."
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Тихвинская икона

the icon of ' st Mary of Tihvin" goes to Donietsk
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Fight for terminal airport in Donetsk

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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Ukro-Nazis, Baltic, Polish, US, Danish mercenaries, regular armed forces personnel, and regular conscripts alike.
If regular army is fighting and still not able to suppress/clear out novorussia militias (even with russian veterans) itself is a BIG statement on its own. So quality of ukrainian units which would be more or less on par with russian units during soviet times has come down a lot.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
while Russian Oligarhs are wondering about their billions..:tsk:

Incredible! The Odessa Thug We Tagged Appeared At a Press Conference in Odessa Yesterday nference

A leading blog which covers the Ukraine crisis followed-up on our stories from Tuesday and Wednesday about the man who was captured on video brutally clubbing prostrate people after they had fallen semi-conscious from a burning building during the Odessa massacre.

The blog is called Vineyard of the Saker, and its author occassionally contributes articles to our site.

Apparently, this man, Vsevolod Goncharevskii (Seva - Russian nickname for Vsevolod), leads an active public life in Odessa, where he continues to be a leading activist in pro-Kiev, far right wing political circles, which is why he participated in the press conference yesterday.

We also discovered that, although we only recently came across it, the video identifying him has been floating around the Russian internet since mid-August.

Read the Saker's post on his blog for more details about Goncharevskii's activities these days.

Goncharevskii at a Right Sector political meeting Sept 8 in Odessa

Here's a video from yesterday's press conference.

Here's a video of him explaining that he is innocent of charges that he helped organize or participated in the massacre, posted on youtube Sept 9th.

Here are photos of him at a "Right Sector" (a hard-core right wing Ukrainian political group) demonstration on Sept 8th in Odessa.

Here is an article from Sept. 23rd, quoting him as a volunteer helping to dig defensive trenches around Odessa.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Organ Harvesting in Ukraine: Troubling Revelations
Russian news: Organ Harvesting in Ukraine: Troubling Revelations - Russia Insider

We know, we know, when one sees a headline like this, it immediately falls in to the "too gross to be true" category. Your heart doesn't want to believe it.

Then you start thinking, this must be some kind of smear propaganda op.

But when we examined this submission from one of our contributors, we had to admit that the facts and arguments are worthy of serious consideration. It comes from Mark Chapman, who writes a well-respected blog on Russia issues. We can't give it the imprimature of fact the way a large news organization could, because we are just a group of volunteers, doing this in our free time.

Hey mainstream media, look at this as a friendly tip. You actually have paid professionals on your staff. Why not put an investigative journalist on this and get to the bottom of it?


It's a story that won't die.

Bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers found with their stomachs cut open and organs missing. Ukraine's heroes, lauded in nearly every conversation in Kiev and western Ukraine – "Slava Ukraina, Geroyim Slava" – plundered of their hearts and kidneys and livers, for transplant into the living who can afford to pay.

Profits to be reaped from such trade, in the order of 10 times the investment even when the broker has to pay a poor donor who will sell a kidney to lift himself out of poverty.

From a generous crop of the newly-dead who cannot speak for themselves - lucrative indeed.

Mass graves are said to have been found in the Donetsk region, apparently of civilians with their hands bound behind them, shot in the head, the bodies showing evidence of torture before the coup de grace was administered. Some of them have been decapitated. Some of these, too, are said to be cut open and missing organs.

You will have to dig deep, though, to find any information on that, or at least that is my prediction. Because the U.S. State Department, in a move which would be outrageous if it were not so predictable, has turned the investigation of these allegations over to the very authority which was in all likelihood behind it – the Ukrainian government.

Allegations of the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers being used to service the contraband organ trade have surfaced earlier in this conflict. StopFake, a site which moves quickly to discredit stories which might reflect badly on the Ukrainian government – and sometimes plants false stories or strawmen so as to roundly demolish them and enhance its own credibility - was on this one quickly.

However, its hypothesis that the story is a ridiculous fabrication because organs must be removed as soon as possible after death, refrigerated in special containers and expressed out of the battle zone is challenged by New Eastern Outlook's Tony Cartalucci.

Tony, who runs a popular blog called "Land Destroyer", and whose analysis has regularly been very reliable despite its chilly reception by western governments, describes testimony by employees of international airports such as Boryspil, which recount sightings of many small chartered aircraft loaded with special refrigerators used for transporting human organs. Additionally, specially-equipped vehicles and modern ambulances have been observed in close proximity to Ukrainian army hospitals. Although ambulances near a hospital is hardly a shocker, it has been widely reported that Kiev cannot even provide its soldiers with proper uniforms or adequate food, so the no-expense-spared trimmings around the hospitals looks somewhat suspicious.

Especially given Ukraine's sordid history in the organ-trafficking trade. In 2010, four surgeons and four unnamed others were arrested by the Ukrainian interior ministry (article from the Guardian) for trafficking in human organs, most of them kidneys taken from impoverished young women. These desperate women were paid about $10,000.00 for a healthy kidney, which was then transplanted into a recipient in an operation which cost the recipient $200,000.00. Nice work if you can get it. This investigation later widened to include 12 people, operating in a ring headed by a Ukrainian-born Israeli man.

Apart from his other sensible reasoning, Cartalucci makes one other excellent point – social-media accounts of illegal organ harvesting are pooh-poohed by western outlets such as the BBC as the product of too much TV and some overheated imaginations. "These would be the same 'social networks' frequently cited by the Western media to substantiate claims made against the targeted governments of Libya and Syria.

Now that Western interests are backing a regime trying to consolidate its power against armed fighters, such stories are 'wild' and unworthy of further investigation", says Cartalucci.
also ..
'House of horrors': Serbians kidnapped for organs - Operated without narcosis !!

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