Civil war in Ukraine

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Mar 21, 2009
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Mar 21, 2009
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1st October 2014, city Odessa, future Odessa republic
Right sector in Odessa began to accustom local residents to public punishment. "Democratic" Ukraine is becoming like Syria and Libya.

Democracy which USA/EU brought to Ukraine have same style as democracy in Libya and Syria. Right sector and others fascists organizations are Ukrainian Al-Qaeda, Wahhabi, ISIS...
This video was recorded by Right sector for own channel in Youtube at 29th September. One of gang of Right sector broke doors to office, where allegedly were drug dealers. Nobody gave to fascists right to act so, but they are power in city. Fascists have support from side of new masters of Ukraine. Right sector thugs broke doors, beat two civilians, tied their hands and led them out. One of fascists victim is woman
Maybe they sell drugs, but this is just pretense for savagery behavior of fascists.
Fascists beaten them inside office and tied them savagery by USA police plastic handcuffs.
In crowd were few fascists provocateurs, including women, who demanded severely punish the victims of the Right sector.
The fascists of the Right sector painted by red paint and tied to a tree the man and woman .
This public punishment and cruel behavior of fascists took place in front of the Odessa families. Somebody prepare citizens of Ukraine to public punishments and executions.
This is reminiscent of what is happening in Libya and Syria from 2011, in the territories occupied by the United States and the EU puppets.
Local people do not understand that punishment of drug dealers is just the beginning of repression and public punishments. Drug dealers nobody don't like, so locals allow such kind of punishment. When the Right sector starts also deal with dissidents, Odessa people realize that they have made in
From time of Euromaidan is known that fascists used drugs,about this were mass of reports. People who survive from 2nd May massacre told about same, fighters of Novorossia reported about drugs in every camp of facists
Criminal regimes the United States, the EU and Israel are responsible for the actions of their puppets fascists in Ukraine.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Meanwhile in Ukraine ex-soldiers of Israel Army created Jewish battalion "Matilan" for fight against Novorossia:



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Mar 21, 2009
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The militiamen of Novorossiya take on feeding a bear Stepan left behind in an animal shelter in Yasinovataya.
When the war broke out, the staff of animal shelter let dogs and squirrels go. Stepan managed to survive all the shellings in spite of the fact that the shells exploded just 10 metres from a bear's enclosure.

The link to a video:


Jun 14, 2012
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Can this medal, as an example. I am not a fan Lyashko. I don't know what is going on in your mind, but all Russian citizens suddenly realized that Ukraine is living only, the Nazis and the Donbass fighting against fascism. My grandfather had the order of the Red Star, he lost a leg at Kursk, For me, the holiday May 9, more important then Day Birthday, but in the eyes of the average Russian man I still fascist.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Ok, maybe a noobish Q here. Who exactly is fighting the novorussian guys primarily?? Only the neo-nazi militia?? What about the regular army of ukraine??
Ukro-Nazis, Baltic, Polish, US, Danish mercenaries, regular armed forces personnel, and regular conscripts alike.


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Mar 10, 2009
This whole issue of "Nazis" is quite interesting. In order to understand it, you should look a little bit to the past. When Germany attacked Soviet Union 1941, it was lest than two decades after the Russian civil war between communists and czarist/ democratics "reds" and "whites". Also it was less than 10 years after famine in Ukraine which killed millions and was the consequence of Stalins politics.

In 1941 there was a lot of people in Ukraine who saw Germans as liberators, and wanted to fight russians with Germans, a lot of Ukrainians and Baltic countries men joined Waffen SS because they were nationalists wanting to liberate their countires from Communism/Russians. They were not supporters of German politics. Of course there are exceptions, especially a lot of anti-semitism was supported by some of those forces.

After Germany lost the war, Soviets accused all Nationalists to being nazis and German supporters. That is what winners do, no matter what the country or conflict. Also now this nazi-card is used in Baltics also, all those who wanted free and democratic Estonia and fought in German army are labeled nazis by Russian supporters and Russian government also uses this method, when it sees it appropriate.

One interesting thing is that also a finnish batallion fought in Waffen SS in Ukraine 1942-44. They were returned to Finland after their contract of 2 years and the batallion was embedded to finnish army. That is because Finland was not in pact with Germany politically, but militarily very much so.

After the war finnish SS men were not charged, they have their own memorial in Helsinki and there is no stigma in them in Finland. Also Russia has not used this "nazi card" in Finland, although I am sure that it is in their arsenal if the need arises.
I give credit to you for nicely reasoning out the situation, and I think your method of reasoning is credible. Good post so far.

Summa summarun, Ukrainian civil war should be called Ukrainian war of independence, current conflict is just continuation of countries breaking away from Russian sphere of influence that has been going on since the fall of the Soviet Union.

People should be able to separate nationalism from Nazi-propaganda largely formuted and supported from Moscow as a part of the conflict to secure Russian interests.
This part, I think loses it, because, it displays the inherent bias (nothing wrong with that) in drawing a conclusion. From my biased PoV, I could see parts of Ukraine trying to break away from the sphere of influence of NATO, and its puppets.


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Jul 29, 2014
Sweden and Finland future NATO puppets

Eurasian Union puppets

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Sweden and Finland future NATO puppets

Eurasian Union puppets

yiap.. excactly


Central Asia

you see racism some times goes both ways..
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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Can this medal, as an example. I am not a fan Lyashko. I don't know what is going on in your mind, but all Russian citizens suddenly realized that Ukraine is living only, the Nazis and the Donbass fighting against fascism. My grandfather had the order of the Red Star, he lost a leg at Kursk, For me, the holiday May 9, more important then Day Birthday, but in the eyes of the average Russian man I still fascist.
i don't read russian or ukrainian , i don't even know what is written on that picture


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Quote Originally Posted by Akim View Post
Can this medal, as an example. I am not a fan Lyashko. I don't know what is going on in your mind, but all Russian citizens suddenly realized that Ukraine is living only, the Nazis and the Donbass fighting against fascism. My grandfather had the order of the Red Star, he lost a leg at Kursk, For me, the holiday May 9, more important then Day Birthday, but in the eyes of the average Russian man I still fascist.
This is not true
and people like your Dad are partialy responsible for the situtaion in Ukraine, leting the Oligarhs act like the EU/NATO pupets , U alowed them to raise an army of 20.000 fascists and capture Kiev and part of Ukraine..
An average homo sapiens in Ukraine should kick them in the ass and compromise with the rest of your compatriots that they dont want to ally with NATO against the rest Russia and Russians..

KURSK is a big lesson for the slavs that has to be remembered and lessons learned from it
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Jun 14, 2012
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i don't read russian or ukrainian , i don't even know what is written on that picture
The medal is a jar of vaseline.

Signature: Order name Lyashko 3 degrees.
This is a hint that Lyashko pidoras.
Pidoras differs from Gay. Gay is a sexual orientation, and pidoras enters into an intimate relationship with a man because of selfish motives. When Lyashko was young he had oral sex with the functionary, for the sake of career.
Jar of vaseline its use in sex I think you know. This lubricant.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014

An example of the Russian 5th column at work
The Vineyard of the Saker: An example of the Russian 5th column at work

Over the recent days bad economic news have been pouring in for Russia: the prices of bread, cheese, medicine, meats and many other product have been going up, some of them sharply. At the same time, the Ruble has reached a new low against the Dollar which forced the Russian Central Bank to intervene to defend the Ruble.
No doubt, Obama would say that the sanctions are showing their effectiveness. Except for one problem: no economist has been able to directly link the US/EU sanctions with what we are observing. In fact, the reality is much simpler.

In the case of commodity prices what is happening is much simple: Russian companies have seized the opportunity presented by these sanctions to sharply raise their prices and make an extra profit. So far, so good. That was predictable. In fact, the Russian government and Putin himself had predicted that and they had warned that the state would be closely monitoring any such price increases and that legal action would be taken against any speculators. This is where things become interesting.

The person in charge of this monitoring is Arkadii Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet :toilet: has dismissed it all saying that when he goes shopping for bread he does not notice any price increases. So who is this Dvorkovich character anyway?

Arkadii Dvorkovich
Turns out that he is a pure product of the Atlantic Integrationist clan. Himself a rather modest oligarch (his official personal income in 2011 was only 4 millon Rubles), he is married to a much bigger oligarch, Zumrud Khandadashevna Rustamova, who, according to the Russian Wikipedia, is a member of the board of directors of major companies like the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Kombinat, the gold mining Polius Zoloto, or the main Moscow airport Sheremetevo. Her official yearly income is already a healthier 42 million Rubles. Dvorkovich, who attended Duke University in the USA, is also involved in all sort of more or less shady companies and deals including the infamous Skolkovo project.

In fact, I would argue that Dvorkovich is so typical of the Atlantic Integrationists that he could be their poster boy. By sabotaging the Kremlin's efforts to prevent Russian businesses to profit from the sanctions, Dvorkovich not only stands to get some terrific kickbacks, but he also contributes to the 5th columns efforts into convincing the general public that western sanctions are crippling Russia.

The good news is that the Eurasian Sovereignists are fighting back and that several Russian TV channels have already reported about these abnormal price increases and about the fact that Dvorkovich seems to be doing exactly nothing about it.

Over and over again we observe the same phenomenon: the President order the Prime Minister and his government to do something, and the latter just ignore him. This is a typical example of how the 5th column works in Russia and, in the future, I plan to provide more examples of this here.
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