Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2019
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I switched off the TV today morning during the PM's long winded announcement of the lockdown extension. PM would do better if he cuts down on drama and gets to the point straight - announce the extension by giving justifications with numbers and graphs, . People understand the need for lockdown, no need to drone on about it with long winded verbose speeches.
It's meant to be understood by the lowest common denominator. And the speech is appropriate for that.


Tihar Jail
Jan 7, 2020
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An article that referenced a Chinese scientific study showing that among the 1,099 coronavirus patients having pneumonia surveyed, 927 were non-smokers, accounting for 85.4% of the total, 21 had a history of smoking, accounting for 1.9%, and 137 were smokers, accounting for 12.6%—incredible numbers that were quickly confirmed as being true by French doctor-scientists in their study that found smokers were less likely to be hospitalized with the coronavirus than non-smokers.


French study that itself was confirmed as being true by American doctor-scientists at the CDC, who have now reported that “among 7,162 corona patients with medical records 6,901 were never-smokers (96.3%), 165 ex-smokers (2.3%), and only 96 smokers (1.3%)”—as well as another American scientific study straight out stating that “smoking might suggest a protective role against the coronavirus”


—a “protective role” which MINZDRAV doctor-scientists say can be attributed to the still unsolved scientific mystery of why “the presence of nicotine increases the amount of intracellular calcium, which appears to improve cellular survival”.

A mystery because the only other way calcium is known to be able to be increased in humans to promote cellular survival when faced with disease is by Vitamin D—the major natural source of which for human beings is dependent on Sun exposure—and explains why the United States National Institute of Health has just released their startling scientific study titled “Evidence That Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk Of Influenza And COVID-19 Infections And Deaths


—the facts of which clearly show that if one wants to protect themselves against the coronavirus, they need to immediately increase their calcium levels—which one can start doing by taking up by Sun bathing or vaping nicotine or smoking cigarettes immediately or much more advisably for long term health reasons, stay in the Sun for as long as possible every day—but under no circumstances whatsoever, should anyone stay locked indoors—that is unless they want to deplete their calcium levels and die from the coronavirus.


Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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Can you give some examples of this current govt not being responsive to the needs of the WB populace?
It's simple. BJPs own ground-level workers are harassed on a daily basis and the murders, oh obviously, they are simply hidden in plain sight. BJP still hasn't taken cognizance of the brutal conditions their own people face here even after repeated requests by their state outfit. BJP has won a huge number in Lok Sabha polls in WB, but the slaughter of an insurance worker's family in Murshidabad hasn't been taken up on a national level. We all wanted the CBI to intervene but to no avail. BJP, again, failed in it's part to convince its top leadership. The central government in all these years has been fleecing us of the agricultural grain stocks with no tangible benefits to the state exchequer. Now, they also keep the Gorkhaland issue burning. As a result, our long-time Gorkha brethren have started disbelieving us. Good that didi intervened, otherwise Gorkhaland as separate territory would have formed by now...….and the dirty politics after that included. No industries here, that's obvious why. Want me to tell more...…….

This government has hardline policy most of us like. It's true, and government of a sovereign nation must be like that. But its standing on soft soil in Eastern and NE India.....very soft soil. It needs to firm itself up, the dream of 5 trillion dollar economy benefits Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore...….all filled to the brim with industrial congestion. What government needs to do is to include us, the grassroots, into the mainstream, otherwise the 5 trillion $ dream is just touchy-touchy.


Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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The bongs elected Didi
The Maharashtrians elected you know who
Delhi elected Kejri
UP elected Yogi
Very different yet predictable results

China virus is really bringing home the importance of thinking before voting
Very true...…………………………………………...


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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It looks like HCQ a medicine which costs Rs 3 a tablet is working effectively in majority casescasws., though not a direct cure but the best we have and it works.

Now the leftists, globalists and all vested interests who are in the race to new vaccine for China Virus and want to sell it at $1000, they are using MSM to criticize and show HCQ as having side effects and harmful. They are sponsoring fake HCQ trials, applying stringent clinical rules which hithertohitherto is not applicable to other potential cures.

Maybe Trump and Modi realise this thing.

Follow this thread.

I read the preliminary reports of the study.

Of the two drug regimens, the high dose chloroquine regimen actually had a higher fatality rate compared to the lower chloroquine regimen. That's because no drug is 100% safe. Chloroquine has its own side effects. So it actually increased the mortality when given compared to the lower dose regimen due to cardiac insult. That's why they stopped the high dose regimen. Let that sink it.

The second lower dose regimen is being continue but there is no control arm to test if the drug is effective as the Brazilian state has mandated that HCQ must be used as a treatment for the disease. So there is no control arm to test the effectiveness of the drug. Contrast it with how our ICMR explicitly recommended against HCQ before testing proves the efficacy of the drug. So we will never be able to arrive at a conclusion on how effective HCQ was from this low drug regimen either as there is no control to check it against.

That's why I was so ecstatic about ICMR announcement- HCQs are not recommended as treatment before definitive proof of the drug efficacy is established. That's not to say that ICMR has banned the use of HCQs. Our hospitals continue to use it on their discretion as a experimental drug. That's fine as we need to test its efficacy and this is the way to do it before implementing the treaent protocol on a large scale.this is how science worked you test a theory, run tests and arrive at results before implementing the results on a large scale. You don't do treatment on your whims and wishes. But making it compulsory like brazilians did or how Trump moron wants to do is just insane. This is also the reason I was so happy with the way ICMR handled the HCQ issue- their response was perfectly scientific as it should get recommend against it till scientific data makes it clear while not outright banning it, just like how US FDA has done( of course some idiots here outright took it as me being mean and selfish- typical personal attack in the face of evidence:frusty: ) . As I said guys, Indian govt approach to this disease/pandemic is probably the best in the world. Hats off to our govt and epidemic response once again.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2020
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It's simple. BJPs own ground-level workers are harassed on a daily basis and the murders, oh obviously, they are simply hidden in plain sight. BJP still hasn't taken cognizance of the brutal conditions their own people face here even after repeated requests by their state outfit. BJP has won a huge number in Lok Sabha polls in WB, but the slaughter of an insurance worker's family in Murshidabad hasn't been taken up on a national level. We all wanted the CBI to intervene but to no avail. BJP, again, failed in it's part to convince its top leadership. The central government in all these years has been fleecing us of the agricultural grain stocks with no tangible benefits to the state exchequer. Now, they also keep the Gorkhaland issue burning. As a result, our long-time Gorkha brethren have started disbelieving us. Good that didi intervened, otherwise Gorkhaland as separate territory would have formed by now...….and the dirty politics after that included. No industries here, that's obvious why. Want me to tell more...…….

This government has hardline policy most of us like. It's true, and government of a sovereign nation must be like that. But its standing on soft soil in Eastern and NE India.....very soft soil. It needs to firm itself up, the dream of 5 trillion dollar economy benefits Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore...….all filled to the brim with industrial congestion. What government needs to do is to include us, the grassroots, into the mainstream, otherwise the 5 trillion $ dream is just touchy-touchy.
"We all wanted the CBI to intervene but to no avail. BJP, again, failed in it's part to convince its top leadership"
- i also felt the same over other similar incidents, so i agree with your feeling.

"Now, they also keep the Gorkhaland issue burning."
-BJP tried to exploit this issue due to political reasons. I agree with your feeling there.

"The central government in all these years has been fleecing us of the agricultural grain stocks with no tangible benefits to the state exchequer."- If you have details, please put the details under some economy thread such as "Indian Economy" by adding an indian twist to this (so that what you post remains on-topic on that thread ;) )

"No industries here, that's obvious why. "- There is a long history there. Modi was not in Govt then. Here i disagree with you. I know what kind of politics the Nehru-Gandhi led congress govts played but Bengalis (especially the commies) are also responsible for this.

Any further replies on this post would become off-topic. So i pull myself back now :)


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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And I read some people saying that this propaganda against HCQ is somehow the work of big pharma and ventilator companies. Seriously, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that stupidity. Here are some facts

1. There is no proven medicine for the virus as of yet. So whether HCQ works or not will have no fucking bearing on the profits of the pharma companies. Just think about it, if two drgus A and B exist for a disease, you can claim that drug A is being smeared by company producing drug B. But here, there is no drug A or B. So absolutely no one has any vested (financial or otherwise) interest in discrediting the HCQ

2. Ventilators will be needed even if HCQs do work. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, and again, just for emphasis, nowhere has HCQ been used in absence of standard pnuemonia care including ventilators. So whether or not HCQs are effective has again, absolutely no fucking effect on whether ventilators are going to sell. If anything, if the HCQs were effective, ventilator companies will be pushing for HCQs and relaxation of lockdown as that will help them sell their ventilators as the demand rises. So again, no. Your theories on how HCQs will reduce the need for ventilators or how ventilators companies are doing propaganda against HCQ is stupid to say the least.

So please stop thinking stupidly that everyone who is opposed to blindly trusting a moron like Trump on HCQ is on either drug company payroll or ventilator company payroll. :rolleyes:


Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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"The central government in all these years has been fleecing us of the agricultural grain stocks with no tangible benefits to the state exchequer."- If you have details, please put the details under some economy thread such as "Indian Economy" by adding an indian twist to this (so that what you post remains on-topic on that thread ;)
No, I won't coz there are some things how much we complain, we can't do anything about it. The authorities responsible are corrupt (the Fodder Scam-type people). So, I'll leave it here, too. Another thing, the issues mostly come out in our vernacular newspapers, we dunno the mainstream news are so aloof of this.....it's not about the who's who in power stifling journalism in Bengal, it's altogether different issue I don't have any idea of.

And, about industries, you're right. Also, search about the Land Ceiling Act of WB. It's one necessary evil.


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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The same author in another article says the below. How does one counter the rationale behind the requirement to test and it being very expensive in our country at present?

India needs up to 6 crore daily tests to win over COVID-19

Even critics would agree that PM Modi’s address to the nation yesterday was the best so far with feel-good symbolism replaced by important steps. The best though, was saved for last when he asked young scientists to step up to help create a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.

This open call to science during a crisis after years of either cutting science funding or minuscule increases is not only a welcome departure but the second step in India’s fight against COVID-19. The PM missed out on the first, most important step - testing.

First, let’s find out how immediately helpful the call to create a vaccine is by considering the best possible outcome. Let’s say the best scientific minds after heeding the PMs call and aided by unlimited funds and zero bureaucracy, manage to find a vaccine within a month. And let us say testing and approval – which takes years - is shortened to 3 months.Post that we’d at least need a year to have the vaccine reaches most of 1.3 billion Indians.

The question that even this best-case scenario begs to ask is this: what do we do for the next 16 months? Obviously we cannot keep the nation under lockdown. Thus, a vaccine does not provide the shortest path to a return to a semblance of normalcy in the post-COVID world. Testing does.

Why is testing so important?

Knowledge is power, more so during a pandemic where you need to SEE an INVISIBLE VIRUS to effectively control its spread. How you do that is by following its movement, like in almost every invisible man movie where you are not able to see the person but can see his wet footsteps.

Every single cluster spread of the virus worldwide has shown the pattern in SARS-Cov-2’s movement – the person who gets it spreads it to those who come closest to him physically, who then do the same. This spread, we can ‘see’ if we test extensively.

That is what countries who have fought the virus effectively so far without having to impose drastic lockdowns – Taiwan, South Korea, Germany, etc. have done. This is what India needs to somehow replicate if it wants to open up its economy and literally save thousands to lakhs of lives that would be lost, not to the virus, but hunger and poverty the more lockdowns extends.

India, however, has been criticized for having one of the poorest per capita testing numbers. The reason is not hard to guess – the current tests are too expensive for a poor nation like India.

What we need, like I eluded to in a column previously, are tests so cheap that getting one would be as easy as buying vegetables from the nearest market.

And what is the ideal number of tests India needs to do daily? The answer is somewhere between 2.6 lakh to around 60 million a day. Why this huge fluctuation? The 2.6 lakh figure I’ve reached from expanding South Korea’s current numbers (10,000 daily tests for a population of 5 crores) to India’s population.

The 60 million figure is an approximate extension made after studying a series of white papers put out by Edmond J. Safra Centre for Ethics, a research center at Harvard University. They suggest up to 20 million tests per day for the US (less than one-third of India’s population) along with a vigorous contact tracing regimen.

This is not an accurate figure for India by any stretch and my only intention with this guesstimate is to trigger this thought in India as we don’t seem to have begun thinking about it. To get the correct testing numbers for India though, epidemiologists, ethicists, and statisticians have to get together to consider the various India specific factors into the calculation like the Safra Center has done to arrive at their numbers.

The biggest problem in India as far as testing goes, is its cost which right now is prohibitively high to enable such mass testing. Hence, what we need is the cheapest COVID-19 test in the world, a test under Rs. 100, ideally half of it i.e. Rs.50. At this cost, doing say even 10 million tests a day would cost the exchequer Rs. 50 crore a day, a minuscule sum when you consider that the loss to India on account of the lockdown is $4.5 billion per day.

The tests would, of course, need to be followed by rigorous contact tracing which India has effectively managed in places like the state of Kerala and Bhilwara in Rajasthan.

What would also need to be kept in mind to make that many tests are to help those industries that make the material that goes into making these test kits i.e. reagents, plastic parts, tubes etc.

Thus what the PM should have also asked the scientists of the nation and industrialists is to join hands and pool people and money to create the cheapest COVID-19 test in the world. It would be ideal if the PM got on national television for a 10-minute address just for this and perhaps also declare both financial assistance to those who want to try their hand and also rewards for those companies who come the closest.

Thus, the very first order of business for at least a part of the scientific establishment in the Modi administration should be to ‘see the virus’ by developing homegrown, inexpensive testing kits and figuring out the correct number of tests we need daily. Without this, we’d be doomed not just from a collapsing economy, but also the social unrest that thousands to lakhs of possible hunger deaths could unleash.

What a stupid and ridiculous article. The entire world won't afford to do 6crore tests per day let alone india. If that stage is reached, we might as well close the economy for 3 full months even that will be cheaper. Again guys, the way our govt is handling the crisis, including the testing is excellent. Trust those professionals and not these hacks:rolleyes:

Watch the brilliant interview by ICMR epidemiology chief on this issue in Print. He gave an excellent answer/explanation as to why test test test talk is stupid and why we need to be scientific our using of our resources including the testing capacity


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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That lady will kill us all. Medical teams don't even go near these skullcap hotspots. It's one thing most of us (concerned Bongs) like to let them die without treatment. But flipside of this is, once the lockdown is lifted, these skullcaps, true to their animalistic nature, will come out in hordes among the general populace. They do that, especially in Kolkata. And the worst part of the hotspots is that, these are nearer to government-sponsored institutions such as government schools, colleges, universities and most importantly, hospitals (the successive governments have given them freebies through such institutions). It's absolutely preparation of a future massacre. Only a Kashmir-type Army intervention is going to help. They need to be eliminated if they cause trouble, period. That lady won't take any responsibility, we know...…..
What you sow, so shall you reap. It's not like bengalis dint elect this woman. Now live with the consequences of your actions


Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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What you sow, so shall you reap. It's not like bengalis dint elect this woman. Now live with the consequences of your actions
our distrust in central parties is long and winding. 1947, 1971, Moplah, and even Kashmir-like situations, we have seen the scourge irresponsibility from the top. It's not easy as an idiom. Tell me one sentence where I'm blaming Modi personally, I'm not. I won't go any further, it'll get as good as a communal rant without substance.... If BJP has to win in WB, it'll win.....it'll be long and much harder than in most states.


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2013
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Today cases has reduced .
But Maharashtra , Rajasthan, MP and Gujrat need to control especially Maha.
Hopefully it will reduce.
By 20 inter district movement should be restored.


Regular Member
May 30, 2017
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Since this coronasura attacked, doctors and medical staff were suddenly placed on an elevated pedestral like soldiers.

Let me tell you the inside story. Two dozen physicians in my extended family..

In recent times, medical community had become highly unethical promoting pharma companies for commissions, prescribing twice the number of recommended medicines to meet sales targets while ignoring cheap generic drugs that can't be used to mint money, forcing patients to undergo tests and treatments they don't even require just to squeeze more money out of them while never letting go any opportunity to misuse medical insurance.

This problem is widespread all over India, you will be shocked to see the kind of costly gifts doctors receive from pharma lobby.

I can't even count the number of foreign trips my hospital owning doctor uncle has taken, all paid for by the pharma company agents as incentives for meeting sales targets.

11 lakh doctors practicing in India today, how many are currently treating the 11K corona patients, less than 2-4k.

Majority of rest of them are sitting without work nowadays!!!

Most of the private hospitals and clinics are almost empty. People are not visiting out of fear of getting infected by coronasura except for emergency and unavoidable issues like child birth.

Number of viral and bacterial infections/diseases from other causes have dropped by more than 50-80% as everyone is staying home.

Injuries/accidents down to almost zero.

Daily, Number of people who would have otherwise died from other causes and are now surviving FAR EXCEEDS the number of Indians who have died from this pandemic till date.

Thousands of clinics / small hospitals around the country shut or suspended operations as no patients are coming.

Most of these so called 'corona warriors' are sitting at home nowadays just like everyone else unable to meet their 'sales targets' anymore...
So you are saying there are two dozen crooked doctors in your family?


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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Today cases has reduced .
But Maharashtra , Rajasthan, MP and Gujrat need to control especially Maha.
Hopefully it will reduce.
By 20 inter district movement should be restored.
Don't you guys read the announcement by the government?

They haven't relaxed ppl movement one bit and in fact have tightened it

From April 20 , fishermen , SEZ industries, IT workers and food processing industries have been allowed to work albiet with caveats. Still no movements of ppl of large scale will be allowed(that's not going to happen anyway as the public transportation will be absent).

Basically, it's just continuation of lockdown with very few relaxations if anything at all

Based on how Indians behave in the coming 3 weeks and seeing if the containment of hotzones is possible or not, we will see further relaxation of transports post may 3.

BTW, cases are getting controlled in most states. Only few states are not having good results now

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