Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Jul 11, 2011
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Necessity is mother of invention. Just look at the savings . We can now sell this world over too.

We have immense scientific capacity. This is what happens when we trust our own people and invest into them. Jai Hind.

Immense scientific capabilities ..... you must be in a good mood ....
Feb 16, 2009
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full-blown global pandemic, was leaked from a Wuhan lab is "no longer being discounted."

China is a murderous regime bent on world domination. That alone should give pause when considering China's role. By now the people running the Wuhan bioweapons lab have likely been “permanently” retired. We know from outside sources that the Chinese were working on coronavirus in the Wuhan lab. Whether or not they intentionally or unintentionally released the virus is immaterial and will be decided in international courts for years to come. The coverup afterward renders the point moot.
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Jul 11, 2011
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Todays Tablighi Stone and brick throwing demonstration enacted in Moradabad and doctors battered with all sorts of missile. Ladies and children throwing missiles from the roof top .... Srinagar type stone throwing being enacted at Moradabad ...

Folks , this a serious issue : The SP or SSP must be sent home ...



Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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That lady will kill us all. Medical teams don't even go near these skullcap hotspots. It's one thing most of us (concerned Bongs) like to let them die without treatment. But flipside of this is, once the lockdown is lifted, these skullcaps, true to their animalistic nature, will come out in hordes among the general populace. They do that, especially in Kolkata. And the worst part of the hotspots is that, these are nearer to government-sponsored institutions such as government schools, colleges, universities and most importantly, hospitals (the successive governments have given them freebies through such institutions). It's absolutely preparation of a future massacre. Only a Kashmir-type Army intervention is going to help. They need to be eliminated if they cause trouble, period. That lady won't take any responsibility, we know...…..


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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China’s Information about the Virus Wasn’t Six Days Late, More Like Six Weeks Late

This morning, the Associated Press unveiled a deep dive into the response of the Chinese government to the coronavirus outbreak, and the article is sufficiently damning. But the headline “China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days” somewhat soft-pedals it, focusing on January 14 to January 20, after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, and the city of Wuhan hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people and millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations.

All of that is true and bad. And one could probably argue that the third week of January was indeed a pivotal moment in the spread of the virus. But it’s one of many pivotal moments, and focusing on that period suggests the regime covered up the danger of the virus and contagiousness for six days, when it is more accurate to say the coverup lasted about six weeks.

Giant red flags — no pun intended — about this virus started waving well before mid January. Even the Chinese CDC itself stated that “a cluster of pneumonia cases with an unknown cause occurred in Wuhan starting on December 21, 2019.”

Doctors in Wuhan believed the virus was spreading from patients to doctors by Christmas, which means evidence human-to-human transmission — contradicting the official assessment from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission — was present from early on, if not from the very beginning. The first fatal case, who had been to the Huanan Seafood Market, gave the virus to his wife, who had never been to the market. The Lancet study puts the onset of symptoms in the first recorded patient at December 1; on January 5, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission put the earliest onset at December 12.

The heroic late Dr. Li Wenliang sent his warning on December 30. He is the most famous, but other doctors in Wuhan tried to sound the alarm as widely as possible. But official authorities stopped them.

Ai Fen, director of the emergency department at Wuhan Central Hospital, told Chinese magazine People that she posted an image of a diagnostic report on social network WeChat on December 30, showing that the patient had a pneumonia infection caused by a Sars-like coronavirus.

Ai told the magazine she alerted the hospital’s community health service centre and infectious disease control department immediately.

According to the magazine, Ai said she was told by superiors the day she sounded the alarm that Wuhan’s health commission had issued a directive that medical workers were not to disclose anything about the virus, or the disease it caused, to avoid sparking a panic. Soon after, the hospital reminded all staff that public disclosure related to the illness was forbidden.

Two days later, an official in charge of the hospital’s supervision department gave Ai a dressing down for “spreading rumours” — a reference to the photograph she had posted online.

The official told Ai to notify all staff in her department not to disclose anything about the disease — and to say nothing about it to anyone, not even to her husband, according to the magazine.

(That article was quickly pulled from the publication’s website. Dr. Ai Fen suddenly disappeared two weeks ago; “while a video published on the Weibo account of Ai Fen suggests that she is free to move, Reporters Without Borders said that it hopes the video was not staged by the Chinese regime.”)

Other doctors in Wuhan were trying to sound the alarm in late December. A roughly-translated interview with Xie Linka, an oncologist at the Wuhan Union Hospital, describes her warnings to her colleagues December 30. Liu Wen, a doctor at Wuhan Hannan Red Cross Hospital, warned his colleagues and was called in to a police station as well.

This is all in December or the first days of January. The Chinese government did not deny the world a week’s worth of warning; at minimum, they denied the world three weeks of warning and perhaps as much as six or seven weeks, if they had shared the information about the first cases and new virus’s similarities to SARS.



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Sep 22, 2012
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‘Millions dead’ from coronavirus in China? Separating fact from fiction

China recorded 21 million fewer mobile phone subscribers for the first quarter of 2020, fueling conspiracy theories that the ‘lost’ accounts belonged to victims of coronavirus.

The figures are being used to back up claims that Chinese authorities have grossly under-reported the death toll from COVID-19.

In recent days this theory has gained added traction, with the English language China-focused newspaper The Epoch Times splashing with the 21 million ‘lost phones’ story and distributing free copies of its “special edition” paper to 80,000 Sydney households.

The US-based publication may not be familiar to many Australians.

Fewer still would be aware it was founded and is run by a group of Chinese Americans associated with the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which the Communist Party of China has outlawed.

About 80,000 copies of this special edition have been distributed across Sydney. Credit: Epoch Times
In its reporting on COVID-19, The Epoch Times refers to coronavirus as the CCP (Communist Party of China) Virus.

So how credible can reports on Chinese government misinformation be, coming from a publication open in its hostility towards the Chinese government?

While 21 million dead from coronavirus in China is unlikely (The Epoch Times only goes as far as to say the mobile phone figures are a “data point” suggesting that the real mortality rate may be much higher), there appears to be growing consensus that China is not being truthful on its COVID-19 figures.

Chinese President Xi Jinping talks by video with patients and medical workers at the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan in central China's Hubei Province on March 10. Credit: Xie Huanchi/AP
Michael Shoebridge is Director for Defence, Strategy & National Security at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

He said the sudden drop in mobile phone accounts was undoubtedly due to the outbreak of the pandemic in China, but not necessarily because of millions of deaths.

With businesses locked down and migrant workers stranded after visiting families in rural areas for Lunar New Year prior to the lockdown, millions of work-related phone accounts could have been closed.

Passengers using iPhones in a waiting room at Wuchang railway station on April 7 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Credit: Getty Images
“But behind this is a bigger truth,” Shoebridge said.

“(That is) that the Chinese government is understating the number of deaths inside China from the virus, to delude its own people over the fact it’s still not under control, and to tell the rest of the world it has triumphed over the pandemic when it hasn’t.”

Suspect figures
According to figures provided to the World Health Organisation and collated by reputable institutions such as the Johns Hopkins University, in a country of 1.4 billion people, just 83,351 Chinese contracted the virus, and 3,342 have so far died from it.

In comparison, Italy, with a population of just 60 million, has recorded twice as many COVID-19 infections - 162,488 to be precise - and a mortality rate more than six times higher, with 21,067 deaths.



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Sep 22, 2012
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China Quietly Puts 2nd Lockdowns on Wuhan Residential Compounds as CCP Virus Continues to Spread.

By Joshua Philipp
April 14, 2020 Updated: April 15, 2020
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced to the world it would end its lockdown of Wuhan, the epicenter of the new coronavirus, on April 8. Yet, when the date arrived, the regime only partially reopened the city. Locals are now saying that the “opening up” of Wuhan has only applied to people traveling for work, and that entire residential compounds are being locked down with each new case of infection.

Human rights abuses in China have also continued despite the spread of the coronavirus, the CCP Virus. In March, alone, there were 747 recorded cases where practitioners of the spiritual practice Falun Gong were abducted or harassed by CCP authorities. The Epoch Times also received new leaked documents on the 610 Office, an extrajudicial police force compared to the “Gestapo,” that show its agents are able to override local governments and even engaged in “diplomatic affairs” to export the regime’s human rights abuses.

And the Chinese regime was exposed in the United States and in Germany for attempting to have government officials promote its propaganda on its virus response. Wisconsin Senate President Roger Smith exposed these efforts by publicly releasing documents sent to him by the Chinese consulate in Chicago, and issued a proclamation condemning the CCP’s human rights abuses and cover-up of the virus. Similar cases were exposed in Germany.

These stories and more in this episode of Crossroads.

Crossroads is an Epoch Times show available on Facebook and YouTube.

Follow Joshua on Twitter: @JoshJPhilipp



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Sep 22, 2012
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Maltreatment of Africans in China Following Virus Infections Prompts Backlash in Nigeria
By Toluwani Eniola
April 14, 2020 Updated: April 14, 2020
LAGOS, Nigeria—Asita Awovie left Nigeria last year on a scholarship to study Civil Engineering at the Chang’an University in the Shaanxi province of China. After less than a year in the country, Asita says he wants to return home and never go back to China.

Asita’s parents mounted pressure on him to return home ever since videos of maltreatment of Nigerians and other Africans in Guangzhou and other parts of China surfaced on social media last week, fuelling safety concerns.

“My parents are worried because they think it is not safe living here anymore,” Asita told The Epoch Times on the phone. “They asked me to come back home.”

“The situation in my region is fair and the university tried to keep us safe but as for me, I don’t actually trust China again,” Asita says.

Last week, after some African immigrants in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou tested positive for COVID-19, African students and businessmen were left homeless after being evicted from their homes and hotels by Chinese landlords and officials, sparking uproar and apprehension in Nigeria. The evictions have been termed racial targeting of blacks in China as the country continues its fight against the coronavirus outbreak.

The claims of discrimination have prompted a public backlash in Nigeria as the videos trended online. Many Nigerians took to their social media accounts to call out the Chinese regime, using different hashtags.

“Do you know how much Nigeria contributes to China’s economy every year? Almost 90 percent of commodities in Nigeria are imported from China and look at how they (Nigerians) are paid back,” Ikechukwu Nwakezie wrote in the comments section of one of the trending videos on Facebook. In the video, some Nigerians were protesting the eviction from their hotel rooms.

Nigerian activists have called on their government to intervene, noting that the fallout of the crisis would undermine China’s diplomatic relations in Nigeria. Some of them recalled that China had criticized the United States of racially profiling as Chinese citizens in the United States and other countries.

Leading the outcry against the discrimination, the Consul-General of the Nigerian High Commission in China, Anozie Maduabuchi Cyril, accused Chinese officials of racially targeting Nigerians, adding that it was unfair since many Chinese in Nigeria were not treated that way after Nigeria witnessed its first COVID-19 case in February.

According to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control, there have been 318 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 10 deaths in Nigeria, while 70 people in the country have recovered. Most Nigerian cities are on lockdown.

Challenging a Chinese official on the discrimination against Nigerians, Cyril said, “In Nigeria, we have a lot of Chinese. I don’t think you have ever received any information that the government of Nigeria go to their various houses and pick them for quarantine, so why are Africans and indeed Nigerians being targeted? We have European people here, people from America, Spain, and Italy and other countries, so why are you harassing them?”

The backlash coincides with a protest by the Nigerian Medical Association against the Nigerian government’s decision to enlist the support of Chinese doctors to help curb the scourge of coronavirus in Nigeria. The arrival of 15 Chinese medical professionals in Nigeria last week has further heightened the criticism.

Speaking with The Epoch Times, a Ghanaian medical doctor, Kojo Hutchfull, condemned the discrimination against Africans in China, describing it as a violation of their human rights. He maintained that Nigeria should not have accepted the Chinese doctors due to the maltreatment of African citizens in China.

Hutchfull, who has been practicing medicine in Nigeria for thirty years, says, “We have a common enemy (coronavirus) but why are we opposing one another? I heard they (Africans) were forced out of their homes and some of them were beaten while some passports were seized. This is unacceptable. We should join forces against the common enemy.”

The reports of discrimination have also attracted the attention of the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria. Over the weekend, the commission released a terse statement signed by its Executive Secretary, Tony Ojukwu, in which it condemned the unjust treatment of African nationals in China.

The commission urged the “Government of Nigeria to take all necessary steps to evacuate Nigerians willing to come home from China and other countries where they are currently at risk of discrimination or any form of racial abuse as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Already in Nigeria, there are fears that the videos could lead to retaliatory attacks against Chinese businesses and citizens in Nigeria and impinge on their bilateral relationships.

Weighing in on the issue in an interview with The Epoch Times, an economist and president of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Nigeria, Prof. Segun Ajibola, urged both countries to quickly resolve the issue before it gets out of hand, maintaining that China is one of Nigeria’s closest allies and partners.

According to him, this kind of misunderstanding should not be allowed to derail their bilateral relationship.

“As of today, China is the largest importer of Nigeria’s oil. As of today, almost all the sectors of the Nigerian economy depend on China, especially the SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). Chinese presence in Nigeria is overwhelming because they are in charge of some public infrastructures like the railway lines and there are other substantial investments owned by Chinese investors in the country,” Ajibola says.

But the professor also said that some of the online outrage may be misplaced, as some Nigerians in China were reported to be flouting basic rules during the lockdown. He, however, berated Chinese officials for not handling the situation well.

“They ought to have made formal complaints to the Nigerian embassy in China and seek the intervention of the Nigerian embassy. If there are infractions, you don’t take laws into your own hands by seizing the passports of other citizens. No international convention supports that,” Ajibola said.

President of the Association of Nigerians in Lesotho, Folaji Emmanuel, shared a similar perspective, urging the Nigerian authorities and Nigerians to hear both sides well, saying there might be some half-truths in the videos making the rounds online.

In an interview with The Epoch Times, he says, “I go to China once a while to buy some materials. I know the Chinese are welcoming. One thing I noticed is that many Nigerians residing in China, except for those that are there for business, are illegal immigrants so they can’t get medical assistance since they are scared of being deported.

“I learnt the government of China says all African nationals must get a report to show they don’t have the virus but they can’t go and get the report since they are illegal immigrants.”

Speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, met with the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Zhou Pingjian, on Friday, to demand answers on the treatment of Nigerians in China. Zhou says he had not received a full report of the situation but promised to look into the issue.

“How you treat our ambassador is important but how you treat our citizens is more important to us than how you treat our ambassador,” Gbajabiamila told Zhou.

Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe responded to the crisis on Saturday amid the uproar. He wrote on Twitter, “Our attitude is clear, firm and consistent: zero tolerance for racial discrimination. Nothing can change such a position. Communication, including constructive criticism, is welcome. That will help any party concerned to improve its working methods and reduce misunderstanding.”



Regular Member
May 8, 2019
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That lady will kill us all. Medical teams don't even go near these skullcap hotspots. It's one thing most of us (concerned Bongs) like to let them die without treatment. But flipside of this is, once the lockdown is lifted, these skullcaps, true to their animalistic nature, will come out in hordes among the general populace. They do that, especially in Kolkata. And the worst part of the hotspots is that, these are nearer to government-sponsored institutions such as government schools, colleges, universities and most importantly, hospitals (the successive governments have given them freebies through such institutions). It's absolutely preparation of a future massacre. Only a Kashmir-type Army intervention is going to help. They need to be eliminated if they cause trouble, period. That lady won't take any responsibility, we know...…..
Neither will the Modi government, tbh. :playball: This government will give lectures on Gandhi and how Art. 370 removal saved Kashmir from "decades" of oppression by Pak-sponsored terrorists and the Mufti-Abdullah nexus. This government doesn't really have boots firm on the ground especially in states where opposing parties are in majority. The Shah's administration is one diluted gravy. Let me be honest, no central administration, not even this one, has been responsive to the needs of the WB populace as well as that of the seven sister states of NE India. WB sure will be the next Wuhan virus hotspot even one to two months from now, and as usual, the passing of the buck for irresponsibility in handling this crisis will absolutely slaughter our populace. Merci...….


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Sep 22, 2012
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How thousands of Chinese gently mourn a virus whistleblower
Dr. Li Wenliang tried to warn his country but was silenced. Now its traumatized people visit his spirit online.

They come to say “good morning” and “good night.” They tell him that spring has arrived and that the cherry blossoms are blooming. They share that they are falling in love, falling out of love or getting divorced. They send him photos of fried chicken drumsticks, his favorite snack.

They whisper that they miss him.

Li Wenliang, a doctor in the Chinese city of Wuhan, died of the coronavirus Feb. 6 at age 34. More than a month before that, he went online to warn friends of the strange and deadly virus rampaging through his hospital, only to be threatened by government authorities. He became a hero in China when his warnings proved true, then a martyr when he died.

After his passing, people began to gather, virtually, at his last post on Weibo, the Chinese social media platform. In the comments section, they grieve and seek solace. Some call it China’s Wailing Wall, a reference to the Western Wall in Jerusalem where people leave written prayers in the cracks.

“Dr. Li, what is heaven like?” “Dr. Li, my cat died today.” “Dr. Li, the cherry blossoms are blooming. Remember to check it out.” “Good morning, Dr. Li. Here’s a drumstick for you.” “Dr. Li, thank you for trying to save the world.”

As the deadly virus killed tens of thousands around the world, each society will have its unique way of coping with the loss and grief. In a largely atheist yet spiritual nation with little tradition of praying, the digital Wailing Wall allows the Chinese people to share their sadness, frustration and aspirations with someone they trusted and loved.

It may be the gentlest place on the often polarizing and combative Chinese internet. People write down their thoughts and leave. They don’t argue or make accusations. When they do respond to each other, they leave digital hugs and encouragement. I cried as I read through the comments. I found the experience cathartic.

It’s a refuge for a traumatized people. Many people, I believe, feel the same way.

Li had been an avid user of Weibo, China’s rough equivalent of Twitter, since 2011. He posted his last message Feb. 1. “Today the nucleic acid test result is positive,” he wrote of the test that confirmed he had been infected by the coronavirus. “The dust has settled, and the diagnosis is finally confirmed.” He died five days later.

Under that post, Weibo users have left more than 870,000 comments. Some people post a few times a day, telling him how their mornings, afternoons and evenings went. Only posts by China’s biggest actors and pop stars can match those numbers, but even those lack the visceral response that Li’s last post has drawn.

Users feel comfortable talking to Li. They know he will never scold them or judge them for what they say. They know, after reading his more than 2,000 posts, that he was a gentle and kind soul. He was an ordinary person just like them who enjoyed food and fun and sometimes got tired of working such a demanding job. He would understand.

“Dr. Li, I have a crush on a girl.” “My life is a mess. I’ll probably get divorced soon.” “I think I may have depression.” “Too much stress. But what is better than being alive, right?” “We can have spicy hot pot in Chengdu now. Missing you.” “I haven’t been paid in more than two months. Really scared that the landlord will call.” "I quit before the epidemic broke out. Now I’m worried that I won’t be able to find a job.” “I lost my job because of the outbreak in Europe and America! 2020 is too difficult." “It’s raining now. I like the rainy days the best because I can cry in the rain and no one would notice. This is the first time I’ve shared this secret with anyone, and probably the last time.” “I played with my phone for a long time but couldn’t find anybody to talk to. So here I am. I can talk to you.”

I read thousands of messages people left just March 26, the 49th day — the seventh day of the seventh week — since Li’s death. Many Chinese believe that is the day that a person’s soul will finally leave the body and be reincarnated as a newborn.

March 26 is also when Wuhan began to allow its residents to take back the ashes of their loved ones. People queued in long lines at funeral homes. The photos triggered social media discussions of the real scope of the outbreak and the credibility of government’s official toll of Wuhan’s dead. Many of the photos were subsequently censored.

“Dr. Li, some comments said that you have probably been reborn as a baby by now. If you’re reincarnated, I hope you’ll be a good-looking baby.” “Dr. Li, today is the 49th day of your death. I’ll blow a whistle like you did in an hour. Hope you’ll be born a good person in your next life too.” “Dr. Li, did your family go to pick up your ashes? Miss you, and thanks again.” “Dr. Li, why were the Weibo posts about taking back loved ones’ ashes deleted? Have we learned nothing from this outbreak? What would you say?” “It seems that another doctor in your hospital died today. How can the people in power sit so securely?”

Because many people see him as an ordinary person wronged by authorities and as a hero who stood up to power, they come to him to express their frustration that justice and righteousness haven’t prevailed.

They are angry that only two police officers have been punished for reprimanding him. Many believe the police were acting on orders from higher up.

They also share their relief that China’s lockdowns appear to be nearing an end, their distrust of the official news and their lingering fear of the pandemic.

“I can’t keep my tears from falling every time I think of all the suffering and trauma Wuhan people have endured.” “The day will come when the people can rewrite the investigation report of your case.” “Dr. Li, the lockdown is ending in Wuhan! It’s ending! It’s ending!” “I heard this is the only place on the Chinese internet where you can say anything. So here



Regular Member
Feb 16, 2020
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Neither will the Modi government, tbh. :playball: This government will give lectures on Gandhi and how Art. 370 removal saved Kashmir from "decades" of oppression by Pak-sponsored terrorists and the Mufti-Abdullah nexus. This government doesn't really have boots firm on the ground especially in states where opposing parties are in majority. The Shah's administration is one diluted gravy. Let me be honest, no central administration, not even this one, has been responsive to the needs of the WB populace as well as that of the seven sister states of NE India. WB sure will be the next Wuhan virus hotspot even one to two months from now, and as usual, the passing of the buck for irresponsibility in handling this crisis will absolutely slaughter our populace. Merci...….
Can you give some examples of this current govt not being responsive to the needs of the WB populace?


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Wuhan whistleblowers still missing two months on after exposing true horrors of coronavirus

TWO whistleblowers who defied the Chinese government to expose the horror of the coronavirus outbreak remain missing two months on.

Chen Quishi and Fang Bin disappeared in February after uploading videos showing piles of corpses and overwhelmed hospital staff in the city of Wuhan.


Human rights lawyer Chen Quishi has not been seen or heard from since February 6Credit: AP:Associated Press

It comes as questions remain over China's handling of the early days of the coronavirus outbreak, with accusations the Communist Party regime tried to cover up the extent of the virus's spread and the imminent danger.
China has also now imposed new tough restrictions on academic research into the origins of Covid-19.

Mr Chen, a human rights lawyer, posted video of inside a hospital in Wuhan showing overwhelmed staff battling an influx of patients.
In another video uploaded on January 29, he said he was "scared" and felt trapped between the authorities and the virus. And then on February 6 his account on Weibo - a Chinese social network - was deleted.

His parents were informed he had been taken into quarantine - and since then there has been no sign of him. Mr Fang's disappearance is chillingly similar as he uploaded a video on February 1 showing eight bodies outside a hospital in Wuhan - with police then seizing his laptop.

Days later, on February 4 he uploaded a video of men in protective suits trying to enter his home before he vanished on February
Pierre Haski, president of Reporters Without Borders, said both men are in "the hands of the Chinese authorities".
He added there is "very little" information about what happen to them, reports Le Parisian.

Store manager Fang Bin uploaded a video of bodies outside a hospital before vanishing on February 8 Mr Haski said: "The authorities may keep them until the subject of the health crisis becomes less hot.

"In this case, one could imagine that they will be released within a few weeks, but this remains unlikely. "The other more usual scenario would be to hear more about them for a while. "Then we will learn within six months that they have been indicted for subversion."

Dr Ai Fen - the emergency director of Wuhan Hospital - also vanished after she criticised the regime's censorship of the coronavirus epidemic in a Chinese magazine last month. She has since however reportedly returned to work this weekend after disappearing for two weeks.

Meanwhile, millionaire businessman Ren Zhiqiang vanished after calling Chinese president Xi Jinping a "clown". He was missing for a month, but Chinese authorities confirmed last week was being investigated for "violation of the law and discipline".

Wuhan medic Dr Ai Fen went missing for two weeks but has now reportedly returned to workCredit: Weibo

Ren Zhiqiang vanished after criticising Xi Jinping - he is reportedly facing chargesCredit: Getty Images - Getty

China has been heavily criticised for its handling of the outbreak - with it emerging this week a leading Chinese scientist was "muzzled" after identifying Covid-19.

It is feared the regime attempted to downplay the virus as the outbreak took hold - giving incorrect information to the international community that allowed the virus to spread round the globe.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also come under fire as US President Donald Trump cut funding for the agency accusing them of being "China-centric".
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Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Neither will the Modi government, tbh. :playball: This government will give lectures on Gandhi and how Art. 370 removal saved Kashmir from "decades" of oppression by Pak-sponsored terrorists and the Mufti-Abdullah nexus. This government doesn't really have boots firm on the ground especially in states where opposing parties are in majority. The Shah's administration is one diluted gravy. Let me be honest, no central administration, not even this one, has been responsive to the needs of the WB populace as well as that of the seven sister states of NE India. WB sure will be the next Wuhan virus hotspot even one to two months from now, and as usual, the passing of the buck for irresponsibility in handling this crisis will absolutely slaughter our populace. Merci...….
The bongs elected Didi
The Maharashtrians elected you know who
Delhi elected Kejri
UP elected Yogi
Very different yet predictable results

China virus is really bringing home the importance of thinking before voting

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Neither will the Modi government, tbh. :playball: This government will give lectures on Gandhi and how Art. 370 removal saved Kashmir from "decades" of oppression by Pak-sponsored terrorists and the Mufti-Abdullah nexus. This government doesn't really have boots firm on the ground especially in states where opposing parties are in majority. The Shah's administration is one diluted gravy. Let me be honest, no central administration, not even this one, has been responsive to the needs of the WB populace as well as that of the seven sister states of NE India. WB sure will be the next Wuhan virus hotspot even one to two months from now, and as usual, the passing of the buck for irresponsibility in handling this crisis will absolutely slaughter our populace. Merci...….
Don't choose a username that defines an entire community of people. Because your views will be reflected on the entire community.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2020
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These kind of people are responsible for the hatred towards us man.
I don't think it is that simple. My question was genuine. I am interested in knowing how he (ie BangaliBabu) is seeing things in his areas (ground report kind of thing)

Blue Water Navy

New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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I don't think it is that simple. My question was genuine. I am interested in knowing how he (ie BangaliBabu) is seeing things in his areas (ground report kind of thing)
Check the signature on the profile you shall have your answer.

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