TB3 vs TB2 comparison
1450kg vs 700kg
PD170(170hp) vs Rotax 912s(100hp)
280kg vs 150kg
14m vs 12m
8.35m vs 6.5m
2.6m vs 2.2m
Mainly ISR but it will also have smart munitions to utilize if need be. Moreover, KIZILELMA will have a naval variant, too. TCG Anadolu will have KIZILEMA and TB3 on board.
It's the Turkish Defense News thread. Don't stop by if you're troubled.
You must either be trolling with this line of thinking or have very little understanding of immigration policies of countries.
Can you be more specific? How did they support the company exactly?
I should name just a few most recent embargos(out of hundreds) and put a little perspective on so called "Western Support" we're swamped with.
This is the mock-up of TEI's TF6000 engine. It's being built since a year and it should've been fired in Q1,2023. But we couldn't. Why? Because they(our western allies) refuse to sell the accessory-gearbox for the engine due to embargoes. So we have to wait Q4 for the indigenization of the gearbox for the first ignition.
Do you know what this test is?
It's the national VLS system. Why the heck we had to develop this? Because we're denied access to Mk41 even for our own ships. And newly built Istanbul-Class frigate couldn't be delivered because of the lack of VLS. It has to wait till this is ready(supposedly in September 2023).
Next, why is this 76mm naval gun being fired on ground?
It's just another item we had to develop because we can't buy Oto Melara's even with our money.
I could go on and on. Engineering resources are not limitless and these projects cost time and money that could be allocated elsewhere.
I see on some threads you have started discussing if India should buy F35s or not whereas we ,as a NATO country, can't even buy Vipers let alone the mighty JSF.