Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E

Feb 16, 2009
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re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

So now after waiting fifteen years we will wait twenty five years? Why not just wait for sixth
Generation planes to come out?
Feb 16, 2009
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re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Honestly all rafale has is the 20k payload it can carry vs 8-10k for most other planes.

It also costs 1-130mil USD each. So is one rafale really better than 2-2.5x T-50s? No.
The congress era deals for rafale and apache are bs deals anyway Imo. We would be getting 128 4.5gen (at best) fighters and 70 combat ready helos without any armor.

Is it not better to continue to pursue dev with Russia and Israel for more numbers?

By god, we are a nation of 1.2 billion

with only 750 planes vs the US's 2500!
Because USA builds it's own planes as well as exports to others. India has not made
Indigenous development a priority.(in the past)


Sanathan Pepe
Sep 18, 2009
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re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

With almost 1:1 currency parity between INR and RUB, this is the perfect time to implement Rupee-Rouble trade between India and Russia, starting with this deal, or inking defence deals in general.


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2015
re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

With almost 1:1 currency parity between INR and RUB, this is the perfect time to implement Rupee-Rouble trade between India and Russia, starting with this deal, or inking defence deals in general.
Russians are not very eager for Rupee-Ruble trade right now, except giving some lip-service to Indian journalists. They prefer taking money in Euro currency. Unfortunately for them, even Euro is coming down pretty fast and is going to be equal to Dollar soon. One would watch what they do then? Hope they don't start asking in Chinese RMB !!!!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Another PR article based on empty source ..

SU-30MKI upgrade is more or less same as SU-35 Indian version ..


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I think rupee-ruble swap will happen, it is just a matter of time. Indian bureaucracy can be painfully slow at times.

The next couple of months will be make or break for Rafale in India. Let us see what happens. The DM does not have any patience for endless negotiation on Rafale. There is too much on his plate.

Rafale WILL NOT BE BOUGHT on emotions of some posters here, but by French putting forward reasonable terms.


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Dec 31, 2012
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re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?


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Regular Member
Jul 24, 2013
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Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Don't bring out stuff out of blue. Please provide source for whatever you are claiming.

No more russian junk with mantainence nightmare , MOD should concentrate on speeding up development of tejas mk2 project as mk1 is useless , Rafel is much better plane than any in russian junkyard.
So you wanna mean Su-30mki are junk when entire world cosider this as one of the deadliest non 5th gen fighter aircraft in the world. Even the Americans admitted it after Red Flag exercise

It has 90% availability compared to 56% of flankers
In the recently concluded Vayu meeting, which unfortunately was called to create a lobby and bash Tejas, one data that got coined was 44% availability of Rafale which again was the figure released by French Air force official.

It has better airframe and navigation system for deep strike role hence a true multirole
WTF? And why so? Please elaborate. And more importantly Sukhoi is better suited for deep strike as it can fly for long and carry more payload.
It has 14 hard points
14 hardpoints.:tsk: Even Dassault don't make this fancy claim even on papers which otherwise is full with fancy data

It has 5 times less rcs than flankers
Su 35 has very low RCS. I am not saying it is lower than Rafale, but again it also have larger and powerful radar which can detect adversary aircraft from longer distance.

It has better radar
Russia have their very own AESA radar now and I will always Su-35 which will provide double area for fitting larger radar than Rafale.

It has supercruise
And who told you that Su-35 cannot

It has best in class defensive-aids system named SPECTRA .
No one knows about Spectra actual capability. Other than better IRST, I don't think there is anything that will not be their in Su-35 or can't get fitted on Su-35 by acquiring it as Su-35mki

In the recently held vayu shastra meeting, which unfortunately was called to create a lobby to bullshit against Tejas, 44% availability of Rafale was coined and this data was released by French Air Force official.


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Nov 18, 2013
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Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

No more russian junk with mantainence nightmare , MOD should concentrate on speeding up development of tejas mk2 project as mk1 is useless , Rafel is much better plane than any in russian junkyard.

It has 90% availability compared to 56% of flankers
It has better airframe and navigation system for deep strike role hence a true multirole
It has 14 hard points
It has 5 times less rcs than flankers
It has better radar
It has supercruise
It has best in class defensive-aids system named SPECTRA .
Its a true multirole with good bvr capabilities , deep strike , terrain hugging bombing etc.

There is no alternative to rafale.
Going by your opinion, Rafale is a very potent fighter, then why "NOT A SINGLE COUNTRY" chose to buy Rafale ?

Of late, Egypt has agreed to induct Rafale, only because French banks are financing the deal & Govt of France has pledged guarantee that, if Egypt doesn't or couldn't repay the loan to French banks, Govt of France will repay it.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

There are a lot of fools masquerading as Rafale fanboys. The only arguments they have are taken from "other discussion forums" where a lot of disinformation exists. The correct numbers used for MMRCA downselect are not published.

Since only French are users of Rafale, no unbiased reports are available for this aircraft.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I haven't tracked indian airforce deals before, but does It happen often that such news is dropped like a bomb.

There has been no indicators in the past year that such a deal was on anvil. I think the SU-35s deal is a PR gig.

Lions Of Punjab

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Apr 21, 2013
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Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Russia and India to work on 5th-gen upgrade to Su-35 fighter


Russia and India have signed an agreement to jointly develop a fifth-generation upgrade of the Su-35 Super Flanker multirole fighter, according to a report published March 8 on Virginia-based military affairs website Defense News.

The fighter will be a fifth-generation fighter like the US Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II, as opposed to the fourth-generation version of the Su-35 over which Russia and China are currently negotiating a deal.

The Su-35 Super Flanker will be unable to compete with other "genuine" fifth-generation fighters and China does not need to get caught up in a game of one-upmanship with India and Russia, said an expert cited by China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times.

Fifth-Generation Su-35S

Defense News cited a Russian military insider as stating that Moscow and New Delhi have signed an agreement to design what Russia is calling the fifth-generation version of the Su-35 in India, which will see an Indian variant of the fighter created called the Su-35S. Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Russian state-run tech export corporation Rostec, was cited by the website as saying, "We have been negotiating and have signed the intention protocol for the Su-35"¦Now we are working on designing ideas for this contract and on creating a manufacturing platform for the aircraft of the fifth generation."

The shift from the fourth-generation Su-35, currently in service with the Russian Air Force, to the fifth-generation Su-35S will necessitate a large upgrade. The report in Defense News questioned the ability of the Su-35S to bear comparison with the F-35. An Indian Air Force official said Russia has pitched the Su-35S several times over the last six months, stating that it can replace the Indian Air Force's MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighters, set to be retired from service in seven to eight years.

Russia and India have already worked together on the development of a fifth-generation stealth fighter, the PAK FA T-50. The Defense News report suggested that the reason Russia has suddenly announced the development program for the stealth fighter is because they are trying to undercut France following the refusal of Paris to provide Russia with two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships. In 2012, New Delhi decided to buy 126 Dassault Rafale multirole fighters from the French company but they have been unable to reach a final agreement due to the technology transfer involved and the price. A Russian industry source cited in the report said the Su-35S will cost only US$85 million, very competitive when compared with the Rafale, and poses a threat to the deal between France and India. A report in the New Delhi-based Economic Times previously stated that India's air force command considers the Russian fighter and the Rafale to be complementary and that the former does not replace the need for the latter.

China and the Fourth-Generation Su-35

There had previously been a lot of buzz in the media about China becoming the first country to take delivery of an Su-35. According to the previous report on the website, China is set to sign a deal on May 19 to buy 24 Su-35 fighters from Russia. A Russian official has stated that the deal involves the fourth-generation Su-35, not the fifth-generation Su-35S. The official added, however, that China will be the first country in the world to buy the plane.

The Defense News report did not specify the details of the differences between the Su-35 and the Su-35S. However, a Chinese military expert cited by the Global Times stated that the fifth-generation fighter will likely be based on the Su-30MKI that Russia and India developed together and will be equipped with advanced fifth-generation fighter avionics purchased by India, including active electronically scanned array radar, an infrared sensor for longer range targets and a custom tactical data link suited to the needs of the Indian Air Force, along with anti-electrical interference equipment. The source also stated that the fighter likely has limited stealth capabilities, including metal plating on the hood of the cabin and stealth materials coating the air inlets. Stealth capabilities hinge mostly on the exterior design of a fighter, however, he said. The area of the fifth generation F-22 that reflects radar is just 1 square meter and Russian aircraft maker Sukhoi has stated that the area of Su-30 series fighters that reflects radar is around 20 sq m.

As the Su-35S will not involve a total rehaul of the outer structure of the series, it is not possible for the Su-35S to match the stealth capabilities of the F-22. The move to brand the Su-35S a "fifth-generation" fighter, therefore, seems a little more driven by propaganda than reality, according to Global Times. Given that the Su-30MKI went into production in 2002, six years after India and Russia signed the joint development agreement on the aircraft, the Su-35S will likely take a sustained period of time to develop and undergo tests before it can be commissioned or sold.

Can the Fourth- to Fifth-Generation Gap be Bridged?

A Chinese military expert stated that fourth-generation fighters can be upgraded to give them capabilities approaching those of fifth-generation fighters. This is most evident in the area of avionics, if enough investment is made, as with sufficient funds the avionics of the Su-35S could surpass those of the T-50. Through the purchase of fifth-generation directional efflux nozzles with a large thrust to weight ratio, the Su-35S could reach a level of subsonic maneuverability equal to that of the T-50.

In terms of the exterior there is still quite a large gap between fourth- and fifth-generation fighters, however. Especially in terms of supercruise and stealth capability, aspects in which the Su-35S cannot compete with the F-22 or the T-50. The Chinese expert stated that China and India should not bicker over which Su-35 is more advanced, as the Su-35 is simply a complementary aircraft which will play a transient role in China's air fleet. As the development of the Su-35S will also take time, China's domestically developed fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter will likely already be ready to be commissioned by the time the Su-35S is ready for service.
Russia and India to work on 5th-gen upgrade to Su-35 fighter |


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I haven't tracked indian airforce deals before, but does It happen often that such news is dropped like a bomb.

There has been no indicators in the past year that such a deal was on anvil. I think the SU-35s deal is a PR gig.
I think the news of deal is premature but an active discussion on Super-sukhoi is on.
It makes far more sense to buy completely new Su-35 (advantage is that HAL Nasik can build these without much ramp up). This is very likely in case Rafale is dropped.
The idea is to build an upgraded Su-30MKI which is close to capabilities of Rafale.
However FGFA is a separate project and induction of PAK-FA from Russian factories is also being discussed.
The per hour cost of Su-35S comes lower than Rafale. Through Russian engines have lower life, they are cheaper and the production/overhaul is localized.


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2015
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

This WantChina Times is the absolute unreliable news service from Taiwan. It is owned by a Chinese fellow and used as a pseudo propaganda machine for the communist party. No serious scholar even bothers to read this news service.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I think most here forget the project call ' Super 30 ' Upgrade ..

Under this project all SU-30 in Indian service will be upgraded to near so call 5th generation to counter stealthy fighters ..


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I think most here forget the project call ' Super 30 ' Upgrade ..

Under this project all SU-30 in Indian service will be upgraded to near so call 5th generation to counter stealthy fighters ..
Up-gradation is not such a smart idea. Better idea is to buy new Su-35 which increases the numbers also. Su-30 upgrade will not increase stealthy characteristics.

Su-30 already has a huge radar and fairly good weapons. Addition of mini-brahmos will be very significant for existing Su-30 fleet as it will give the Su-30 a very potent standoff capability.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

I suggest you to do research before quoting me, Few things you should know >>

1. SU-35 has same or more radar signature as SU-30MKI, Both belongs to flanker family and 90% metal aircraft ..

2. SU-35 has different engines and other technical details compare to SU-30MKI, Increasing logistics strain is not smart idea ..

3. Lastly and more importantly, Operational cost & maintenance cost of Flankers are very high, IAF operate only half of its flanker fleet at a time mainly in times of Interception, CAP ( Combat Air Patrol ) duties are done by Light fighters ( MIG-21 / 23 ) ..

Making logic that increasing heavy fighter strength will increase capability is false, Rather it will bankrupt economy in attrition war ..

About Super-30 program >>

Under "Super 30" upgrade program, last batch of yet to be received Sukhoi su 30 MKI will be first upgraded to Super 30 standards.

Avionics upgrade: Super Sukhoi 30 will get new cockpit layout with new upgraded avionics, onboard computers, electronic warfare systems ,which will also include active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, replacing the older N-011M Bars radar with its passive electronic scanning antenna.

Radar planned for "Super Sukhoi 30 "will be Russian Phazotron Zhuk-AE Active Electronically Scanned Array AESA radars. The X-band radar can track 30 aerial targets in the track-while-scan mode and engage six targets simultaneously in attack mode. An alternative AESA is available for the Super 30 in the form of Tikhomirov's NIIP. Which was an experimental AESA revealed at MAKS 2009.

Weapons upgrade: Super 30 upgrade program will also enable Su-30MKI fighters to equip them with BrahMos missiles. But only first 42 aircrafts will be able to carry heaver BrahMos missiles under its belly, since it will require some strengthing of the airframe, even India's still to be tested Nirbhay and LRCM will be able to be carried by this 42 odd su 30's.Another major upgrade in regards to weapons package will be that upgraded Super 30 will be able to integrate non-Russian weapons.

Stealth: To reduce Radar cross section of the Sukhoi 30 , Airframe will get several structural changes to the airframe to reduce its radar signature , airframe will also get special radar absorbing paint coat to further reduce its RCS.

All the above features will enable Su 30 to be most modern Sukhoi fighter aircraft until Su-50 aka FGFA enters Indian air force fleet .
India's SU-30 MKI to be upgraded to Super Sukhoi By Russia

Up-gradation is not such a smart idea. Better idea is to buy new Su-35 which increases the numbers also. Su-30 upgrade will not increase stealthy characteristics.

Su-30 already has a huge radar and fairly good weapons. Addition of mini-brahmos will be very significant for existing Su-30 fleet as it will give the Su-30 a very potent standoff capability.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Should we take this "Defence Now" article as gospel truth?? A lot of such articles are motivated. Defence field is the biggest target of disinformation.

Su-35S comes with 1/5 RCS of Su-30 through use of several RCS reduction techniques. It has lower empty weight, higher internal fuel (so higher range), higher weapons load capacity etc.

All Su-27 derivatives have engines from same technology base (similar engines). Different series number does not make the engine fundamentally different.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

A Mirage-2000 type of upgrade on Su-30 is sheer waste of money.
We shall see if MOD approves such upgrade.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
Re: Sukhoi Su-35S deal edge out Rafale in india?

Super-30 upgrade is nothing new, It has been on web since 2012, You can google if you want ..

Can you provide source to back such claims, Thanks in Advance ..

Should we take this "Defence Now" article as gospel truth?? A lot of such articles are motivated. Defence field is the biggest target of disinformation.

Su-35S comes with 1/5 RCS of Su-30 through use of several RCS reduction techniques. It has lower empty weight, higher internal fuel (so higher range), higher weapons load capacity etc.

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