Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Dec 25, 2016
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Dec 10, 2016
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Those days of cold war is over my friend

Today super power like USA is almost impotent against puny rogue country like North Korea

Things are not easy at seems

All operational options are provided by military and Security agencies only

Modi himself do not do anything

If military thinks there are no options then there is really no options and that's the bare truth today we have to face
I dont agree that cold war time was less risky as compared to today and if we cannot do it now with our name and shame policy we cannot do anything.

We are just good at talking big.

Look at what Israelis do..what Russians do.Do they make files and post it to the people who have killed their soldiers like us jokers or do they send a missile with fuck you message?

China and India are the dogs that bark very well but when it comes to action they will do the lightest thing on the list of actions to be taken.

And its not working.Every year we loose soldiers and its ok because soldiers have signed up to be killed as per our politicians.

Ya if the parliament is attacked and the politicians pee in their dhoti then its a big thing.

These all politicians are taking us for a ride.The only difference between them is that some have a good image and some not.


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Jan 25, 2014
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We should stop taking solace in the way talibans are blowing up the pakis ,.That is their karma for what ever they did to afghan ..Lets punish paki s for the pain they are inflicting to us on our side of the border ..We should blow them up with IED in LOC ..
Nothing is Karma, in real world. Our planners have been trying hard to convert western borders of Pakistan into LoC like situation we have for many years.

It is being done to offset the Paki advantage of blocking our 3 lakh troops in geographically small area of J&K, they did this after facing fatal disadvantage they saw during brasstacks. Its a game of chess where forces are being aligned and realigned on various frontiers.

It was a mistake I posted in wrong thread, I was trying to post in porki thread. But the situation doesn't change, our forces are trying to hurt porkies on all side and from inside aswell. Expect some attack or blast in mainland Pakistan also soon.


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Oct 12, 2013
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I dont agree that cold war time was less risky as compared to today and if we cannot do it now with our name and shame policy we cannot do anything.

We are just good at talking big.

Look at what Israelis do..what Russians do.Do they make files and post it to the people who have killed their soldiers like us jokers or do they send a missile with fuck you message?

China and India are the dogs that bark very well but when it comes to action they will do the lightest thing on the list of actions to be taken.

And its not working.Every year we loose soldiers and its ok because soldiers have signed up to be killed as per our politicians.

Ya if the parliament is attacked and the politicians pee in their dhoti then its a big thing.

These all politicians are taking us for a ride.The only difference between them is that some have a good image and some not.
Pakistan are not Lebanon and Arabs

They to know j&k terrains well as indians

They know how India react and how they counter it

Any decisions taken in haste always has major collateral damage

And we are not rogue like Pakistan

But action should be proportional to what we have taken and same way and in military terms

If they had killed our officer we should target there Battalion HQ in area inflicting heavy casualties

But I dought that even that change Pakistan policy

Pakistan's don't think like we do.You yourself said that there doctrine based jihadi fundementalist ideology

Reality is very grim that rogue nation like Pakistan is situated near India

And we should use are unconventional assets within Pakistan itself

We should not go beserk unless It required and I tell you India will fight Pakistan in near future because they can't handle India being global power in a decade and So

IF we fight war with Pakistan we should made sure with our geopolitics and diplomacy that no one helps Pakistan even there larger than life friend china.Similar to Kargil


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Pakistan are not Lebanon and Arabs

They to know j&k terrains well as indians

They know how India react and how they counter it

Any decisions taken in haste always has major collateral damage

And we are not rogue like Pakistan

But action should be proportional to what we have taken and same way and in military terms

ID they had killed our officer we should target there Battalion HQ in area inflicting heavy casualties

But I dought that even that change Pakistan policy

Pakistan's don't think like we do.You yourself said that that there doctrine based jihadi fundementalist ideology

Reality is very grim that rogue nation like Pakistan is situated near India

And we should use are unconventional assets within Pakistan itself

We should not go beserk unless I required and I tell you India will fight Pakistan in near future because they can't handle India being global power in a decade and So

IF we fight war with Pakistan we should made sure with our geopolitics and diplomacy that no one helps Pakistan even there larger than life friend china.Similar to Kargil
I am not talking about going beserk but starting to take over posts slowly.Putting SF and Ghatak in action and then putting more number of troops there so each year they go back a few kilometeres.

This way they cannot use nukes and we can take over more area in POK.

You slap me..I punch you doesnt work or isnt it?

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Either a arty shell or excellent counter sniping i guess.

Indian army GUNNED DOWN 2 Snipers of PAKISTAN Special forces who were lying in wait to hit again at INDIAN Patrol Party patrolling the area in NOWSERA Sector

Heavy gunbattle on between TSPA & IA since yesterday..

Heavy casualities feared on TSP's side. Obviously, they won't own up.


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Oct 12, 2013
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I am not talking about going beserk but starting to take over posts slowly.Putting SF and Ghatak in action and then putting more number of troops there so each year they go back a few kilometeres.

This way they cannot use nukes and we can take over more area in POK.

You slap me..I punch you doesnt work or isnt it?
The terrain don't allows it yes we can grab some post like you said but not key posts like hajji pir today which is well entrenched
And it will take heavy toll due to terrain

Unless a corps level action is initiated to capture hajji pir it not feasible to launch attack and it can only happens in war

Congress has some gains in past. though I call it IA effort

But they lost it on all table I mean why we given Key post like Hajji pir to Porkies after capturing it

And released 93000 POWs for worthless peace of paper we call Simla agreement


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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The terrain don't allows it yes we can grab some post like you said but not key posts like hajji pir today which is well entrenched
And it will take heavy toll due to terrain

Unless a corps level action is initiated to capture hajji pir it not feasible to launch attack and it can only happens in war

Congress has some gains in in past thought I call it IA effort

But they lost it on all table I mean why we given Key post like Hajji pir to Porkies after capturing it

And released 93000 POWs for worthless peace of paper we call Simla agreement
Bro,toll is high even now.

Better the sacrifice goes to gain something rather than defending something?


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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But action should be proportional to what we have taken and same way and in military terms
That's the problem

In long term Pakis will be advantageous in the skirmish. Why? Because they have maintained conventional equilibrium with India.


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
these asshole porkies keep coming and attacking us like pests. we need some solution.....

i dont mind seeing their kids getting massacred, this is the level of hate i have for them


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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That's the problem

In long term Pakis will be advantageous in the skirmish. Why? Because they have maintained conventional equilibrium with India.
Well in that sense you can say NK and USA are same

But it not true they know they are no where conventionally equals to IA that's why they launched Op Tupac

To fight such nation we should use same tactics keeping morality to second


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Well in that sense you can say NK and USA are same

But it not true they know they are no where conventionally equals to IA that's why they launched Op Tupac

To fight such nation we should use same tactics keeping morality to second
We have naive people here who do not understand that It's the NoKo and SoKo conflict and US has taken advantage of this to enter the region and place their soldiers near Russia and China. NoKo is not their target. It's NOT a bilateral issue.

Now days, these trends of comparing conflicts is becoming another weak point.
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