Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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If I was some planner I would have compelled you to make that position stronger which I want, through tactical manoeuvres. And leaving other side porous, knowing your conventional strength is weaker than mine.
The same applies to India as well. Doesn't work for Pakistan bcuz that line is fortified by indi people who are self financed and are loyal to pakistan to some extent.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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The same applies to India as well. Doesn't work for Pakistan bcuz that line is fortified by indi people who are self financed and are loyal to pakistan to some extent.
That applies to India only when it is two front war.
For Pak, two front war is LOC skirmish and ANF on the other side

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Here you go Ladies and Gentlemen, Bombing of Pak post to smithereens, Sit back relax and enjoy. Do listen to the Background music.:biggrin2::biggrin2:


Back in 2013 - the ghuspaiths who killed L/Nk Hemraj and retreated back to Barbad and PP posts. This video is some consolation. Hum apne bando ki qurbani bhule nahi hain.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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did any thing change after surgical strikes?
Surgical strikes will only be useful as a diplomatic tool not a tactical one. During war, unlike Kargil where Indian soldiers were not allowed to cross LC. Pakis are confident that without a war LC cannot move an inch. LC skirmish is day today affair. And SOP.

Pakistan fear porous Durand Line than LC and Indian presence in Afghanistan.
You have to spend some time and watch paki talk shows, surgical strikes had the intended effect.

They were designed to introduce an element of ambiguity, which they did.

Job well done.

Those who are supposed to have understood have understood the point.

Don’t look at it as a single step, it’s just a part of series of steps taken since then.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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You have to spend some time and watch paki talk shows, surgical strikes had the intended effect.

They were designed to introduce an element of ambiguity, which they did.

Job well done.

Those who are supposed to have understood have understood the point.

Don’t look at it as a single step, it’s just a part of series of steps taken since then.
Such actions are SOP by MI and SF this is what they are raised for. The only difference is , from now onwards politicians will not hesitate to order army to cross LC. Which was considered as Taboo. Rather than devastating ISI-CAD modus operandi... this brought change into Indian civil - defence relations.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
did any thing change after surgical strikes?
By that logic America should not have taken out Osama in Abbotabad or Mullah Mansoor in Balochistan.

Israel should have stopped hitting targets in Gaza and taking out senior Hamas leaders.

Did any thing change after that?

Afghan Taliban continue to launch attacks from Pakistan.

Rockets from Gaza never stopped, neither did stones.

First you were screaming hoarse that GoI should carry out retaliatory action and abusing them all the time.

Now that the surgical strikes happened, you have shifted the goal posts with- To kya farak pad gaya?


New Member
Jan 21, 2017
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By that logic America should not have taken out Osama in Abbotabad or Mullah Mansoor in Balochistan.

Israel should have stopped hitting targets in Gaza and taking out senior Hamas leaders.

Did any thing change after that?

Afghan Taliban continue to launch attacks from Pakistan.

Rockets from Gaza never stopped, neither did stones.

First you were screaming hoarse that GoI should carry out retaliatory action and abusing them all the time.

Now that the surgical strikes happened, you have shifted the goal posts with- To kya farak pad gaya?
Whiners like him don't deserve being replied to. Do not waste your time.


Ultra Nationalist
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Mar 22, 2012
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did any thing change after surgical strikes?
Surgical strikes will only be useful as a diplomatic tool not a tactical one. During war, unlike Kargil where Indian soldiers were not allowed to cross LC. Pakis are confident that without a war LC cannot move an inch. LC skirmish is day today affair. And SOP.

Pakistan fear porous Durand Line than LC and Indian presence in Afghanistan.
Are you for real ??? You mean Pakis shitting in their pants and now fearing that India won't hesitate to strike it, these things are not new ?? Stop bsing yourself bhai, leave pakis aside as those rats don't deserve anything on god's green earth but our Forces' moral is now high unlike previous govt when after 2008, we did nothing but sat in our chairs fuming and again electing those scammers. Pak won't even try to do such misadventure now as it knows if India can attack it when an area of Kashmir is attacked then India will definitely fuk the shit out of it and not even China can oppose such countermeasures.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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By that logic America should not have taken out Osama in Abbotabad or Mullah Mansoor in Balochistan.
They took out very high level targets.
Indian action was cleaning the weed and primitive strike.

First you were screaming hoarse that GoI should carry out retaliatory action and abusing them all the time.

Now that the surgical strikes happened, you have shifted the goal posts with- To kya farak pad gaya?
I used to shout because India never claimed due to peace loving netas. And netas feared such ops.

Now Army does not have to hide as they got free hand and can claim that they did it. Unlike before where MI and SF had to do it silently without brining the civil leadership and not claiming any thing.

It's just about saying, yes we did it.

Are you for real ??? You mean Pakis shitting in their pants and now fearing that India won't hesitate to strike it, these things are not new ?? Stop bsing yourself bhai, leave pakis aside as those rats don't deserve anything on god's green earth but our Forces' moral is now high unlike previous govt when after 2008, we did nothing but sat in our chairs fuming and again electing those scammers. Pak won't even try to do such misadventure now as it knows if India can attack it when an area of Kashmir is attacked then India will definitely fuk the shit out of it and not even China can oppose such countermeasures.

Pak is doing such misadventures every day because they try to over come their conventional inferiority through such off the record ops.

It was only about claiming which India never did. Till surgical strikes happened. Otherwise such ops are day to day activities.

It was just about crossing the LC and claiming it that yes we crossed.

India has the capability to enter deep off the record or on the record and return. And Pakis know it since day 1 because it's happening with them. But India never claimed it before.
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New Member
Feb 26, 2010
^^ Irrespective of it, US continued losing soldiers in per your logic the outcome was zero High profile targets or not.

Also high profile targets do not necessarily mean the most effective or even the most influential They happen to be public faces that hog all the attention, while allowing the "weed" to grow and suffocate the undergrowth.

By all accounts it was more than weed that was culled that night.

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Really ! Tell me more about it nd why such news is not leaked, how are we suppose to know.
Occasionally we do get to know if you follow these matters closely enough;

“After the meeting between the Directors General of Military Operations (DGMOs) on December 24, 2013, the situation along the LoC has improved considerably,” it added.

In a warning to Pakistan, Singh had today said India would respond in equal measure if Pakistan breaks any rules. He revealed that 10 Pakistani soldiers were killed in a recent military action.

He rejected the perception that the Indian military had not retaliated against the beheading of its soldiers by Pakistani troops last year.

“Let me assure you that action has been taken…If I can invite the attention to the Geo TV report on December 23 which talked of their one officer and nine jawans being killed with 12-13 being wounded. This has happened due to firing of your soldiers on ground,” he said while addressing the annual Army Day news conference in New Delhi.

Referring to repeated ceasefire violations by Pakistan on the LoC, Singh said, “It depends, if rules are followed by our neighbours, we follow the rules. If rules are broken, then obviously we cannot stick to the rules. Even we are going to break the rules.”


Having said that, the layman will not follow DFI etc and will not know at all.

Many people criticize Surgical Strikes handling by saying "what was need to go public" - well they do not realize that people have a right to know, to a certain limit. More harm is done by keeping things secret else people in India believe they are no secure or live in a soft state, while Pakis get encouraged to do more attacks as they are blissfully unaware of the price they are paying.

Take the news report above, where the secrecy led to perception that we did not avenge L/Nk Hemraj. Pakistani citizens will never question as to whether their Army's policies are worth it if their troops are paying with their lives for it.

For years people criticized ABV for being too soft, but little they knew he authorized the Army for a SF op to avenge Kaluchak massacre. The SF party went in 14 Km within PoK, wreaked havoc and even brought back 7 bodies. This raid should have been publicized to serve as a message to both internal and external people as deterrent for future.
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