Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Feb 16, 2009
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Still no news of any retaliation. Looks like we are toning down the rhetoric in view of 2019 elections. There won’t be any retaliation or even a promise of one.
This is why Pakistan can continue the same way for decades there is no fear
of retalliation. They know rhetoric may be spewed only to be ignored and continue
like always. I always wondered how ragtag terrorists can get thru against a trained
army?? There must be serious gaps in security that have not be addressed (for decades).


Pankaj Khanna
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Jul 24, 2017
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This is why Pakistan can continue the same way for decades there is no fear
of retalliation. They know rhetoric may be spewed only to be ignored and continue
like always. I always wondered how ragtag terrorists can get thru against a trained
army?? There must be serious gaps in security that have not be addressed (for decades).
Sad. I hope sense prevails sooner than later. Arms worth billions of dollars are not meant for nothing. All the weapons are good for nothing if they can't be used. There is no need to buy arms just for deterrence. We can just say we have developed all the latest technologies ingeniously (even if we have not developed) and inducted, as anyways we don't intend to use anything. We will save several billions of dollars which can be utilized for economic development. Until comes the doomsday!!


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Sad. I hope sense prevails sooner than later. Arms worth billions of dollars are not meant for nothing. All the weapons are good for nothing if they can't be used. There is no need to buy arms just for deterrence. We can just say we have developed all the latest technologies ingeniously (even if we have not developed) and inducted, as anyways we don't intend to use anything. We will save several billions of dollars which can be utilized for economic development. Until comes the doomsday!!
Many of the things being bought are being overpaid by 50% or more. There is serious
corruption and kickbacks going on in all the big defense deals made by India.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Sad. I hope sense prevails sooner than later. Arms worth billions of dollars are not meant for nothing. All the weapons are good for nothing if they can't be used. There is no need to buy arms just for deterrence. We can just say we have developed all the latest technologies ingeniously (even if we have not developed) and inducted, as anyways we don't intend to use anything. We will save several billions of dollars which can be utilized for economic development. Until comes the doomsday!!
You can have ur 5 minutes of rage. But such whinning does no good. War happens for certain objectives. If u do not have clear strategic and political objectives in mind, nobody goes into war. Its not a T20 match, its a long drawn chess that is played.


New Member
Jul 21, 2010
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I always wondered how ragtag terrorists can get thru against a trained
the jehadis come with a suicide mentality to die and kill indians along with them . since they are poor and have nothing to look forward to on earth , they prefer to believe false promises of virgins and wine in heaven given to them by mullahs . when one comes with such a mentality then it is not so easy even for a trained army to not lose some soldiers in fighting them .


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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the jehadis come with a suicide mentality to die and kill indians along with them . since they are poor and have nothing to look forward to on earth , they prefer to believe false promises of virgins and wine in heaven given to them by mullahs . when one comes with such a mentality then it is not so easy even for a trained army to not lose some soldiers in fighting them .
I remember in the 1980's Israel had the same issue on more than one front. They seem
to have little to no problems today?


New Member
Feb 5, 2017
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Have seen some people complaining about high casualty rates especially the one happened yesterday and some saying govt is doing nothing army is quite etc etc I would like to make some points
1) terrain - probably the biggest hindrance in the operation I have never been to Kashmir but what ever I have seen in videos the terrain is very difficult and unforgiving even today when encounter was happening rafiabad rain came and affected encounter
2)local support- there are people living in Kashmir who support these people I remember a Taliban soldier saying in interview for every insurgency you need 2 important things 1 -ammunition most importantly 2) place to hide this is where we are lacking compare to north east and khalistan insurgency which have been crushed brutally due to lack of local support
3)Pakistan unlimited supply of manpower Pakistan has terror factories where soldiers are manufactured in the name of religion and are used as cannon fodders if they inflcit damage on India then India loses or else Pakistan looses nothing all Pakistan have to do is teach them to be half soldier hand them gun and food packets Pakistan is still applying the Soviet afghan war startergy here
Now factor all these things in insurgency Russia was once a neighbour to Afghans now look in the map how many countries are there
Superpower USA went to Afghanistan with the plan of light foot print and total destruction of Al-Qaeda and Taliban now it is bleeding and staring at defeat
Let's not compare with isreal insurgency is pretty much dead since last 25 years after arafat signed peace treaty even after that Israel has lost considerable amount of land
It's only India which has successfully contained insurgency and still growing into power to be reckoned with let's just not complain that we are weak state and things like that this is long game of chess which you have to play peice by price


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
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Only complain I have is not enough bomb explosions in pakistan. Hopefully Im the dim's inauguration will see a new round of centuries.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Israeli jews are fighting against ENTIRE ARAB MUSLIM world surrounded by ALL SIDES not coward forcefully converted Indian sub-continent muslims .... :rofl:

For Ex: Arab ISIS muslims give toilet cleaning jobs to Indian sub-continent muslims...

Muslim pop in Israel is ~18%

At-least accept the truth we(Hindus) are idiots.Not boasting but like Thackery said 'give me ONLY one day as PM i will show the pakis and kashmiri their place'.
Israel and Palestine issue resolved?

Jerusalem became the capital of Israel?


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Are u expecting SANE solution from isis/taliban/palis/pakis? ... they all are same.

Israel is an occupied state still they stand their ground against entire arab world and kills 1:100 jihadis sometimes 1000 and we lost 1:2 against coward converted people. :rofl:

Kill them, kill them more this is the only rule(Dharma) against raakshas.
I don't expect SANE solution from ISIS/Taliban/Palis/Pakis............ But I expect SANE solution from our end. Killing one Azhar Masood or Hafiz Saeed is not going to solve Kashmir issue, nor attacking and killing a dozen napak army is going to bring Kashmir to us.

If we want Kashmir as a whole and stable area, we have to kill the Kashmiriyat first and this false urge that they are slave under India. You can't kill Kashmiriyat by killing 100's of zombies. May be you could bring a tranquility for 1 or 2 year, but after that it would be back to square one. Then again we would be posting messages like this here. Its not a solution.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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This is the problem with many IDIOTS .. u see only hafiz saeed and azhar masood are problem but i see their 1000's of followers and their FAMILIES ARE the MAIN PROBLEM.

kashmiriyat=talibaniyat=isisyat=pakistaniyat. Is stable taliban possible ever? ..... NO:rofl:

PS: Advising Hindus to follow Dharma is not wrong.
That is wrong is many IDIOTS.......... U are seeing 1000 of followers of Hafeez and Azhar as threat but thinking that you are clever enough and have different thought process then other IDIOTS, to not include these two.

Killing 2 or 1000 is not going to solve issue unless and untill you kill the very idea which gave birth to these people.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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I agree with you on this one kashmiriyat =bullshit +taqiya (secularism)
we need to form several tsd type organisations for states.
also I want a site banned not only banned but people behind it ,it seems well organized love jehadis propoganda site with anti Hindu hate .
Do suggest where I should complain.
Can we know whch site it is.... :yo:
Secondly there were some media reports of a black Op like TSD restarted under a new name. Wish if someone could dig it out.


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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That is wrong is many IDIOTS.......... U are seeing 1000 of followers of Hafeez and Azhar as threat but thinking that you are clever enough and have different thought process then other IDIOTS, to not include these two.

Killing 2 or 1000 is not going to solve issue unless and untill you kill the very idea which gave birth to these people.

1000 will become useless with you remove the leader . they will be useless


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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One more thing Terrorist will be reain terrorist no matter they are docotr, engg , advocate , MBA they may be from any profession but they will try to spread hardcore view .

Well india need to make a plan & execute it no matter which govt in country . something should be beyond from govt

Its my prediction Imran khan will be the worst pm for india view he is dangerous no matter u agree or not .

He is going to be bad dream for us . my prediction
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