Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Senior Member
May 19, 2017
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These are attempts to restart track II diplomacy channels which will again tie down our hands in the name of peace. Because we are hurting Paks bigtime. As soon as the artillery guns were opened sense started to come in these retired Generals. Waah
suddenly after a meeting with officers from pak embassy at mani shanker's residence amam ka tamasha brigde has started its work. Commie chutiya Ajai Shukla has written an article demanding restoration of dialogue with pakistan. And there was a chutiya who visited PA GHQ and peddled pak narrative in indian media. Don't be surprised if these voices increase in near future.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Now we have people criticising the GoI for not taking tougher stand against Shitistanis. When the senior officers in the army are themselves reluctant to endorse this line of thinking, how do you expect the armed forces to effectively carry out GoI's plans?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Pakistan, India need to sit and talk on border tensions: US State dept spokesperson
What exactly do you want? I have been looking at your posts for the past few pages and all of them are discouraging further violence on LOC and support coming to the "negotiating table". What exactly should we negotiate that will make the pakis stop sending terrorists? In what dreamworld do these people live in who think pakistan will give up its proxy war and BAT actions just with some "talks". And talks with whom? Civilians have no power, and the military will not have peace with India regardless, especially with Chinese encouragement. Nothing short of the complete break up of India into tiny pieces will stop the proxy war and border aggression against India. Even if we hand over all of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh to them their Jihad will not stop. There is nothing to talk about. There is nothing to negotiate. They understand only disproportionate force.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Now we have people criticising the GoI for not taking tougher stand against Shitistanis. When the senior officers in the army are themselves reluctant to endorse this line of thinking, how do you expect the armed forces to effectively carry out GoI's plans?
They expressed their opinion and views, As you know it is a part and parcel of debate and discussion process in democracy.

On the other side India is purchasing close to 3.5 lakh rifles and communication equipment which can be used in battlefield.


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Nov 5, 2016
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Two-front war not a good idea, says top general

“It will also help us secure one side of the border. People keep talking about a two-front war. It is never a good idea, never a smart idea to fight a two-front war,” he said. He added that there were various options, including re-negotiating some treaties, to bring about some pressure on Pakistan.
“In Pakistan, military’s writ runs. Therefore, sooner or later, we have to talk to their military. I am convinced that on our side also, military diplomacy plays a very important role. Therefore, there has to be a greater role to military diplomacy so that the militaries of the two nations can work with each other and bring about greater confidence in each other and we can go forward,” he said.
Referring to China, the Army commander said the relations were manageable. “There is not that sort of enmity, from people to people or from entire polity on one side and the polity on the other side. There are differences on demarcation of borders. I think this can be worked out. If we can improve our relations with China, we can develop the best possible leverage with Pakistan in times to come,” Lt Gen Singh added. “Working with China will secure one side of border,” he said.

The general also emphasised that Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence had reduced the window for conventional conflict.
“You can only push them conventionally to a limit and not beyond that. And no nuclear nation can be browbeaten beyond a particular stage. It is for that nation to lay down the red lines as to what is the limit of the punishment they will take,” he said.
Referring to the possibility of a conventional conflict with Pakistan, Lt Gen Singh said, “Sometimes, conventional conflict does not take place because you can achieve any great military objective but because at times you can get pushed into the conflict due to public opinion. Therefore, sometimes it becomes the case of tail wagging the dog.”
Lol... ISI via Congress moles are activated.. Aman ki tamasha gang... Nexr time
Government should keep this filthy Sooo called "Lt Gens" in last row for CoAS or HQ-IDS selection.
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Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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What two front war?

Did China intervene in 1965, 1971 or 1999?

When was the last shot fired on India-China border?

Is there even a smidgen of evidence that Chinis will intervene militarily if their RANDI will start getting buttfucked?

Instead of answering these simple questions, people regardless of the uniform they wear are engaging in mumbo jumbo.
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pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Either The Two LT Generals are playing a
" Game " of Good cop - Bad cop
Or They are Traitors


Darth Vader
Regular Member
Oct 22, 2017
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What exactly do you want? I have been looking at your posts for the past few pages and all of them are discouraging further violence on LOC and support coming to the "negotiating table". What exactly should we negotiate that will make the pakis stop sending terrorists? In what dreamworld do these people live in who think pakistan will give up its proxy war and BAT actions just with some "talks". And talks with whom? Civilians have no power, and the military will not have peace with India regardless, especially with Chinese encouragement. Nothing short of the complete break up of India into tiny pieces will stop the proxy war and border aggression against India. Even if we hand over all of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh to them their Jihad will not stop. There is nothing to talk about. There is nothing to negotiate. They understand only disproportionate force.
leave it bro this khangressis can go to very cheap level for criticising modi and will find some excuses im not an modi supporter but i like how modi have given sleepless nights to porkis and u will now find mention of modi in every tweets of porkis as if modi is resposible for everything so it idicates that modi should stay in power for next 5 years to keep porkis in check


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2016
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"War won by soldiers lost by General"
And those 2 Lt gens' speaking tone saying they both already lost mentally.. And you know, in Battlefield Lost party either Surrender OR killed/beheaded by winners..
Soo i will suggest those 2 respected Lt Gens'..
You have enough contributed for Indian both take retirement and Enjoy The OROP..
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