Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Feb 17, 2017
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Let's make these cross border raids a new normal and openly publicize them. This will instill fear among Pakistanis. These raids should not be confined to killing terrorists, but killing Pakistani army men also besides retired army men sheltering terrorists.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
A question often comes to my mind. What if some best men instead of returning to their den, put on the cloths of terrorists and go deeper into POK and then Pakistan and use Pakistani materials and sabotage their sites. Return after causing considerable damage in Pakistan.
How do we know somebody is not there and doing all that already, afterall Kulbhushan Sahab was also just a businessman :truestory:

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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...A question often comes to my mind. What if some best men instead of returning to their den, put on the cloths of terrorists and go deeper into POK and then Pakistan and use Pakistani materials and sabotage their sites. Return after causing considerable damage in Pakistan. Prize win would be, sabotaging their air bases or artillery sites or using IED and killing Pakistani army vehicles carrying army men.
Very much possible. Our best men are clearly upto the task.

I suggest we assassinate either of these HVTs:

- Lakhvi
- Hafiz Saeed
- Dawood Ibrahim


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Very much possible. Our best men are clearly upto the task.

I suggest we assassinate either of these HVTs:

- Lakhvi
- Hafiz Saeed
- Dawood Ibrahim
Not gonna happen mate. Hafiz is more of a politician now with the LeT being run by his son Talha Saeed. Dawood is also well settled inside Karachi. Lakhvi usually visits PoK to boost up Jihadis for jumping LoC so probably he only can be a viable target. But thats upto Govt to authorise the strike, which i dont think current Govt is even interested in.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Not gonna happen mate. Hafiz is more of a politician now with the LeT being run by his son Talha Saeed. Dawood is also well settled inside Karachi. Lakhvi usually visits PoK to boost up Jihadis for jumping LoC so probably he only can be a viable target. But thats upto Govt to authorise the strike, which i dont think current Govt is even interested in.
Dawood was supposed to be assassinated by Mine/ IED


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Jan 25, 2014
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How do we know somebody is not there and doing all that already, afterall Kulbhushan Sahab was also just a businessman :truestory:
He was indeed a business man, he took early retirement from Navy, in Navy he was an engineer. After retirement he invested his pension funds and savings into a small ship.

Back in those times Global economy was about to boom and India was going to expand the trade with Iran in a significant way. So Kulbhushan invested lots of money in the Boat. I can't recall the name of his boat as of now, but It was supposed to ship goods between India and Iran.

Then came American sanctions on Iran and all the prospects of trade with Iran went up in smoke. Kulbhusan among many other suffered a great loss.

He had some contacts in Navy and approached RAW to get an entry. He told officers of RAW that he would help them by spying on Gwadar and Chinese development there, If paid well. RAW refused his application and sent him back.

And that's the closest Kulbhushan came to intelligence gathering agency. He was kidnapped in Iran, after Pakis or I should say the Chinese picked him talking to his home in Marathi. They traced him in Iran and baited him to an isolated place and kidnapped him through Pakistani smuggling gangs. Weather he was there for some deals with those smugglers or other motive is unclear.

He was kidnapped in Iran is what even German ambassador to Pakistan confirmed.

It is not that ISPR or ISI doesn't know who he really is, but they are making a show of him. As to warn any Indian officer and Indian Government who would be sent on sabotage and subversive operations in Baluchistan area, about which they are more paranoid than what the reality is on ground.

Kulbhushan Jadhav, the former Indian Navy officer sentenced to death by a military court in Pakistan on Sunday, approached the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) several times between 2010 and 2012 offering his services as a freelance intelligence operative, three highly placed officers who served in the organisation at the time have told The Indian Express. However, the officers said, the offers were rejected by R&AW, which saw Jadhav as too much of a risk.
Jadhav made his first pitch to work for R&AW, sources at the meeting in New Delhi said, in the summer of 2010. He offered the use of his dhow, the Kaminda, to gather intelligence on Pakistan’s fledgling port project at Gwadar. The proposal, the sources said, received a polite but sceptical hearing by R&AW’s Pakistan Desk, which directly handles Pakistan-related operations, and a Joint Secretary familiar with covert operations. Both appraisers concluded R&AW had little interest in Jadhav’s intelligence-gathering proposals.

“I am not prepared to discuss the specifics of any intelligence-related conversations or contacts,” said Anand Arni, the long-serving head of R&AW’s Pakistan Desk, who retired in 2012. “I will only repeat what I said on Monday which is that Jadhav was not an asset of the agency. You are free to believe or disbelieve me.”

Now as you can see Jadhav on the Tape says he had contacts with NSA Ajit Doval, :hail: who would believe such story ? What next, Modi used to make personal video conferences along with Mohan Bhagwat and Yogi Adityanath to do reverse love Jihad in Baluchistan, Bring 100 muslim grils from Pakistan. :dude:


New Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Very much possible. Our best men are clearly upto the task.

I suggest we assassinate either of these HVTs:

- Lakhvi
- Hafiz Saeed
- Dawood Ibrahim
More than these three, I would say Mehsud Azhar, his brother and JeM would main threat in 2018. Lashkar back seems to be broken and they are hardly doing any operations in the valley.

JeM has been doing most operations and they are also experienced in doing cross IB operations which are more lethal and damaging.

When the snow melts the operations in valley is going to be tough, so expect another Gurdaspur and Pathankot etc type attacks. This will then demand airstrikes on Bahawalpur Madarsa of Mehsud Azhar, lets see what the Government does then.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
i mean any worthwhile response
A tactical level cross LoC operation was successfully executed after the beheading (not yet disclosed) other than this op to eliminate Anwar. Officially Anwar was killed on LoC not in cross LoC Raid

Usually both side tries to show that they respect LoC and all the associated agreements, not true however


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Mar 28, 2017
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He was indeed a business man, he took early retirement from Navy, in Navy he was an engineer. After retirement he invested his pension funds and savings into a small ship.

Back in those times Global economy was about to boom and India was going to expand the trade with Iran in a significant way. So Kulbhushan invested lots of money in the Boat. I can't recall the name of his boat as of now, but It was supposed to ship goods between India and Iran.

Then came American sanctions on Iran and all the prospects of trade with Iran went up in smoke. Kulbhusan among many other suffered a great loss.

He had some contacts in Navy and approached RAW to get an entry. He told officers of RAW that he would help them by spying on Gwadar and Chinese development there, If paid well. RAW refused his application and sent him back.

And that's the closest Kulbhushan came to intelligence gathering agency. He was kidnapped in Iran, after Pakis or I should say the Chinese picked him talking to his home in Marathi. They traced him in Iran and baited him to an isolated place and kidnapped him through Pakistani smuggling gangs. Weather he was there for some deals with those smugglers or other motive is unclear.

He was kidnapped in Iran is what even German ambassador to Pakistan confirmed.

It is not that ISPR or ISI doesn't know who he really is, but they are making a show of him. As to warn any Indian officer and Indian Government who would be sent on sabotage and subversive operations in Baluchistan area, about which they are more paranoid than what the reality is on ground.
Now as you can see Jadhav on the Tape says he had contacts with NSA Ajit Doval, :hail: who would believe such story ? What next, Modi used to make personal video conferences along with Mohan Bhagwat and Yogi Adityanath to do reverse love Jihad in Baluchistan, Bring 100 muslim grils from Pakistan. :dude:
Why would this be allowed to be published in public domain to jeopardise an ongoing Case


Living in Post Truth
New Member
May 31, 2017
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I suggest we blast dawoods family members nd supporters nd leave him alive
While shoot hafiz and lakhvis family members nd also leave them alive, otherwise death is just a moment of pain while life is very painful.
Death is a moment of glory for them rather than pain. After all they will reach Jannat and get promised 72 hooris when killed by Kafirs.
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