Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Jan 10, 2013
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Here too many suffer from "Barkha dutt" syndrome. Few days back, they were chest beating berating Modi for not taking action against Pakistan. That is they were talking of war. But now only IB & LoC has been turned hot , very those people are questioning this unsettling of peace at IB! They believe more in Paki propaganda than their own army or govt..... Very similar to Burkha's behavior while ICJ 814 hijacking.
When bullets fly, injuries and casualties are unfortunate consequence. The govt can only try to minimize casualties as much as possible and arrange alternative places for their lives to continue for brief period.

And this is where I am angry at Govt, why the fck bunkers and evacuation strategy not in place for so many years?????? Villagers living at borders are not cannon fodders. Spend this year's Hajj subsidy on building adequate bunkers and BPV's for evacuation..
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Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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2 days back you were saying all this won't help and we have to completely wipe out pakistan. Now you are saying not to wage war but hit them at least where it hurts.

Make up your mind what exactly you are supporting.

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk

99% of my post demand taking the territory
Omar Abdullah bluntly replied to a Paki about situation in POK on her statement that they are happy while in J&K people are not.

Omar Abdullah said: you are happy because we are not interfering.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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You said about "all" wars. Ab tu hai 20 saal ka.. then you should have the sense to know that you don't have enough knowledge or experience if you only consider wars in your lifetime

Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk
I said you should prepare for all wars and if it happens we can recover now as we are young nation. And create a stage in POK for the show.

My all posts revolve around POK and taking back our territory. I give solutions here. I don't randomly talk.

You people are happy in counting bodies which is not giving India any strategic advantage.

Think beyond 5 years and see how geopolitics would change.

You need to have POK by any means soon or else these problems will persist.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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My 2 cents
I have a feeling that air power may already being used.
Considering the fact that ammo and fuel dumps are being hit. Both sides may not acknowlege the same .
Also why is there such silence from the Pak side.

Either we are really hurting them, or are utterly failing.
My mind says its the former.

Jai hind
I also believe that there is more to it than what we know

This latest flare up started on 18 th and now 22 has started

So even if we were surprised on the First day
we would have hit back hard in the last three days

It does nt take much time to understand the enemy's intentions and then plan accordingly

The Forces are already present on the ground


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Pakis have started Dialing their Favourite agents in the media

what I ever i said in my previous post is coming out to be true..

This battle is about territory where we use terms like terrorism or proxies or what ever. They want to annex Kashmir we want to defend Kashmir. The day we change our thinking and consider annexing POK in small chunks the Pakis will piss in their pants.
Till now through Congis and other lobyyst these pakis have enjoyed a lot of soft reaction from India but no more.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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I think we should keep this thread strictly about the facts of what is happening at the border and LOC. Too many members are showing their frustration, and talking about full scale war, or taking back POK etc. and involving politics too, which is filling up the pages with frustrating arguments between members. Though I admit I also contributed to this a few times.

But this thread should be where we can have a real time view of whats happening, rather than having to listen to members political opinions or war plans. My 2 cents.
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