Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Be it any govt in the world, their primary goal is to stay in power. Indians are emotional people with memory of goldfish. Even after winning Kargil war, nuclear tests and development programmes yet BJP lost 2004 war because of inflations before 2004 elections. So NDA has learnt its lessons and they are focused on how to stay in power.
X-post to political galli thread. We were discussing politics from LC/strike pov, take this there and we shall debate out there.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Bhai, some posts were relevant here considering those points were raised in relation to LC politics and decisions.
I don't know man our armed forces are so interlinked with Politics it's almost impossible to talk about military strategy without political jumla.


New Member
Jul 25, 2017
I am not talking about going beserk but starting to take over posts slowly.Putting SF and Ghatak in action and then putting more number of troops there so each year they go back a few kilometeres.

This way they cannot use nukes and we can take over more area in POK.

You slap me..I punch you doesnt work or isnt it?
Nukes aren't the real reason. Technological backwardness of India is. The Indian govt has been continually run by traitors who have scuttled defence of India. Nevertheles, India has now started building up. Pakistan has nothing on their side. They want war as early as possible to have a better chance. Also, oil from their allies are also more useful for Pakistan for rebuilding. When oil runs out, Pakistan will be in deep trouble.

That's the problem

In long term Pakis will be advantageous in the skirmish. Why? Because they have maintained conventional equilibrium with India.
By what sense do Pakistan have conventional equilibrium?
1) Pakistan is a food importer
2) Pakistan has no satellite program
3) Pakistan has no facility to even make cars, forget trucks and tanks.
4) Pakistan doesn't have ship building ability or even raw material processing centres for making steel and other raw materials
5) Pakistan has no aeroplane development program or jet engine program
6) Pakistan ha no indigenous SAM system
7) Pakistan has no choppers on its own
8) Pakistani indigenous radars are of poor quality or non existent

What is the conventional equilibrium here?

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Present NDA govt has given full authority to Army to plan and execute such punitive actions. This was not the case previously where there was no political blessing. If things went south all blame on Army officer in question and govt would dust it's hands off. Today's position is a sea change from that.

And guys i request you to please not give credit to BJP for this.

Dont listen to me but go and ask any Army officer who gives orders for such kind of raids..

Army Hq

Northern Command

Corp Commander

Brigade Commander

Commanding officer

Modi doesnt give permissions for LOC firing and carrying out raids.

aditya g

New Member
Jan 14, 2014
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......How many even know about Op Sarp Vinash where we killed more terrorists than Surgical strikes.
Op Sarp Vinash vs SS is comparing apples to oranges. In those days vast tracts of the hinterland were still not in Army control. Hil Kaka and other areas were remote with little security presence, thus lending to rich pickings. The operation was also a large one with heptrs, UAVs, multiple units operating in the area.

SS was a guerilla type, single action(s) operation - very different.

SS also served to deplete the jehadi inventory in PoK, before they infiltration vs SV which was on our side of LoC


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Jan 25, 2014
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This man would have been alive..

This girl would be smiling and spending time with him..

His wife would have him for many more years..

Only if Pakistani Army behaved.

Wars are decided by the rich and faught by the poor.
Everything is fine mate, but this person fully knew what he was doing and why. Having been arrested earlier and out on parole, he would've been given full knowledge of what this war is all about by NIA officers during his time in Jail and interrogation sessions.

aditya g

New Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Sources: Army team that conducted yesterday's assault raid across the LoC in Poonch is from a unit of the Army's Rajput Regiment. Raid included battalion's Ghatak special ops men.

~ Shiv Aroor.
Contracting information supplied by Shatrujeet who claimed it was elements of 2 Sikh + Para SF.

Shiv's source is more credible;



Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Reading the past few pages of discussion led me to think that many people dont understand the nature of problem. Problem is the Pak's strategy of asymetric warfare. Simply because Pak will surely be defeated badly in a full scale war leads their rouge army to fight India through terrorists. The problem India faces is similar to what USA faces in Afghanistan. And quite similar even US has not been able to win the war in Afghan for past 16 yrs. Coz the enemy plays the war of attrition. You kill few and more come up. Hence on a tactical level only limited success can be achieved.
There are few changes adopted in strategy post 2014. One is to give free hand to army n bsf with no prior authorisation required for whtever form of revenge decided by army HQs. Second is the political backing given to armed forces in the way that whatever step they take will not be questioned by Govt but strongly backed and publicised. Unlike earlier when such actions were kept secret for mantaining the status quo in foreign relations.
Third step is the removal of usual nuisance makers like Huriyats, track II talks, cultural contacts etc which could not resolve the issue in any way but made a smokescreen of everything being normal and hunky dory at Int level. Today everyone knows Pak is enemy state and needs to be beaten unlike before when bullshit like all people are same, both countries have same culture, language, both love cricket n bollywood etc were sold and people believed.
These are a lot of welcome changes at tactical level and should be acknowledged. These cannot and will not result into permanent solution.
For getting permanent solution game is entirely different. How it will be played is a different discussion altogether.


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Feb 16, 2017
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From foreign intelligence gathering it has come to light that North Korea is acting as a chinese/paki proxy for testing their tactical nukes. Basically both the countries have OUTSOURCED their nuke testing to NK. The same nukes that pak PM and def min have been singing about. NK is doing real time tests one by one on various configs, and gathering massive data on them.

In my opinion not only one can EXPECT a massive strike on NK nuke testing labs, but also India might have to act quickly on the Paks tactical nuke storage sites, I am praying that Doval stays up to his game in locating*. Case in point. @Nanjesh Patel
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Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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You still don't get the point.. The point is why still we are having so many loses when we have nationalistic government and the so called most strong man in the helm
Yet Pakistani are brazen enough to do such mutilation
Can you imagine.. They come at their will.. Mutilate at will and leave at will and what do we do.. Nothing
Please tell me if SS is able to stop such infiltration.. We had lost lot of fine even after SS

People elected this government for change in Pakistani policy.. But I fear modi do not have any vision wrt Pakistan.. I fear his incompetence will cause us dearly in coming future
First you must understand that politicians are not military men.They do not play any part in the fighting.they do not command at any level and are not the actual jawans fighting.

What they can do is Authorize the military to be creative in their fight,not restrain them.they can Authorize they with more power to act independent ly.they can Authorize more resources to the fighters.other than this they can help indirectly the army by boosting it's morale,improving the economy and setting up research and set rolling the ball in military technology.

In all of these Modi has delivered.

There is no politician in the ranks probably in either party who will purposefully do this.
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