Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Jul 21, 2023
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This is hilarious. This clown at the beginning of the video shows Ukraine's advancements. However what he shows as a huge advancement was just one Ukrainian tank that was geo located, but ended up deep into Russian territory because it got lost, and then fell into an anti tank trench.
The guy is a fraud. He makes a living making youtube videos because he's too lazy to work. Army veteran my ass.


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Jan 19, 2011
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Apr 9, 2022
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Biden promoted the witch Victoria Nuland. It doesn't matter because Russia doesn't want to negotiate anyway, they want all of Ukraine, and are willing to fight for years.
Uber Russia-hawk Victoria Nuland rises to acting deputy secretary of state
She’s done as much as anyone to sour US-Russia ties; now, she is one of Washington’s top diplomats.
JULY 25, 2023


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
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The US and Europe have one thing in common, they both hate Russia. At the end of this video, they talk about this. One would think this couldn't be the reason. That it's more about power and money, but hate might actually be the driving force behind all of this.

"This strategy would, in any event, mark an improvement over the current U.S. approach, which seems to operate on the premise that the United States can continue running its foreign policy in ways that are fundamentally out of alignment with its military resources—or that America will be able to someday return to Cold War-era defense spending levels. It would work with the momentum and logic of current U.S. Russia policy and need not come at the expense of America’s emphasis on democracy and human rights in relations with that country. In fact, the focus on the development of “carrots” in the east could be made conditional on specific forms of Russian behavior in a number of fields, as circumstances warrant. But nor does the strategy’s success hinge on the assumption of regime change; to a greater extent than current policy, it would harness punitive measures like sanctions to a coherent goal (reorienting Russia eastward) that, critically, includes a positive component (the development of Russia’s neglected east). It also has the merit of working with, rather than against, the interests and desires of U.S. allies in Asia without coming at the expense of the interests of European allies or the independence and security of Europe’s frontline states.

A virtue of the proposed strategy is that it is active rather than passive. It would take the United States out of the position of waiting idly for opportunities to emerge to “drive wedges” between Russia and China. Instead, it would involve an active political program that harnesses the various instruments of U.S. national power (diplomacy, financial, military, alliances) toward a tangible goal.

But perhaps the greatest selling point for the strategy is that it would make the most of America’s window of opportunity to sequence the Russian and Chinese threats. That window is closing quickly. The deepening dependency of Russia on China bodes ill for the United States in a future conflict. We should use the time available to bring U.S. power to bear in the most efficacious ways possible to avert a two-front war.

A. Wess Mitchell is a former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and is now a principal and co-founder at The Marathon Initiative, a think-tank dedicated to the study of great power competition. This essay draws upon elements of a report that he prepared for the Pentagon Office of Net Assessment in fall 2020.


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2023
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Sniper work is pretty boring but still relevant. In WW1 and WW2 a lot of casualties were attributed to snipers.



Regular Member
Feb 9, 2017
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It is long to explain. How is Bulgarian or Serbian different from Russian? They also use Cyrillic. These are two different branches of the Slavic languages.
Хватит нести хуйню.. Ukrainian is just an archaic form of Russian. Most Ukrops who have recently 'discovered' their 'mother tongue' just speak Surzhikh which is just pigdin and most default to Russian after a few minutes anyway. At best, I would describe 'classic Ukropian' as a dialect of Russian, similar to Bhojpuri and Hindi, with much of the variation attributable to differences in emphasis, pronunciation and replacement of 'o' with 'i' in common words. The attempt to liken Ukropian to Bulgarian or Serbian is just laughable- I've been to both countries (well North Macedonia where a variant of Bulgarian is spoken) and though I could pick out individual words, it was hard to follow free flowing speech whereas I can understand 60-70% of Ukropian without any effort after listening to it in passing over the past year. In fact most native Russian speakers could easily become fluent this pointless 'language' in a matter of weeks if they tried, which would be impossible if it was as linguistically distinct to Russian as Serbian.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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No shit Ukraine cut Russia off, fool. Any sane country would do the same if their neighbor attacked their land, you don't need orders for that. With China for example, we didn't start freezing trade with them slowly because some person in Washington told us to.

Where is your source Ukraine stopped paying pensions in Crimea and Donbass? Or is it from your state propaganda?

You are a bozo if you think Ukraine was threatening Russia from the Donbas due to missiles, because they can easily do so from areas like Sumy, Kharkiv etc too. Don't see you guys trying to get Kharkiv.. where are those biological laboratories now? Haven't heard of them. Your soldiers still getting bit with mutated insects?

Again, I view this the same as when China invaded Tibet. Even they claimed they were reuniting their people of "shared history". The real reason is nothing more than an economic and political land grab. Ukraine threatens Russia's economy just by existing as it was pre-2014. The Russians know Ukrainians can replace them as an oil/gas provider to the entire Europe, which is the only cash cow for the Russians.

Why else do you think all the problems originate in the oil/gas rich regions of Ukraine? Lmao. No separatism in Lvov or Sumy? Yeah I wonder why.
"No shit Ukraine cut Russia off, fool. Any sane country would do the same if their neighbor attacked their land, you don't need orders for that."

- you are dumb pilot and that's why you probably don't know that Ukraine still consumes and transits Russian gas. Even if it allegedly comes from the EU, it is still Russian. You think its Norwegian or what?

"With China for example, we didn't start freezing trade with them slowly because some person in Washington told us to."

- So decide whether you cut off trade with enemies or not. Your brains seem to be melting.

"Where is your source Ukraine stopped paying pensions in Crimea and Donbass? Or is it from your state propaganda?"

- My source is a reality in which Ukraine does not pay pensions to Crimeans and residents of Donbass. What do YOU have? Ukrainian propaganda?

"You are a bozo if you think Ukraine was threatening Russia from the Donbas due to missiles, because they can easily do so from areas like Sumy, Kharkiv etc too. Don't see you guys trying to get Kharkiv.. where are those biological laboratories now? Haven't heard of them. Your soldiers still getting bit with mutated insects?"

- Idiot, where did I write that Ukraine threatened Russia with missiles from the Donbass? Are you fucking in the eyes? The threat to Russia is precisely from the plagued entire territory of Ukraine. Fortunately, there is no longer any threat from Donbass.

"Haven't heard of them."

- You didn't hear, but Victoria Nuland admitted their presence.

"Again, I view this the same as when China invaded Tibet. Even they claimed they were reuniting their people of "shared history". The real reason is nothing more than an economic and political land grab. Ukraine threatens Russia's economy just by existing as it was pre-2014. The Russians know Ukrainians can replace them as an oil/gas provider to the entire Europe, which is the only cash cow for the Russians."

- Russia did not hide that it helps the people of Donbass, who want to be part of Russia, because they are Russian by nature.
And what parallel universe do you live in? What is Ukrainian gas/oil supplier for Europe? The gas that comes out of their burning asses? Ukraine is a net importer of gas and oil. Did you even finish school, to be able to study statistics?


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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Actually i was asking about the language itself
What makes Ukranian and Russian different other than use of word "o" instead of "a' and "y" instaed of "ie"
Example vlodomyr( Ukranian)is Vladimir (Russian )
Kiev is kyiv
So is the recipe chicken Kiev now known as chicken kyiv ?
The territories of present-day Ukraine were for a long time, rather its western part, for a long time were under the rule of the Poles. Therefore, in the Ukrainian language, a lot is borrowed from Polish. And "help" from the enemies of Russia (Austria and Poland) forced them to invent new words and language.


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2023
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accurate 152 mm laser guided shells turn a rare T-72 and a rare Leopard 2 A6 into scrap metal

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Senior Member
Dec 3, 2021
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Not necessarily. Nixon ended Vietnam war. Carter never started a war. Trump ended Afghanistan war. Some presidents are pro peace.
I don’t know about Nixon and Carter, but the quick withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan (by the way, Biden did this) was logical on the eve of the war in Ukraine. Can you imagine what kind of military assistance Russia could provide to the Taliban if American troops would still remain in Afghanistan?

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