Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Well, here is another forum I would not recommend as a neutral forum regarding topics.

View attachment 193477
View attachment 193478
View attachment 193479
The entire thread over there just showcased that any normal person that has no interests in this war sees it as bunch of moderators that feel intimidated by one user peacefully making posts there that challenge main stream media talking points. I get it that I was reported out of spite by a user because I have showcased alot of posts of destroyed Ukrainian equipment far more than users over there can showcase destroyed Russian equipment in a single day and even called out one of the users yesterday that their posts have showed old information of Russian equipment being destroyed months ago but that's beside the point because no one ever gave any specific details or rules of what flooding because some might consider double link posting as flooding, 9 link posts as flooding or 40 post links as flooding, etc. I don't know if it was a bright idea for one moderator to even go mention me there that a bunch of moderators went to report me to admins because that is basically making a statement that admins should be intimidated by mob mentality than making their own decisions and sadly the admins gave into the peer pressure by the moderators because I have only made 3 link posts or one link post after the admin gave the message and he still hasn't responded back. I even had one of my posts magically removed without any alerts of why it was removed in response to debunking a moderator using another person's blog post as a response.

Forums that are echo chambers are.,,, defensetalk, space battle forum, and sino defense net. Current open discussion forums are this one, Russia defense net and sucks. There is a forum member that boastly brags about his signature line about hanging up Indians for suti (sp?) as if his ancestors did a great thing when in reality his ancestors were responsible for the worst crimes of humanity such as slavery, indentured servitude, torture, starvation on purpose, etc., you name it. Fuck


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Yeah, but some study for it. Which you clearly haven't done.

With this sort of knowledge, you wouldn't be asked to teach history to turtles, let alone humans.

We have had experience with multiethnic countries for centuries. Seeing how we largely abandoned it, you might take a look at what went wrong.

If anything, Serbs are really Orthodox Croats. They took their language and much of their culture from us.

Barbarians are barbarians precisely because they are incapable of complex undertakings, and war is the most complex undertaking there is.

Higher degree of civilisation has yielded higher competence in warfare back since Neolithic.

Seriously, were you thrown out of kindergarten? Because this degree of BS is something I don't remember even in the primary school.

In your vodka-fuelled la-la world, maybe.

Look, literally everything you have written so far is either a lie or a bullshit. Europe has not failed at forming multiethnic societies, and we are not Serbs.

And no, Sun does not revolve around the Earth, nor is Earth a plate carried by giant turtles, and you cannot summon rain by dancing... just in case you needed help with that as well.

Civilization has not developed thanks to multiethnic societies. Rather, multiethnic societies develop thanks to the civilization, which allows the biggest group on the block to conquer their neighbours.

In short, multiethnic societies happen due to barbarity of civilization.

But of course you have no clue what you are talking about.

Ah yes, vaunted European primitivity...

With the exception of Israel, China, Japan and South Korea, all top-level patent countries are either in Western Europe, or former European colonies. And those exceptions actively copied everything from Europe they could.

You are a clueless little child, aren't you?

Oh, I am not accusing you of lying. But you are repeating someone else's lies like a brainless little puppet you are.

And idiocy continues.

I do not provide a credible response when I have nothing to provide a response to.

World wars are wars like any other war. And it happened with colonization. If you think world wars wouldn't have happened had India and China become dominant powers instead of Europe, you have no clue... but of course, them becoming so dominant was unlikely.

Ah, yes, successful multi-ethnic nations... China, where all non-Han peoples are second-rate citizens and held in disdain. India, where 70% of deaths of children under 5 years of age happen due to malnutrition. Or Iran, which barely functions. Wondruous!

Racism has existed since before humans could be considered humans, so you are again engaging in ignorant prattle... just business as usual with you, I guess.
Sorry but your post is full of BS and lies. Stop lying. I do not have the inclination to rebut your post in detail. But stop lying.


Regular Member
Jun 2, 2022
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Ah, yes, successful multi-ethnic nations... China, where all non-Han peoples are second-rate citizens and held in disdain. India, where 70% of deaths of children under 5 years of age happen due to malnutrition. Or Iran, which barely functions. Wondruous!
Yeah, a country that was dirt poor at independence, and had its rogue, terrorist neighbors supported by the democratic west, four 4 wars with it, got sanctioned for nuclear weapons and somehow, isn't yet developed. One can only wonder why India was so lazy that it didn't industrialize when Europe did. Oh wai—

Since you're pointing fingers, can you explain the great logic behind why you people are engineering your own end with the reckless immigration and rapid islamization? One way or another, your ancestors built a prosperous Europe and it's being burnt today. In 20-30 years, Europe won't be Europe anymore. When I see Europeans proud of their heritage, it only invokes pity.


Senior Member
Dec 14, 2021
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Another disclaimer I got nothing against the Turks, but I understand where they are coming from and why they all don't support Russia in the war.

1. Crimean tartars are basically a Turkish group that use to be a part of the ottoman empire in Ukraine. Being under Russian control is against Turkey's interest than it is being a part of NATO's control.

2. Turkey still has plans for incursions into Syria hence why them and Qatar are still funding the FSA. In facts some parts of Syria are controlled by Turkey and there are Turkmen which like the tartars are a Turkish group and for all we know they might claim Syrian land to be a part of Turkey claiming independence. But that might spark a war and the Syrians are still formidable opponents, the Iranians will jump in to assist Syria since Russia juiced them with S-400s and Su-35s while strengthening the country and Iran has created their own air defenses, own OTH radars, a lot of drone projects, etc. to be a formidable force. Russia bumped up their active dutry from 1 million to 1.15 million and I am hearing sources that 1.5 million, if necessary, might be needed for 2026. And of course they are still paranoid about the Greeks despite them being NATO members and they are getting F-35s and all that. Also, they don't trust the Jews enough that lobbied against them from receiving F-35s.

3. Azerbaijan and Albania are close partners to Turkey, as much as croatians are with the albanians hating Serbs based on Croatia's president i think the country low key might like Russia more than Turkey despite being NATO. So the Azeris and Albanians were probably acting up because Russia is distracted with the war so there is an unknown possibility of Russia deciding to assist either Armenia or Serbia.

Turkey launches their own 5th gen programs, stealth corvettes like Russia, making their own air defenses, a lot more drone projects, their own Altay tanks to become a force to be reckoned with in the middle east. But they got fucked with 4 earthquakes that have raised the death toll to 30,000 people and more than likely their spending might have to go rebuilding infrastructure because they got hit way harder than Syria. Because if Russia's objective is met with either demilitarizing all of Ukraine or letting the poles keep the western part of Ukraine this will shift most of Russia's attention back to the middle east where their country will continue growing strong economically and militarily more than likely fucking up Turkey's interests in the middle east like Syria. Again, I got nothing against Turks, but I understand their entire thought process.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Yeah, but some study for it. Which you clearly haven't done.
Awwww. Westoid barbarian not happy when educated people dont agree with him. Boo hoo.

With this sort of knowledge, you wouldn't be asked to teach history to turtles, let alone humans.
Which is still more historically educated than you, kiddo.

We have had experience with multiethnic countries for centuries. Seeing how we largely abandoned it, you might take a look at what went wrong.
WRONG. You have experience with multi-ethnic EMPIRES where one ethnicity was singularly dominant. THAT is why it didn't work out for primitive barbarians like your kind. In Asia, multi-ethnic countries do not have one single dominant ethnicity in political and social life. hence it works for us.

If anything, Serbs are really Orthodox Croats. They took their language and much of their culture from us.
Ah so you DO admit that Serbs and Croats are the same, finally. Only to you they are orthodox croats,while to the rest of the world, you are catholic serbs. See, progress.

Barbarians are barbarians precisely because they are incapable of complex undertakings, and war is the most complex undertaking there is.
LMAO. No. Building a city is far more complex than running around destroying shit. This is why mongols and vikings destroyed far more advanced societies in their path and couldn't build worth shit.

Higher degree of civilisation has yielded higher competence in warfare back since Neolithic.

Seriously, were you thrown out of kindergarten? Because this degree of BS is something I don't remember even in the primary school.
False. If that was true, Romans wouldn't have been thumped by Huns, Chinese by mongols, Indians by turks, Franks by the vikings etc. Clearly, croat education leaves much to be desired.

In your vodka-fuelled la-la world, maybe.
I don't drink vodka.

Look, literally everything you have written so far is either a lie or a bullshit. Europe has not failed at forming multiethnic societies, and we are not Serbs.
Yes, they have. Which is why Europe has ZERO countries like India, China, Myanmar,Iran, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines- which are INDEGENOUSLY MULTIETHNIC NATIONS. You primitive barbarians suck at forming mutli-ethnic nations, since you invented racism and love trying to divide up ethnicities over BS nonsense identities, like Scots and English, Serbs and Croats, Austrians and Germans, etc.

Civilization has not developed thanks to multiethnic societies. Rather, multiethnic societies develop thanks to the civilization, which allows the biggest group on the block to conquer their neighbours.

In short, multiethnic societies happen due to barbarity of civilization.

But of course you have no clue what you are talking about.
Absolute hogwash. Civilisation IS created due to mutli-ethnic societies, since Bronze age created civilisation and Brozne age required multi-ethnic societies, as tin and copper deposits in old world occur very far apart, requiring multi-ethnic polities, long distance trade and system of credit ( to fund these long distance trade, which back in the day took YEARS). There's literally oodles and oodles of books on this in academia and its standard accepted historical theory on formation of civilisation. But i don't expect a history illiterate barbarian serb with an identity crisis to know this.

Also, multi-ethnic societies like Iran, India, China have been responsible for FAR LESS warfare, civic genocide and human oppression than mono-ethnic Euro barbarians like Angles, Saxons, Germans, French,Spaniards, etc.

Ah yes, vaunted European primitivity...

With the exception of Israel, China, Japan and South Korea, all top-level patent countries are either in Western Europe, or former European colonies. And those exceptions actively copied everything from Europe they could.

You are a clueless little child, aren't you?
1. What part of SOCIALLY PRIMITIVE did you conflate with technologically primitive, ignorant barbarian ?
2. Europe copied everything from Asia - including calculus, scientific theory, how to count, capitalism, corporatism and as recently as 250 years ago, India alone was as rich as entire Europe combined, with China being almost as rich as India itself. What goes around, comes around, barbarian.

Oh, I am not accusing you of lying. But you are repeating someone else's lies like a brainless little puppet you are.
Says the brainless euro-barbarian primitive from a barbarian nation who's recorded history is shorter than my own family history.

World wars are wars like any other war. And it happened with colonization. If you think world wars wouldn't have happened had India and China become dominant powers instead of Europe, you have no clue... but of course, them becoming so dominant was unlikely.
Except the world was dominated by Asian powers from 2000 BC to 1750 CE and yet Asia had 5x less wars in this period than Euro-barbarians from 500 BC to 1950s.

Ah, yes, successful multi-ethnic nations... China, where all non-Han peoples are second-rate citizens and held in disdain. India, where 70% of deaths of children under 5 years of age happen due to malnutrition. Or Iran, which barely functions. Wondruous!
1. Malnutrition has jack shyte to do with multi-ethnic or mono-ethnic societies, moron. It has everything to do with British barbarity, turning a land that was 25% of the world's GDP in 1750 to 2% in 1940, to build Europe. in fact, there is ZERO difference in wealth between the largest ethnicities and the smallest ones in these nations, while in Euro-primitive barbarian empires, one ethnicity was LEGALLY dominant over the others- english over everyone else, Austrian Germans over the rest ( with Hungarians a close second), etc. Your primitive barbarian europe failed in multi-ethnic nations, precisely because they were NOT multi-ethnic but mono-ethnic domination of other ethnicities. Something we asians do not partake in, which is why we are more socially advanced than you barbarians.

2. All non-Han being second class citizen in China is standard Euro-propaganda. Sorry, zero time for it. China has historically functioned far BETTER than any european empire/kingdom has and has been far more multi-ethnic in the process.

3. Han is an invented ethnicity by Europeans, its as as 'ethnically homogenous' as European ethnicity is. Han itself has greater ethnic and linguistic diversity inside it than the entire primitive balkans do.

4. Same applies for Iran. They are oppressive islamist mullahs, but they are not primitive barbarians like you southern slavs, given that Iran's azeri, Irani, Luri, Balochi, Kurdi and Turkomani ethnicities live happily together, without a whiff of secessionism. This make them more socially advanced than you primitive euro barbarians.

Racism has existed since before humans could be considered humans, so you are again engaging in ignorant prattle... just business as usual with you, I guess.
Nope. Its the classical greeks who invented racism, ie, classifying people on the basis of phenotype and attributing traits to them. prior to Euro-barbarians exporting racism to the whole world, there was ZERO instance of racism in recorded history of the non-european world. This is why in the entire history of pre-euro-primitive contact with India or China, the entire body of literature of these countries regarded each other as their kindred and closer to each other, than they were to the Turks/Mongols : due to shared ideology.

Racism is an invention of europeans, because Europeans are the weakest genotype in humanity, with ALL hall-mark European features :blonde, blue-eyed, white skinned features being inferior ( recessive) genes and thus requiring racism to preserve itself.

THIS is why greeks invented racism exactly 3 minutes after the Doric invasion, which is the first time white people start having presence in Greece.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Well, here is another forum I would not recommend as a neutral forum regarding topics.

View attachment 193477
View attachment 193478
View attachment 193479
The entire thread over there just showcased that any normal person that has no interests in this war sees it as bunch of moderators that feel intimidated by one user peacefully making posts there that challenge main stream media talking points. I get it that I was reported out of spite by a user because I have showcased alot of posts of destroyed Ukrainian equipment far more than users over there can showcase destroyed Russian equipment in a single day and even called out one of the users yesterday that their posts have showed old information of Russian equipment being destroyed months ago but that's beside the point because no one ever gave any specific details or rules of what flooding because some might consider double link posting as flooding, 9 link posts as flooding or 40 post links as flooding, etc. I don't know if it was a bright idea for one moderator to even go mention me there that a bunch of moderators went to report me to admins because that is basically making a statement that admins should be intimidated by mob mentality than making their own decisions and sadly the admins gave into the peer pressure by the moderators because I have only made 3 link posts or one link post after the admin gave the message and he still hasn't responded back. I even had one of my posts magically removed without any alerts of why it was removed in response to debunking a moderator using another person's blog post as a response.

Forums that are echo chambers are.,,, defensetalk, space battle forum, and sino defense net. Current open discussion forums are this one, Russia defense net and
Thank god that DFI has not gone that way!

Flying Dagger

Senior Member
Sep 26, 2019
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Anti radiation missiles work on radars won't work as deadly as on tanks and please before using word jihad just don't follow what idiot Indian media do propaganda on jihad go and get good education on jihad topic what it means exactly according to its soul in islam
Indian media existed for last 1400+ years. They have been maligning jihadis for time eternal and will continue to do so.

Donkey riders i.e. intelligent jihadis shouldn't worry much about that.


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2017
Country flag
Yeah, but some study for it. Which you clearly haven't done.

With this sort of knowledge, you wouldn't be asked to teach history to turtles, let alone humans.

We have had experience with multiethnic countries for centuries. Seeing how we largely abandoned it, you might take a look at what went wrong.

If anything, Serbs are really Orthodox Croats. They took their language and much of their culture from us.

Barbarians are barbarians precisely because they are incapable of complex undertakings, and war is the most complex undertaking there is.

Higher degree of civilisation has yielded higher competence in warfare back since Neolithic.

Seriously, were you thrown out of kindergarten? Because this degree of BS is something I don't remember even in the primary school.

In your vodka-fuelled la-la world, maybe.

Look, literally everything you have written so far is either a lie or a bullshit. Europe has not failed at forming multiethnic societies, and we are not Serbs.

And no, Sun does not revolve around the Earth, nor is Earth a plate carried by giant turtles, and you cannot summon rain by dancing... just in case you needed help with that as well.

Civilization has not developed thanks to multiethnic societies. Rather, multiethnic societies develop thanks to the civilization, which allows the biggest group on the block to conquer their neighbours.

In short, multiethnic societies happen due to barbarity of civilization.

But of course you have no clue what you are talking about.

Ah yes, vaunted European primitivity...

With the exception of Israel, China, Japan and South Korea, all top-level patent countries are either in Western Europe, or former European colonies. And those exceptions actively copied everything from Europe they could.

You are a clueless little child, aren't you?

Oh, I am not accusing you of lying. But you are repeating someone else's lies like a brainless little puppet you are.

And idiocy continues.

I do not provide a credible response when I have nothing to provide a response to.

World wars are wars like any other war. And it happened with colonization. If you think world wars wouldn't have happened had India and China become dominant powers instead of Europe, you have no clue... but of course, them becoming so dominant was unlikely.

Ah, yes, successful multi-ethnic nations... China, where all non-Han peoples are second-rate citizens and held in disdain. India, where 70% of deaths of children under 5 years of age happen due to malnutrition. Or Iran, which barely functions. Wondruous!

Racism has existed since before humans could be considered humans, so you are again engaging in ignorant prattle... just business as usual with you, I guess.
Serbs migrated from what is now east germany to Balkans around 9th century AD after Great Moravia was sacked by Magyars . There are still people called " Sorbs" there . Western slavs existed in central Europe after Barbarian invasions and their West ward migrations . " White croats" lived in that area & they possibly are progenitors of Czechs , Serbs , Sorbs , Rusyns along with Croats . Ethnically Serbs may have originated from " White croats" , while modern croats might be their direct descendants .


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2022
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Another disclaimer I got nothing against the Turks, but I understand where they are coming from and why they all don't support Russia in the war.
You are forgetting the most important reason - they see the Black Sea as "their" sea and Russia as a superpower competing with them over the influence over it (been this way since Crimean war in 19th century). So they certainly weren't too excited about 2014 Crimea annexation and just the idea that Russia might push west and conquer its northern coast all the way to Transnistria (what, as Russian propagandists repeatedly claimed, might have been one of Russias main goals) is giving them goosebumps - for them, that would be a major strategic threat.

Anirbann Datta

Eternal Flame
Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Is it true that ukrn using chemical agent?
from 4:05 mark!!
whether true or not, that's totally below any ethics!!!
now what if russia starts using sarin in airburst heads!!!
then world( 1st world) will start crying war atrocities !


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
Country flag
Is it true that ukrn using chemical agent?
from 4:05 mark!!
whether true or not, that's totally below any ethics!!!
now what if russia starts using sarin in airburst heads!!!
then world( 1st world) will start crying war atrocities !
If it is true, it's just another area in which an escalation could happen. You might be right, if the west decides to ignore this, and just reports it as Russian propaganda, then Russia will probably use chemical weapons themselves. There is no doubt that the US secretly backed Iraq using chemical weapons against Iran in that war, and they might be secretly doing that again. I rarely bring up the nuclear issue, but that again could be on the table. The west has to take these allegations very seriously.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2022
Country flag
Another disclaimer I got nothing against the Turks, but I understand where they are coming from and why they all don't support Russia in the war.

1. Crimean tartars are basically a Turkish group that use to be a part of the ottoman empire in Ukraine. Being under Russian control is against Turkey's interest than it is being a part of NATO's control.

2. Turkey still has plans for incursions into Syria hence why them and Qatar are still funding the FSA. In facts some parts of Syria are controlled by Turkey and there are Turkmen which like the tartars are a Turkish group and for all we know they might claim Syrian land to be a part of Turkey claiming independence. But that might spark a war and the Syrians are still formidable opponents, the Iranians will jump in to assist Syria since Russia juiced them with S-400s and Su-35s while strengthening the country and Iran has created their own air defenses, own OTH radars, a lot of drone projects, etc. to be a formidable force. Russia bumped up their active dutry from 1 million to 1.15 million and I am hearing sources that 1.5 million, if necessary, might be needed for 2026. And of course they are still paranoid about the Greeks despite them being NATO members and they are getting F-35s and all that. Also, they don't trust the Jews enough that lobbied against them from receiving F-35s.

3. Azerbaijan and Albania are close partners to Turkey, as much as croatians are with the albanians hating Serbs based on Croatia's president i think the country low key might like Russia more than Turkey despite being NATO. So the Azeris and Albanians were probably acting up because Russia is distracted with the war so there is an unknown possibility of Russia deciding to assist either Armenia or Serbia.

Turkey launches their own 5th gen programs, stealth corvettes like Russia, making their own air defenses, a lot more drone projects, their own Altay tanks to become a force to be reckoned with in the middle east. But they got fucked with 4 earthquakes that have raised the death toll to 30,000 people and more than likely their spending might have to go rebuilding infrastructure because they got hit way harder than Syria. Because if Russia's objective is met with either demilitarizing all of Ukraine or letting the poles keep the western part of Ukraine this will shift most of Russia's attention back to the middle east where their country will continue growing strong economically and militarily more than likely fucking up Turkey's interests in the middle east like Syria. Again, I got nothing against Turks, but I understand their entire thought process.
Turkey is playing on both sides of the fence. Is a smart thing to do, they get to do business with both sides, and because the control access to the black sea, both sides will kiss their ass.


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2022
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Is it true that ukrn using chemical agent?
Good morning. Both sides have been using chemical agents for years - mostly in a form of drone-dropped grenades containing various from of military-grade tear gas or parazyling agents. On the attached video, Russians filmed themselves attaching K-51 grenade to the drone. Same kind of grenades have been in use by separatists since 2014.



Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Is it true that ukrn using chemical agent?
from 4:05 mark!!
whether true or not, that's totally below any ethics!!!
now what if russia starts using sarin in airburst heads!!!
then world( 1st world) will start crying war atrocities !
Tell that to Ylside but apparently it’s too inconvenient for him to listen as he’s content with only listening to western propaganda and comforted with “Russia bad anti Russia good” stories.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2022
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Rare footage of the destruction of two Ukrainian army infantry fighting vehicles by Russian Invar anti-tank guided missiles fired from a T-80 tank. The Russian guided active-rocket projectile 9M119M "Invar" was put into service in 1992 and is designed to destroy modern tanks equipped with dynamic protection. The missile is fired directly from the cannon and guided by a laser beam, the range of hitting targets is up to 5000 meters. The warhead of the rocket is tandem cumulative, it contains 2 charges, leading and main. The armor penetration of the missile is up to 900 mm of armor. The price of the rocket is about $37,000.


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