Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
Really hard to judge when Ukrainians are still rolling around in early 1960s T-64s, and 1950s BRDM-1s, while Americans still use 1960s M113s APCs and aircraft from the 1950s such as B-52s, KC135s and C-130s. As for BM-21 grad being mothballed? Where did you get your information? They have been using those systems in military exercises for a long time. Russia also uses a lot newer MLRSs including upgrades to systems such as BM-30, BM-27s, and TOS-1, as well as many new howitzers. In reality what difference does it make if it’s old or new? Results will be the same…destruction of Ukrainians positions and equipment. Do you feel better when Russia uses newer equipment such as Calibr, Iskandar, Zircon, Orion, Forpost, or dozens of other newer weapons?

I know Ukrainians will use any insults and claims against the Russian army to bolster their moral but it’s futile and pointless.
If it works use it, no drama no explanation.
We also keep using BM21 gave us good edge during kargil war. In any case, if Russia is scavenging mothballed units as he is saying then Ukraine must be having an unlimited supply of weapons.
Let us see after 50 days of war how resupply and maintenance of hardware will be done. While Russia is replenishing they will be stretched now.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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How many men did we lose in the 1965 war? As we went back to status quo, it should be considered a loss and shouldn't be celebrated as a victory by us no?
‘In a shooting war losses are inherent. Human losses were enough to sit back and take note in including war of 1965. What you have consider also while talking about 1965 war losses……. Enemy war losses. It took them 30 years to admit 1500 human losses including two generals at Khemkaran. They lost a full tank division of 140 Patton tanks in which 89 were captured by india (some in full working order). More tanks were lost in the battle for Sialkot in the biggest tank on tank battle. In all 300 brand new highly sophisticated Patton tanks of Pakistani Army lay waste. That was half of their tank force. What india lost was close to 80 tanks.

‘’IAF losses on the ground were greater as Pakistanis struck parked planes at Pathankote and Kalaikundi. In air battles the tiny Gnat shot down more F-86 Sabres (the most sophisticated fighter of the era). The IAF Hunters and Mysteres shot and bombed much of the Pakistani airbases and supply trains.

Americans could not digest their loss of prestige when F-86 were shot down and a full tank division of 140 Pattons was shot or captured At Khemkaran. Hence they invented a lie of Pakistani victory in 1965, although the ground reality was different. They were helping their own hardware makers and Pakistanis also.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Ukrainians abusing their own soldiers because of their origin and language they speak. Western Ukrainians are the biggest idiots on earth and yes I met many in real life, they are all dumb assholes. Most of the people fighting the Russian army are Russian speaking Ukrainians, the people in Lviv and the rest of western Ukraine are too busy holding Bandara parades instead of fighting. The same idiots in Lviv banned the Russian language, books and literature, despite the fact that the “Ukrainian” language is not native to the region but a mixture of Polish and Russian. Same idiots name streets after Nazis, have monuments dedicated to Nazis and hold Nazi parades but then magically deny everything when Russians and westerners call them out on it. This is exactly why so many people in Ukraine are pro Russia.



Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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‘In a shooting war losses are inherent. Human losses were enough to sit back and take note in including war of 1965. What you have consider also while talking about 1965 war losses……. Enemy war losses. It took them 30 years to admit 1500 human losses including two generals at Khemkaran. They lost a full tank division of 140 Patton tanks in which 89 were captured by india (some in full working order). More tanks were lost in the battle for Sialkot in the biggest tank on tank battle. In all 300 brand new highly sophisticated Patton tanks of Pakistani Army lay waste. That was half of their tank force. What india lost was close to 80 tanks.

‘’IAF losses on the ground were greater as Pakistanis struck parked planes at Pathankote and Kalaikundi. In air battles the tiny Gnat shot down more F-86 Sabres (the most sophisticated fighter of the era). The IAF Hunters and Mysteres shot and bombed much of the Pakistani airbases and supply trains.

Americans could not digest their loss of prestige when F-86 were shot down and a full tank division of 140 Pattons was shot or captured At Khemkaran. Hence they invented a lie of Pakistani victory in 1965, although the ground reality was different. They were helping their own hardware makers and Pakistanis also.
Apologies for my rhetorical retort was misinterpreted.

My dad and my Mamaji fought in the '65 war on our Western border but at different sectors.

The '65 and '71 war's do keep coming up during chai pakora or dinner discussions at home to this day.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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"Arsenal of democracy"

WTF sounds like some ironic name out of 1984 style fiction😂
Ya'll Nibbiars Ministry of Love and Ministry of Plenty has decided to help the Minisrty of Peace to spread love across the world with the help of Ministry of Friendships.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Can anybody guess why Zelensky of Ukraine continue to fight and turn Ukraine into a rubble. He has a few victories to Ukrainian credit but not enough to come out ahead. Russia has established permanent land bridge between Russia and CrImean and likely to make Ukraine into a land locked country. The Russians will never vacate that.

So what is the point of getting loaded with American military hardware when losses are staring at you. In fact it is Russia v/s America war and Ukraine is the victim.

Think Zelensky…… think carefully. Give up war like attitude you have developed at the behest of Americans. The latter are not getting the body bags, these are all Ukraine losses. Hence give up.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars a large convoy is heading towards the Mykolaiv what ever gains the Ukranians made are about to lose.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars The Russians announced another special operation this time in space Medvedev said the Russians are ready to start a war there to destroy SpaceX's Starlink satellites. He said, guidance and adjustment of fire on the cruiser Moscow was carried out using these satellites. The musk is about to lose some satellites.
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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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It's not your total strength that counts in war but what you have deployed!! And so far, the Ukrainian defenders actually outnumber the attacking Russian forces, when conventional wisdom would dictate that an attacker should have at least 3:1 numerical superiority over the defenders, as we all know.
Here, check this out -

Can you empirically tell how much troops russians have deployed because Russians being typical master propagandist will lie to their teeth.
And even then my ratio was based on military equipment deployed and not manpower because the former is the deciding factor in the outcome of a war.

And for god heavensake please stop being a cheerleader.Even if you delude yourself by posting memes, one cannot deny that Russia is on the wrong side of the conflict that will leave generations of Russians being ashamed of themselves.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
Ya'll Nibbiars The Russians announced another special operation this time in space Medvedev said the Russians are ready to start a war there to destroy SpaceX's Starlink satellites. He said, guidance and adjustment of fire on the cruiser Moscow was carried out using these satellites. The musk is about those some satellites.
Star Wars:

But there's no way


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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The US should compensate France for losses if the EU bans Russian energy carriers, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said in an interview with BFM TV.

The Americans, who will sell us liquefied gas and get a solid profit from it, could transfer money to France as compensation for anti-Russia sanctions,” Le Pen said, noting that Washington is pressuring the EU to sanction Russian energy carriers.
The bloc placed multiple sanctions on Russia after Moscow launched a military operation in neighboring Ukraine. The operation has been widely criticized by many Western nations, but perhaps none have been more outspoken than the US

The Shrike

Senior Member
Jun 12, 2021
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hey isnt this 1971 war basically,:playball::rofl:
except that,bangladesh was the area mostly occupied.

lost one ship due to a sub attack.
wrecked their navy
Also para and helicopter air assaults that actually worked (VDV please take notes). 13 days lightning war, East pak was demilitarized, de-Niazi-fied and a new country was born 😂.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Can you empirically tell how much troops russians have deployed because Russians being typical master propagandist will lie to their teeth.
And even then my ratio was based on military equipment deployed and not manpower because the former is the deciding factor in the outcome of a war.

And for god heavensake please stop being a cheerleader.Even if you delude yourself by posting memes, one cannot deny that Russia is on the wrong side of the conflict that will leave generations of Russians being ashamed of themselves.
Western sources (not Russian) estimated that Russians build up a force of around 100,000 soldier on the Ukrainian border. Russians then invaded attacking from north, south and west. So yes the Russian military was badly outnumbered. How many forces have Russians send in as reinforcements afterwards? Probably not many compared to the forces already deployed. Russia just redeployed forces from the north to Donbas. The battle their will determine the war.

As for Russians being ashamed. When did you speak for all Russians? Yes many Russians are against the war, but many are enraged to what Ukrainians have done in Donbas. However more Russians are in favor then not.

Most Russians are ashamed that Ukraine was given independence. I’m sure Indians would not feel good if, for instance, Rajasthan declared independent and then aligned with Pakistan and China, banned Hindi language, invited Pakistani and Chinese soldiers to Rajasthan and then tried to join a military alliance to counter India. I’m sure that would be totally cool.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Also para and helicopter air assaults that actually worked (VDV please take notes). 13 days lightning war, East pak was demilitarized, de-Niazi-fied and a new country was born 😂.
The VDV captured some of the most important strategic locations in Ukraine. People also don’t realize how quickly and how much land Russia conquered the first week of the war. The blunders came from the Russian generals and planners regarding logistics and maintenance. Ukraine is also one of the most militarized countries on earth with the support of all of NATO. Ukraine also has probably the most potent and numerous air defense networks outside of Russia.

VDV has successfully fought battles since the 1930s, including against the Japanese, and Germans. They fought in Afghanistan and in Georgia and now Ukraine. VDV are famous for beating back much larger forces.

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