LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Ah that explains it. I was very surprised by what was posted.
I would have expected even Nirupama Rao to have had some pro Chinese bent, but she surprised me first. So I thought, even thewire had some decent folks with patriotism in them. Then you explained the editing :)
Don't expect Nirupama Rao to be neutral anymore, she is part of American think tank community now.


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May 30, 2017
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Don't make the mistake of including ignorance, wishful thinking and contempt in a strategic evaluation of your foe. In the 1930s americans dismissed Japan as a technologically backward, unoriginal culture. Hitler evaluated the Soviets as untermensch with no culture and honor. In the 1960s americans thought Vietnamese culture and society to be inferior and weak, which wouldn't be able to withstand more than a couple weeks of strategic bombing. In the 1990s NATO thought Serbia would fall after 3 days of air campaign, which was extended to more than 3 months. We as the laymen, don't know and understand the full extent of the picture, so we shouldn't think we can do a better job of going from point A to point B with just a straight line. US secdef Mattis told media about the London attacks that "I don't like to talk about subjects which I don't know anything about." There is a neutral state between positive and negative.

"Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets"
- General George S Patton

This is just my 2 cents after following the recent highly charged conversations in this thread.


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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I would say that India should not buckle under Chinese pressure. We have a security agreement with Bhutan. We should honor it. If we buckle under Chinese pressure, forget about becoming a superpower. Asian countries already have resentment against China because of Chinese hegemony on SCS. They need a precedent that any country can challenge Chinese. If India can withstand pressure, these Asian countries will be ready to form military alliance with India. Think of a grand military alliance between Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Australia, U.S. and other SCS neighbourhood countries. We can also have economic alliance between these countries aimed at fighting cheap Chinese goods dumping.

Next task for government is to work on forming this military alliance. World should also let go certain monopoly on technologies. If they want India to be of credible help against Chinese, provide India FOC TOT. Each country has some specialized technology. If they want India India in their alliance, t should be ready to share their knowledge and TOT with India free of cost. United we stand. Divided we fall. If we don't unite, China can take on all enemies one by one. Time is of essence.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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I would say that India should not buckle under Chinese pressure. We have a security agreement with Bhutan. We should honor it. If we buckle under Chinese pressure, forget about becoming a superpower. Asian countries already have resentment against China because of Chinese hegemony on SCS. They need a precedent that any country can challenge Chinese. If India can withstand pressure, these Asian countries will be ready to form military alliance with India. Think of a grand military alliance between Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Australia, U.S. and other SCS neighbourhood countries. We can also have economic alliance between these countries aimed at fighting cheap Chinese goods dumping.

Next task for government is to work on forming this military alliance. World should also let go certain monopoly on technologies. If they want India to be of credible help against Chinese, provide India FOC TOT. Each country has some specialized technology. If they want India India in their alliance, t should be ready to share their knowledge and TOT with India free of cost. United we stand. Divided we fall. If we don't unite, China can take on all enemies one by one. Time is of essence.
Agreed largely, but you can forget about S Korea (they hate Japan more than they hate China), Australia (all politicians are in China's pockets, as is their industry) and Taiwan (too dependent on China and too small).

I'd say India, Japan, US, Vietnam is a realistic nexus, though the US is unreliable and may go whichever way it wants at any time without warning.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
just erase the UNMOGIP office from srinagar?, how hard can it be . I guess somebody needs guts to do it.
The most foolish suggestion....

Do you want to bring UN back into picture!!??

UNMOGIP will do what it has too...and that is good for us....

Ok let me give you a bit more clear picture... recently two pigs were killed...those pigs were wrapped in ISIS flag.

More these incidents happen, IA has better chances to use 7.62/5.56 FMJ instead of pellet, rubber bullets, chilly or stink grenades; and that with no questions asked.


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Mar 24, 2013
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Finally, Indian Army gets bullet-proof helmets
Published July 14, 2017 SOURCE: DH News Service

For the first time in 25 years, the Indian Army received 7,500 new ballistic helmets to protect its infantry soldiers.While the first batch has arrived at the ordnance depots, a second batch of 30,000 helmets is expected by 2017 end, whereas more than one lakh are to be handed over to the army by mid-2019. The army had placed a Rs 170-crore order for 1,58,279 helmets to Kanpur-based firm MKU in order to replace the standard issue Model 1974 infantry combat helmets. Of the 1.58 lakh new helmets, more than 50,000 would be in commander configuration with in-built communication, set up to make them compatible with three types of radio sets being used by the soldiers, army sources told DH. Within weeks of receiving these helmets, the army ordnance depots issued nearly 2,500 of them to the troops leaving for a UN peacekeeping mission duty. Extensive testing A more extensive testing with 6,000 randomly picked helmets is being planned at the Terminal Ballistic Research Laboratory once these protective head gears are received. Apart from ballistic protection from the rounds, the helmets come with nearly 40% lower Behind Armour Blast Trauma, which was a compelling factor for the upgrade. The army opted for these helmets based on their strength and coverage, fit with memory foam padding that rules out the need for constant adjustments (dangerous in an active combat scenario) and the ability to take on accessories. “These would be given to the soldiers on counter-terrorism duties as well as to those deployed along the Line of Control or near the Line of Actual Control,” said an officer. In the 11th plan period (2007-2011), the government approved the purchase of 3,28,214 ballistic helmets for the Indian armed forces. This includes 13,981 helmets for the navy. However, the first order was placed for around 1.58 lakh helmets. The soldiers on counter-insurgency and border guarding duties are short of good quality protective gears like bullet-proof jackets and helmets, which attracted criticism from Parliament several times. After failing to purchase 1.86 lakh bullet-proof jackets through the normal route in the past seven years, the army is now purchasing 50,000 jackets through an emergency route.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website http://idrw.org/finally-indian-army-gets-bullet-proof-helmets/#more-141362 .


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016

How are these rats getting time to do all this?


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2017
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Thanks to INDRA Networks for leading me to this video.
You can see how the IA is dominating the entire area and how great our Jawans' morale is.
The commander of the section/patrol is one scary dude, I would imagine that the Jehadis who'd face this warrior would end up half cooked on a fucking stick with a bashed in Skull.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Bhoot Pishach

Tihar Jail
Dec 14, 2016
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China ‘breached, encroached’ territory in Doklam: Govt tells opposition parties
India and China have been locked in a military stand-off in Doklam sector in Sikkim since early June over the construction of a road by the Chinese army.
INDIAUpdated: Jul 14, 2017 20:03 IST

HT Correspondent
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj with NSA Ajit Doval (centre) and foreign secretary S Jaishankar at the meeting with opposition parties in New Delhi on Friday.(ANI Twitter)

China has “breached and encroached” territory at the disputed Doklam area, the government told opposition parties on Friday during a briefing on the latestIndia-China standoffand themilitant attack on Amarnath pilgrims.

Foreign secretary S Jaishankar briefed the opposition leaders about the Chinese incursion, said AIADMK parliamentarian A Navaneethakrishnan, who attended the meeting.

“We are satisfied with the government’s response,” he added.

Tension between the two Asian giants escalated in the past three weeks over the standoff at Doklam in the Sikkim sector, located at a narrow but strategically important tri-junction of India, China and Bhutan.

China has accused Indian soldiers of trespassand preventing its army from building a road in the region, which is claimed by Bhutan. Beijing wants India to withdraw its troops from Doklam for any dialogue between the two sides.

As the impasse festered, opposition parties criticised the government for what they said not taking them into confidence on issues of national interest and security.

Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi questioned last Friday the Prime Minister’s “silence” on the border faceoff. “Why is our Prime Minister silent on China?” he asked on Twitter.

The government convened a meeting and invitations were sent to all prominent opposition leaders.

Union home minister Rajnath Singh, foreign minister Sushma Swaraj and national security adviser Ajit Doval were present at the briefing.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
21 yr old, MARTYR RFN SATISH BHAGAT from Vill Gurhasinghu, Shamachak, Jammu Dist, J&K,
a land that produces soldiers par excellence, who know only sacrifice and service.

Yet again this land is awash with the blood of two sons, caught in the ceasefire violation by Pakistan in Kupwara.



Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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EU Vice President: Aggressive China did not anticipate strong Indian response in Doklam
Published July 14, 2017 SOURCE: ANI

An aggresive China did not anticipate India stepping in a strong manner to defend Bhutan’s territorial sovereignty during its unilateral move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp in Zornpelri, according to Ryszard Czarnecki, vice president of the European Parliament. In an article written for EP Today, Czarnecki has exposed Beijing’s lie of assuring the international community that its ‘peaceful rise’ would not in any way threaten the established order, but instead promote a peaceful international environment. He clearly states that China has been following a foreign policy that squarely infringes on internationally accepted norms. Referring specifically to the tri-junction politico-military impasse in Doklam involving China, India and Bhutan, Czarnecki said, “On June 16, China’s unilateral move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp in Zornpelri is an illustration of this policy .. Bhutan’s objection to construction activities by China in the disputed Doklam area, conveyed through diplomatic channels, was possibly expected by China. However, what China may not have foreseen was India stepping in to defend Bhutan’s territorial sovereignty.” “(The) Chinese action in the Doklam plateau can be seen as a part of the country’s recent tendency to unilaterally change the ground situation in areas that are disputed. The most well-reported example has been China’s deliberate move to disrupt the status quo in the South China Sea.. by conveniently ignoring the maritime territorial claims of Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines in the region .. expanding its strategic outreach in the area,” says the European Parliament vice president. China, he opines, may have only gambled, anticipated and calculated that Bhutan would not be able to retaliate through force, and believed that the construction of the road would be completed within weeks, giving it a clear strategic advantage. However, all didn’t go as planned. The movement of Indian troops, done in consultation with the Government of Bhutan and with the principal objective to maintain status quo, was probably not anticipated by China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and its state-owned media reacted predictably to the Indian action with strong rhetoric, including reminding India of its defeat in the Indo-China war in 1962. “China’s propaganda machinery has gone into an overdrive to implicate India for the border stand-off, conveniently glossing over the fact that China had taken the first step to change the status quo of the tri-junction area that it had committed to maintain under the Agreement on Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity, signed with India in 1993. China is now insisting that it would not hold any dialogue on the matter till Indian troops withdrew from the area,” Czarnecki says in his article. He concludes by saying that “China needs to realize that its unprecedented economic and military growth must go hand in hand with respect for international rules. Without that, it will be hard to believe in assurances of ‘win-win’ and ‘shared destiny’ by the Chinese leadership.”

http://idrw.org/eu-vice-president-aggressive-china-not-anticipate-strong-indian-response-doklam/ .


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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EU Vice President: Aggressive China did not anticipate strong Indian response in Doklam
Published July 14, 2017 SOURCE: ANI

An aggresive China did not anticipate India stepping in a strong manner to defend Bhutan’s territorial sovereignty during its unilateral move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp in Zornpelri, according to Ryszard Czarnecki, vice president of the European Parliament. In an article written for EP Today, Czarnecki has exposed Beijing’s lie of assuring the international community that its ‘peaceful rise’ would not in any way threaten the established order, but instead promote a peaceful international environment. He clearly states that China has been following a foreign policy that squarely infringes on internationally accepted norms. Referring specifically to the tri-junction politico-military impasse in Doklam involving China, India and Bhutan, Czarnecki said, “On June 16, China’s unilateral move to build a motorable road from Dokala in Doklam area towards the Bhutan Army camp in Zornpelri is an illustration of this policy .. Bhutan’s objection to construction activities by China in the disputed Doklam area, conveyed through diplomatic channels, was possibly expected by China. However, what China may not have foreseen was India stepping in to defend Bhutan’s territorial sovereignty.” “(The) Chinese action in the Doklam plateau can be seen as a part of the country’s recent tendency to unilaterally change the ground situation in areas that are disputed. The most well-reported example has been China’s deliberate move to disrupt the status quo in the South China Sea.. by conveniently ignoring the maritime territorial claims of Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and the Philippines in the region .. expanding its strategic outreach in the area,” says the European Parliament vice president. China, he opines, may have only gambled, anticipated and calculated that Bhutan would not be able to retaliate through force, and believed that the construction of the road would be completed within weeks, giving it a clear strategic advantage. However, all didn’t go as planned. The movement of Indian troops, done in consultation with the Government of Bhutan and with the principal objective to maintain status quo, was probably not anticipated by China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and its state-owned media reacted predictably to the Indian action with strong rhetoric, including reminding India of its defeat in the Indo-China war in 1962. “China’s propaganda machinery has gone into an overdrive to implicate India for the border stand-off, conveniently glossing over the fact that China had taken the first step to change the status quo of the tri-junction area that it had committed to maintain under the Agreement on Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity, signed with India in 1993. China is now insisting that it would not hold any dialogue on the matter till Indian troops withdrew from the area,” Czarnecki says in his article. He concludes by saying that “China needs to realize that its unprecedented economic and military growth must go hand in hand with respect for international rules. Without that, it will be hard to believe in assurances of ‘win-win’ and ‘shared destiny’ by the Chinese leadership.”

http://idrw.org/eu-vice-president-aggressive-china-not-anticipate-strong-indian-response-doklam/ .
Wow wonderful. This is what I was expecting. By continuing support to Bhutan, we have brought true colors of China in front of international community. It may lead to future military alliance world wide against China.

We trusted Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai and got 1962. Presently, silence from Indian side and war rhetoric from Chinese media has invited condemnation of Chinese policies and actions worldwide. No one trusts China anymore.

This is the best part:-
has exposed Beijing’s lie of assuring the international community that its ‘peaceful rise’ would not in any way threaten the established order, but instead promote a peaceful international environment. He clearly states that China has been following a foreign policy that squarely infringes on internationally accepted norms.
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