LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Regular Member
Jan 8, 2017
Dude I am an Indian through and through. Dont be so paranoid. Anyways probably u have not understood what I am saying. I am saying lets move back by few km to show we mean peace and beef up our presence around the plateau and build up military strength with a vengence because right now we need more time. If Chinese go much further than where they are then there will be war and I as an indian will accept it.

Are you from r/India? Because only a randian would show such a sympathy for inbreeding ideology,god damn it there is literally no reason to Back off from Pakistan,are you even aware of the history of Pakisan?

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016

Are you from r/India? Because only a randian would show such a sympathy for inbreeding ideology,god damn it there is literally no reason to Back off from Pakistan,are you even aware of the history of Pakisan?
Have u even read my post , I am referring to Indo China border-where is pakistan in the picture here.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
We should withdraw from current position in Doklam by few km and construct permanent structures to ring it so that any movement through it is destroyed and force Bhutan to give us land to beef our military presence. Also its important that North East has its own ammunition factories, artillery production units, AA units etc so that we can fight for months even if Siliguri corridor is compromised. In few months, in fact few weeks we will be able to break any choking of the corridor through direct action and/or alternate route forced through bangladesh.Also NFU must be given up immediately as if Banglas dont give us corridor to bypass siliguri, we will use tactical nukes to blast our way through.Everything is fair in love and war.
I don't even know how to respond to mind boggling and numbing post.

@Dovah has drafted a stellar reply to this and I really need not say more.

1. Have you studied the geography and topology of the region, when you claim of being able to withdraw and ring it?

2. Once you send the message to Han that we are willing to withdraw rather than hold our ground, will they stop at Dokhlam? What's stopping them from moving into the "few km" that we have vacated and repeating the same drama. Or for that matter elsewhere on the LAC? What will you do then? Withdraw again?

3. Ammunition factories? Where will you bring the raw materials from? Does NE have enough resources and infra to support this?

4. Once you abandon Bhutan to the Chinese wolf, do you think they'll cow down to India to cede territory? Why wouldn't they ally with China?


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
AHEM... The area opposite to Bhimber Gali sees Pakistans Kotli based 3 POK Brigade, The area under the Brigade is burning and getting shredded. Anything which is seen crawling on the ground is being pounded and pounded back to the almighty creator.

11 confirmed fatal Pig chops and 3 more likely to succumb at the Mil hospital.
And for snipers well...It hurts when your ripped apart by an 14mm AMR round.

More soon!
Jingo khush hua..

Are you saying that we are targetting their snipers in a counter sniper fire with 14mm AR?


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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We should withdraw from current position in Doklam by few km and construct permanent structures to ring it so that any movement through it is destroyed and force Bhutan to give us land to beef our military presence. Also its important that North East has its own ammunition factories, artillery production units, AA units etc so that we can fight for months even if Siliguri corridor is compromised. In few months, in fact few weeks we will be able to break any choking of the corridor through direct action and/or alternate route forced through bangladesh.Also NFU must be given up immediately as if Banglas dont give us corridor to bypass siliguri, we will use tactical nukes to blast our way through.Everything is fair in love and war.
Saying anything for the sake of it is being silly. Plz stop selling cowardice in the name of pragmatism coz you have no idea of the ground reality. India has sustained its position for over a month now. No need to back off. It will only embolden the Chinese claims. Next China will demand Tawang, Ladkah too, so will you say to withdraw from there too to buy peace. Bhutan already has agreements with India that allow Indian army to use their land for its and our own protection. No need to force Bhutan for anything. They are with us all the time. Building arms & ammo factories in the hills of North East...??? Are you serious.!!! And can you guess how much time will it take to build such factories with the Indian Babu style of working. Present scheme of things are designed to secure the North East properly. If anything that needs to be done is to strengthen Air Force capability in NE. Activate more ALGs and start putting AD on those ALGs. Plus add more Armour in Ladakh to deter Chinese there. & Btw we dont have or promote Tactical nukes. Its for the rogue Paki people to do. And why would we nuke Bangla on the way. Kuch bhi... There are many better places to nuke like Pindi, Kahuta, Karachi etc.

Brood Father

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Have u even read my post , I am referring to Indo China border-where is pakistan in the picture here.
Your intention may be right but your conclusion is wrong.. China don't want war at least now it don't

The battle is who will blink first.. If we back down our credibility will be lost.. If we cannot protect the interest of our protectorate than who will entrust us with their national security
We want to be world powers but if we cannot be a regional power than what is the point of investing so much in our defence budget

Remember china cannot afford war.. All they know is war mongering.. They will try to scare us.. Intimate us but they cannot go for war because of they do and get significant loses.. They will lose the supremacy in south china sea and moreover they can kiss goodbye to their superpower dream


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Did Rahul Gandhi team up with Chinese government to defeat Modi? Why did he visit Chinese Ambassador?

Narendra Modi is fighting diplomatic battle with China, Armed Forces face off with China at Sikkim Border to safeguard Bhutan's sovereignty but Rahul Gandhi meets Chinese Ambassador at Embassy without keeping Ministry of External Affairs on loop.

This is an unforgiving behaviour and an attempt to malign and dilute India’s attempt to build pressure on China.

The first question is, who is Rahul Gandhi to meet Chinese officials at Embassy ? Is he a Government official, what position he holds to meet the Chinese officials and what is his agenda?

Things are getting clearer day by day and anyone can sniff Congress hand in an attempt to pull down India and Government.

Just few months back similar situation occurred when Manishankar Iyer in his capacity met with Pakistani Officials and requested to dethrone Narendra Modi Government.

Since then everyone knows what is happening in India. Train accidents, terrorist attacks in Kashmir and various propaganda campaigns like “Intolerance” and “Not In My Name” campaign are staged to create a false perception of unrest and creating a chaos to malign India.

Everyone knows Politics, but there is a very thin line in doing politics and betraying nation.

Just to dilute Narendra Modi and put Government under pressure, you can’t exchange talks with country’s enemies like Pakistan and China.

It is clearly visible, the divided house and opposition is not even in the mood to stand united with country as it is going an extra mile in shaming the nation and there by making the biggest blunder.

It is not new to Congress, it is the same Congress whose founding father Jawahar Lal Nehru started the slogan Hindi – Chini Bhai Bhai and thereby stopped manufacturing of arms and ammunition and gave reason that there is no necessity of having huge Indian Army.

Before 1962 Indian Government even called back their border troops from China border projecting that India is peace loving country and don’t want border battles.

By using the opportunity China attacked India and when China was in war then also Nehru never allowed Indian Air Force to battle with China.

Indian Army was forced to accept the death bed and till now it is a black spot.

War of 1962 was just over but shameless attitude of Indian Government at that time was so high that in 1963 they told the United Nation that India will not be obstructing Chinese attempt for permanent seat in United Nation.

Above is the news article of that time when Sister of JL Nehru, Vijay Laxmi Pandit advocated for it.

History gives the path for future and Congress has followed the path quite well.

The fact that sister of Sonia Gandhi handles all the money of Gandhi Dynasty. She lives in Italy and have multiple bank accounts in China is also present in public domain and is exposed by Subramaniyam Swamy many times.

One incident also confirmed that China is obstructing India’s quest for NSG membership.

Globally there is a perception that China is obstructing openly Indian attempt to be in NSG because of its ally Pakistan but it is more than that.

Congress is communication channel between two Nations.

Just recall, when last year NSG meet 5 member Chinese delegation visited Delhi, they met Rahul Gandhi and right after that Manishankar Iyer started giving statement that NSG won’t happen though media hype was on top after the Obama’s statement.

Since 2014, Congress is using all it’s might and sleeper cells in various field to create unrest but now it’s matter of time when 125 crore people will learn about sins of Congress.

It’s a dangerous game of betrayal against the nation in a grudge against one man-Narendra Modi.

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Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Your intention may be right but your conclusion is wrong.. China don't want war at least now it don't

The battle is who will blink first.. If we back down our credibility will be lost.. If we cannot protect the interest of our protectorate than who will entrust us with their national security
We want to be world powers but if we cannot be a regional power than what is the point of investing so much in our defence budget

Remember china cannot afford war.. All they know is war mongering.. They will try to scare us.. Intimate us but they cannot go for war because of they do and get significant loses.. They will lose the supremacy in south china sea and moreover they can kiss goodbye to their superpower dream
And what if they indeed do go to war .Are u even ready for limited war which weakens us and stops our military/economic modernization. Their troops will be fighting far away from their population centers. I know this much that in Mahabharata, Krishna advised Arjuna to endure pain of Draupadi's rape for 10 years just so that he can acquire divya astras which he used only twice and that too in critical juncture. Lets take this episode as final straw if Chinese do not back down to:
1) Fully complete our military mordernization in next 2-3 years by tying up with US-1000M777s, F16s, more MBRLS, HIMARs and what not
2) Expand nuke arsenal with vengence to exceed China including MIRV ICBM missiles
3) Ban all Chinese imports
4) Ban Chinese companies from all contracts in India


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Dude I am an Indian through and through. Dont be so paranoid. Anyways probably u have not understood what I am saying. I am saying lets move back by few km to show we mean peace and beef up our presence around the plateau and build up military strength with a vengence because right now we need more time. If Chinese go much further than where they are then there will be war and I as an indian will accept it.
let me then quote verious phases you wrote over last few days....

Kurukshetra phir se lahoo luhan hone wala hai.


coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.

To me this is very much like China and muslim nations uniting against India.

Paki SSG has also won many competitions .

Defeat of India at hand of Sino Islamic alliance by 2026.
Splitting of India along North/Central South lines with North/North East under Isalmic/ Chinese control.
Invasion of israel in 2036 by eastern alliance followed by invasion of Europe with capital of caliphate established in Rome.



Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Dalai lama himself does not want to independence . He believes in some middle way approach.
This is too gullible and will not work. This so called middle ground approach will only keep the doors open for CCP to flood Tibet with Han Chinese. Once Han numbers are (eventually) enough, Tibetians can kiss goodbye to both autonomy and independence. Everything will be off the table.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
let me then quote verious phases you wrote over last few days....

Kurukshetra phir se lahoo luhan hone wala hai.


coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.

To me this is very much like China and muslim nations uniting against India.

Paki SSG has also won many competitions .

Defeat of India at hand of Sino Islamic alliance by 2026.
Splitting of India along North/Central South lines with North/North East under Isalmic/ Chinese control.
Invasion of israel in 2036 by eastern alliance followed by invasion of Europe with capital of caliphate established in Rome.

This is based on prophecies I have read including that of Puranas,Swami veerbrahma, Nostradamus that in first phase of WW3 -the good guys will face defeat at hands of bad guys (Chinese and Muslim alliance) and later will fight back and final victory will come when Russia changes sides from bad to good. Finally we will win but this current phase will be a phase of setback. if you do not have courage to accept that, its not my fault.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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let me then quote verious phases you wrote over last few days....

Kurukshetra phir se lahoo luhan hone wala hai.


coalition of Muslim forces from outside Pakistan (for eg iran/Turkey etc) along with China to attack and take over India upto kashi/assam axis. If we unite PLA with armies of iran/Turkey/Arab states we are talking about 10s of millions of soldiers not a million or two. IA can hardly be expected to confront such a force.

To me this is very much like China and muslim nations uniting against India.

Paki SSG has also won many competitions .

Defeat of India at hand of Sino Islamic alliance by 2026.
Splitting of India along North/Central South lines with North/North East under Isalmic/ Chinese control.
Invasion of israel in 2036 by eastern alliance followed by invasion of Europe with capital of caliphate established in Rome.

I'm saying again. He is @genius with a different name.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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I know he doesn't want. But I'm just saying that having Tibet as a friendly buffer state would be much better for India.
Mate Tibetans themselves have no will to fight for their land . One of my friend told me that they ( Tibetans) were actually happy being in plains and in major population center because of much better quality of life.
But Mount Kailash and Mansarovar lake is of utmost importance to our faith and belief. Which billion of us will back and bear the cost to keep it under our hold.
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