LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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On News Nation I saw a news that the recent video of Chinese doing target practice by RPG/Tanks(said to be near Doklam) is 2 months old and its used to put pressure on India.:hmm:

Seems like this habit is practiced by Pakis too.They also put some old missile test videos and claim its successful and their tests never ever fail.
They have rouhani engines in missiles. How can they fail.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Meanwhile another humiliation for china.
Dalai lama gathering support for Tibet in leh.

On the Chinese front my hope for action is dwindling. Chinese don't have it in them . For all the bluster and bullshitting china is actually a paper tiger. It's more than a month since Indian blocked their road and they have not been able to do anything.

Does any other p5 have been humiliated in this way??

Because their bluff is caught.. Now they Cry

giphy (1).gif


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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We should work with U.S. and Israel to capture Pakistani nukes before they fall in ands of terrorists once India attacks Pakistan. Pakistan is pawn at hands of China. China may prompt Pakistan to attack India from Punjab or Rajasthan borders, causing India declaring war against Pakistan. China may not back Pakistan seeing Indian strong posture including threat of usage of nuclear weapons.

In that situation, U.S. and Israel would need to plan quick strikes to capture Pakistani nukes.
You think Modi has not discussed this with Trump and Netanyahu already? Wait and watch.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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In case China makes this mistake of all out war along LAC from Kashmir to Sikkim, this will be their biggest mistake on part of China

1. In case of an all out war, we don't restrict to defend a particular region or a few hundred kilometres. We aim at capturing Askai Chin, capturing Tibet, capturing further areas beyond Arunachal Pradesh, capturing more areas beyond Doklam Plateau.

2. We cut Chinese supply lines in Tibet from mainland China. Fuel a revolt among local Tibetans. Use influence from friends from Dharamshala. Let Dalai Lama go on world tour and gain international support for free Tibet. Once Tibet is free, their government in Exile can take over the control. India Recognize Tibet government and get it recognition from other UN countries. Tibet will have its own sustainability with help from international community.

3. Chinese have one child policy. The more the Chinese are killed, more families will lose their only child. It will lead to massive protests in China. Chinese soldiers seeing the brutality of Indian soldiers will shiver and will leave their posts and hardware for Indian forces tocapture their bases and use them.

4. Japan, Vietnam, and other allied countries with see this as an opportunity to destroyChinese build-up in SCS islands.

5. Fire of freedom will spread like wildfire in Hong Kong and other provinces of China.

6. Western nations take their money out of China and many more countries put restrictions on trade with China. International trade treaties gayi tel lene. Stocks in China crash. More unemployment. More discontent with government. Pro Democracy voices raise.

7. In case China threats with nuclear weapons, U.S. will jump in and train all it's nuclearmissiles on China.

I can see the downfall of China very clearly if they make a mistake of even firing a first single bullet. War will not remain limited only a a particular region. It will spread like a wild fire. I can hear large number of Chinese families crying for losing their only sons just to appease communist party.
What all u wrote looks like a fairytale. But doesnt feel realistic. Lama himself has dropped the freedom cause and açcepted chinese as his master. Cannot expect too much from him. We shud not make the mistake pak made in 65.
Similarly about SCS i do not beleive japan, vietnam etc are ready to jump the gun. US has huge investments in China. World will not allow all of that to go kaput. And u have not included Russia in the equation. What wl be the view of the communist friend. Nobody is interested in a world war right now. Heck even the North Korea crisis could not take off and ended with a whimper.
And in an allout war with china our deep areas will also be bombed. What if kolkata, gowahati, or some over populated u.p/ bihar city is bombed and few million die. It will become difficult to manage the chaos. Downfall of china should happen but not so fast but in amore subtle way like salami slicing.... my 2 cents.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
On Twitter, someone asked Lt Gen (Retd) Hasnain the same thing, that why do we keep importing arms when we are poor.

Here his is epic reply :

"Its better to have a poor but progressing and secure India, than no India at all. Isn't idea of Make in India reversal of import syndrome"
People who ask such questions show a lack of upbringing. Sadly these questions are not just commie propaganda. Many Dhindus think this way. 'Security' is not a luxury expenditure. Just like food, clothing and shelter, similarly security is a bare minimum human requirement. One cannot come at the expense of the other. We need to balance everything.

If you build something nice and someone steals it, then what is the point of building it? India has had a history of being invaded by every civilization known to man. Mughals, Greeks, Persians, French, British, Portuguese. Every time we've become weak minded, we were invaded. Still Dhindus don't learn their lessons. It's a fault of the parents who only teach their children that the meaning of life is to feed your own family and to lead the life of opulence.

Yo nigga, @Kshatriya87 see this, he deals with everything from historic invasions to Dhindhu commies, to China :

His argument is that for the first time in thousand years of invasions and slavery, India is seeing something that resembles peace and that we must use this period of relative peace to build ourselves up to get rid of both China and Pakistan before the situation deteriorates to the point where they can challenge us once more.

He's even gone to Tibet as part of official GOI team and met with Dalai Lama.

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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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You should have tagged the Chinese members so we can have a complete picture. We should have a read at their side of the argument too to be fair.

@amoy @nimo_cn @J20!

I'll be reasonable, is the above tweet true? If so, Please let us know why you or your kid or grandkids shouldn't watch winne the pooh just because some blogger compares it to Comrade 11.

How do you justify it? I want to hear your side of the story.

Mods:request to please move to appropriate thread if post is out of place.
i was not planning to reply until you direct at me.

I don't have to justify anything, it's not banned in China. people can watch the animation on the video sharing website iqiyi, which is owned by Baidu.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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People who ask such questions show a lack of upbringing. Sadly these questions are not just commie propaganda. Many Dhindus think this way. 'Security' is not a luxury expenditure. Just like food, clothing and shelter, similarly security is a bare minimum human requirement. One cannot come at the expense of the other. We need to balance everything.

If you build something nice and someone steals it, then what is the point of building it? India has had a history of being invaded by every civilization known to man. Mughals, Greeks, Persians, French, British, Portuguese. Every time we've become weak minded, we were invaded. Still Dhindus don't learn their lessons. It's a fault of the parents who only teach their children that the meaning of life is to feed your own family and to lead the life of opulence.
People who ask such questions have a very limited view of reality.

Many of them are Wagha Candle Worshippers who believe people across border are same, it's only the govt of both nations that are war mongering and that Kashmir issue will one day be solved.

They have no idea about operational scope of armed forces who do relief work, rescue citizens and maintain order during peace time too.

The very concept of might is right and power projection isn't familiar to them because of the sheltered existence provided to them by the very armed forces who these Dhindus are critical of.

They should probably have been born in era of Mughal invasion to appreciate all of this.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
News is that Pakis lost 7 soldiers yesterday. Anyways I am definitely not advocating peace at all cost with China but it is in our interest to end this standoff and disengaging and adopt a build your strength and watch strategy wrt China. Chinese are not fools like porkis. They understand full measure of war and even a limited war with China will be far more destructive than Kargil. My beef with UPA was not their China strategy but the fact that they didnt use the 10 year period of relative peace (even if we had to tolerate Chinese incursions) to buildup military strength faster. Anyone who has done war exercises knows we need 10 more years to fight a 2 front war, so best is to keep quiet on China front till then. As for porkis I think fire and hit strategy with occasional cross border raids strictly in response to any cross border BAT attack is the best strategy.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
^^So explain.. how do we disengage? What steps should be taken by us i.e. INDIA that you would term satisfactory disengagement?

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
^^So explain.. how do we disengage? What steps should be taken by us i.e. INDIA that you would term satisfactory disengagement?
We should withdraw from current position in Doklam by few km and construct permanent structures to ring it so that any movement through it is destroyed and force Bhutan to give us land to beef our military presence. Also its important that North East has its own ammunition factories, artillery production units, AA units etc so that we can fight for months even if Siliguri corridor is compromised. In few months, in fact few weeks we will be able to break any choking of the corridor through direct action and/or alternate route forced through bangladesh.Also NFU must be given up immediately as if Banglas dont give us corridor to bypass siliguri, we will use tactical nukes to blast our way through.Everything is fair in love and war.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
We should withdraw from current position in Doklam by few km and construct permanent structures to ring it so that any movement through it is destroyed and force Bhutan to give us land to beef our military presence. Also its important that North East has its own ammunition factories, artillery production units, AA units etc so that we can fight for months even if Siliguri corridor is compromised. In few months, in fact few weeks we will be able to break any choking of the corridor through direct action and/or alternate route forced through bangladesh.Also NFU must be given up immediately as if Banglas dont give us corridor to bypass siliguri, we will use tactical nukes to blast our way through.Everything is fair in love and war.
arrey iqbal kadri......kitna bhi acting kerley......tumhari aukat tumhey expose ker hi deti hai.....

Jolly llb 2 last scene all indians must watch:
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Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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We should withdraw from current position in Doklam by few km and construct permanent structures to ring it so that any movement through it is destroyed and force Bhutan to give us land to beef our military presence. Also its important that North East has its own ammunition factories, artillery production units, AA units etc so that we can fight for months even if Siliguri corridor is compromised. In few months, in fact few weeks we will be able to break any choking of the corridor through direct action and/or alternate route forced through bangladesh.Also NFU must be given up immediately as if Banglas dont give us corridor to bypass siliguri, we will use tactical nukes to blast our way through.Everything is fair in love and war.
So first we withdraw and signal to all of our neighbours that we are not worth allying with. Then we force Bhutan to give up more of its land after we ceded some to China inspite of our defence agreement, further alienating them. All the while Chinese envoys are courting the Bhutanese. So now we have lost Bhutan, Chinese presence is larger than ever in the area.
And while we are beefing up our military, the Chinese will sit with their dick in their hands without reinforcing their position. Then we threaten Bangladesh with tactical nukes to give us passage, opening up another front.
At the end of it all, we have lost Bhutan, Bangladesh, signalled to Nepal that we are not a reliable partner, given the Chinese presence in Bay of Bengal, become a world pariah for threatening a nuclear action against a non-nuclear nation.
Now that we have so much going for us, we actually attack the Chinese who have reinforced themselves in the region.

How about the alternative of standing our ground and trying to solve this diplomatically?


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
There are Pak posts which overlook our communication lines at several places from Jammu division right up to Kargil.

Pt 5353 is an important feature which was occupied by Pakistan in 1999 kargil war but now there are alternate routes

Also this Govt LoC trade center was shelled by Pak few months ago which is an imp transit place for trade


hammer head

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Nov 11, 2016
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AHEM... The area opposite to Bhimber Gali sees Pakistans Kotli based 3 POK Brigade, The area under the Brigade is burning and getting shredded. Anything which is seen crawling on the ground is being pounded and pounded back to the almighty creator.

11 confirmed fatal Pig chops and 3 more likely to succumb at the Mil hospital.
And for snipers well...It hurts when your ripped apart by an 14mm AMR round.

More soon!

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Dude I am an Indian through and through. Dont be so paranoid. Anyways probably u have not understood what I am saying. I am saying lets move back by few km to show we mean peace and beef up our presence around the plateau and build up military strength with a vengence because right now we need more time. If Chinese go much further than where they are then there will be war and I as an indian will accept it.
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