LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
I would disagree. We can capture Tibet once we cut down their supplies and destroy their transport infra, and the on-ground infra and troops can be demolished by air attacks,
Yes..It's very much possible ,But Chinese build infrastructure already kkep that in mind..I wonder though they try to downplay us ,inside they still know the slap of 67 ...in Tibetan plateau there are't much tunnel and bridges , the weak link of their supply are in the northern and eastern entrance of Tibetan plateau...these are mountainous region like our Arunachal and UK along with River valley where China building record high bridges...but they are very deep inside china , so deep that they are in different military district than Indo-China border.it would be a hell of a task for air-force to breech and destroy those bridges ...
even if Tibet is our protectorate, we can't station our troops there and support their food and supplies on everyday basis, that is just too costly, and I am not even talking about winters.
Not necessarily..China already have existing structure for their troop mobilization..even if we destroyed few link or rail and road we can easily repair and use them...the Highway 219 which passes through along the Indian border ..and we have many mountain passes with Tibet which were traditional route for millennium ..those are currently closed but in pleasant situation we will reopen them...Sela in Arunachal ..Lanak la -Chang-chemno vally route in Ladakh...Nathu la to Chumbi valley etc ..
If China can maintain troop there so we can...Logistics would't be the biggest question ..the question is how to dislodge the CCP from Tibet..making Tibet our protectorate is't primary objective..Creating buffer betn CCP and India is the main objective...


Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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On News Nation I saw a news that the recent video of Chinese doing target practice by RPG/Tanks(said to be near Doklam) is 2 months old and its used to put pressure on India.:hmm:

Seems like this habit is practiced by Pakis too.They also put some old missile test videos and claim its successful and their tests never ever fail.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
But that is more beneficial for us..... That area has lots of petroleum and we will become neighbors of Afghanistan, tazakistaan , Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, mamgolia and Russia......and yes goodbye to CPEC.

View attachment 17934
Overkill !!!!!! to kill CPEC capturing POK is enough ....if we want to annex those area we can't keep them under control for long as they are't culturally not a 5% similar to us
If we want to make contact with central asia ,once POK came under control..we can use money to take wakhan from Afghanistan in 999 yeras of lease..job done..drill pamir and make ur way through Central asian state..
Where taking Tibet give us control over all the water of South Asia-South-east asia and East asia..in one word we have control over "na"pak, ASEAN and Chinkis ...CCP's interest in Tibet though same ...
But yeah Kashgar-Hotan mission would be unique in Indian history...no Indian king in 8000 years probably launch mission to capture land north of Kulnun across Taklamakan ...many muslim king attack west Turkestan but they even don't dare to invade east one crossing all these obstacles

Indian Sniper.001

Senior Member
Sep 22, 2016
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Not necessarily..China already have existing structure for their troop mobilization..even if we destroyed few link or rail and road we can easily repair and use them...the Highway 219 which passes through along the Indian border ..and we have many mountain passes with Tibet which were traditional route for millennium ..those are currently closed but in pleasant situation we will reopen them...Sela in Arunachal ..Lanak la -Chang-chemno vally route in Ladakh...Nathu la to Chumbi valley etc ..
If China can maintain troop there so we can...Logistics would't be the biggest question ..the question is how to dislodge the CCP from Tibet..making Tibet our protectorate is't primary objective..Creating buffer betn CCP and India is the main objective...
Yes, we can utilize those bridges, once we take over Tibet, but that is an overkill from logistics point of view. Every single day, tons of food and other materials need to be transported to keep our Personnel's healthy and sound. It is not feasible, long term. China is maintaining troops by means of importing food and materials as I have already told above, but for them it is easy because of the railway link, but there is no railway link towards India, we need to start building one, and that would take a couple of years. Dislodging PLA can be left to IAF, and a portion of our ground forces, but we have to think after that.

in Tibetan plateau there are't much tunnel and bridges , the weak link of their supply are in the northern and eastern entrance of Tibetan plateau...these are mountainous region like our Arunachal and UK along with River valley where China building record high bridges...but they are very deep inside china , so deep that they are in different military district than Indo-China border.it would be a hell of a task for air-force to breech and destroy those bridges
Agreed, we can't destroy those, what we need to do is destroy those near Tibet, not the ones in mainland China, if you destroy the ones in Tibet, that would get the work done. There is a lot of distance from China to Tibet, thus the transport infra, once we destroy 100s of kms of infra in Tibet, their transportation link is severed, and they can't attack Tibet except via air, and that can be left to IAF to manage them.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
This would enable Indian forces to hit North of Kulan Shah and cut all supplies to Tibet from the most safest route by China via Golmud- Also this would enable Indian forces to cut Xinjiang from Main land China-
We don't need Mongolian base to do that probably...That supply roue passes through along Karakash river which by far 100 km away from LAC in farthest part..the road passes Kulnun by 3 passes, Sanju, Hindutash and one other..these narrow passes should be under our Brahmos sight all the time...
Our military presence required in Mongolia to show our Mongol friend that they are't alone against Bully China , it's also give them lavage to deal China diplomatically...probably we already discuss the matter with Mongolian govt who have recent tough issue with CCP for oil and gas refinery...

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Time to trash the "No First Use policy of Nukes".

No other country has this stupid Gandhian philosophy.

Why did we make Nukes at all.Pakis threaten daily and China has no such policy of no first use.
China does have a no first use policy, none of the NATO countries do. India didn't sign up because of Gandhian philosophy but because we were intimidated by world wide sanctions after Pokhran.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Meanwhile another humiliation for china.
Dalai lama gathering support for Tibet in leh.

On the Chinese front my hope for action is dwindling. Chinese don't have it in them . For all the bluster and bullshitting china is actually a paper tiger. It's more than a month since Indian blocked their road and they have not been able to do anything.

Does any other p5 have been humiliated in this way??


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Time to trash the "No First Use policy of Nukes".

No other country has this stupid Gandhian philosophy.

Why did we make Nukes at all.Pakis threaten daily and China has no such policy of no first use.
To QUOTE Machiavelli " promise given was the necessity of the past . Word broken is the necessity of the presence."

All doctrines are invalid when shit hits the fan.
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