Know Your 'Rafale'

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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As opposed to the USA which is bombing the booming economies of Iraq and Afghanistan. :pound:

And who is the USA having to call its papa in Afghanistan? Do tell...
Pakistan the saviour. :pound::pound:
Actually they do this every single time invaded Iraq pulled out early this led to creation of isis. It was Russian forces which wiped isis from Syria. Created taliban to defeat soviets. Gave billions to pakis lost 2100 Men and 1 trillion $ spend what happened? now at this point taliban have captured more area than American forces.
Now asking Pakistani to start talks with taliban a terrorist group. All of this shows decline of American power.


Dec 24, 2015
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The French could have stopped Hitler in the Rhineland since France had vast military advantage over ragtag Nazis at the time. But I guess the French were busy eating cheese and making love to bother. So they give Hitler a moral victory and a political boost in Germany which started his transformation into Fuhrer.

The French again could have stopped Hitler from demanding for Sudetenland and then Czechoslovakia by calling Hitler's bluff and going to war to defend European (and World) peace. But the French and British cowered. French military power after Napoleon until now has been nothing but a downhill trajectory.
you are an ass hole. nothing to add.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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I don't recall France waiting on Uncle Sam before we started bombing Libya.
Ha! Tell that to the Marines! The Americans and Brits have to disable first Gaddafi's radar and SAM sites with Tomahawks in the early dawn of March 19, 2011 before French Rafales could operate in Lybia.

The sea and air ops against Gaddafi was originally lead by the Americans (as always) through the command ship USS Mount Whitney. US B-2 then attacked Lybian aircraft while they were still in their hardened shelters while Growlers provided electronic warfare to protect coalition air assets.

The Americans only turned over control of the Lybian campaign to NATO command on March 31. That's when cheese lovers can already show-off their new but already old aircraft as if it carried the heavy lifting of the air ops against Gaddafi.

Without big Papa, France have no balls to take on small time Gaddafi alone or even with the drunk Brits!


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Ha! Tell that to the Marines! The Americans and Brits have to disable first Gaddafi's radar and SAM sites with Tomahawks in the early dawn of March 19, 2011 before French Rafales could operate in Lybia.

The sea and air ops against Gaddafi was originally lead by the Americans (as always) through the command ship USS Mount Whitney. US B-2 then attacked Lybian aircraft while they were still in their hardened shelters while Growlers provided electronic warfare to protect coalition air assets.

The Americans only turned over control of the Lybian campaign to NATO command on March 31. That's when cheese lovers can already show-off their new but already old aircraft as if it carried the heavy lifting of the air ops against Gaddafi.

Without big Papa, France have no balls to take on small time Gaddafi alone or even with the drunk Brits!
STAY ON TOPIC OR LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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France is only a show off because there's no major war. But whenever there' s a major war or conflict that France has to face whwt's the first thing it do? Call Washington for SOS!

I hate show offs!
And which major war has USA won since world war2 which it won with help from France UK and british India and soviets.

All USA has done since is bombed small countries and lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Ha! Tell that to the Marines! The Americans and Brits have to disable first Gaddafi's radar and SAM sites with Tomahawks in the early dawn of March 19, 2011 before French Rafales could operate in Lybia.

The sea and air ops against Gaddafi was originally lead by the Americans (as always) through the command ship USS Mount Whitney. US B-2 then attacked Lybian aircraft while they were still in their hardened shelters while Growlers provided electronic warfare to protect coalition air assets.

The Americans only turned over control of the Lybian campaign to NATO command on March 31. That's when cheese lovers can already show-off their new but already old aircraft as if it carried the heavy lifting of the air ops against Gaddafi.

Without big Papa, France have no balls to take on small time Gaddafi alone or even with the drunk Brits!
What Marines? A Mistral and Charles de Gaulle were certainly pounding the crap out of Gaddafi. There were plenty of Rafale running SEAD and gathering targeting coordinates for those Tomahawks. Were you asleep during that war? Nothing was lead by Americans, Obama was hiding behind the French skirt the entire time.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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I did not say US will transfer sensitive military tech to India. No country will.
  1. No, other countries did in exchange of a great favour. It's US that's always concerned about rise of great, intermediate and regional powers but not others.
  2. US won't transfer ANY tech, not sensitive one. They got their own definition of sensitivity and demand COMCASA for any deal. India doesn't need to be a US lapdog like Phillipenes or UK for its survival.
But what the US gives is business opportunities and training to best manufacturing practices of high tech weapons or their subsystems.
Those are obtainable from other technologocally advanced countries as well. Bonus is that unlike USA who establishes itself as permanent colonizer of your tech and stakeholder of your industry, you can pay, learn and leave with any other country.

I repeat, there is a reason any strategically autonomous power avoids USA. USA is papa of countries who see no future for themselves independently, not governments who sincerely work to build their countries.
Germany is actually the most powerful country in Europe right now. France is no more powerful than UK.
Germany is economic superpower of Europe, France is militarily (has moreover biggest aerospace sector in Europe).

UK is nowhere near both of them in anyway. It's American proxy and can't even influence smaller countries independently. They just hype themselves without substance.
France is only a show off because there's no major war. But whenever there' s a major war or conflict that France has to face whwt's the first thing it do? Call Washington for SOS!

I hate show offs!
So what? France is a NATO ally and many times fought on even behalf of USA. It's much better than UK who's always at papa's mercy.

Anyways, unless some far more powerful nation invades France, I don't think it needs to fire an SOS.
Those are failing countries in Africa that France is bombing. But when faced with a slightly more organized country like Lybia France immediately calls big Papa...
What happened in countries like Afghanistan? It's worse than Africa!! It's geopolitics and not rich or poor country what determines the complexity of mess.

Seriously, the old American jibe for French "We saved your @$$e$". An American nationalist with Filipino passport!!

And you call yourself defence enthusiast. Just look at quality of your posts. You are outrightly distributing the certificates of "failed" and "successful" and selling "being American is successful by default" with ZERO REASONING. You don't even have the clue about the countries and stuff you are blabbering out.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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we loose against germany in 1940. The great America loose against Vietnam : 1- 1 ball in the center.

MICA proved range is 67km (a taiwanese M2000 shoot against a flying target). What about AMRAAM? Not to speak of Pk.... AMRAAM pk is just over 50%. Even your AIM9X can't destroy a old russian fighter in Syria (FH18 failed to)

"No cares about ASMP because no one would send an aircraft to enemy loaded witha nuke"... You're wrong. the american stealthy goose will be equipped by free fall B61 ! FREE FALL in the 21th century !!!!

You want to explain us how to produce wine ? You are really an idiot. As 95% of the american people : too average. You don't know France but you image us with a french baguette bread under one arm, a bottle of wine under the second and the beret on the head.
USA uber alles !!!!
You are like your new president : blind and idiot. the fall of the US....
Yes, and Macron is a shining light in the dark alley.. give me a break


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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we loose against germany in 1940. The great America loose against Vietnam : 1- 1 ball in the center.

MICA proved range is 67km (a taiwanese M2000 shoot against a flying target). What about AMRAAM? Not to speak of Pk.... AMRAAM pk is just over 50%. Even your AIM9X can't destroy a old russian fighter in Syria (FH18 failed to)

"No cares about ASMP because no one would send an aircraft to enemy loaded witha nuke"... You're wrong. the american stealthy goose will be equipped by free fall B61 ! FREE FALL in the 21th century !!!!

You want to explain us how to produce wine ? You are really an idiot. As 95% of the american people : too average. You don't know France but you image us with a french baguette bread under one arm, a bottle of wine under the second and the beret on the head.
MICA cannot match AMRAAM. Stop arguing where there is nothing to argue about- MICA is short-medium range while AMRAAM is medium to long range with 30% more range than MICA. pK is zero when your missile cannot get a firing solution while AMRAAM is already on its way. You won’t be producing Meteors at a great cost of R&D and integration if MICA matched AMRAAM.

AIM-9x is at least used in a real war unlike French missiles. All talk on paper.

California wine outclasses French wine in every contest. Read up on “ The judgment of Paris” to educate yourself where California wines decimated every “French Legend” in blind tasting by French themselves smh! Lol.
If you want to learn how to make wine, come visit Napa... your Bordeaux wineries regularly sends people to “learn” how to match Napa wine. I know because I live there.

Humans don’t use free fall nukes or ASMP type missiles in 21st century. Unless one is French..


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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F20 was lighter than F16. Engine was F404 when F16 is F100/F110 powered. It has shorter range, shorter load,
The price difference was too low to justify a new fighter in the US arsenal.
FYI: stick with French items without showing more silliness.

F-20 was designed for exports to replace F-5 not for replacing F-16. It was a very advanced plane with ability of fire BVR using AIM-7 sparrow which F-16 lacked. Also, it had a truly modern cockpit/ HOTAS.

Radar: its powerful, solid state APG-67 radar was a generation ahead of F-16 APG-66 Radar featuring range of 85 NM compared to 45NM of APG-66 V(1)

Range: for A2A mission both F-16A and F-20 had similar combat radius. But F-20 had longer ranged weapons.

Price: F-20 was 25% cheaper than F-16.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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India was under deep hole with soviets after we were stabbed in heart in UN and Chinese Pakistan US + British nexus was to dangerous for india. Soviets helped india to break Pakistan and kept foreign powers away and we had our gains. Nothing wrong in that i guess Americans should have supported india but they never cared about 70k women who were getting raped in east Bangladesh they were busy in updating Pakistan F-104A. Then F-16 in aid.
*no one is bad or good. Everyone have there own interests now Americans also sell weapons to kings of Saudi UAE and all who kills innocent in yamen.
So there is no need to take high moral ground. Siding with soviets was beneficial for india. That's our gain. For years india was considered a bogeyman who did nuclear test and shit.
*there is no place for ideologies and shit in power driven world. India went to UN and thought we are democracy bla bla super powers will support us. But un made it a choke point for india forever. IT WAS IN 1972 after because of Pakistani defeat simla agreement was singed and all matters between india and Pakistan become bilateral.
*in reality because of india non alliance thing American and British from 60s were pissed that how this third world poverty poster boy nation spoke against Us.
There are no permanent friends in geopolitics:
On October 25, 1962, the Soviet newspaper Pravda published a front-page article that put the entire blame for the 1962 war with China on India.


Dec 24, 2015
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MICA cannot match AMRAAM. Stop arguing where there is nothing to argue about- MICA is short-medium range while AMRAAM is medium to long range with 30% more range than MICA. pK is zero when your missile cannot get a firing solution while AMRAAM is already on its way. You won’t be producing Meteors at a great cost of R&D and integration if MICA matched AMRAAM.

AIM-9x is at least used in a real war unlike French missiles. All talk on paper.

California wine outclasses French wine in every contest. Read up on “ The judgment of Paris” to educate yourself where California wines decimated every “French Legend” in blind tasting by French themselves smh! Lol.
If you want to learn how to make wine, come visit Napa... your Bordeaux wineries regularly sends people to “learn” how to match Napa wine. I know because I live there.

Humans don’t use free fall nukes or ASMP type missiles in 21st century. Unless one is French..
ALL the case of firing of medium range missiles since desert shied 1 are under 50km range. you knwo why? because you need to identify positively the target.
Meteor is integrated on Rafale because we don't want to see the other eurocanards with such a prestigious weapons and the Rafale without. But France only ordered 100 units... The real asset of Meteor is the NEZ of 60km, not the max range.

The sole F16 shoot down in a dog fight combat was killed by a Magic 2 fired by a Greek Mirage 2000. So not only on paper my dear (always this sense of superiority...) :shoot:

California wine outclasses french wines.... you are pulling our legs. Your vinegars are made by french people, the products are of a same average quality year after year. Have you just dring a "Cheval Blanc" or a "chateau Margaux" just one time in your life ??? I do. As I taste californian wine during my two trips in USA.
It's like to compare a Fiat 500 with a BMW X6 : the two are cars, have 4 wheels and a motor, but that's all.

ASMP : USA are modernizing their FREE FALL BULL SHIT BOMB B61.
ALL the case of firing of medium range missiles since desert shied 1 are under 50km range. you knwo why? because you need to identify positively the target.
Meteor is integrated on Rafale because we don't want to see the other eurocanards with such a prestigious weapons and the Rafale without. But France only ordered 100 units... The real asset of Meteor is the NEZ of 60km, not the max range.

The sole F16 shoot down in a dog fight combat was killed by a Magic 2 fired by a Greek Mirage 2000. So not only on paper my dear (always this sense of superiority...)

California wine outclasses french wines.... you are pulling our legs. Your vinegars are made by french people, the products are of a same average quality year after year. Have you just dring a "Cheval Blanc" or a "chateau Margaux" just one time in your life ??? I do. As I taste californian wine during my two trips in USA.
It's like to compare a Fiat 500 with a BMW X6 : the two are cars, have 4 wheels and a motor, but that's all.

ASMP : USA are modernizing their FREE FALL BULL SHIT BOMB B61... and integrate it on your marvellous stealthy big goose BS F35. :rofl:
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Dec 24, 2015
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F-20 was designed for exports to replace F-5 not for replacing F-16. It was a very advanced plane with ability of fire BVR using AIM-7 sparrow which F-16 lacked. Also, it had a truly modern cockpit/ HOTAS.

Radar: its powerful, solid state APG-67 radar was a generation ahead of F-16 APG-66 Radar featuring range of 85 NM compared to 45NM of APG-66 V(1)

Range: for A2A mission both F-16A and F-20 had similar combat radius. But F-20 had longer ranged weapons.
first flight of F20 : august 1982
At those time the "C" model of F16, able to carry AMRAAM was more than on a drawing table. F16C first flight in 1984. So F20 don't carry more ranged AAM once F16C ready. And F16C was already mass product and well known by numerous pilots.

I think that no F20 never fired a AIM7 or AMRAMM during its short life..... (this is for your "more ranged weapons")

USAF just see in F20 a manner to reduce the price of F16 (but GD replied by a F404 F16 variant... fortunally never chosed) and a potential low cost export product. Dassault did the same with Mirage 3 NG, with the same success...
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Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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There are no permanent friends in geopolitics:
On October 25, 1962, the Soviet newspaper Pravda published a front-page article that put the entire blame for the 1962 war with China on India.
Only a idiot will think there are friends in diplomatic world. I never said that there are friends in diplomatic world. India doesn't even consider anyone friend but there is one thing expectations. And trust values and knowing the limits of the country with which you are working. In 1962 war as i said india didn't had relationship with soviets can't you understand in 1965 Pakistan was having American patton tanks and they were so proud on them that they used to say break fast in Amritsar lunch in panipat and dinner in Delhi. But those tanks also met there fate. In 1962 American aid to india was non existence and Chinese were successful in there mission.Americans were never a hero in india if that was the case india wouldn't be a soviet ally.

*February 1954, the U.S. administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the decision to provide arms to Pakistan, followed a month later by Pakistan joining the SEATO and subsequently the CENTO. These agreements assured Pakistan the supply of sophisticated military hardware and economic aid.[4].
*i don't know why Americans always try to see look we supported you we support this shit I will not only open your eyes but will shut you up. Bill Clinton on india nuclear test *US deliberately permitted China to proliferate nuclear technology to Pakistan, falsely certifying to Congress every year that Pakistan was not making a nuclear bomb. Abdul Qadeer Khan, who blatantly proliferated nuclear technology with crafty Musharraf feigning ignorance (believed conveniently by US administration), was not even questioned by US intelligence.
*The Soviet Union gave assurances to India that if a confrontation with the United States or China developed, it would take counter-measures. This assurance was enshrined in the Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed in August 1971.[132]
The American intelligence community in the Nixon era missed India's preparations for a nuclear weapons test and was caught unawares when "Smiling Buddha" was successfully conducted at Pokhran on May 18, 1974.

The revelation means India managed to keep the US in the dark over Smiling Buddha as well as the Pokhran-II tests in 1998, some 25 years later
*Declassified intelligence community staff post-mortem made public in 2011 by the US National Security Archive and the American Nuclear Proliferation International History Project shows America had taken its eye off India as it was caught up with its initiatives with China and the Vietnam war.

The record says: "India's peaceful nuclear explosion on 18 May, 1974, caught the US by surprise in part because the intelligence community had not been looking for signs that a test was in the works
*Nixon administration policymakers assigned a low priority to the Indian nuclear programme and there was no sense of urgency "to determine whether New Delhi was preparing to test a nuclear device. Intelligence and production (analysis and reporting) on the topic fell off during the 20 months before the tests". The oversight can be attributed to icy vibes between New Delhi and Washington during the Nixon era.
*CIA accept that they were fooled when india did nuclear tests in 1997.
( us sanctioned india in 1972 tests and in 1998 because of which till this date unlike Chinese our economy is not export friendly. But it's based on consumption.)
*there are no friends but there mere fact india depended on Russia in all bad times that's the reason why till this date india is biggest user of Russian arms. India announced that we will give Russia 1 billion $ in credit in recent summit in Indio-Russian currency. *
*US will never be able to take place of Russia as i already said she is a super power they have multiple gains for there interests they will be the first one to throw india in front of the train.
*It will be only france who will be biggest ally of india in current era replacing Soviet /Russia.

*US justified F-16 sale to Pakistan in 2008 as deterrence against India
*And in all wars be it in 1965 or 1971 or in 1999 it was American weapons and the fact is US is still updating them. Without soviet support Pakistan had capabilities to overrun india.
US Approves Military Sales Worth $125 Million to Support Pakistan's F-16 Fighter Jets. Now compare this with france they sold Pakistan subs in 90s only one is active because of relationship and that single sub is active because of Turkish assistance.
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Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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There are no permanent friends in geopolitics:
On October 25, 1962, the Soviet newspaper Pravda published a front-page article that put the entire blame for the 1962 war with China on India.
And finally this. Lowest point and the only reason why india and Russia relationship still exists. Declassified CIA intelligence documents stated that "India intended to dismember Pakistan and destroy its armed forces, a possible loss of U.S. ally in the Cold war that the United States cannot afford to lose." Nixon termed India a "Soviet stooge:pound:" before ordering the Enterprise to lead the Task Force-74.[23] In an assessment completed by the United States, India was seen as being able to summarily defeat Pakistan, were India to receive the full backing of Soviet Union.[23] Nixon sent a message to Soviet Union urging Russians to stop backing India. In Nixons' words: "In the strongest possible...(...)... terms to restrain India with which … (Soviets) have great influence and for whose actions you must share responsibility".[23] ( Now stop saying india and US alliance and help. And TOT Us and india somewhat positive relationship is a new thing. Let's see what happens next.) and the simple tot of you are talking about france already helped india HAL shakti engine which is build with French collaboration this engine poweers 90% of our helicopters. Russia gave india mig - 21 manufacturing line in 1967 which led to some what development of manufacturing capability. Full tot is the reason why india fly those cheap junks. But those mig-21 fucked F104A real badly. Even if US supported india in 1962 this was because india from start had pro west policy and india had relationship with uk too so they supported india was not something without a reason.

But as time changed US started to support Pakistan biggest enemy of india. So india shifted there place joined hands with ussr simple. At this age to india works with different partners and doesn't want to be only American ally. And INDIA WAS MORALLY RIGHT IN 1962 PAKISTAN WAS MORALLY WRONG.
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Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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There are no permanent friends in geopolitics:
On October 25, 1962, the Soviet newspaper Pravda published a front-page article that put the entire blame for the 1962 war with China on India.
Why Americans so called saviors of democratic world always claimed that we supported india in 1962 but after that forget that they were close ally of great military ruled Pakistan and armed them to teeth so that it was piece of cake for them to take over india. Didn't you liked alliance with Pakistan? They were your great ally still one of the greatest. Why Americans always run from the mere fact Pakistan was the biggest support of America in Asia your way of countering india and asia? You are like listen we supported you in 1962 but we armed Pakistan throughout the past and even told Chinese to come and attack india Nixon feared that an Indian invasion of Pakistan would mean total Soviet domination of the region, and that it would seriously undermine the global position of the United States and the regional position of America's new tactical ally, China.[134]:281–282 Nixon encouraged Jordan and Iran to send military supplies to Pakistan, while also encouraging China to increase its arms supplies to Pakistan,. This all your ranting of American support and aid and shit sounds funny.
Why you don't like Pakistan they were your old friends of aisa? India is bad soviet ally. Why you never liked the Pakistani alliance do you know that you gave them billions to create taliban. And Pakistan used those jihadi to attack india amazing policies of your great ally. Pakistani military used all your aid to attack india which you stopped recently. Listen the facts. No one ever thought that india will rise this fast in 90s everyone thought this nation will get into a dispute or will not get conquered again. So they never took india seriously. But time changed everything.
So you claim india should should forget those thousands of people who died by Pakistani hands raped butchered and be proud on American support to india in 1962 but forget there whole heartily support to pakis in 1971? Americans are democracy supporters they supported Pakistan to establish military rule in East Pakistan. India waited for 6 months to attack east Pakistan because our people knew American support to pakis in that war we need to be ready in those 6 months Pakistan killed million people which were much much higher than anything we had in 1962. Great American support to india. It doesn't matter to india. Much that our 3k troops died in 1962 Chinese should remember 1967. In world war 2 85k indian soldiers died. But no one accept rape and murder of there civilians. The pain which our people suffered was much more than anything in 1962 because military is build to fight. But civilians ladies kids are not build to fight that's the reason why indians keep bringing 1971 up we don't bring in 1965 or anything because that was military war. 1971 was a Genocide.
Democracy and pacifist never win this world is power driven. US supported Pakistan stopped in 2010 whn india economic growth was high and Pakistan was bankrupt. For your interest. There is nothing like values in this power driven world. This painful past of india is the reason why we support multi polar world.
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