Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2021
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Plus there was a fiery paki aunty from dubai. Old timers will remember the duels.
Some gems from auntyji;

Good move.GOI should reserve atleast 5% quota seats in india's top institutes like IIT's and IIMsetc for pakistani students and 5% for Bangladeshi students.
You dont have those many eyes to spy on nearly 1.8 billion every country.And our mujahid will come from all the countries to teach you a lesson
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Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Some gems from auntyji;
aunty's this thread was good time pass -


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2021
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Indian momina🐐 married to Paki.

DD supermod roasted that biaych good.
aunty's this thread was good time pass -
Meanwhile, our forum owner;

ajtr has derailed the thread.

Personally I think this is a noble gesture. As it is Indians and Pakistanis study together abroad, we should encourage Pakistanis to come and study here.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I present you the Battle of Talikota between the Vijayanagar Empire & the 5 Bahamani kingdoms. What you're proposing was attempted by the Vijayanagar Empire nearly 5 centuries ago yet how did it all end ?

Check out the backdrop to the war to get the analogy I'm attempting .
Mate no direct intervention in the form of direct war, One has to take leaf out of Western playbook ie hunt with wolves while also run with hare. Middle ages Kingdoms of India were exactly like our political dispensation today - played for short term gains, lacked foresight.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm not being completely ironic when I say this thread can serve as a resource for a historical study of the derangement and defanging of pakistan for future writers and historians. Nowhere else are their delusions compiled and recorded over the years as they have been here. You can see the clear progression of their ideological breakdown in the course of this thread.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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I'm not being completely ironic when I say this thread can serve as a resource for a historical study of the derangement and defanging of pakistan for future writers and historians. Nowhere else are their delusions compiled and recorded over the years as they have been here. You can see the clear progression of their ideological breakdown in the course of this thread.
Not to forget ..



Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Not to forget ..

Yeah, that's good too, But this thread is over a much longer time period, and has recorded many more "primary sources" i.e delusions straight from the donkey's mouths. The thread was started in 2011, which was the peak of paki delusions i.e pakistanisms, when there was an ineffective UPA in India, the Americans depended on them for afghanistan, their economy wasn't that bad, when we had done nothing after 26/11, and when they completely believed every word of their generals. Over the course of the thread one can observe the steady unravelling of most pakistani talking points and delusions about themselves vis a vis India.


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Tbh I can see why the forum is getting closed.
No one sees Indian cricketer Zaheer Khan who has married a Hindu woman accuses him of Love Jihad. Likewise no one has any bad words to say about Abdul Kalam either. Same with Azim Premji founder of Wipro. Our problem is with peaceful population. Unfortunately this population constitutes 90% of the Muslim community. They are uneducated, totally brainwashed, and have surrendered their brains to Mullahs. We can tolerate the 10% who are educated and are willing to use their brains.

Syama Ayas

Regular Member
Oct 4, 2015
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Without a N war , good luck with it .Paxtan dividing won't solve our problem though it may look like that now & even initially were it to happen. It'd only multiply our problems. In the long run it's like having 4 Afghanistans next door. .
Its the other way around. The more you break down an enemy the fewer resources they possess and it is easier to eliminate them one at a time.

If East Pakistan was still around today, we'd have a Pakistan with better finances for its military and nukes. A slightly larger geopolitical profile and far serious issues in North east like the one we faced in 1966

Mizo National Front uprising

Vijaynagar's empire ultimate defeat was due to choosing status quo over expansionism and also not adopting a gunpowder cannon.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Its the other way around. The more you break down an enemy the fewer resources they possess and it is easier to eliminate them one at a time.

If East Pakistan was still around today, we'd have a Pakistan with better finances for its military and nukes. A slightly larger geopolitical profile and far serious issues in North east like the one we faced in 1966

Mizo National Front uprising

Vijaynagar's empire ultimate defeat was due to choosing status quo over expansionism and also not adopting a gunpowder cannon.
In the event I wasn't referring to a win or elimination but total annhilation if you get the drift without me spelling it out. As our economy grows so will our comprehensive national power.Hence in a couple of decades this competition we have with their armed forces will be hopelessly lop sided.

In fact I'd argue if push comes to shove we can still defeat them today with whatever resources we've at our command. It may involve a lot of huffing & puffing though.

There is another school of thought which believes had we not launched a military invasion of East Paxtan, we could inflict them with " a death by a 1000 cuts policy. " that they've been trying with us since that war ended .

Even otherwise I don't think they'd have achieved whatever you think they would've with East Paxtan still in their fold. It was basically a secession foretold at the time of Independence. The key word was when not if. There was far too many contradictions between both halves of Paxtan for both halves to exist as an unified entity.

Vijay nagar wasn't the only Indic Empire then to eschew gunpowder technology. The Lodi Sultanate too didn't adopt it nor did the Rajput Confederacy under Rana Sanga which was one of the reasons both lost to Babur.

Talikota was lost for a whole host of reasons primarily because the Gilani bros who'd been exiled by the Adilshahi Sultan & found refuge with the Vijay nagar Empire commanding a sizeable body of troops switched sides mid battle when the Vijay Nagar troops were winning to attack the Emperor & behead him thus causing panic within the Vijay Nagar ranks causing them to flee thus losing a war which could be won bringing an end to the Empire though it did survive a whole century after that war in a vastly diminished form.

Up until then the objective of the Vijay Nagar Empire was attempting what's now known as a Balance of Power between the various powers at that time. They simply lacked the resources to launch a war of elimination then.

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