Indian Special Forces


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Sep 15, 2014
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His brother is or was a major or lt general ig.

In the west there is a term - Stolen Valor. In india we reward this crap. And then some people ask for faith and trust in the leadership because they know what they are doing.

Anyways this is all OT


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Phantom sierra

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Oct 22, 2020
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Since this shifu is involved I suspect it is nothing but a small 'crash course' in anti terrorism. Just look at him in the 3rd picture he seems to be posing rather than training (as usual) I don't want to sound sexist but let's be honest women will never be the first choice during an anti terrorist scenario and most probably will never see action. Shifu doesn't claim to be a officer but he used to wear the marcos badge on his blazer which is blasphemous!!!!


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Sep 13, 2010
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Have our guys(parasf, marcos, garud) trained alongside US TIER1 SFs ? (DELTA, DEVGRU, TACP etc.)
@rkhanna @Unknowncommando 2
No JSOC unit has crossed trained with us. 1 JSOC unit + Rangers have gone through CIJWS in the early days of the WOT

But in all fairness even if a JSOC unit did cross train with us we would never know as the Amreekans wouldn't allow it for OPSEC
There have been slips here and then that indicate that Delta has trained in India. No idea with what unit(s) though.

never heard of DEVGRU training alongside any Indian unit though- not sure this would be publicised if to did happen but considering that MARCOs take part in VBSS units and regular marine infantry during joint exercises I don’t have much hope for this.

Also never heard of the Rangers or MARSOC ever coming to India

Green berets are the most common unit given their FID emphasis, the US effectively treats India as a partner nation like Iraq or Afghanistan that needs their local units to be beefed up but that’s not that surprising given the fact that India is a non-NATO state and there aren’t any formal arrangements

That said India could do a LOT better in using its SFs to enhance cooperation or place more emphasis on SF-SF relations but as of now these things are handled at a level where the people making the decisions couldn’t care less. They think a joint ex is a joint ex, they just want something to put in their end of year presentation. So it’s not relevant to them whether a SF ex happens or a infantry one does

Ideally India should have something like Vajra Prahar with every major Western nation and India could even expand this into a multilateral event, why not host something like Jordan’s annual warrior competition?

as usual SFs are treated like the forgotten stepchild, unwanted and irrelevant to the people making the decisions. Once again until INSOCOM is stood up and hence the SF community given their own equal voice at the highest levels it’s impossible to consider these things changing


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Sep 15, 2014
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There have been slips here and then that indicate that Delta has trained in India. No idea with what unit(s) though.
Yes that's in the early 2000s to CIJWS with a Ranger company I have been told. But they didn't come to train with us per se but learn.

Rangers and Airbone troops are also a regular feature at HAWS

Also in the early 2010s a Marine Exp Unit ttainrf with th Sikh Light infantry. I had a beer with a few of them at Leopold :)
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New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Since this shifu is involved I suspect it is nothing but a small 'crash course' in anti terrorism. Just look at him in the 3rd picture he seems to be posing rather than training (as usual) I don't want to sound sexist but let's be honest women will never be the first choice during an anti terrorist scenario and most probably will never see action. Shifu doesn't claim to be a officer but he used to wear the marcos badge on his blazer which is blasphemous!!!!
A number of countries feature woman SOF/SOF capable units - Israelis, Americans, Scandanavians/Russians . Just as an FYI. And a number of them have seen combat. You can do a search through sofrep.

The women of the Kurds ressistance , french resistance, polish resistance of the past havr also shown how effective they can be.

Phantom sierra

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Oct 22, 2020
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A number of countries feature woman SOF/SOF capable units - Israelis, Americans, Scandanavians/Russians . Just as an FYI. And a number of them have seen combat. You can do a search through sofrep.

The women of the Kurds ressistance , french resistance, polish resistance of the past havr also shown how effective they can be.
Sir i was specifically talking about indias policy regarding women in combat roles and although these countries have women in such positions around 97 percent of combat fatalities are still men....


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Nov 10, 2019
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There have been slips here and then that indicate that Delta has trained in India. No idea with what unit(s) though.

never heard of DEVGRU training alongside any Indian unit though- not sure this would be publicised if to did happen but considering that MARCOs take part in VBSS units and regular marine infantry during joint exercises I don’t have much hope for this.

Also never heard of the Rangers or MARSOC ever coming to India

Green berets are the most common unit given their FID emphasis, the US effectively treats India as a partner nation like Iraq or Afghanistan that needs their local units to be beefed up but that’s not that surprising given the fact that India is a non-NATO state and there aren’t any formal arrangements

That said India could do a LOT better in using its SFs to enhance cooperation or place more emphasis on SF-SF relations but as of now these things are handled at a level where the people making the decisions couldn’t care less. They think a joint ex is a joint ex, they just want something to put in their end of year presentation. So it’s not relevant to them whether a SF ex happens or a infantry one does

Ideally India should have something like Vajra Prahar with every major Western nation and India could even expand this into a multilateral event, why not host something like Jordan’s annual warrior competition?

as usual SFs are treated like the forgotten stepchild, unwanted and irrelevant to the people making the decisions. Once again until INSOCOM is stood up and hence the SF community given their own equal voice at the highest levels it’s impossible to consider these things changing
i would love to see how paras perform in the warrior competition.


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Feb 19, 2016
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Lol... Why people think foreign trainers are better??? Americans.... beaten by North Korea, china, Vietnam, Afghanistan.... They just have better weapons not better soldiers and trainers....
By that logic no one should be trained by anyone as we have all lost wars and we should just be digging up dead Mongols to instruct us all in horse archery..


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
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Nov 22, 2020
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IA has now put special forces on a back burner.but for everyone who doubts the power of spec ops just go and look US invasion of Afghanistan they used spec ops to train rival factions against the taliban,laser targetted taliban targets for airstrikes,took out selective targets and taliban leaders.and for the muppets who think US soldiers are weak because of Afghanistan and Vietnam go and put your head in closet and flush it.every country has brave guys but sometimes bravery alone cannot win the war.


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Sep 15, 2014
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How does a team get to this tier one status, where they consider them near peer?
Well (again from what I have read and seen in interviews) is that when they feel that you can keep up with them and interpolate seemlessly with them in real world ops. Starts out with them cross training or help raise these units in the first place. The SK SMU, GROM, the Israelis, the increment from SAS.

Understand that their standards are completely different. Their tolerance for error even in training is absolutely zero.

For example From what I have read Delta/DevGru assaults structures far far faster than the vanilla Seals and ODAs. They shoot 300-500 rounds a week when not deployed. Everything from their helo insertion SOPs to shooting profficiency, breaching tactics is far superior to the tier 2s. Far faster and thus far more dangerous which is why they need to learn to shoot fast and shoot accurately.

Even The way they approach mission planning is different. In the 90s (in the balkans) they developed the art of doing multiple ops in one night. Hitting a target, gathering intel / interrogation on the spot get a lead on another target and hit that. No mission briefing and looking at maps. They would do this 2/3 times a night. Limited intel, but confidence to hit structures blind with limited but super accurate picture of the battle space due to superior ISR. Remember in the balkans they were having hunting HVTs as well. Only those were war criminals. They took those skills to Iraq and Afghanistan and perfected them over the past 2+ decades

I remember reading somewhere that teams usually have weekly shooting competition and they keep score. If an operator repeatedly is found at the bottom they usually end up rotating out.


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Oct 2, 2020
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In the west there is a term - Stolen Valor. In india we reward this crap. And then some people ask for faith and trust in the leadership because they know what they are doing.

Anyways this is all OT


New Member
Feb 6, 2021
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A number of countries feature woman SOF/SOF capable units - Israelis, Americans, Scandanavians/Russians . Just as an FYI. And a number of them have seen combat. You can do a search through sofrep.

The women of the Kurds ressistance , french resistance, polish resistance of the past havr also shown how effective they can be.
but they wouldn't be as good as their male counterparts definitely

