Indian Special Forces


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Regarding Major Jacob's videos this might come off as off-topic but I'm seriously worried abt his smoking :sad:

We lost Col Sangram Singh, thanks to non-stop drinking(insider view). yup, it seems he was a heavy heavy, drinker! Apparently, in SF there is no limit to the amount of alcohol and smoking as SF operators are supposed to be a balanced individual who knows when to say no or stop! But the notion is clearly wrong and they need to set a limit as Sangram Singh's death is an example! Major saab seems to be a chain smoker and he is smoking even in most of the videos which is worrying! There is no need to drink or smoke just bcoz one's in the military. Unhealthy habits r unhealthy, no matter how badass u r!

No offence to smokers here. It's just that there is hereditary asthma in my family; my mom had it in her childhood; my father has it; I inherited a little of it and my brother is a full-on asthmatic who is dependant on inhaler, and I know how horrible & frightening it's not to be able to breathe properly.

I just cannot understand the smoker's rationale; y do ppl think blowing smoke into one's lungs is fun :confused1:
So whenever I see ppl smoking, it worries me.
Seems like he gave this interview after too much drinking thats why he is saying that any gun is good.


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Dec 10, 2016
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How exactly do we know about guns and weapons from abroad, without even being there.
The answer is simple: Internet.

Now imagine an army personnel, who by the nature of his secretive job isn't allowed to use the internet as freely as us. In fact in even during Kargil War, soldiers were only allowed only 1 letter from home per week.

Hence knowing about foreign guns/weapons/kits is the job of officers posted in Army HOD and procurement departments, not the job of orinary army soldiers or officers who focuuses on focussing on the things that are issued to him.
So we can assume from the above conversation that..

We are hiring people who lack jobs and hence choosing something that doesnt suit their aptitude or passion.

Secondly, Being a Major in a SF unit and being a part of it for a really long time also means that no one in the unit has ANY idea what other units are doing despite carrying out exercises with them.



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Apr 4, 2010
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We are hiring people who lack jobs and hence choosing something that doesnt suit their aptitude or passion.
Firstly the people that get recruited in the army through recruitment rallies(for jawans) and NDA/IMA/OTA (for officers) etc. The basic test there is physical test along with aptitude test, logical reasoning, puzzle solving etc. They are not testing a cadet's knowlege about foreign guns or gears. Now coming to the motivation part, there are 3 categories of people who are joining:

1. Those who have serious partiotic feeling and want to serve the nation
2. Those who have no jobs and are currently unemployed.
3. Those who have serious passion about guns and weapons.

Now (1) is the majority and (3) is the minority with (2) in between.

For a serious passion about guns and weaons to develop among civilians, you need access to guns and firing ranges. That is not possible in India due to our gun control laws. Very few people do get aceess via Sainik schools and NCC training but those old rusty .303 Lee Enfields are not enough to arouse passion in guns. Also, a very very small number of people can develop the passion from the internet.

Secondly, Being a Major in a SF unit and being a part of it for a really long time also means that no one in the unit has ANY idea what other units are doing despite carrying out exercises with them.
Not all personnel of Army or even special forces train with foreign contigents. There are very few personnel who are engaged with foreign teams.
Also, Special forces are trained to do operational tasks based on whatever is issued to them. Also, a large amount of their time is spent on duty. Not every are not supposed to have top end knowledge about foreign guns. They are not scanning the internet everyday in defence forums like this.
That is the job of procurement committe, and we know how procurement works for the Indian Army. The last major small arms purchase they had was introduction of Tavors in the last decade among SFs.

Every SF in the world says so about themselves. Even police units does. Not a big deal. Since the contemporary special forces units are rarely operating against each other, this is hardly an issue.

On the plus side, this confidence can instill more motivation in them to perform difficult mission given to them.

Whether they need more weapons and force modernization or not, is upto the Army HQ and Government to decide, not them. Ordinary soldiers are taught to be happy with whatever they have and perform missions without questioning their superiors. This has been the case since Independence.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Firstly the people that get recruited in the army through recruitment rallies(for jawans) and NDA/IMA/OTA (for officers) etc. The basic test there is physical test along with aptitude test, logical reasoning, puzzle solving etc. They are not testing a cadet's knowlege about foreign guns or gears. Now coming to the motivation part, there are 3 categories of people who are joining:

1. Those who have serious partiotic feeling and want to serve the nation
2. Those who have no jobs and are currently unemployed.
3. Those who have serious passion about guns and weapons.

Now (1) is the majority and (3) is the minority with (2) in between.

For a serious passion about guns and weaons to develop among civilians, you need access to guns and firing ranges. That is not possible in India due to our gun control laws. Very few people do get aceess via Sainik schools and NCC training but those old rusty .303 Lee Enfields are not enough to arouse passion in guns. Also, a very very small number of people can develop the passion from the internet.

Not all personnel of Army or even special forces train with foreign contigents. There are very few personnel who are engaged with foreign teams.
Also, Special forces are trained to do operational tasks based on whatever is issued to them. Also, a large amount of their time is spent on duty. Not every are not supposed to have top end knowledge about foreign guns. They are not scanning the internet everyday in defence forums like this.
That is the job of procurement committe, and we know how procurement works for the Indian Army. The last major small arms purchase they had was introduction of Tavors in the last decade among SFs.

Every SF in the world says so about themselves. Even police units does. Not a big deal. Since the contemporary special forces units are rarely operating against each other, this is hardly an issue.

On the plus side, this confidence can instill more motivation in them to perform difficult mission given to them.

Whether they need more weapons and force modernization or not, is upto the Army HQ and Government to decide, not them. Ordinary soldiers are taught to be happy with whatever they have and perform missions without questioning their superiors. This has been the case since Independence.
Today even kids know what attachments are good.

This is all a sorry excuse.

Everybody has smart phones and does Google what to google search no one can spoon feed.

Country is not served only by joining Army if you want i can give you bad apple example from Army and good apple example of below middle class people.

Aptitude counts much much more than patriotism in this field that is why no Reservations.

Personally i feel you should think about it a little more without being biased about it.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Today even kids know what attachments are good.
Depends on how do you define 'kids'. A normal school going child does not know about foreign guns and gears. To him playing with his friends, doing homework and little bit of social media is more important than guns and stuff. Neighther does any gun related stuff matters to his parents.

If you are defining 'kids' are defence enthusiasts in the internet forums like these, then they represent a miniscule percentage of India's population.

This is all a sorry excuse.

Everybody has smart phones and does Google what to google search no one can spoon feed.
First of all smart phones and access to internet have become common only for the last 5-7 years. Hence today's generation are much more knowlegable about things about politics, defence, economoy, etc.

However, Major (retd.) Vivek Jacob is not of today's generation. He retired from the army few years back. Neighther he nor many of his buddies in Para SF had access to mobile phones while in the army. Even if they had that, they wouldn't be able to spend time on that since they were busy doing operations most of the time. During non operation time, soldiers rest, play recreational sports, interact with their families, some of them prepare for promotional exams etc. Not search internet about foreign guns and gears.

Country is not served only by joining Army if you want i can give you bad apple example from Army and good apple example of below middle class people.

Aptitude counts much much more than patriotism in this field that is why no Reservations.
I have never said that only those who want to serve the country should join the army. There are many other sectors apart from defence like medicine, education, engineering etc. Depending on their personal interest and aptitude, any person can join these sectors and contribute to nation building.

However, I said that a majority of people who join Indian Army do out of their patriotic fervour, because they want to give serve their motherland, even if that may cost his life. However, that doesn't mean those who get rejected are at less patriotic in their heart. They just couldn't perform at the day of the recruitment or exam. Army selects those candidates based on physical and aptitude test. The sylabus of the aptitude test are:

Neighther of these syllabus covers any portion on foreign guns and gears.

Personally i feel you should think about it a little more without being biased about it.
What is there to think about. I am not biased against anyone's opinion. There are many defence forums around the internet where people like you and me come to know about the latest updates regarding defence issues, and give our opinion. However, you cannot deny the fact that we represent a miniscule percentage of total internet users and you should not expect everyone to know about foreign guns and gears.

Mr. Vivek Jacob has admitted frankly in the inteview that he doesn't know about foreign guns and gears. To him, the weapon that was issued to him was more interesting and all he could care about whether it could fire at a long distance or not. Nor had any lack of knowledge about foreign guns and gears hampered any of his operations while in service.
And we should be thanking him for his service in the army, not criticiing him for his lack of knowledge about foreign guns and gears that were not issued to him in his service life. Nor as a civilian after retirement he had access to those.
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धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Why we need the these bells and whistles. Our SF are best in the world. Money is needed for more important things like a new HQ building because we need a 'pentagon' more urgently than small arms.
Our SF equipment sucks and v r da besst mentality will eat up our forces.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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And throw away thousands of perfectly good rifles?

Not to mention, there's no guarantee CAR will ever be made here. That said, this is but a passion project of mine :yo:
Not throw away, M4A1 SOPMOD Block-I has different and unique uses. And CAR-816 will be made here and thats for sure.


New Member
Feb 14, 2016
Our SF equipment sucks and v r da besst mentality will eat up our forces.
We are the best mentality is absolutely necessary when you're an actual Special Forces operator. You're working against an active military of the level of Pakistan, a war experienced nation, you need uber confidence and arrogance to take them on. No half measures.

Infact, in a way Vivek Jacob absolutely reinforces that point. "BC shorts and t shirt me thok ke aayenge". That's elite mentality.

The issue arises when the mentality transfers to strategic decision making and to higher ups. That's when evolution stops. But let's not have digs at any Special forces soldier here please. We need to have some perspective and some respect.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
New Member
Nov 22, 2020
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Fan boys are the most biggest threat to everything.most instagram idiots haven't even seen the equipment of top tier forces of us and believes that special forces are highly trained guys who can hit targets 1500m away with a pistol and indian sf guys use hand mountable mini guns etc crap.special forces are forces who have to best in training and equipment.
Our SF equipment sucks and v r da besst mentality will eat up our forces.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Not throw away, M4A1 SOPMOD Block-I has different and unique uses.
So why not upgrade them and prolong their life? With what seems like problems with procuring SCARs, an upgrade package for the 14.5" M4s could be useful.

And CAR-816 will be made here and thats for sure.
Bhai nothing is for sure here. Even the AK203 deal which seemed like set in stone is going nowhere.

As of Caracal, the fast-track tender has already been canceled. We want a Make-in-India clause now, and once that is taken into account the commercial & technical bids will have to be submitted anew. No guarantee Caracal will emerge L-1 again.

