Indian Special Forces


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Aug 3, 2023
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They only do it by salami slicing, fact is if China wasn’t sanctionable, it would have overrun the army in a week. I mean buying jetpacks? The generals are complete jokers
Like they did in 1962 huh ? I wander what changed this time.

You know what I don't have any facts & figures to actually verify your claims of China being capable of over running Indian Army with in a Week. So I would decline to believe in your claims.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Like they did in 1962 huh ? I wander what changed this time.

You know what I don't have any facts & figures to actually verify your claims of China being capable of over running Indian Army with in a Week. So I would decline to believe in your claims.
Off of equipment, logistics, etc. unless we work hard and wake up we are screwed


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Jul 8, 2011
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Like they did in 1962 huh ? I wander what changed this time.

You know what I don't have any facts & figures to actually verify your claims of China being capable of over running Indian Army with in a Week. So I would decline to believe in your claims.
Let's just say that we ought to count our lucky stars for having the Himalayan range between us.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Going to do an analysis of capabilities of each special forces since 1990:
1. MARCOS. While not used in strategic missions like they should be, in every “mission” they have been on they have always delivered decisive results, if tactical. The tactics they use ensure minimal casualties. Sure para does less ops, but as highlighted by previous members the tactics MARCOS use (in recent times, not sure ab the 90s) are far more sophisticated. Time for me to get overwhelmed by pwordjeets, but MARCOS has improved its capabilities, and modernized to be on par with contemporary SOFs, as highlighted by Vijaypal Rawat sir, and as also highlighted by him, we must be strategic in our use with MARCOS, and have a grand vision and ethos. This is what MARCOS lacks, we need to treat them like proper SOF. But overall, MARCOS shows us who the real SF in India is. Now, we need to make sure they are used as proper SOF, not super marines.
2. GARUDS. Not really an SOF, but largely untested and very very conflicted on wether this is an SOF or DSC with proper gear. Their jobs seems to be to gaurd based, and hunt down militants. GARUDS are attached with the oldest and most experienced RR battalions, and do joint ops with them, whcih further makes their actual role confusing. Nirala sir made the supreme sacrifice in one such operation. I no doubt am sure that GARUDS are consisting of very capable men, who can do things infantrymen of contemporaries can do, but their actual SOF capability is very questionable. No, Pathankot is not an “SOF” op. While the GARUDS did chase down well trained and highly motivated Fidayeens, the actual result of said op was not strategic in nature. It was a tactical victory that All attackers were eliminated. Bottom line- GARUDS don’t seem to be a proper SOF in any manner. Their equipment profiles are also rather weak.
3. Para SF. Where do I begin? What was once a lethal super infantry and even a top level SOF for a time, has now pratically destroyed both its super infantry and SOF capabilities, as highlighted by the operations paras have been doing for the last 2-3 years. Para commandos, were quite lethal in 1971. Their airborne counterparts (if that’s the right word) also did wonders. They would continue to do wonders and lots of oprrations in Lanka, NE, and 90s J&K. Sometimes, doing up to 8 operations a day, they were a very well disciplined force. However, the mixing of the three existing para special forces battalions (1,9,10) with regular airborne, in the late 90s, effectively ended the 50th brigade and making the “para regiment” as we know it today. The man, the criminal behind this, was General Shankar Rowchoudhary. Not only did he undo all the hard work by his predecessor, General BC joshi, he effectively set back the IAs SF by several decades. This, coupled with the mass expansion of Para Sf in the 2000s has effectively made confusing the exact role of Para SF. Usually, an SOF is supposed to do operations that are strategic in nature. The operations paras (both SF and regular) did in the 90s, were basically super infantry raids on militant hideouts, cordons, etc etc. the existing SF battalions did have an excellent stalking capability, but that seems to have dwindled down. To this day, it is unclear what the role of PARA SF is. They don’t even do super infantry operations anymore. They are doing security jobs for pilgrims. Barring several raids in the 2010s, it is unclear what their current stalking capability is. They still operate the same way they did in the 90s. They still wait till early morning, they still charge in frontal positions, but nowadays they seem to have forgot to learn about the element of surprise. Their attacks are predictable, as highlgihted in the recent Rajouri ambush. Their gear is horseshit, with several IA infantry units having more sophisticated gear (that are indep. procured).

In summary, a top tier SOF in the 70s became a top tier Super infantry in the 90s, and has now become a glorified security force with an unclear role in 2023. Coupled with the criminal lack of gear. We can say that the Paras have gone in the opposite direction that their MARCOS counterparts went into. Their training, tactics, and gear need a whole revamp to 2023. That they fought in the literal exact same way as they did back in 1998 is criminal.

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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So navy still wants marine corp? Can we see it happening in future after theatarization next year?
I wish so, if that happens we can assume the marine corps to have their own Ghatak platoons to be used like Force Marine Recon so MARCOs will be relieved of that task of long range recce for beach targets. It could be even better if just like in the SBS, MARCOs take experienced guys from CD and Marines. Then we could really develop a tier system


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Like they did in 1962 huh ? I wander what changed this time.

You know what I don't have any facts & figures to actually verify your claims of China being capable of over running Indian Army with in a Week. So I would decline to believe in your claims.
The only thing that saved us in 1962 was the sheer bravery and iron will of our soldiers on the ground. Certainly not the equipment and logistics, and definitely not the high command/staff officers - which at that point had already been heavily compromised due to politics.

This guy was appointed as the chief of general staff of the army, all the while having never even commanded a single infantry company or battalion throughout his tenure, forget about an entire front. He, Nehru, VK Menon, and other officers were compliant in the massacre that we had in 1962.






Jai jawan certainly, but don't let that distract you from reality. This was 1962. The Chinese couldn't make much headway in because of the mountains, but at that point in time they did not have any sort of strategic airlift capability nor any sort of air support.

They do now. Meddling with China is not a trivial matter. You don't win battles just because the officers and men on the ground are good. You need a competent strategic committee as well, because they tell what the officers on the ground what do.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
The only thing that saved us in 1962 was the sheer bravery and iron will of our soldiers on the ground. Certainly not the equipment and logistics, and definitely not the high command/staff officers - which at that point had already been heavily compromised due to politics.

This guy was appointed as the chief of general staff of the army, all the while having never even commanded a single infantry company or battalion throughout his tenure, forget about an entire front. He, Nehru, VK Menon, and other officers were compliant in the massacre that we had in 1962.

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Jai jawan certainly, but don't let that distract you from reality. This was 1962. The Chinese couldn't make much headway in because of the mountains, but at that point in time they did not have any sort of strategic airlift capability nor any sort of air support.

They do now. Meddling with China is not a trivial matter. You don't win battles just because the officers and men on the ground are good. You need a competent strategic committee as well, because they tell what the officers on the ground what do.
Only one counterattack was launched. That counter attack almost succeeded too with nil arty support, even Chinese admit they had to bring reinforcements


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
army waalo ne chakka maar diya..
And Indians talk about getting Tibet back😂
At least pla will equip Tibetans with basic BPJs, rifles, etc.
Indian army in 2023 has officially become a joker circus, and I say this unsarcadtically.
These jokers have done the following in one year:
1. Make army camos different for brigade level officers, making them more vulnerable to enemy snipers
2. Destroy para sf capability
3. Induct women commandos


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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And Indians talk about getting Tibet back😂
At least pla will equip Tibetans with basic BPJs, rifles, etc.
Indian army in 2023 has officially become a joker circus, and I say this unsarcadtically.
These jokers have done the following in one year:
1. Make army camos different for brigade level officers, making them more vulnerable to enemy snipers
2. Destroy para sf capability
3. Induct women commandos
I think you didn't get what I meant. lol, you probably have not heard the word in the context I am using it


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
22nd para (Hijra) commando battalion.
PLA is shitting it’s pants rn.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
It says Soft Postings - meaning REMFs. Why is it a problem? If they pass Army standards (undiluted) for whatever role then ALL citizens of India should be welcome with open arms.
Disregarding my opinion on this subject, it’s the priorities. Our soldiers have underwent 5% modernization in the last 20-30 years and this is what they are priotizing, over modern equipment. The lack of women shouldn’t concern these jokers; the lack of proper helmets in our army should.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Disregarding my opinion on this subject, it’s the priorities. Our soldiers have underwent 5% modernization in the last 20-30 years and this is what they are priotizing, over modern equipment. The lack of women shouldn’t concern these jokers; the lack of proper helmets in our army should.
The Army / Armed Forces serves 2 functions simultaniously

1) National Security Objective of Security and Foriegn Policy
2) Government Employeer

Its been like this since the birth of time across Civilizations.

We are reading way tooo much into this. lets move on


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
The Army / Armed Forces serves 2 functions simultaniously

1) National Security Objective of Security and Foriegn Policy
2) Government Employeer

Its been like this since the birth of time across Civilizations.

We are reading way tooo much into this. lets move on
Fair. I just think we need to set our priorities straight. I just wish we had this level of awareness for our modernization.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Fair. I just think we need to set our priorities straight. I just wish we had this level of awareness for our modernization.
The modernization will happen when it has to happen. If jetpacks can get procured with such speed, if the SoKo howitzers can be purchased with such speed, then when the agenda is modernization, it too will happen with speed.

Until then, no use crying about it.. accept the white pill. Otherwise, you are free to torment yourself..


Yes, brave men on the ground are really going to die, probably would have lived had they been equipped well. But that's reality for you, and everyone who is sincere is doing their part. So more or less, it will happen in due time.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
The modernization will happen when it has to happen. If jetpacks can get procured with such speed, if the SoKo howitzers can be purchased with such speed, then when the agenda is modernization, it too will happen with speed.

Until then, no use crying about it.. accept the white pill. Otherwise, you are free to torment yourself..

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Based, just gonna go right back to coping and reading old Ops

just read about this one badass soldier who disguised himself as a militant and led an ambush party to a group of 40 militants. Will post about him soon