Indian Army: News and Discussion


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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This defensive,arrogant and superiority attitude is what amuses me most.
Why can't you simply say that we can't replicate American Fart because we don't have money , because we have Soviet Style of constipation . that's why we can't fart(like USA)
BTW you should know that US army is Most battle hardened Modern army which is fighting wars in foreign and highly hostile lands almost from its formation.
Man look at us how we justify our shortcomings using some fancy words like "tactics" bla bla. On the other hand paki army almost copies western army so much so that even their uniform is replica of US Army. They are using everything they can find in donations and second hand market like these beasts
Okay let me try to break this down further

Money is only ONE of the reasons why cant replicate American "Fart"

The Americans in Iraq and Astan are an expeditionary unit in a hostile foreign land. They are an invading force. EVERYTHING outside their "wire" is an active threat.

Everytime a US unit is deployed for an op they actively face an Opfor anywhere from 10-100 insurgents carrying heavy weapons including RPGs and IEDs - Something the Indian Army does not face yet.Use of force is a reaction to threat perception.

By your logic since we dont copy American Kit and Hollywood Poise the Iraqi Army and The Afghan army must be superior to us?

And please dont bring up Pakistan. The Pakis went in to fight their own population using Heavy Artillery, Tanks, F-16s and Attack Helos and butchered entire villages and have achieved zilch and have lost a shit load of men and material in the process. Hell in 2 years they lost 800 SSG operators. So much for the Pakis copying the Americans.

PS The Indian Army has seen constant combat at home and abroad dating back to WWI in various scales and levels of deployment. Just as an FYI. You should do more research on the battle honors built up over the past 100 years or so. There are Few Militaries on the planet that boast as much experience. This is why "Tactics" is not a fancy word but a culmination of a 100 years of experience of achieving an objective with what little they have.


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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And one other thing. The Indian Army COIN strategy in Kashmir and/or the NE is the LEAST Soviet strategy you will ever see.

For soviet strategy please google the last Chechyan war, Ukraine conflict and the Recent Syrian Action.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Okay let me try to break this down further

Money is only ONE of the reasons why cant replicate American "Fart"

The Americans in Iraq and Astan are an expeditionary unit in a hostile foreign land. They are an invading force. EVERYTHING outside their "wire" is an active threat.

Everytime a US unit is deployed for an op they actively face an Opfor anywhere from 10-100 insurgents carrying heavy weapons including RPGs and IEDs - Something the Indian Army does not face yet.Use of force is a reaction to threat perception.

By your logic since we dont copy American Kit and Hollywood Poise the Iraqi Army and The Afghan army must be superior to us?

And please dont bring up Pakistan. The Pakis went in to fight their own population using Heavy Artillery, Tanks, F-16s and Attack Helos and butchered entire villages and have achieved zilch and have lost a shit load of men and material in the process. Hell in 2 years they lost 800 SSG operators. So much for the Pakis copying the Americans.

PS The Indian Army has seen constant combat at home and abroad dating back to WWI in various scales and levels of deployment. Just as an FYI. You should do more research on the battle honors built up over the past 100 years or so. There are Few Militaries on the planet that boast as much experience. This is why "Tactics" is not a fancy word but a culmination of a 100 years of experience of achieving an objective with what little they have.
You are making valid points here and to add to that i was reading an article during Op Iraqi Freedom when British troops were complaining that Americans rarely get out of their APCs and they have no connection with the locals while the British troops did more of foot patrolling and had good relationships with them.

We have nothing to learn from anyone in CI and specially the Americans because all they do is call Air Support when the shit gets real.Our men had no air support even in the surgical raids both in east and west.

APCs are expensive to buy and maintain and then you have no connect with the locals.The Op Sadhbhawana will take a hike if our troops get out of APC and start shooting whoever doesnt obey.

We have done a remarkable job from where we started.There were 4000 terrorists in early 90s with terror camps inside Kashmir in places like Anantnag and BMPs were used.Today there are 200 terrorists in total.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
This defensive,arrogant and superiority attitude is what amuses me most.
Why can't you simply say that we can't replicate American Fart because we don't have money , because we have Soviet Style of constipation . that's why we can't fart(like USA)
BTW you should know that US army is Most battle hardened Modern army which is fighting wars in foreign and highly hostile lands almost from its formation.
Man look at us how we justify our shortcomings using some fancy words like "tactics" bla bla. On the other hand paki army almost copies western army so much so that even their uniform is replica of US Army. They are using everything they can find in donations and second hand market like these beasts
There seems to be a very ill-informed set of defense aficionados in our country and on this forum who practically worship US Armed Forces, without appreciation of the subtle differences in the situation of our Armies.

So here are two examples for you people of how the Indian Army is ahead of the US Army in certain tactical and operational capabilities:-

The Americans use AT-4 as their standard squad-level recoil-less weapon. However recently (2014), they have found from combat experience that the Carl Gustaf is a much better weapon for that particular role. Now, these have been issued to their special forces and they are planning to make it standard issue for the infantry as well. Meanwhile in India, we already knew that and therefore we already use this weapon in the infantry. We did not need to learn that.

American (over) reliance on Air Power [And the resulting degradation of artillery capabilities]

For years the Americans have fought in wars where airspace has not been a contentious issue. Over time, they even forgot what a contested air-space is like. Go to youtube. You'll see the Americans relying on airstrikes to do the job of the artillery, in Afghanistan. You do not need to be a genius to realise the perils of this. Making the aircraft do the arty's job has two major drawbacks:-
1. Its more expensive.
2. It relies on the assumption that you will always have air-superiority no matter what.

The result of this stupidity:-

US Army has no Artillery Divisions.
I find this odd. What is even more odd is the small number (421 M777A2) of artillery guns deployed. All this makes me feel that US Army relies more on airstrikes and even the artillery units rely mostly on Guided Munitions. It seems the US Army only looks at Artillery as a support arm.

I contrast this with the Indian Army. Each Strike Corps of the IA has one Artillery Division. Apart from that, all types of divisions (Armored, Infantry, Mountain or RAPID) have one artillery brigade each (true for all Holding Corps). The total stands at approximately 218 artillery regiments.

Now, the idea behind the Artillery divisions is "maneuver by fire". The Artillery is integrated into the Strike Corps so that the maneuver formations do not necessarily advance under cover of artillery support. Rather, they advance to support the Artillery strike. As and when required, the Mechanized forces can take the center-stage, with Artillery switching to supporting role. This role-switch can be performed alternately, thereby maintaining a high operational tempo. The US Army does not have this option.

Another question, M777A2 has a 155mm X 39 mm caliber. Why is the M777ER (with 155 mm X 52 mm) not being inducted? I can understand why Marines would need an All-Ultra-light-howitzer-force, but should the US Army not have 155mm X 52mm as the standard? Even we have chosen to make 155 mm X 52 mm our standard.

Now that the Americans realise they are far behind near-peer adversaries in terms of Artillery, they are working on "new concepts" like the Long Range Precission Fire or LRPF. LRPF hinges on the ATACMS Surface-surface missile (range 300 km), which is being upgraded to allow US Army Artillery to hit targets out to 500 km.

This LRPF concept, however, does not seem new to me. Artillery Divisions of the Indian Army today have the capability to hit targets out to 300km and by 2022, will have the capability to hit targets out to 1500km (up to 600km Brahmos SSM: after minor upgrades to existing systems; 750-1500km Shaurya SSM: in production). Also, Brahmos and Shaurya are much more capable than ATACMS.

Meanwhile, China and Russia already have these capabilities.

This seems like gross neglect of the artillery arm of the US Army, and even now, LRPF concept is only addressing part of the problem. What to do about howitzers. They are very few in number, considering the size of the US Army.

All this is a result of America's over-reliance on air-power and CAS. Now that they realize that US air-superiority is not guaranteed in every conflict, they are revisiting artillery. We knew all along the importance of this arm. So did the Soviets, who gave the very concept of maneuver by fire. Somehow you think that Americans are superior to the Soviets, Russians, Chinese, Indians. If so, then how did the Americans fall behind?

So, US is not the god of war, and bullying small nations with a bare minimum of capabilities does not mean you are geared for war with a near-peer adversary.
Stop worshiping the Americans and stop chiding your own country's Armed Forces who are equally professional, on par with any Great Power's forces. Armed Forces the world over have problems. US is not so different.

Edit: Try to find out how the US Army's only mountain warfare division (10th Mountain) is not ready for mountain warfare, and how Afghanistan war revealed that fact. Meanwhile in India, we have the world's largest Mountain warfare force.
I am not trying to say that Americans are weak. They are not just as strong as you think they are.
We have nothing to learn from anyone in CI and specially the Americans because all they do is call Air Support when the shit gets real.
I second that.
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Senior Member
Jan 22, 2016
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Someone use flamethrower on these motherfuckers. Ex servicemen must've missing the good old days from 90s compare with 2016

why thes mofos are doing this? what was the matter??
and why dont army army shot few of these mofos specially that monky trying to break glasses


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Lol and when the americans dont get their AirCover and they all die then its a very heroic thing and Hollywood makes a movie on the Glory of the Seals

There is a very old video from a few years back from one of the Yudh series of SF training. The USSF Seargent sad (paraphrase) that the Indians were very quickly showing them a new and better way of tackling things that it was a humbling experience.

In Cope India 2004 while the whole world and their uncle was going gaga oevr the kill ratio the MOST important quote from a USAF commander was how the Indians were mixing their Airwings with AA and Strike Fighters imbeded and calling tactical audibles in the middle of the DACT that left the Americans behind the curve a bit in coping. He said the Indians (even without AWACs) had an insanely good picture of the battle space and NEVER repeated the same mistake twice. We were so good at reading the battle space that Indian Commanders decisions when to bring in the strikers, when to pull them back and cover with AA fighters was almost always on point.

its not about tech, its not about how good the gear looks on 24fps. Its about getting the Job Done.

Another example is operation kukri in Sierre Leone. Para SF did a harder Job than the SAS rescue with 1/10th the Kit and did it better.

PS as another example of differences between the two militaries just see how easily the Americans give out the Medal of Honor compared to the PVC.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Can you elaborate how you came to this conclusion?
Check the deployment history and combat experience of US Marines Vs their Army.
Also the difference in doctrine.
Everybody in the Marines right from base store clerk to fighter pilot undergoes basic infantry school.

Almost in every foreign deployment, they have sent their Marines units the first in second only to special forces.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Check the deployment history and combat experience of US Marines Vs their Army.
Also the difference in doctrine.
Everybody in the Marines right from base store clerk to fighter pilot undergoes basic infantry school.

Almost in every foreign deployment, they have sent their Marines units the first in second only to special forces.
While marines carry their own naval support and air support along with them, there is also one more reason.

The cost of deployment per marine per day is less US army soldier, so there is a financial angle also here.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015

That's during the invasion as Marines are expeditionary force.

But once they toppled the regime, secured the major cities and Air bases regular US infantry was Garrison and help clearing strong points such as Fallujah.

Even 101 Airborne actively served both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Uday and Qusay (Saddam's son) were killed by the forces involving 101 Airborne.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
People suffering from inferiority complex cannot be reason with, They cannot be helped but themselves.

The idiot who ended up this debate into piss-measuring competition have also insulted the Indian Army in doing, This may not be his place to post but better post where he thinks this or that is superior, I hope they truly show him their superiority.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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'जय हो' जग में जले जहाँ भी, नमन पुनीत अनल को,

जिस नर में भी बसे, हमारा नमन तेज को, बल को।

शौर्य, दृढ़ता, कर्मनिष्ठा

#Himveers of #ITBP

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Now show this pics to members here who simply don't care neither think a bit before comparing IA or Paramilitary with rest of the world.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2016
sorry off topic,
Damn it!! can anyone explain how the fuck this is even possible?
9 Kilos Of Radioactive Depleted Uranium Seized By Thane Police, 2 Arrested

THANE: Around 9 kg of radioactive uranium, a banned material, has been seized from two persons in Thane, a top police officer said today. Laboratory tests have confirmed that the seized material is depleted uranium, which is a radioactive poisonous heavy metal. According to preliminary investigations, it was brought from abroad and was intended for sale to some unknown parties in Thane.

"We have confirmed that the substance seized is depleted uranium. It is radioactive and extremely dangerous. Depleted Uranium is used in weapons and armaments all over the world," Thane Police Commissioner Parambir Singh said after the unexpected haul.

Senior police officer Ravindra Doiphode and his team recently received information that the radioactive material was about to change hands in the city. They laid a trap at a location on the desolate Ghodbunder Road, connecting Mumbai and Thane.

As expected, two persons arrived at Ghodbunder Road near a hotel on motorcycles carrying dark blue pouches, a box and other material - both were arrested.

The police recovered 8.9 kg of uranium - it was identified by laboratory tests.

The two lab reports of different samples recovered along with the seizure said the substance was depleted uranium, one having 87.7 per cent uranium and other 79.5 per cent uranium content.

"Since this is a banned item and not something available in the open market, we are not able to determine its exact value," Doiphode told media persons.

Some independent media reports have claimed depleted uranium is valued at Rs. 3 crore per kg.

Joint Police Commissioner Ashutosh Thombre said they are filing a case under the Atomic Energy Act and sending samples of the substance for additional reports after which further action would be taken.

The police have arrested the two persons and further investigation is on.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
sorry off topic,
Damn it!! can anyone explain how the fuck this is even possible?
9 Kilos Of Radioactive Depleted Uranium Seized By Thane Police, 2 Arrested

THANE: Around 9 kg of radioactive uranium, a banned material, has been seized from two persons in Thane, a top police officer said today. Laboratory tests have confirmed that the seized material is depleted uranium, which is a radioactive poisonous heavy metal. According to preliminary investigations, it was brought from abroad and was intended for sale to some unknown parties in Thane.

"We have confirmed that the substance seized is depleted uranium. It is radioactive and extremely dangerous. Depleted Uranium is used in weapons and armaments all over the world," Thane Police Commissioner Parambir Singh said after the unexpected haul.

Senior police officer Ravindra Doiphode and his team recently received information that the radioactive material was about to change hands in the city. They laid a trap at a location on the desolate Ghodbunder Road, connecting Mumbai and Thane.

As expected, two persons arrived at Ghodbunder Road near a hotel on motorcycles carrying dark blue pouches, a box and other material - both were arrested.

The police recovered 8.9 kg of uranium - it was identified by laboratory tests.

The two lab reports of different samples recovered along with the seizure said the substance was depleted uranium, one having 87.7 per cent uranium and other 79.5 per cent uranium content.

"Since this is a banned item and not something available in the open market, we are not able to determine its exact value," Doiphode told media persons.

Some independent media reports have claimed depleted uranium is valued at Rs. 3 crore per kg.

Joint Police Commissioner Ashutosh Thombre said they are filing a case under the Atomic Energy Act and sending samples of the substance for additional reports after which further action would be taken.

The police have arrested the two persons and further investigation is on.
Maybe they got some DU off of a Boeing 747. Old 747s used to have DU as stabilization weights.


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2016

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