India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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@Del horno

You have made these irrational comments in the past and have as of yet not provided any facts or sources to justify yourself.

1) Tfx will be superior to f-35
2) Tfx will begin mass production in the same year as first flight

3) pakistan can defeat India conventionally.

Unless you justify, defend or retract these comments, I think you should be branded a troll and ignored.
In fact ISPR troll.

Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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I meant military to military no other entities are relevant
That is what I asked, check the last line. I'd want to hear how will they be able to do it in a military to military confrontation.
Militarily do you expect the pak army to try cross the LOC and IA not be able to defend it, do you see the paki tanks rolling in without any resistance/counterattack? Do you see them destroying our navy to impose economic insecurities upon us?

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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I will appreciate your post on emotional liability scale. It is actually for all the right reason an emotional subject. Rather getting baited more on it I will restrict my argument on my previous post. People are free not to think strategically, can ignore the dispensability of these good men; which in any case has been like this for last 30 odd years.

Any well read poster can give multiple examples like USA loses in Afghanistan where Pakistan was spared for larger strategic and to keep logistic lines intact etc., reasons.

I generally trust military leadership. When an all out war will be the only option they will go for it without wasting time.

Last but not least people having gal to discuss defence and security are expected to be numb and should have courage to see the body bags. How ironic it is to see those nippers who want to see Pakistan punished but not ready to see casualties. Wouldn’t there be causality when the war will break out?

Those losers who danced in their pubs when Abhinandan was freed by Pakistan are never going to make this nation fight any decisive war. Learn to understand the mobility of this conflict or stay home and enjoy your normal life.
Crying around like the pansies in the west ,at every casualty will only lead us to defeats like that the US faced in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon.., until there is no more land to defend..
Running away after substantial casualties is why apart from the first gulf War, the US has not won any significant conflict after World War 2..

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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And why do you think so?

Explain in more than 5 sentences at least.
Loudo.. Now tell me ..
1. How do you define a "Full Indian defeat" ?
2. How do you think Pakistan can "fully defeat" the Indian military machine..
1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department but it all comes down to right approach and tactics if they have an idiot general they won't but if they have an smart one it could happen because they don't lack logistics and means

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Jammu IAF station attack: Initial probe suggests IEDs made in Pakistan ordnance factory used in blasts

Days after explosive-laden drones attacked the Indian Air Force station in Jammu, the preliminary investigation has suggested that the improvised explosive device (IEDs) used in the twin blasts were made in Pakistan ordinance factory.

The leads gathered by the Indian investigative agencies in the twin drone attacks on the Air Force station in Jammu clearly indicates that the fuse attached to IEDs with the drones were sophisticated and seems to be made in the Pakistan ordnance factory, reports Times Now's Pradeep Dutta.

oh well!
Have a feeling that GOI is building up slowly.. before going medieval on Pakistan's a*s..
Because you know, We are about to say "It's the nasty Pakis that forced our hand, in blowing up the ceasefire on the loc"

Also, how's this for blowing up the ceasefire :
Uber Pig Haffez saeed's neighborhood is bombed... Now, his rabid dogs are forced to infiltrate into Kashmir, to avenge the attack on their abbu's honor.. which ends up in working against the ceasefire at the loc.. Well, connecting the dots why do I feel, that India wants to blow up the ceasefire, and just building up towards it..


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Loudo.. Now tell me ..
1. How do you define a "Full Indian defeat" ?
2. How do you think Pakistan can "fully defeat" the Indian military machine..
Del Homo means - "This is radio Pakistan from New Delhi" type of defeat wherein green turbaned rouhani takats will help defeat Indian forces & complete the prophecy of GhAsswa.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department and it all comes down to right approach and tactics
They really know how to surrender. The ceremony in 71 was really beautiful.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2021
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1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department but it all comes down to right approach and tactics if they have an idiot general they won't but if they have an smart one it could happen because they don't lack logistics and means



Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
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@Del horno

You have made these irrational comments in the past and have as of yet not provided any facts or sources to justify yourself.

1) Tfx will be superior to f-35
2) Tfx will begin mass production in the same year as first flight

3) pakistan can defeat India conventionally.

Unless you justify, defend or retract these comments, I think you should be branded a troll and ignored.
Praveen sawhnenstein lite

Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department but it all comes down to right approach and tactics if they have an idiot general they won't but if they have an smart one it could happen because they don't lack logistics and means
So what are those right approaches and tactics? And regarding logistics, how many days worth fuel do they considering you said in all out war which includes LOC, IB, siachen, IAF vs PAF, IN vs PN and also the BLA, TTP, etc will have some role

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department but it all comes down to right approach and tactics if they have an idiot general they won't but if they have an smart one it could happen because they don't lack logistics and means
PAK Army completely occupying India..
So, tell me how will you manage the logistics to attack Bihar.. What kind of overwhelming strategic lift capabilities does Pakistan field.. which does not involve Roohani taqat...

Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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1. If the army is defeated completely and a full invasion happens where one entity occupy fully the other. I am not refering to some tactical defeats in limited conflicts but an all out war scenario.

2.. They need to do couple of things right and adopt the right tactics but a job not impossible. War is deception and they have what it takes in the logistics department but it all comes down to right approach and tactics if they have an idiot general they won't but if they have an smart one it could happen because they don't lack logistics and means
Like money? or Equipment?
Coz they don't have any of them.
About defeating IAF, look at those mirages and F7s. 3rd Gen.
This video is at bit old now but still stands.

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