India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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Not really now you are backtracking from your own statements before given just some pages back,
I didn't backtrack on my opinion which was that PK can take out India militarily. This is just from the military point of view and my opinion stands firm and never was based on bias or what not.. Some of you overreacted to it...


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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I didn't backtrack on my opinion which was that PK can take out India militarily. This is just from the military point of view and my opinion stands firm and never was based on bias or what not.. Some of you overreacted to it as if it was the end of the world
Once again sorry mods!


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Gems from Del Homo aka @Del horno

1) Pakistan can do the same to India and her forces are more hardy and will be an issue for India because they are just more stubborn.. Once the storm arrives India may not be able to withstand it
-Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxx Ke

2) They know the only way to break India is to destroy it's armed forces entirely and it can only be achieved in an all out war
-again Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxxx Ke

3) They fancy their chances against the Indian armed forces and also know there won't be any insurgency against them if they destroy the Indian armed forces
- a/q to this ISPR agent India is fanning Insurgency in Pakistan and PoK

4) Pakistan can do the same to India and her forces are more hardy and will be an issue for India because they are just more stubborn.. Once the storm arrives India may not be able to withstand it
- same, Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxx Ke

5) They know the only way to break India is to destroy it's armed forces entirely and it can only be achieved in an all out war.. They fancy their chances against the Indian armed forces and also know there won't be any insurgency against them if they destroy the Indian armed forces
- This ISPR agent repeatedly vomiting lies that India is fanning Insurgency

6) Also from tactical point of view it doesn't make sense for them insurgency being active in India it doesn't add to their case because it doesn't make difference hence why I concluded from stragetic point of view that there is zero links between these in Jammu and PK because they just doesn't fit into their long term security planning hence why I came to the conclusion that these in Jammu are entirely local insurgency.
- again total whitewashing of Pakistan's sins

Hence this user ID is of an ISPR's agent proved.

Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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I didn't backtrack on my opinion which was that PK can take out India militarily. This is just from the military point of view and my opinion stands firm and never was based on bias or what not.. Some of you overreacted to it
Give proof for this.
So asking for proof is over reacting?
Compare the military of both countries and until then don't touch your keyboard.

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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Gems from Del Homo

-Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxx Ke

-again Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxxx Ke

- a/q to this ISPR agent India is fanning Insurgency in Pakistan and PoK

- same, Sapne Suhane xxxxxxxx Ke

- This ISPR agent repeatedly vomiting lies that India is fanning Insurgency

- again total whitewashing of Pakistan's sins

Hence this user ID is of an ISPR's agent proved.
OMG.. Calm the F down folks. I was speaking from tactical point of view and when I analyse it doesn't make sense because if I was the general I wouldnt have taken these decision because it does no benefit for me no whitewashing and for the military aspect I have my reasons for why


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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You are more confident of paki conventional capability, than they themselves are.

If they were any confident, they wouldn't have invested in nukes at all.

Any escalation in the nuclear arena means pakistan has forfeited it's existence.
High inbred density (300 inbreds/sq. km) combined no strategic depth in porkystan implies coomers will only end up nuking themselves with sub kt condom called nasr.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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OMG.. Calm the F down folks. I was speaking from tactical point of view and when I analyse it doesn't make sense because if I was the general I wouldnt have taken these decision because it does no benefit for me and for the military aspect I have my reasons for why
Do you think that they can fight for even a single day? I can read Urdu, can’t say about you!

Their (Pakistan‘s) debt is increasing day by day and this ISPeeR troll @Del horno wants us to believe porkistan can defeat India, India is economically far more stable, yes wuhan virus bio weapon did affect our short term growth but we are still healthier than Pakistan. And our numbers of military personnel and equipment along with their quality is superior to Pakistan in almost every form.


Nationalist Manasvi Papa

Senior Member
Sep 8, 2020
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OMG.. Calm the F down folks. I was speaking from tactical point of view and when I analyse it doesn't make sense because if I was the general I wouldnt have taken these decision because it does no benefit for me and for the military aspect I have my reasons for why
This chad here made this 'tactical' move.
Here's an advice, do some 'tactical' research before typing shit on the internet.


Automatic Kalashnikov

Senior Member
Aug 17, 2020
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I didn't backtrack on my opinion which was that PK can take out India militarily. This is just from the military point of view and my opinion stands firm and never was based on bias or what not.. Some of you overreacted to it...
How exactly do you see pak armed forces taking India out militarily? Do you expect them to nuke cities in India, or do you expect them to launch offensive along the LOC and set the tanks rolling in the plains of jammu, punjab and rajasthan with their airforce bombing our airfields and their navy taking out both our eastern and western fleet, or do you think they will collude with pla and defeat indian armed forces? Or do you feel through the insurgency in J&K they'll defeat us?
I am asking from a military point of view.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2021
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@Del horno

You have made these irrational comments in the past and have as of yet not provided any facts or sources to justify yourself.

1) Tfx will be superior to f-35
2) Tfx will begin mass production in the same year as first flight

3) pakistan can defeat India conventionally.

Unless you justify, defend or retract these comments, I think you should be branded a troll and ignored.

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