India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

ThE BrOkEn HeArT

Regular Member
Sep 2, 2019
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He is right. Porks should be treated as an extended arm of the PLA now. Just like Ukraine, during any conflict, China will be feeding 24/7 live ISR data to Pakistan. By the time ISRO's chairman finishes his speech, CSA would have launched 5 new satellites up there. IAF loves talking about a 2 front war but at this rate even the PAF would give IAF a bloody nose in a full conflict. 36 rafales simply not enough. And what happened to the Tejas Mk1A? Wasnt it supposed to fly by March or did it get delayed again
I accept IAF is the weakest link in all three services. It need huge cover fire from Navy and army to win on the ground in a war if things don't gets at fast rate.


Regular Member
Feb 27, 2019
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new chatter ....

As per Al Jazeera, the top AD commander of Pak has been sacked.

Two PAF air marshals ( including the vice chief of AF) have been asked to put in their papers for voluntary retirement.

A major audit and frequency (RF) change of all Pak passive and active radar emitters as well as ECM ECCM and allied EW measures is currently underway on emergent basis. Underlying fear being that EW and communication resources may have been compromised (this being a larger plot by India),
while the dummy 'flying object' was being tracked by the Pak Air Defence Operations Center.

As a result, all military and civil flying in Pak had been suspended for almost 6 hours to sanitise the air space though frontline bases were on alert with most strike aircraft remaining on runway readiness till 1300 hours today.

It is believed that this was necessitated as a 'purely defensive measure' following the 'accidental' Indian missile launch (during routine maintenance) and its final 'landing' near Mian Chhanu, Khanewal district of Pakistan’s north-eastern Punjab province, 124 kms inside Pak territory.

There is turmoil in the Pak defence establishment as army and AF want civilian leaders and bureaucrats to be responsible for defense, same as in India.

Imran is presently in a closed door meeting with top military officials, bureaucrats and politicians.

It may be noted that the responsibility for national defence rests with the Pak military unlike India where the Defence Secretary and MoD are responsible for defence of the country, with the armed forces playing a secondary but fairly important role.

PS: Unconfirmed reports originating from India suggest that the 'missile' was actually a modified version of the ISRO (GSLV MKIII - MI) rocket which had been mistakenly shipped to Sirsa.

The Indian Defence Ministry has categorically stated that it was not a 'Brahmos', but a 'high speed flying object' and the same has been corroborated by
Pakistan’s ISPR,
Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar
at a press briefing :
' _On March 9, at 6.43 pm, a high-speed flying object was picked up inside Indian_ _territory by an air defence operation centre of the_
_Pakistan Air Force'_

Unconfirmed reports are also doing the rounds that though the 'flying object' did have a tactical nuclear warhead (less than 1 KT) mated to it, the activation codes could not be located during maintenance period, nor was the 'self destruct code' available at hand as the same had been kept under lock and key for safe keeping.


Psychopathic Neighbour
Senior Member
Jan 26, 2021
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bhai, I nowadays find Print to be pretty balanced. You can't always praise the government. Their post election coverage is awesome.

BTW my post was out of context.
Is it part of strategy to lure gullible folks to then brainwash them on some particular event in future ? Could be or could be trying to save their buisness


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2022
PS: Unconfirmed reports originating from India suggest that the 'missile' was actually a modified version of the ISRO (GSLV MKIII - MI) rocket which had been mistakenly shipped to Sirsa.
This is complete rubbish, so rubbish that i don't know where to start. India didn't use anything related to it even during ASAT test modified Prithvi.

It's not like we have limited number of solid or liquid rockets, or even just one type of cruise missiles which can do such job for a distance of 290km. From what we know, might as well accept that pakis didn't have the correct trajectory of the projectile at all.

GSLV rocket requires whole lot of infrastructure, those want to know just go to the satellite map and look up SHAR site and you can see how outrageous this statement from al-jizzera is, hell even PSLV can't be launch from a mobile platform and if there was one such in sirsa rest assured that we would know already way before it was launched.

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