India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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it was about giving Pakistan every opportunity to change course, so that no one can say India was not serious with trying to stabilise the situation. started with NS invitation to Modi’s inauguration along with SAARC leaders, then surprise visit to NS granddaughter’s wedding, then another SAARC leaders visit, even niyazi before getting elected met with Modi. every opportunity was given including allowing ISI to come to one of our bases.

But paki establishment responded to this with terror strikes. GoI did not withhold their response.

Even when these gestures being made, IA did not hold back their response. most people think India’s military response started after first surgical strike, response started in dec 2014 itself. there is a DGISPR press briefing from late 2014 early 2015 where he says to paki journalists the kind of shelling IA is doing is more than 1971 war’s shelling. the mortar shelling count was around 30,000 mortars per day from our side during the CFV duels. then our responses started escalating from mortars to 155mm to first surgical strike to balakot strike.

all these years, GoI said only thing common on all it’s diplomatic engagements with any country or international forum, cross border terrorism. you can check any MEA bilateral or multilateral statement or agreement from 2014 to 2019, it will be there. even with EU countries.

entire sequence of events was consequential and focused not random.
Well that was a perfect analysis of the events post 2014.

What's your personal take on the current missile incident?

Ok, you just stated that it was a 'strike 2' (baseball analogy) for IAF in your books.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
it was about giving Pakistan every opportunity to change course, so that no one can say India was not serious with trying to stabilise the situation. started with NS invitation to Modi’s inauguration along with SAARC leaders, then surprise visit to NS granddaughter’s wedding, then another SAARC leaders visit, even niyazi before getting elected met with Modi. every opportunity was given including allowing ISI to come to one of our bases.

But paki establishment responded to this with terror strikes. GoI did not withhold their response.

Even when these gestures being made, IA did not hold back their response. most people think India’s military response started after first surgical strike, response started in dec 2014 itself. there is a DGISPR press briefing from late 2014 early 2015 where he says to paki journalists the kind of shelling IA is doing is more than 1971 war’s shelling. the mortar shelling count was around 30,000 mortars per day from our side during the CFV duels. then our responses started escalating from mortars to 155mm to first surgical strike to balakot strike.

all these years, GoI said only thing common on all it’s diplomatic engagements with any country or international forum, cross border terrorism. you can check any MEA bilateral or multilateral statement or agreement from 2014 to 2019, it will be there. even with EU countries.

entire sequence of events was consequential and focused not random.
Someone has to put whole chronology in bullet points including the rationale and surrounding circumstances for Indians to keep it as record.

This has been discussed here at DFI umpteen times. Maybe these things are not highlighted by popular media outlets that we fall back to same confusion upon which Pakistan gets off the hook.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Well that was a perfect analysis of the events post 2014.

What's your personal take on the current missile incident?

Ok, you just stated that it was a 'strike 2' (baseball analogy) for IAF in your books.
on the IAF’s asset side of the ledger in my book, to balance the two liability incidents in mind.
Twice. One intentional in 2019 one “accidental” in 2022.

one may ask, how can same incident be on both asset and liability. one can do this if thinking is beyond binary conformity that the west wants us to trap us in.
The key takeaway is that Pakistani air defense systems were breached, by mistake.



Senior Member
May 10, 2017
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Experimental Missile - Dummy Warhead
Training Missile - Training Warhead
Deployed Missile - Real Warhead
For a cruise missile, dummy, training and real warheads all weighs same. But it's the explosive content that differs. A training warhead usually have 1/3rd to 1/5th explosives content than that of wartime warhead.

It was an IAF Brahmos filled with training warhead. Don't worry, many critical hardwares have been dusted by that training warhead. And interestingly, I can't find anyone claiming to be the owner of the damaged commercial properties.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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India was coined from Greek word indica.
When Alexander invaded india he called land beyond indus river as indica.
even european used to search for indian subcontinent when European discovered southern most tip of Africa they called it cape of good hope.
since they knew they were going to discover sea route to india and turkey monopoly on silk route will be neutralized.
focus on the name of cape
I just wanted to complete my sentence

Their was no place like india in past.

1) Herodotus firstly mentioned about indica in 6 th century BC which means land beyond indus river.
2) Alexander asked his most 4 learned philosopher what is indica they said land beyond indus river till indian ocean noted by arrian, etc
3) Christopher Columbus landed on America(wanted to find india) and named people their as red Indian .
4) Chinese travellers used to come to india they went to magadha, etc and various empires
5) vasco da gama found sea route to india and landed in calicut
6) european power used to name their company as British india company, dutch east India Company, French east India Company, etc.

Focus on word India in companies. They want to trade with India

7)focus on land boundaries of mauryan empire
8 European named a ocean as indian ocean not Chinese ocean or Arabian ocean
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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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As per Al Jazeera, the top AD commander of Pak has been sacked.

Two PAF air marshals ( including the vice chief of AF) have been asked to put in their papers for voluntary retirement.

A major audit and frequency (RF) change of all Pak passive and active radar emitters as well as ECM ECCM and allied EW measures is currently underway on emergent basis. Underlying fear being that EW and communication resources may have been compromised (this being a larger plot by India),
while the dummy 'flying object' was being tracked by the Pak Air Defence Operations Center.

As a result, all military and civil flying in Pak had been suspended for almost 6 hours to sanitise the air space though frontline bases were on alert with most strike aircraft remaining on runway readiness till 1300 hours today.

It is believed that this was necessitated as a 'purely defensive measure' following the 'accidental' Indian missile launch (during routine maintenance) and its final 'landing' near Mian Chhanu, Khanewal district of Pakistan’s north-eastern Punjab province, 124 kms inside Pak territory.

There is turmoil in the Pak defence establishment as army and AF want civilian leaders and bureaucrats to be responsible for defense, same as in India.

Imran is presently in a closed door meeting with top military officials, bureaucrats and politicians.

It may be noted that the responsibility for national defence rests with the Pak military unlike India where the Defence Secretary and MoD are responsible for defence of the country, with the armed forces playing a secondary but fairly important role.

The Indian Defence Ministry has categorically stated that it was not a 'Brahmos', but a 'high speed flying object' and the same has been corroborated by
Pakistan’s ISPR,
Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar
at a press briefing :
' _On March 9, at 6.43 pm, a high-speed flying object was picked up inside Indian_ _territory by an air defence operation centre of the_
_Pakistan Air Force'_

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