India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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He is right here
Islam entered indian subcontinent firstly in Kerala through arab traders that time Islam was not that much politicised. Even Islam was very much tolerant and focused on equality and equal rights.

Tipu sultan was real that most of conversion in Kerala took place

Real drama was started when 1 st khalifa of ummayid took throne front that time Islam turned violent and totally politicised
I know about it
I have been to Cheraman perumal mosque which is the oldest mosque in the world outside of Arabian peninsula, Built by Land grants given by Hindu Kings

But these Moplah muslims are a minority, it was under Mysorean rule first under Hyder Ali and then his Coomer filth son Tippu that a large chunk of mallus were forcibly converted into Islam
If it wasn't the fierce resistance of the Hindus Kerala would Have been Kashmir-ified


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
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I know about it
I have been to Cheraman perumal mosque which is the oldest mosque in the world outside of Arabian peninsula, Built by Land grants given by Hindu Kings

But these Moplah muslims are a minority, it was under Mysorean rule first under Hyder Ali and then his Coomer filth son Tippu that a large chunk of mallus were forcibly converted into Islam
If it wasn't the fierce resistance of the Hindus Kerala would Have been Kashmir-ified
seriously we need bjp there and karsevaks to uproot the shiet


Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Too much Slur exchanges take a moment to relax mates

I have no quell with you
We can be civil but you must stop using typical milli takhassus card the seperate moslem identity larp and stop passing arguments out of ignorance.

People will get mad if you make ignorant remarks.

First of all the extent of the Sindhu Sarasvati civilization. An important number of cities lie outside pakistan from the Afghan colony of Shortugai to a large number in Gujarat, including the port of Lothal, and another large number in India, including the largest of all the metropolis of Rakhigarhi.

The problem with you is to distort Indus and seeing it seperate from India which is not tenable because Indus originates from further towards east.

The emphasis on the Indus is the result of the first discoveries, viz. of Mohenjodaro on and Harappa near the Indus the SINDHU river by Archaeological survey of INDIA by british and Indian Archaeologists together.

“Pashupati seal” the most important artificat of Sindhu Civilisation may or may not depict Shiva as Lord of the Animals but the character depicted would certainly feel more at home in a Hindu temple than in a mosque.
A figure in a yoga posture clearly belongs in India more than in pakistan.

There is nothing islamic and therefore nothing paki about Sindhu Sarasvati.

So if you want to claim this as yours yes you can and make your choice.

You need to re initiate into the Moorti Puja.

So come home paki.

Now do not derail.

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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What decent,you will always be a fair skinned paki to me and the stereotype among us keralites are that you are idiots and illiterates with no brain and the response we are giving you is proportionate to your countries reputation and for your retarded assertions and questions.

Beggars should stay in their lane.this gap will only grow in the future so get used to it.we are not your brothers for you to lay claim to our culture,go run to anyone of your multiple father's and ask for kindness,you won't get it here.all pakis are low class attitude towards them is the same as the attitude of the Chinese to the uyghers and beggar who is at best a tool.
almost every pakistani i met uses the term "kalay indians" frequently ironically afghans use the term "kala dalkhor" for punjabi and sindhi muslims of pakistan


Regular Member
Nov 23, 2012
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That's borderline War mongering
Also, isn't your civilisation starting from Indus Valley
Which is in Pakistan btw
If anything Pakistanis Truly inherit the blood of the People that you claim Ancestory from
You have blood of Hindus in your veins. Your ancestors were once brave Hindus who fought against barbarians. They were forced into accepting the religion of invaders. You are carrying the religion of invaders like a slave. So when are you freeing your self from the shackles of slavery?

Chandragupt Maurya

Tihar Jail
Jun 23, 2020
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Porkiland average time in schooling is 6.5 years (comparable to Somalia, Mali and other extremely poor, genocidal african countries) compared to 13 years in India. This alone shows why there is massive jaahiliat and inbreeding in porklok. This is also the reason why infant mortality rate is more than double that of India. This is also the reason why every Porki province has a HDI worse than Bihar - currently the worst HDI state in India. This is also the reason why Porkis are the highest UN sanctioned terrorists and why the jaahil population of Porkland believe everything their lying military says. It all boils down to the extremely low schooling years. It all starts from there.
There is zero chance that Porkis will ever be able to compete against Indians in education and health where India leads pakodastan by more than 2:1 and the gap is only widening in favor of India.
instead of comparing the HDI compare the most crucial parameters like infant mortality rate , maternal mortality rate and average life expectancy because HDI includes per capita GDP and literacy rate rate both these parameters can be highly inaccurate (GDP in particular)
pakistan has one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the world and average life expectancy of just 67 years

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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You think we Indians are Naive :megusta: :megusta: :megusta:

you think we don't understand what are you doing here
picking up Indian ethnic Diversity And What is your End goal in this :cruisin2:

Bro We literally Run global multinational conglomerates in silicon valley

Even so-called Caucasians know this fact
I have a theory that the smart and cunning pakis might start trying a mote and Bailey strategy of trying to seek commonality with bharats stock in the world and try to be part of it culture due to its increasing stature and paks decreasing stature.

They would do this also in the usual way by diluting by ommision and insulting what makes bharat unique,it's ethnicities,its languages and it's culture and religions while emphasizing any foreign elements that have been placed here due to history of invasion.

Then when they will use this name to smear us by conducting bad stuff abroad in our name and also they won't defend us abroad to fulfill our interests.this is because the Pak reputation is of junk status and no one would want it.they are trying to make bharats achievements rub off on them while simultaneously not crediting anything to the people and uniqueness of aware of this grand strategy front he cunning shekar coupta types of pakistan.the rabid mulla types will always be rabid NPC till the end.

Be ready for pakis to try various ways to worm their way in using terms such as SoUtH aSiAn,etc for this very purpose.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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almost every pakistani i met uses the term "kalay indians" frequently ironically afghans use the term "kala dalkhor" for punjabi and sindhi muslims of pakistan
Colour does not make Any human superior or even genetics

Every human has the Same Intellect And capabilities To reach its full potential

the difference is the Culture they adapted too

Most of Europe was culturally Tribal And Barbarian Nomads until 5-6 th century when they colonized and forced To Arabhamization by Romans


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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nigga we don't even know what you clowns are... one day your Arabs, next day your Turks.. personally I call you goat-rapists as Converts, cause even real Muslims don't consider you Muslims.
I call them pisslami- paki Islamic version. No sane proper Muslim nation accepts these jaahils. They are the most deported sub humans from the gulf, Turkey etc where the real powerful Islamic caliphate existed. Ask a Tajik, from where Babur and his Mughal horde came, what they think of a Porki. You are going to hear slurs that you have never heard in your life. Powerful islamic nations do not consider Porkis Muslims. They consider them as the ones who brought the worst reputation for their religion. In many modern Islamic countries there is immediate round up and deport orders if they see a pisslami squatting on a footpath scratching his balls. Did you see what the Saudis did to Katora khan when he tried to become the leader of the Islamic world? He was summoned to Riyadh and whipped a thousand times. It is unbelievable that these Porki jaahils think they are equal to the people who actually created islam and fought for it.
If genghis khan were ruling today he would cut off every porki’s head and put it on a stick and line it up along the Karakoram Highway for insulting Islam. Genghis khan did not like cowards. He treated those who fought him better than those that readily accepted to become a slave. He would have respected Hindus as we fought against his hordes. But cowards like the Porkis were lined up and their heads lopped off. See documentary on how Mongols and central Asian Turks treated Porki like slaves. Porkis are A grade cowards and combined with the lowest education levels in the world, have become less valuable than a cockroach. This is why they get stamped on wherever they go and breed just like the nasty cockroaches do.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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You have blood of Hindus in your veins. Your ancestors were once brave Hindus who fought against barbarians. They were forced into accepting the religion of invaders. You are carrying the religion of invaders like a slave. So when are you freeing your self from the shackles of slavery?
No there is no need to redeem anyone north of LOC except maybe the dharmic minorities.

I think as far as our nation is concerned they are a gone case and they can't be recovered,focus inwards to our own Ms.Pragamatically the pakis have horrendous HDI,hate anything about bharat and only show up with kindness when they want something,bad in evry metric that is important for a growing nation.the train for redemption has long left.just contain and mow the grass.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
You people are correcting Pakistani guest as he is now the permanent owner of those lands.

Pakistan is a temporary diversion of one region and it will merge back to mainstream Hindu civilisation with all these people reverted back to Hinduism.

Stop treating an anomaly as normal. More energy should be focused on fixing the problems not giving intellectual explanations to improve their grasp on history. They are disconnected from history and will tweak any fact you throw at them to justify their cowardly conversion to Islam. They are groomed and trained to behave like this. When under pressure they quickly go into survival mode, play victim to resist any conditioning.

So take off from your explaining horses and start acting cold and focused.

Also it dosent look nice to see so many people taking on one member.

Let him have his say. He is a potential Hindu and custodian of Dharma. Owe the land and its people as well.

Thread stays locked.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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You can enlighten us atleast, give some hints.
This is not normal I would say.

I stated last year that, Iam anticipating some serious nuiscance from Pakistan either in LOC or IB before 3rd quarter of 2022, and surprisingly nothing in LAC.
it was about giving Pakistan every opportunity to change course irrespective of whatever arrangements pak establishment had with previous govts, so that no one can say India was not serious with trying to stabilise the situation. started with NS invitation to Modi’s inauguration along with SAARC leaders, then surprise visit to NS granddaughter’s wedding, then another SAARC leaders visit, even niyazi before getting elected met with Modi. every opportunity was given including allowing ISI to come to one of our bases.

But paki establishment responded to this with terror strikes. GoI did not withhold their response.

Even when these gestures being made, IA did not hold back their response. most people think India’s military response started after first surgical strike, response started in dec 2014 itself. there is a DGISPR press briefing from late 2014 early 2015 where he says to paki journalists the kind of shelling IA is doing is more than 1971 war’s shelling. the mortar shelling count was around 30,000 mortars per day from our side during the CFV duels. then our responses started escalating from mortars to 155mm to first surgical strike to balakot strike.

all these years, GoI said only thing common on all it’s diplomatic engagements with any country or international forum, cross border terrorism. you can check any MEA bilateral or multilateral statement or agreement from 2014 to 2019, it will be there. even with EU countries.

entire sequence of events was consequential and focused not random.
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