India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 20, 2021
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footage released

One of these days some journalists will get shot and the blame will fall on armed forces

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Dec 22, 2019
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Thermal sight with a power bank .
Lucky he was killed , one well placed and trained man with a thermal can wreck havoc on a whole army base alone . ( happened in afg)
With the amount of ammo and cash they were carrying they were in it for the long haul. Weird that they f*cked up by asking civilians for water?


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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With the amount of ammo and cash they were carrying they were in it for the long haul. Weird that they f*cked up by asking civilians for water?
Nothing new, last year few of them entered home of a serving Policeman of J&K Police for food and shelter without knowing and gained his trust. later he brought his whole team and smoked them to crisp :lol:.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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With the amount of ammo and cash they were carrying they were in it for the long haul. Weird that they f*cked up by asking civilians for water?
Looks like they were waiting for general elections in J&K to be concluded.

They were inside for a long time aided by the locals.

Tony HMG

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Dec 9, 2014
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i can assure you, even five years ten years from now, irrespective of who is the PM, RM, HM, COAS, Northern army commander, you will feel the same way.

stop having short term view on India related topics.

as long as the country's security doctrine is defensive in nature, unlikely that source of tangos will be disrupted.
Very correct. India is a defensive and coward state. When ever there is a war/combat situation, the first thing babus do is to find an escape without direct confrontation. Add on the corrupt army leaders, weapons lobby and power hungry leaders. So public and jawans become expendable fodder. Issue is are losing lands. Hindus are forced to leave their homes. Jammu is classic example of treachery by leaders. Manipur is next. It's very easy to stop this shit from Pakistan. But our leaders don't want this to happen. Army is handicapped as they only follow orders. Jammu Hindus need to form a para military to protect themselves. I don't trust adgpi who deserted kashmir Hindus. Or Hindus need to bring in a blackwater/XE in jammu. Just blast Karachi port. Decimate pakjab civilians. Pakistan will fall in line. Rajnath kadi ninda turtle rewards ogw pigs and punished officers. I foresee JNK a shariah state in the future.


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May 29, 2023
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Wondering where those self proclaimed defence journalists Shiv Aroor, Gaurav Sawant and others hiding now. They ran to Ukraine & boasted 1st one to report from ground even at the hostile environment, but for some reason total black out in the internal situation. Sold out are they


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Nov 1, 2022
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They are anyway targeting your top officers remember. They targeted Col Honey Bakshi And we have lost senior officers in terrorist attack.

This will only straighten Back of Babus and Officers to upgrade and be more alert and reactive. Its the exactly the fear Pakistan wants IA to have that you have expressed . . that they will attack our officers. They are officers and in a war. And in any war Officers get targeted - they very much know as part of Army.

Its thinking like above which has made Army reluctant to fight wars when asked by Nation(Ops Parakram). Dont molly coddle officers. They are made of much sterner stuff and have gone through much muck to reach that position. They can take care of themselves - just let them or make them do the job they need to do for nation's security.
To begin with , this isn't a war . This is an insurgency. Once you've decided on the description you can proceed with seeking solutions to the problems at hand . This is important as ONLY once the differentiation is established can you determine your policies.

The reasoning is as simple as the common phrase of wrestling a pig eventually going over to the other extreme on the same spectrum best exemplified by the Hindi phrase - Hum toh doobe sanam ... which need not be mandatory .

The former describes the prevalent mindset of the PA. Our aggressive responses IN THE CONVENTIONAL DOMAIN CONSISTENTLY , if we go down that road , to which they'd have no counter will gradually get them to the latter Hindi phrase as a state of mind .

Our strategy in the recent past has been to emphasize covert operations against the Paxtani establishment. Every now & then they'd come up with a victory on our soil. We need to adjust our tactics accordingly. For further perspective focus on the daily toll of casualties , the PA & their para militaries are facing in the Paxtani thread.

As far as the PA targeting our senior officers go , let's not forget that our approach & our capabilities along with our economy & standing in the comity of nations was different in the 1990s & early 2000s to what it is today . This also includes our political leadership across parties & the pathetic responses they came up with then which was a reflection of all the variables described above .

The objective was always for us to emphasize economic growth & not become caught up in tit for tat responses to the PA. The downside was we'd have to brace for casualties. The issue then is how much was too much . The parliament attack , the attack on the J&K assembly , the attacks on our Corps Command resulting in casualties of some very senior officers came around the same time & resulted in Operation Parakram.

While that didn't exactly solve our problems , it brought about a tenous peace & more importantly for us - time , which we spent fencing the borders. How much has that contributed to lowering infiltration can't be quantified ! But that's another example of diplomacy although many here would scoff at it . .

Meanwhile the question to be asked is how did Paxtan utilise that time period ? Did they improve their lot ? If yes how did land up where they are today. See , one can grow ones military prowess all one can , it's the economic standing which determines how far that'd take ones military. A good example of this is China.

Paxtan would continue doing what it did & we'd continue with our responses to them - some in the public domain , the rest which would comprise the majority of the response would be mostly in the shadows.

To conclude , find me a similar situation in the past decade of the PA INTENTIONALLY targeting our senior officers .


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Very correct. India is a defensive and coward state. When ever there is a war/combat situation, the first thing babus do is to find an escape without direct confrontation. Add on the corrupt army leaders, weapons lobby and power hungry leaders. So public and jawans become expendable fodder. Issue is are losing lands. Hindus are forced to leave their homes. Jammu is classic example of treachery by leaders. Manipur is next. It's very easy to stop this shit from Pakistan. But our leaders don't want this to happen. Army is handicapped as they only follow orders. Jammu Hindus need to form a para military to protect themselves. I don't trust adgpi who deserted kashmir Hindus. Or Hindus need to bring in a blackwater/XE in jammu. Just blast Karachi port. Decimate pakjab civilians. Pakistan will fall in line. Rajnath kadi ninda turtle rewards ogw pigs and punished officers. I foresee JNK a shariah state in the future.
beyond my capacity, to indulge you in the extrapolations you have imagined.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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To begin with , this isn't a war . This is an insurgency.
It is actually Pakistan trying to seek attention from India.

The world was lately de-hyphenating India with Pakistan. And Modi was successful in it to a large extent.

They want India to come to the table and talk with them according to their conditions.

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