India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Nov 1, 2022
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I think question is not changing intent or not. But giving them enough bloody nose every time they implment there intent so that they think a lot while implementing next. Out aim should be decrease frequency. Can it be done? Yes. How ? Target Paki Army and Mullah Elites, make them and their wealth unsafe . Watch intent subsiding.

One has to maintain a good edge in armed capabilities. Whenever we had that capability and we showed are resolve that brought peace here some time. Pussyfooting on basis that they are never gonna change is not conducive for one's own nation stability.
If you target their top brass , they'd target yours. Are we open to it given the kind of breast beating we're seeing losing a few JCOs & jawans here & there , every now & then , compared to what it used to be ?

For perspective consider what would it have been 3 decades ago , this very day , in this very forum & SM if both existed back then . I guess more than a few handsets & laptops would be smashed & complaints of ulcers would be common.


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May 20, 2021
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If you target their top brass , they'd target yours. Are we open to it given the kind of breast beating we're seeing losing a few JCOs & jawans here & there , every now & then compared to what it used to be ?
The thing is only the Pakistani Rangers and Pakistani Frontier Corps waalas are been taken out. Their Army personnel are still living in peace.


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Aug 26, 2022
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If you target their top brass , they'd target yours. Are we open to it given the kind of breast beating we're seeing losing a few JCOs & jawans here every now & then compared to what it used to be ?

For perspective consider what would it have been 3 decades ago , this very day , in this very forum & SM if both existed back then . I guess more than a few handsets & laptops would be smashed & complaints of ulcers would be common.
bruh they already try to target our , but they are not able to do much due lack of manpower and resources . Killing top men and SF members makes them a star in their circles
last year a major , and a high ranking policeman were killed , but it was more of a by chance encounter than a targeted hit . But did we take proportional revenge ?? Nope


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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The thing is only the Pakistani Rangers and Pakistani Frontier Corps waalas are been taken out. Their Army personnel are still living in peace.
For that you've the TTP. Do you actually think we've re established relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan to better the lives of ordinary Afghans ?

Please try to conceptualize the divisions in responsibilities out here. To compartmentlise them , they're - the terrorists who've infiltrated , their handlers & the tanzeems working on their behalf.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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bruh they already try to target our , but they are not able to do much due lack of manpower and resources . Killing top men and SF members makes them a star in their circles
last year a major , and a high ranking policeman were killed , but it was more of a by chance encounter than a targeted hit . But did we take proportional revenge ?? Nope
Please elaborate on how do we take proportional revenge ? You want the GoI to target a PA major & the jawans of PA & after achieving a kill , make a public statement on it to satiate your bloodlust & feelings of just retribution ? Is that how it works for you ?


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Jan 10, 2013
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If you target their top brass , they'd target yours. Are we open to it given the kind of breast beating we're seeing losing a few JCOs & jawans here & there , every now & then , compared to what it used to be ?

For perspective consider what would it have been 3 decades ago , this very day , in this very forum & SM if both existed back then . I guess more than a few handsets & laptops would be smashed & complaints of ulcers would be common.
They are anyway targeting your top officers remember. They targeted Col Honey Bakshi And we have lost senior officers in terrorist attack.

This will only straighten Back of Babus and Officers to upgrade and be more alert and reactive. Its the exactly the fear Pakistan wants IA to have that you have expressed . . that they will attack our officers. They are officers and in a war. And in any war Officers get targeted - they very much know as part of Army.

Its thinking like above which has made Army reluctant to fight wars when asked by Nation(Ops Parakram). Dont molly coddle officers. They are made of much sterner stuff and have gone through much muck to reach that position. They can take care of themselves - just let them or make them do the job they need to do for nation's security.


New Member
Aug 26, 2022
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Please elaborate on how do we take proportional revenge ? You want the GoI to target a PA major & the jawans of PA & after achieving a kill , make a public statement on it to satiate your bloodlust & feelings of just retribution ? Is that how it works for you ?
That's the trick , don't make a public statement . Pakistan army never accepts its casualties .
The whole PA infra at LOC is a cog in the whole terror machinery . Remember BAT is an acknowledged part of PA comprising to terrorists , when they attack Indian posts to kill and behead , it was the same PA giving them cover fire .
The proportional response used to be the same , kill theirs . Its the same now just the branding of BAT is gone and hits are happening farther inside . You must create fear among the regular PA who are the ones calling the hit of revenge .
You are loosing men either way , better be brave and take 10 times of them with us .

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