India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Tony HMG

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Dec 9, 2014
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Looks like jammu Hindus should be prepared to leave jammu and stay in camps. Our great @adgpi and bjp will facilitate this migration. Modi has not uttered a word on jammu massacre, but replied with love to paki ministers. 3 trillion economic power house, 3 million army brought to its knees by a beggar Pakistan. What next after Islamic jnk. Which state will now Pakis concentrate. Gujarat, punjab or rajasthan? Can't imagine what jammu Hindus are facing right now. Yesterday a Hindu was beheaded in jammu.


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Okay, I will talk facts with you.
  • Did we dominate the Skirmish ? - What is meant by to dominate ? If a 4x CAP stopping a combined strike package of 24x PAF jets from ingressing inside India and hold them off for ~5 minutes (which is a lot of time in air combat terminology) for reinforcements to arrive, then yes we did.

  • Mig-21 Shot Down, Abhinandan Captured - Abhinandan disobeyed SOP and went for the kill in YOLO style, his wingman retreated. Blunder ? Yes.

  • Friendly Fire of Mi-17, Blunder ? Yes.

  • Was the Operation a success ? Let's look at the military objectives.
    • Balakot Airstrike -> Success, message sent.
    • Next day PAF strike package thwarted from ingression & achieving target -> Success.
  • Counter-Argument : We lost because we had +1 aircraft lost than Pakistan. To that, I will say military victories are counted on objectives, not casaulties. Soviet Union defeated Germany in WW2. What were the casaulty numbers for Soviet Union and Germany ?
All said & done & this is an argument I've had on another forum & pretty much an in depth one too , I seem old enough to recall , the same NDA in their previous Avatar also organised detailed press briefings in 1999 during the Kargil war with MEA , MoD & Defence personnel present in full force & a high profile delegation at that at those PCs where we were told of areas & heights like Mushkoh , Drass , Tiger Hill etc & given daily briefings about the state of affairs & progress made , something that's now part of the memory & lexicon of those who've lived through those days .

Why did the people have to know of all this & remember this was the pre SM but 24x7 News Channel era ? Yet information was disseminated to the extent possible. All the present dispensation had to do was follow the template. They did everything but that which eventually blew up on their faces leaving them with no other retort but - trust me bros failing which everyone who doubted their version was dubbed an anti national.

Whichever way it is spun , that was an information war we lost . It's like seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. The non retaliation to PAFs aggression the next day was another nail in the coffin.


New Member
Aug 26, 2022
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Looks like jammu Hindus should be prepared to leave jammu and stay in camps. Our great @adgpi and bjp will facilitate this migration. Modi has not uttered a word on jammu massacre, but replied with love to paki ministers. 3 trillion economic power house, 3 million army brought to its knees by a beggar Pakistan. What next after Islamic jnk. Which state will now Pakis concentrate. Gujarat, punjab or rajasthan? Can't imagine what jammu Hindus are facing right now. Yesterday a Hindu was beheaded in jammu.
The way things are going we will be forced to leave the mainland and settle in Andaman

If army becomes impotent, PMCs and militias are born . Wonderful times ahead


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Okay, I will talk facts with you.
  • Did we dominate the Skirmish ? - What is meant by to dominate ? If a 4x CAP stopping a combined strike package of 24x PAF jets from ingressing inside India and hold them off for ~5 minutes (which is a lot of time in air combat terminology) for reinforcements to arrive, then yes we did.

  • Mig-21 Shot Down, Abhinandan Captured - Abhinandan disobeyed SOP and went for the kill in YOLO style, his wingman retreated. Blunder ? Yes.

  • Friendly Fire of Mi-17, Blunder ? Yes.

  • Was the Operation a success ? Let's look at the military objectives.
    • Balakot Airstrike -> Success, message sent.
    • Next day PAF strike package thwarted from ingression & achieving target -> Success.
  • Counter-Argument : We lost because we had +1 aircraft lost than Pakistan. To that, I will say military victories are counted on objectives, not casaulties. Soviet Union defeated Germany in WW2. What were the casaulty numbers for Soviet Union and Germany ?
Yup. Can’t wait for a certain alcoholic to reply to you with a bunch of huge words and then say he knows things LOL


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Dovals ceasefire agreement coming back to haunt us and now pork’s have made Jammu area hot with terrorists infiltration.
people hate the ceasefire with pak and no-shooting policy at LAC with china but both are good . both has saved lives .

even if we start cross border shelling duels with them it wont change anything , not like there were no infiltration during the past decade when cease fire was not been followed


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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people hate the ceasefire with pak and no-shooting policy at LAC with china but both are good . both has saved lives .

even if we start cross border shelling duels with them it wont change anything , not like there were no infiltration during the past decade when cease fire was not been followed
The context is the key here. We had pegged them back after 2019 and drubbing them all over the LAC shelling sector after sector. Porks with their tail spoon economy and COVID hitting hard roaming with begging bowl were grasping for a breather which Doval (Modi) gave them. Also why did we adhered to the agreement could have still pounded them across LAC to maintain the upper hand we had after many years ( porks begging situation). If the agreement wouldn’t been on place now we had opened some Shelling now across any sector to send them a message. This overall handling by Modi is a huge disappointment of his second term which now spilled over to his third.


New Member
Dec 17, 2022
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The context is the key here. We had pegged them back after 2019 and drubbing them all over the LAC shelling sector after sector. Porks with their tail spoon economy and COVID hitting hard roaming with begging bowl were grasping for a breather which Doval (Modi) gave them. Also why did we adhered to the agreement could have still pounded them across LAC to maintain the upper hand we had after many years ( porks begging situation). If the agreement wouldn’t been on place now we had opened some Shelling now across any sector to send them a message. This overall handling by Modi is a huge disappointment of his second term which now spilled over to his third.
Who knows maybe Sam chicha threatened us behind the door with sanctions if we don't adhere to cease fire. Sleepy Jo is pretty much Manmohan of their country. Sam chicha is being run by deep state.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Okay I realized we are again at the Feb 27th 2019 stage, ironically because I was debating just that.

What I mean is, a lot of things are happening at once, and there is a lot of misinformation and rumour mongering going on, fog of war if one must say.

The best course of action in such case is stick to only verified news source and govt. handles instead of OSINT handles. Better is just shut yourself from media and wait for sometime.

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