India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 31, 2020
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Ok before bashing army on why we can't prevent these kind of attack I will explain current intelligence grid outline we employed in j&k and counter intelligence grid isi sponsoring to inbreeding terrorists,
Current Intelligence grid :
First all kinds of communication (2g, 3g, 4g , Bord and, optical, stalite internet currently monitored by some 2 letter agency under IB and army) for example if a over ground worker messages or POI ( person of interest) or recives message on any popular messaging apps they directly intercepted by deep packet analyzers ( gift from our Israeli friends) second we have tone of data points on literally all j&k civilians, a filed analyst can predict converted jihadis Kashmiri girlfriend's mood swings, ( bit exaggerated by me) , this is the reason you see people who acted as guide or scouts for jihadis getting VIP treatment in RR interrogation site then send to meet their pedophile loving God, yes the filed infantry look like straight out of 90 war movie our intelligence gathering apparatus is cutting edge,

Counter intelligence employed by ISI sock puppets
They know full spectrum Intelligence gathering happening so they use meshstatic ( google it) decentralized network which is hard to jamm and trace back because these nodes can work under sub 900mhz rf range and all most all normal rf device's ( emergency responders radio's weather station repeaters, etc) works in this spectrum, they are easy to procure and so cheap, each can powered by single lithium ion battery with small solar panels ( 10x15 cm) can last for years, so procure these meshstatic nodes in numbers which can used as relay staions and end nodes, even when security agencies found one node the communication through channel is aesa encrypted, which is practically impossible to decrypt, signal triangulation won't work because so many stray rf sources also functional in same frequency range, thus jihadis get monitoring free network through out Peerpnjal section ( 30x 60 km), then they pop up and attack civilians or army party after that disappear in to local population ditching weapons certain cache points

This is a very brief situation currently happening on j&k in technical side but there are so many other things which I omitted, like u need solid proof to initiate surveillance on POI or OGW, no permission to call people related to converted jihadis for questing ( women's), more over our own so called human right layers laying red carpet if one OGW get Onborded or put in to programs, the uav surveillance not to track escaped jihadis it is to avoid ambush or traps, because army very well know after attack the jihadi scums not in forest but among civilians,

Ps: all above assumptions is totally my imaginative creation you can consider it as information or avoid as just another trash post,
whats the range for these nodes ? , elint drones cant pick these up ?

What about LoRa?
yea bro give them more ideas. :rage:


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Feb 28, 2019
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Unless 2 to 3 top leaders of BJP are taken out by terrorists. This govt will not act.
Chutiye hain.. inse kuch na ho paayega.

They won't act even if Modi is taken out.

Nadda was attacked and would've been lynched in Bengal. Kya kiya?

They are spineless and know everybody is dispensable and can be replaced.

10 years is a ridiculously long duration to fix the mess that you blamed the opposition with and you do little to fix it.

Wohi comatose state with signs of 'hulchul' when people decide to throw you on the pyre and set it alight.


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Dec 23, 2016
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Unless 2 to 3 top leaders of BJP are taken out by terrorists. This govt will not act.
Even that I don't think Gov. Will act, if you look at past 5 years confrontation we carried out against our adversaries you can see all retaliatory actions comes out after huge public out cry, if you think scarification of 2 or 3 BJP leader's will make a huge out cry, that thing already happened BJP leader Aijaz Ahmad, unless it is someone in higher position or minister's our GOV won't act only lip service.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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J&K Police Head Constable killed in Doda

Gobhi hai to pumpkin hai!


New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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whats the range for these nodes ? , elint drones cant pick these up ?

yea bro give them more ideas. :rage:
Basically a normal node look like the picture in attachment, it have range of 10 to 11 km so if you distribute 50 of this in various parts of jungle you can roughly cover entire forest, elint can pic up its signal but no use data on the channel encrypted by a predified aes encryption key, even you try jamming you may jamming other public service or civilian rf systems

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New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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Gathering votes after the elections are done and dusted?

Either way, our response will be something like this;

Possible retaliation will be using loitering ammunition on a jihadi staging ground and a short ceasefire violation after a week we all back to where we started until another set of piligrams sacrifices their life to persuade their belief.. 🙏🙏


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
looks like this is getting more traction from opposition and news channels , wont be buried .

56 inch will need to respond . i dont think anything will happen but lets see .

This fucker was appeasing Muslims all around and didn't give a shit about hindus when Muslims were bombing trains, cafes, and motels left and right. He even went on and accused Hindus of behind these terrorist attacks. Do not trust a word of what this rice shitbagger says.

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